//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: The Crimson Estate // Story: The Hunter's Heart // by Silentpegasus //------------------------------// Chapter 13 The Crimson Estate Cross and Fluttershy were waiting outside the rustic cottage in silence, Fluttershy couldn’t take her eyes off the stallion while he refused to make eye contact. A cyan pegasus suddenly landed in front of them with two duffel bags on her back, she trotted over to her yellow friend and the two started to chat. Soon the farmer, party animal, the librarian and her dragon assistant arrive in front of the cottage with their things. The ponies waited patiently for the seventh member of their party to show up. They looked over to see the white unicorn mare with at least a dozen bags in a cart. “Sorry I’m late darlings.” she said with a smile. “You must be joking.” Cross said in a flat tone. “What just a few essentials for the trip and-” “Those aren’t essentials, that is overindulgence and I’m not teleporting all of that to the mansion.” he said in a stern tone. “Teleporting?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow. “I’ll open a portal that will take us to my estate.” he said as he levitated a book and skimmed that pages. “Here we go. I suggest that you all stand back.” his horn flared and a massive door appeared in front of the stallion. “Theres the door.” he turned back to the ponies and let out a sigh. “If you wish to travel with Celestia for the meeting then I won’t hold it against you. You don’t have to come with me.” the mares looked back at him in surprise. “What are you talking about? We don’t mind-” “I can easily manage the cleaning detail on my own.” he said holding the same poker face. “We don’t mind. I’m interested in seeing this estate of yours.” Twilight said the mares her eyes fell upon a swirling vortex of light. “Last chance to back out and I’m not taking all of those bags with me.” he said as he looked at Rarity who levitated two bags onto her back and made the cart of suitcases vanish. “Good, wait here for a second.” he entered the portal leaving the small group in confusion. Twilight leaned her head closer and started to inspect the portal, the grey stallions head suddenly popped out of the portal causing the lavender mare to jump back in surprise. “All right, the portal ends where I wanted it to. Come along.” he said as his head vanished back into the portal. The group exchanged glances and trotted into the portal. Their eyes fell upon a massive a large dirty road leading up to a massive mansion. Cross looked back at the mares with a smug grin on his face. “How, what? HUH?” Rainbow said in surprise. “Quite the vocabulary you have there Dashie.” he said with a smile. “ I probably should have asked this sooner, are you guys okay around kids?” he asked with a weak grin. “Yes, why?” Twilight asked. “Well, you see-” he was cut off as he was tackled by two foals. The mares looked at the stallion in surprise. Cross was letting out a massive laugh as the ponies gave him a massive group hug. “CROSS YOU’RE BACK!” the fillies squeaked in delight. “Yeah, I figured that I pop in and say hi.” he said as he got to his hooves. “YAY!”they cheered. The colt’s then noticed the pack of confused mares. “Who’re they?” “They’re close friends of mine and they’re here for a meeting with Princess Celestia tonight.” the foals moths dropped at the name. “I expect you all to be on your best behavior.” “Okay!” they said. “Good. After I help my friends unpack we’ll play. How does that sound?” the foals smiles grew wide at the offer, they turned around and trotted back towards the mansion. Cross looked back to see six very confused mares staring at him. “Why didn’t y’all tell us you were a father?” AJ asked. “Father? OH! Those kids aren’t mine.” he said with a chuckle. “Then why-” “Let me explain. When my father died he left me the estate and all of it’s staff. I said that they could leave but they refused. I wanted to do something good with what my family left me, so I turned my manor into an orphanage.” he said with a smile. “That’s very sweet of you.” Rarity said with a warm smile. “Yeah, I’ve always had a soft spot for kids.” the grey stallion said as he began to walk towards the mansion. Fluttershy let out a deep sigh. How could I have thought he was dangerous? He runs an orphanage. Oh...I don’t know. Look, he’s a good stallion. So what if he’s unusual. B-but- No, no but’s! Stop doubting him and this relationship. The others will- Who cares what they think! What matters is how YOU feel and think about