//------------------------------// // Hearts and Hooves Day // Story: Lil Fabio - Hearts and Hooves day // by Aslfrasle //------------------------------// The streets of Ponyville were abuzz with ponies traveling here are and there, all carrying large bags of chocolates and hearts, as Hearts and Hooves day was fast approaching and everypony wanted to do something special for that very special somepony in their life. This time of year was the busiest for mares like Bon-Bon who had her own candy shop in town, as everypony would come in at all hours of the day looking for some special candy or chocolate to give to the special somepony on Hearts and Hooves day, with all these customers she had barely had enough time to prepare something special for her special somepony Lyra...though there was one pony who had been coming into her shop buying candies far more than any other pony, and what was strange was that unlike the other ponies, he came in everyday of the year, not just when Hearts and Hooves day on somepony’s anniversary was coming up, and the strangest of all was that this pony was a young unicorn colt. Bon-Bon thought it was strange that one so young would already be looking for a special somepony as most foals she had seen around town, as well as the Cutie mark Crusaders, seemed to think that the opposite sex was, as they put it, ‘icky’. Yet this colt came into her shop at least once a day, and sometimes multiple times a day to buy chocolates and heart-shaped candies, saying they were for his future special somepony, yet every time he bought something it was for a different mare, and when asked about this he would always say the same thing… “She thought I was joking…” he would say a dejected look on his face. Bon-Bon understood why all these mares would think he was joking, because while he certainly had potential to be a very attractive stallion in the future, the fact that he was still a colt who acted like a full-grown stallion was just too adorable for anyone including Bon-Bon to take serious. He had the longest and most silky blond mane she had ever seen on anypony other than Celestia, and it was streaked with a butter yellow color much like Fluttershy’s coat, as it billowed around him like smoke and he had combed it so that it would cover one half of his face, adding to the mysterious quality his mane already gave through it’s billowy quality. His tail was shorter though it had the same silky and perfectly coiffed style as his mane did, as it fell elegantly behind him. He still had not found his cutie mark, though whenever he came to her store he would insist that his special talent would be something related to love and it would probably show up when he found that special somepony who wouldn’t turn him down…Bon-Bon thought this was sweet, but knew that he would probably have to wait until he was older to find that special somepony that would love him back. This didn’t stop her from talking to him every time he came to buy chocolates for some new mare, and over time she began to find out more about him. His story was not a pleasant one, as she learned...he was an orphan, and his parents had abandoned him in an alley before even naming him, so she had taken to calling him Lil Fabio, after a model she had seen in one of Lyra’s books on humans that she was always going on about. When Bon-Bon told him about the name the next day, as well as where she got it from, he smiled and said “That’s perfect!”, explaining that having the name of such a famous guy would certainly improve his chances. When she found out the next day that he never had anywhere to sleep, as he did not have any house to live in, Bon-Bon offered her guest room to him, unable to stomach the thought of the poor colt all alone outside every night. He protested saying that he did not want to be a bother, though she insisted saying that with how much he came to her shop, he already essentially already lived here, this way he wouldn’t need to leave at the end of the day, and she would feel better about him having somewhere to stay. He offered to help out at the shop as a form of payment, though she said he could only help when he was older. He agreed, and has been living with her ever since. This year, Hearts and Hooves day fast approaching, Lil Fabio entered her shop a he did everyday, after a long day of chasing after mares, though today he looked more downhearted than usual… “Hey Fabio, you seem a bit more dejected than usual today, did something happen?” Bon-Bon inquired, wondering what could have made him this depressed “Nothing different from any other day” he responded the glum evident in his voice “ just another day of everypony turning me down, because I’m so, to use their words ‘precious they could just eat me up.’ Why can’t anypony ever take me seriously!” “Maybe it’s because you’re always going after older mares, why not try going after someone your own age?” she asked “But girls my age are gross and icky!” he proclaimed “Well what makes these girls you’re going after not ‘gross and icky’ as you say. They’re no different from the girls your age?” she explained trying to show him they only difference was their ages “I...I don’t...I can’t...I just don’t know okay! They just are!” he shouted “I don’t feel the same way about girls my age…” his voice lowered. “I don’t know why they always laugh at me, I’ve tried everything, chocolates, candies, poems, love songs, and nothing ever works, they just laugh and tell me how adorable I am for trying…” He let out along sigh as he began walking to his room, intent on wallowing in self-pity “I’m sorry you never have any luck, and I feel bad telling you this, but unless you try going after someone your own age, chances are they’re going to keep turning yo down…” She explained “the only time I’ve seen otherwise, was when Twilight used that crazy spell of hers and made the whole town, myself included, fall in love with this doll she had as a child” she began laughing as she talked “you should of seen it, we were all fighting over that doll like our lives depended on it.” Upon hearing of this information, Lil Fabio began to think to himself, Geez, it would be nice to have mares chasing after me like that for once… Wait a minute, if I had that spell and someone to cast it on me, then I wouldn’t have to spend everyday chasing after girls, they would just come to me! as he trotted over to his room, he began to concoct a devious plan to get that spell and trick someone into using it on him, a devious smile beginning to grow upon his face. “I hope you feel better!” Bon-Bon shouted from down the hall. “Oh, don’t worry, I think my luck has just taken a turn for the better” he said as his devious smile grew ever larger.