The Long Forgotten Ancestors of Pinkamena Diane Pie.

by Krasniye

Chapter 2: Celestia's best friend

Chapter 2:Celestia's best friend

Celestia awoke early as she always did. She yawned and stretched out her legs, and shifted the covers off herself.
“Blegh why does father always insist I wake up this early?” She said to herself mid-yawn. She glanced over at the balcony and at the now rising sun. She trotted to the railing and leaned over towards the beautiful, warm sun.
“I can’t wait until my sister and I get to take over for Father as the guardians of Day and Night!” She leaned her chin on the railing dreaming of the day. She would receive the greatest power of any pony in Equestria, and her mane and coat would resonate with the power and glitter of the sun! She began to doze off, enthralled by her imaginings, unable to stay awake. The door to her bedroom opened a crack, as a figure slipped into the cavernous room. A silver pony tiptoed silently behind the princess, with a playful beam spread across her face. She began to snicker as she crept to the right side of Celestia.
GOOD MORNING YOUR HIGHNESS!!!” The pony yelled at the top of her lungs. Celestia jumped about ten feet in the air and her wings kept taking her higher as she screamed in fright. Celestia looked down to make out what had startled her. She smiled when she saw it was her attendant and best friend Mille Wood. Millie was on her back rolling on the floor, roaring with laughter. When Celestia finally landed Millie was snorting and giggling so hard that she even let a little neigh pass her lips.
“Oh wasn't that hilarious Millie!” Celestia said as she swallowed her embarrassment.
“Oh yeah it was Princess, you should have seen the look on your face, it was priceless!” Celestia laughed a little then strode over to her servant who was still on the floor stifling snorts. Celestia helped her to her feet with her magic, and dropped her abruptly; Millie stumbled a little bit. “So your majesty what’s on the agenda today?” Millie accompanied Celestia to her ornate pearl washroom.
“Well the only thing I MUST do today is attend the gala father is throwing in the courtyard tonight; it’s his and my mother’s thousand year anniversary!” Celestia said with enthusiasm.
“Yeah, and guess who’s coming?” Celestia squeaked. Millie guessed fruitlessly
“Uh you’re parents?” Celestia looked disappointed at her friend’s inability to answer her question,
“Well yeah them… and Prince Vladimir from Prancilvania!” The two fillies began to giggle. “He is sooooo dreamy!” Celestia said blushing. Celestia had a soft spot for Prince Vladimir ever since he first came to Canterlot with his father King Nosferatu, at the Grand Galloping Gala. He was tall for his age; he was pure white with a long and flowing silver mane. However the most enticing thing about him was his mysterious Orange eyes. She only met him once; in the gardens.
“I accidentally bumped into someone in the gardens, I heard someone say sorry. I looked up to see and it was him!” Celestia turned red at the embarrassment of the memory.
“I remember turning as red as an apple. He tried to start a conversation but I galloped away mortified.” Celestia looked regretful.
“So you’ve been smitten ever since?” Millie ventured.
“Indeed.” Celestia said still blushing a little.
“But, I’m going to talk to him this time!” Celestia announced triumphantly. Millie smiled,
“Well then Princess, we need to get you all spruced up for tonight!” Celestia’s face lit up.
“Hey I have an idea, let’s go dress shopping today, you and I can get complimentary ensembles, and we can go to the gala together!” Millie lowered her head,
“No Princess, I’m just your lowly servant, I don’t deserve to go to the royal gala, or wear a dress that matches one worn by the princess; it's unheard of!” Celestia stared at her in disbelief.
“What are you talking about? You’re my best friend, I couldn't think of anypony better to take with me to the gala.” Celestia lifted her friends head up. Millie mumbled
“I still don’t…”
“No, no, no, no, I order you to accompany me to the gala as my personal guest!” Celestia said in the Royal Canterlot Voice, blowing Millie back a little.
“Okay, if you insist..” Millie smiled,
“Thank you princess.” Millie finished brushing Celestia’s mane, and the two ponies ran happily out the door down to the city below.