him. I....I love him. Good. Now all you have to do is-. Fluttershy’s thoughts ceased as she looked up at the massive mansion. The corners of the estate had gargoyles on the edges with open mouths. The main door was massive and looked like it was made out of hardened Iron. The outer walls were jet black and seemed to shine in the sunlight. A butler suddenly appeared before the group and shook Cross’s hoof. The butler was a white unicorn stallion with deep green eyes and had a book and quill as a Cutie Mark. “Master Cross. A pleasure to see you again sir.” he said in a very refined voice. “Jeeves! What have I told you about formalities?” “Sorry sir.” Cross raised and eyebrow at the stallion. “I mean, sorry Cross.” “Much better.” he said with a smile. “How are things? Did you get my jewel shipment?” “Yes, it arrived a few days ago.” “Good.” “Is it true? That you’re meeting with Celestia?” “Yes, and the dragon King.” Cross looked at the stallion and gave him a faint nod. “I see. I’ll begin preparations.” he said as he trotted back inside the castle. The group of ponies followed him into the mansion. The rug was deep red with black strips going on a diagonal axis. The walls were pitch black and several works of art were hanging from it. Rarity could barely control herself as her eyes boggled at the sight. Soon several ponies in maid uniforms came up to Cross and welcomed him back. Jeeves reappeared in front of the group with a smile on his face. “If you’d follow me I’ll show you to your rooms.” the ponies smiled and followed the posh stallion through the massive castle. Twilight marveled at the architecture and suit’s of armor that were on the corridors. The armor looked similar to a Canterlot knight’s armor only that instead of a gold plating it was deep red with black trim. “Ah, here we are.” he said as he stopped in a hallway. “Thanks Jeeves. We can mange from here.” Cross said with a nod. The butler smiled and trotted back down the hall. “I’ll let you guys decide the room arrangements, there are seven rooms so one for each of you.” he said as he walked towards his room Fluttershy let out a heavy sigh and caught up to the grey stallion. As Cross put his hoof on the door handle he heard the yellow mare trot up behind him. “Um...could I.....stay with you?” she asked in her usual timid voice. The stallion was shocked at the mares question, considering what happened the previous night. “S-Sure. Only if you want to though.” he said in a nervous tone. “Thank you.” she said with a warm smile. Cross looked at the mare with a raised eyebrow as she walked into his room. Cross followed her inside and saw Fluttershy’s shocked face as she looked at the stallions’ room. The massive Queen sized bed was decorated with red velvet sheets and pillows, the rug was jet black and stretched from one end to the room to the other. The fire place was big enough to fit a twenty-six inch log inside. Cross trotted over to the mare and lightly tapped her shoulder, Fluttershy snapped out of the shock and gave him a weak smile. Cross gave her a slight nod and threw his bag on the bed, and made his way towards the balcony. Cross looked out to see the foals playing in the courtyard, he couldn’t help nut smile at the sight. Fluttershy trotted up next to him and put a hoof on his shoulder. “Are you okay?” “Y-yeah. It’s just surprising knowing that I’ve been gone for a while.” “I can see that.” she paused and prayed for courage. “Cross I-” “You’re scared of me aren’t you?” he said in a flat tone. “How did-” “I saw your face last night before you went upstairs.” he said as he hung his head low. “I get it. You’re scared of me, I’m scared of me sometimes.” he said as he morphed his hoof into a claw and back again. “I....I understand if you don’t want to be with me and-” he was cut off by the mare pressing her lips against his. Cross eyes shrank and his brain searched for a reason for the mares behavior. She broke the kiss and looked back at him with a smile. “I don’t care about that. You’re the sweetest stallion I’ve ever met and I know that you’d never do anything to hurt me or my friends.” she said with a warm smile on her face. “I admit I was scared of you but I realize that it’s a part of you and...I love that about you.” Cross couldn’t believe his ears at the mares words. “Y-you love me?” the yellow mare nodded with tears in her eyes. Cross quickly wrapped the mare in his hooves and smiled at her. “I love you too.” he then heard a collective ‘awwe’ sound coming from the door. Cross shot his head up to see the other five mares