//------------------------------// // Part III // Story: Equestria Noir Side Series "Bright Eyes" // by Jacoboby1 //------------------------------// Bright Eyes Part III Perspective: Raiden “So how’s she coming along?” Private asked as he sat beside me. Both of us were sitting in Sugercube Corner enjoying some milkshakes. I was in such a good mood now it didn’t matter that Private was giving me this weird look. I stopped slurping down my quadruple chocolate swirl with extra sprinkles (Thank Celestia for sprinkles! I’d die without them). I then looked at my best friend and said “She’s doing great, she’s really improved since we started” “Have you decided on a song yet?” he asked, taking a tentative slurp of his vanilla milkshake. (Typical Private, no fun whatsoever). “I got a couple good ones picked out,” I explained. “I just need to run them by Ditzy and we should be good.” Private looked behind me and blinked his grey eyes. “Isn’t that your manager back there?” I turned around and looked with wide eyes. There was my manager, earth pony stallion with a short hazel colored mane and a deep violet coat. He had a cutie mark of a ring binder on and he scanned the place for me. His violet eyes found me and he stomped over towards me. “So this is where you’ve been hiding!” “Hello Gander,” I said nonchalantly, drinking more of my milkshake. “You realize just how much money you’re costing me by simply being here?” Gander shouted, I was only half listening to be honest so I don’t remember his small rant about “responsibilities” and “disappointment”. I heard it enough from my old man to know how to drown it out. “What are you doing here exactly?” I asked, turning over to him. “I thought I said I was taking a break from show biz.” “You said it was because you required time to write a new album,” he growled. “And here I find you stuffing your face on…” He glanced at the treats before me. “Cupcakes…” “I’d be careful about dissing the cupcakes sir,” Private spoke up in my defense. “The owner of this establishment might have something to say about your taste.” I didn’t point out Pinkie hiding in the corner behind Gander with a very crazy look in her eye. Also, did her mane look flatter for some reason? Eh, details, I decided to speak for myself. “I told you already, I’m going to get you the songs when I make them alright?” “You said that three weeks ago!” He pointed out. “So far the only thing I’ve been hearing from you is that your chasing after some weather mare.” “Her name is Rainbow Dash,” I corrected. “Whatever,” he scoffed. “The point is that Raiden Bolt is supposed to be available.” “So what are you saying?” I glared dangerously at him. “That I should break up with Rainbow to satisfy some teenagers who need to get a life?” “Raiden,” Private warned. “Stay out of this bro,” I growled, before hovering over to Gander and looking him right in the eye. “I’ve been dating Rainbow for months, why are you here now?” “You’ve been wasting your time here,” Gander answered, in the snotty tone I hate above anything else. “I’ve heard rumors you’re helping some pegasus with a singing contest?” “What’s it to you?” I crossed my forelegs. “Allow me to be perfectly frank,” he met my yellow eyes. “Raiden Bolt does not bother himself with bubbly idiot mares with voice lessons. Raiden Bolt sings on stages, signs a few autographs, and doesn’t waste his time in Hicksville of all places.” “Then you don’t know me any better then dad or mom did,” I growled, causing everypony to look over at the argument. “What I do in my own time is my business.” “You may not be so smug,” he grinned. “When you find out about your contract…” ______________________________________________________________ Perspective: Ditzy Doo I hummed to myself a nice tune that Raiden taught me. He said it was made by a guy called “Elvish Parsley” I think… I didn’t really get much about the lyrics but it had a nice sound to it. I hummed it as I walked down the streets of Ponyville. It was too windy for a clumsy pony like me to fly. Who knows what I might run into with all that’s going on. I looked in front of me and saw a group of mares talking. Mommy did say it wasn’t polite to eavesdrop. But I think she would understand it when they were talking this loud. I noticed they all had t-shirts with Raiden’s colors on it. Raiden even offered to give me one a while back, but I