heads poking through the door way. Fluttershy’s face turned crimson as she faced her friends, who trotted into the room with smiles on their faces. Cross frowned at the mares in annoyance. “Great, I’m being spied on in my own house.” “Sorry, we were-” the white mare began to say. “Curious?” he finished. “Relax you weren’t the only ones.” he said as he shot a spell underneath the bed. He heard a few faint yelps of surprise come from underneath the bed, he trotted over and lifted the sheets to see two foals giggling at the adults. “What have I told you about snooping?” “Don’t get caught.” the small blue Pegasus colt answered with a laugh. “What have I told you about snooping on me?” “To not do it.” the yellow Unicorn filly said with a sheepish grin. “Good.” “Is she your mare friend?” the colt asked as he pointed to the blushing Fluttershy. “Yes, yes she is.” he said with a smile. “Now run along, I’ll be down in a few minutes. I just need to check something real quick.” he said as he patted the two foals on the head. The two nodded and ran out of the room. “Kids, what can you do?” he said as he shrugged. “That’s another thing. Where did they all come from?” Rainbow asked. “The foals? Most of them used to live in the small town that was a few miles away.” he let out a depressing sigh. “Until one day. Most of the parents worked in the mines and factories that manufactured hardened steel and metal. One day the factory went critical and exploded, those that survived moved away and wanted to forget this place. Quite a few ponies got out but for the families that didn’t......I couldn’t leave the kids, they’d die without me.” he said as he hung his head in shame. The mares looked at him in sadness. “Why not send them to another orphanage?” “They’d already lost their families, I wasn’t going to make them leave what friends they had left.” “Why did YOU have to do it?” Rarity asked. “It was may fault that they were in the situation to begin with.” the mares looked at him insurprise. “What?” “I had just taken over the estate from my father when this incident occurred. I tried to do what I could for the families but they didn’t want my help, they said that my family had already done enough. I pleaded with them to take the children but they wouldn’t have it.” Fluttershy wrapped her colt friend in a hug and rested her head against his shoulder. “So that’s why you took all those jobs, to pay for this place.” Twilight said. “Yeah. It was all for them and I’m begging you not to tell them what I’ve done, it would just break their hearts if they knew.” he said as tears formed in his eyes. “We won’t say a word. Do they know about-” “The dragon thing? Yeah, they find it ‘cool.’” he said as he made quotation marks with his hooves. The group let out a small chuckle and moved towards the door. “You coming?” Fluttershy asked as she looked back at the stallion. “Yeah. I just need a moment to take in being back. I’ll meet you down stairs in a few minutes.” he said as he smiled at the mare. Fluttershy nodded and closed the door behind her. Cross’s face grew more serious as the door closed. His horn began to flare and he created a copy of himself. “Something doesn’t feel right, you know what to do.” “Yes.” “Good and remember no one and nothing can see you.” the clone gave a nod as his horn glowed and turned invisible. “Meet me back here when you’re done and give me an update, if you can’t do that then disintegrate and then I’ll take over.” “Got it.” a voice said as the door opened. Cross trotted out of his room to catch up with his mare friend and the pack of mares. “Where do we go?” Rarity asked. “Follow me, I’ll show you with what I need help with.” he said as he took the lead. The group walked through what seemed like endless rows of hallways and corridors until they came to a massive pair of double doors. “Okay Twilight, this is where your expertise comes in.” he opened the door to reveal a massive library. Twilights eyes lit up at the seemingly endless rows of books presented before her. “We have a librarian but the kids always like to rearrange the books.” “THIS IS AMAZING!” she yelled. “Shhh! You’re a librarian.” he said with a smirk. “Still, this place is amazing!” she said as she squealed in delight. The group made their way into the massive room. Cross approached the desk and gave the bell a ring, soon an elderly grey mare came from the back room with a smile on her face. “Ah! I heard you were back!” she said with a smile. “Good to see you too Quill. This is my friend Twilight and her assistant Spike, I asked them to give you a hoof with some organizing.” “Thank Celestia! Those little ruffians never put their books back in their proper place.” she said as she let out a sigh. “Bring her back down when your done okay.” he said with a wave. Quill smiled warmly at the stallion and gave him a reassuring nod as he and the other mares left the room. Cross led the other mares back to the main floor and into the kitchen. “Pinkie, AJ I need you two to handle the food for the Princess’s. I’m assuming that Luna is coming so be sure to make a lot and if it’s too much to ask could you set some aside for the kids?” he said with a sheepish grin. “Sure!” Pinkie said with a smile. “No problem.” the orange mare said with a smile. “What about the dragon King?” “My chefs are handling that chore.” he said with a smile. The two mares then started to pull out pots and pans as the rest of them left the kitchen and trotted out into the hall way. “Rarity I want you to make sure make sure that all of the Maid’s and butlers uniforms are up to date and presentable.” he said as he opened the another set of doors. Rarities eyes boggled at the rows of fabric that were lined the walls and racks filled with royal garments. “I...I..” she then collapsed on the large couch in the middle of the room. “I’ll take that as a yes.” he said as he trotted over to the closet. He opened the doors to reveal more than twenty regal waitress and butler uniforms. “These are simply divine!” she said with a smile. “I’ll need to take their measurements.” “No need. One size fits all.” he said as he looked at Rainbow with an evil smirk and raised a butler uniform. “What are you-” she didn’t finish as Cross wrapped the mare in the outfit. The clothes began to shrink and tightly fit around the mares form. Cross exploded in laughter as Rainbow stared at him with rage in her eyes. “GET THIS OFF ME NOW!” she said as she raised a hoof at the stallion. “Relax, it comes off like any other piece of clothing I just needed to show Rarity the enchantment.” he said through the laughs. “Why use me?” “Rarity couldn’t see it if I put it on her and I couldn’t waste this opportunity!” “You are so dead!” she said as she pulled the uniform off and growled at the stallion. “Relax, it was all in good fun. You okay here Rarity?” “Oh yes darling.” she said as she levitated the uniforms onto the ironing board. “Good, I’ll see you later.” he said as he and the other two mares left the room. Rainbow glared at the stallion with daggers in her eyes. “Oh calm down. At least I didn’t use the maid outfit.” “Yeah I bet you’re saving that one for Fluttershy here.” she said with a devilish grin. Cross’s and Fluttershy’s faces turned crimson at the thought. “Why you dirty little stallion.” she said with a smirk. “Dash!” he yelled. “Relax I’m just teasing. What do you need me to do?” “Keep the skies clear and keep a lookout for anything that looks like Celestia or a dragon.” he said in a flat tone. Rainbow gave him a quick salute and flew out of a nearby window, leaving Cross and Fluttershy alone in the hallway. “So....um what do you need me to do?” she asked in a timid voice. “I’ll need your help with the kids, they can become quite a hoofful.” he said with a smile. The two made their way back to the main hall. As they trotted down the hallway the yellow mare let out a small squeak as she saw the suits of armor on the edge of the corridor. Daww, she so adorable when she’s scared. “Don’t worry about those things, they’re antiques.” she gave him a weak smile and continued walking. Fluttershy bit her lip at a thought and lowered her eye sight. “What’s wrong Flutters?” “I was wondering if..Never mind.” “What? Name it.” “I was wondering if you could.....No I shouldn’t ask that.” “Fluttershy you can ask me anything.” he said as he looked at her with a smile. “I don’t want you to change.” she said with tears in her eyes. “What do you mean?” “I-I don’t want you to go into that dragon form again.” she said as the tears came rolling out. “Every time I see it I worry about you. You may not see it but, it’s changing you and I...I don’t want to see that happen.” she said as she slumped to the floor. Cross wrapped her in a hug and gently rocked her. “Shhh, shhh. It’s okay, I understand your concern and I don’t want to change either.” he said as she stopped sniffling. “and if it means that much to you. Then I won’t.” he withdrew his small knife, still wrapped in its sheath and set it in front of the yellow mare. “What’s this? Your knife?” “That isn’t just any ordinary knife, it’s also a key.” “A