didn’t want to ask for more then he’s already given me. “Did you see him yesterday flying around?” Cloud Kicker said, looking very happy for some reason. “I totally saw him wink at me!” “No way Cloud Kicker,” Her friend Blossumforth said. “You know him and Rainbow Dash are like an item” “Well a mare can dream can’t she?” Cloud Kicker said, her lip poking out like Dinky when she was little and I said she couldn’t have cookies until after dinner. “Forget it Cloud Kicker,” Berry Punch said in that funny way of talking. “He’s gots all the mares, why’d he wanta country ladez like *hic* ussal…” She fell down right there. I wish she would stop drinking that sour grape juice. It makes her all weird. “I wonder where he gets all the inspiration for his music?” Flitter asked, looking to her sister. “Probably from his sheer talent,” Cloud Kicker declared. “And to think he would stop in our little town to look for inspiration.” Wow, ponies really like Raiden it seems. That’s great, it’s nice that so many ponies like a nice pony like him. It means he can make lots of friends. Though not as much as Pinkie Pie though, I don’t think anypony can out match her in friend making. I guess if you can befriend a bag of flour, you can befriend anypony. “You know what I heard?” a rather rude sounding voice spoke out. I hovered a little to see a scarlet pegasus pony with a long silver mane that went down her side. She had a cutie mark of a microphone on her flank. She spoke up, “I’ve been hearing rumors of some goings on with Raiden and a certain pegasus mare.” “Who might you be?” Cloud Chaser asked, the crowd looking at the new mare. “I’ve never seen you around here.” “The name is Siren my fair townsfolk,” she said in kind of that snobby voice. “I’ve come all the way from Las Pegasus.” “Hey I know you!” Blossumforth spoke up. “You used to date Raiden.” “Ahem,” she cleared her throat. “I am still dating Raiden.” “Uhh…” Some of the mares said uncomfortably. “Is something the matter?” She asked. I didn’t like the look in her eye… “Well no offense lady,” Cloudchaser said, standing in front of her sister nervously. “But don’t ya know he’s dating Rainbow Dash?” “Oh, that little fling?” She gave a laugh that didn’t sound nice at all. “He’s probably over her by now.” “What are you talking about?” Flitter asked, peaking over her sister. “Raiden never stays with a mare forever,” she said, reminding me of that unicorn Trixie before she became nice. “Granted him and I are on a temporary break, but his fling with this Rainbow Dash won’t last. I mean after all, why would he waste his time on some tomboyish mare who probably doesn’t even know how to kiss him?” That was not a very nice thing to say at all! I flew over the crowd and landed in front of the group of mares. I glared at the mare and said, “You take back those things you said!” “And who are you?” she said, looking at me like I was dirt. I hated that look… “Raiden hasn’t stayed with you because you say mean things like that!” I yelled, not caring about the gasps I got from the others. “Raiden loves Rainbow and that’s that!” “He dosen’t love her,” she said, glaring at me. “He loves me, has and always will.” “Not if I tell him all those things you said about Rainbow,” I shouted. “Why would he listen to…” She stop and stared, she noticed…oh no…”Good Celestia, what happened to your eyes?” Oh no… It’s started… “I mean I’ve never seen anything like it,” she said stepping back as if I had suddenly sneezed on her. “They’re all wobbly and off. What did you say your name was?” “Ditzy Doo…” I said quietly. “You’re the mare Raiden is wasting his time with?” she laughed. “Now it all makes perfect sense!” “What are you talking about?” I asked, trying to fight back tears. “I knew he took on a hopeless case but,” she laughed even more. “To take on a mare such as yourself!” “Hey you’re going too far lady!” Cloudchaser shouted, before being held back by her sister. “Oh this is too rich.” She smiled very meanly at me. “You must be the infamous Derpy Hooves…” “Don’t call me that…” I started to step back. “Only my friends get to call me that…you aren’t my friend…” “Oh but it is such a fitting name,” She grinned. “Because that’s all you really are, just a useless pathetic case for Raiden to get some publicity out of” “What are you talking about?” I asked, stepping back more. “Let me put this in a way that your pea brain can understand…” She laughed even more, I felt like crying. “Raiden is only taking you on, because he knows how much news it will build up, and he’ll leave you in the dust once he’s done with you.” “No…” I said, fighting tears. “Raiden’s my friend.” “You really think that?” she said, giving a fake look of sadness. “Oh you really are as stupid as you look. “SHUT UP YOU WHORE!!!” Suddenly out of nowhere a rainbow blur tackled her. I looked up and saw Rainbow Dash in front of me, glaring at Siren who was on the ground. Rainbow punched her…for me… “Listen here lady,” Rainbow growled at Siren. “Nopony disses Derpy or Raiden on my watch!” “Oh, so you’re the bitch that stole Raiden from me,” Siren said, flapping to her feet. “Well I don’t mean to brag,” Rainbow said smugly. “But resisting the Rainbow Dash has proved a challenge to many a pony.” “How many of them were stallions?” Siren said equally as smug. “Oh you’re still talking?” Rainbow put a hoof to her ear. “I thought it was just the wind. Hmm, I guess it was nothing at all.” “Listen here Rainbow Bitch,” Siren growled. “Oh is that the best you can come up with?” Rainbow said, crossing her forelegs. “I’ve seen rocks burn better than you are.” “Raiden is mine you worthless colt of a mare,” Siren shouted. “He has and always will be mine!” “Funny,” Rainbow tapped a hoof on her cheek. “Because he told me all about you, something about a restraining order.” Siren’s eye twitched. “Oh I hit the nail on the head huh?” Rainbow said, getting within inches of Siren’s face. “Let me put it this way. You can insult me all you want. I can take it, but if you even think for a minute you can insult my friend and humiliate her like that.” She held a hoof in front of her. “Then you’d better pray I’m in a good mood when I hear it. Because you might maybe make it out with one wing broken.” Siren huffed and just flew away at that. I looked at Rainbow as she turned around. She glared at the other mares around me. “What are you all looking at? I didn’t see any of you come to Derpy’s defense.” “Dash…” Cloud Kicker tried to apologize. “All pegasi here have double shifts on the weather team,” Rainbow declared. “As you are working on moving clouds I want each and every second for you guys to think about how you didn’t stand up for Derpy.” With that everypony flew or walked away in silence. I sat on my haunches, tears in my eyes. After all this time, all the help I got…it still hurts when ponies say things like that… I felt a hoof on my shoulder and turned to Rainbow Dash. She smiled a little and said, “Come on Derpy, I’ll walk you home…” ____________________________________________________________ Perspective: Raiden Bolt “What kind of-” I remembered there were kids in the room. “Crap is that?” “It is as I said,” Gander said smugly. “Your contract states that if you don’t come with me to Fillydelphia for a return concert you can kiss your career goodbye.” “But I’m needed here!” I shouted. “For what?” Gander asked. “One of your flings? Or is it that retarded mare that’s gotten you soft…” …. “Say that again…” “I said, that retar-” All I needed to hear. I lunged at Gander and punched him square in the jaw. He fell like a ton of bricks and I just started wailing on him. “You bastard!” Punch. “Take that back!” Punch. “How dare you say that!” My next punch was caught by Private. He looked at me, I looked at him. I’ve known Private for a long time, we can have whole conversations just by looking at each other. “Don’t become him Raiden.” “But he just-” “I know pal, but it doesn’t justify it.” “He deserves this!” “Would it help Derpy in the long run?” “No…no I guess not…” I let go of Gander and walked out. Gander wiped blood off his face and shouted, “You brat! I’ll sue you until you’re bleeding dry!” I just walked outside with Private at my side. My friend looked at me. “What the hell was that about?” “Private you know why,” I said, looking at him. “He called her a…” “I know Raiden.” He put a hoof on my shoulder again. “I figured out why you were really doing all this. So I can understand why it made you mad.” “Figures you’d figure it out,” I said with a sigh. “I’m not going to let my contract get in the way of helping Derpy in the contest.” “What are you going to do though?” He asked. “Get the best damn lawyer on the planet to help me,” I said slowly. “Sandā is my only hope…”