key?” “That allows me to unlock the dragon magic inside of me. I’m giving it to you.” “I couldn’t-” she was cut off by the grey stallion putting his hoof on her lips. “I insist. The last thing I want is for you to be scared of me and I want you to have it.” he said with a warm smile. Fluttershy smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the lips, Cross returned the gesture and smiled at the mare. Fluttershy looked back at him with a warm smile on her face as Cross levitated the knife and belt onto the mare. The two continued to make their way to the mane hall where eight foals had gathered. Seeing the stallion the group quickly galloped over to him and trapped him in a group hug. “Hey how is everypony?” “We’re great!” they said in unison. Cross began to tell the children stories about his adventures since he left them last. “You really fought a dragon?” one of the colts said in amazement. “Yep.” one of the fillies then noticed Fluttershy smiling at him. “Who’s that?” “This is my mare friend Fluttershy.” he said with a smile. “H-hello.” she said in a timid voice. Most of the fillies made a collective ‘awwe’ sound while most of the colts made the gaging gesture with their hooves. Cross continued to entertain the children with his stories and magic, while Fluttershy talked about the animals she cared for back home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deep below the halls of the manor a grey stallion crept in the shadows of the old cobble stone halls. He poked his head around a corner to see a mare and a stallion talking with one another. Cross listened closer to their conversation. “UGH! I can’t believe he came back! It had to be now of all times!” the mare said in annoyance. “This is really going to screw up our plans, should we tell them to wait and-” the stallion said in a worried tone. “NO! We’ve spent months planning this and it couldn’t be more perfect because ‘she’ will be away. We may never get a chance like this again!” “If we’re found out then-” “We knew the risks when we signed on for this mission. Now just throw on a fake smile and just imagine the pay off when all of this is over.” the mare spat out. “UGH, I’m suffocating in this thing. I need to breath.” “Fine let’s just make it quick before somepony knows we’re gone.” the grey stallion poked his head out to see a vibrant flash of green light and saw that the two ponies had changed from their usual colors to jet black and a swamp green. Their eyes became spliced and light blue. “Oh that feels so much better.” she said as she cracked her neck. “I’m just gonna grab a quick bite.” she said as she trotted deeper into the hallway. The grey stallion turned invisible and crept by the watchful Changeling. the clone looked in horror to see that the changeling had cocooned almost the entire staff at the manor. “All right, let’s get back up there.” she said as she resumed her disguise. The other Changeling did the same and followed his companion back upstairs. The grey stallion came pout from his hiding place and examined the ponies. He looked at the cocooned ponies and saw that they were breathing and were still alive. Changelings? Here? What are they planning? If they hurt the foals then Celestia help them!..THE FOALS! the stallion quickly looked around the collection of pods and let out a heavy sigh. Good, they didn’t take the children. The stallion began to kick and bash the pods open and lay the ponies next to one another. Soon Jeeves awoke and got to his hooves. “SIR! Thank goodness you’re back! Changelings have-” “I noticed.” he said as he pointed to the other staff members. The old butler hung his head in defeat. “I’m so sorry sir, I should have-” “You did everything you could. I shouldn’t have left for as long as I did.” “What are we going to do?” “Celestia and the dragon King will be arriving soon. Can you find your way out of here?” he asked as the other members of the staff began to stir. “I could do it blindfolded.” he aid as he put his monocle on his left eye. “Good. As for the rest of you I want you to get and keep the foals safe, they are priority number one! Do I make myself clear?” “Sir! Yes, sir!” the ponies answered. As Cross began to trot away Jeeves put a hoof on the stallions shoulder. “For what it’s worth sir, it’s good to see you again.” “Likewise. Remember to secure the foals before dinner tonight, use escape route X if you have to.” the ponies nodded. “Right then. Allons-y!” the clone said as he evaporated into a puff of smoke. The ponies looked at one another and hurried down the hallway.