The streets bustled with excitement and anticipation of the royal anniversary gala. The many dress shops in town were completely packed with mares picking up dresses to wear that evening. Celestia leaned over to Millie
“How are we going to get into one of these places? All of them have lines that stretch outside the doors!”
“I’m not sure Princess; I guess we could look in the lower districts for a smaller, less known shop.” Millie suggested trying to stay upbeat.
“Okay, those sounds good; and please call me Celestia!” So the two fillies wandered down the winding streets of Canterlot.
“Princess, err, I mean Celestia there’s a question I’ve wanted to ask you for some time now…” Millie stared at the ground.
“Hmm?” Celestia answered.
“Well I was just curious why you picked me to be your servant in the first place. I mean there’s all those other ponies out there that are so much better than me; I’m just a dumb earth pony.” Celestia stopped her in her tracks in front of some run down houses.
“Oh Mill, are you still caught on that whole ‘not being worthy’ issue?” Millie nodded her head. Celestia sighed.
“Well Millie y’know how you’re an orphan?” Again Millie nodded her head.
“My father said that he found you abandoned inside this very house.” Celestia pointed to one of the old houses that had boards over the windows. Millie stared at the house and was hit by small snippets of memories surrounding this house. She noticed the insignia on the door and moved for a closer look. It was a circular saw with the name Wood etched into the weathered maple. Millie ran a hoof along the serrated teeth of the saw blade. She turned back to Celestia.
“So how did I end up in the service of the Princess, instead of some orphanage?” Millie prodded.
“Well you were given to me by my father when I was born. You were to be my sworn protector all the days of your life. So it was fate that put us together Millie, and fate provided me with a lifelong friend, and companion.” Celestia ran up to her friend and put her front hoofs around Millie’s neck. “And I couldn’t have asked for a better friend, even if I tried.” Millie smiled as if a burden had been lifted off of her back. Celestia drew back and grinned,
“Okay, let’s go find that dress shop... well that is, if we can find one!” The two trotted away from the creepy looking run down shack that used to be Millie’s home. They walked for a few minutes until they saw a small hand-painted sign outside one of the many little shops on Stirrup Street. In beautiful cursive read Erudite’s Ensembles. Millie and Celestia high hoofed in victory. Millie pushed through the door, and a small bell rang upon entry. She held the door for Celestia as they moved into the small boutique. They looked around the tiny shop, in search of the owner, however all that could be seen was the manikins that stood around the edges of the shop. Celestia took point and walked casually up to the counter at the far end of the store. Celestia noticed a call bell on the desk, and rang it several times. A voice from the back called
“Be with you in a minute!” Celestia and Millie looked at each other. A second later a white unicorn with a curly purple mane strolled out to meet her customers. She immediately began sizing them up, and taking measurements with her tape.
“Hmm, looking for dresses for the to wear to the royal anniversary, are we?” The white unicorn asked.
“Well my name is Erudite and, if I do say so myself I make the best ensembles in all of Canterlot! I just don’t have the bits to rent a venue in the upper district so I have to settle with this humble little boutique.” Erudite laughed trying to hide the color in her cheeks.
“Okay girls, what are you looking for? I guarantee they will be finished before the gala!” Erudite smiled as she finished with the last of the measurements. Celestia and Millie assaulted Erudite with a dragon’s share of ideas and requests. Erudite used her magic to take notes while she began sketching with a pencil in between her teeth. When the two exited ponies had finished, Erudite paused to catch her breath.
“Alright I’ll have them finished tonight, so come by before the gala and you can get dressed here!” The ponies nodded in agreement. As they headed out the door Erudite called after them:
“I didn’t catch your names!” Celestia turned back.
“This is Millie, and I’m Celestia!” Erudite was shocked.
“Celestia, as in Princess Celestia?!!!” She looked back again and they were gone. Erudite was possessed now; she had to make the best ensembles in all of Equestria, because she was designing for The Princess!

The sky began to darken as day shifted to night. The streets were empty of anypony except two little fillies walking down the shadowy streets. They skipped cheerily down Stirrup Street to pick up their new dresses.
“So what did King Solstice say when he found out you went out shopping by yourself without the royal guards?” Millie inquired.
“Oh y’know he wasn’t thrilled, but Dad said he ran out by himself all the time when he was a young; that’s actually how he met Mom” replied Celestia. They reached the shop about an hour before the start of the ball. Erudite welcomed them this time with a great deal of reverence. She gestured gracefully over toward a pair of manikins. They wore the most elaborate outfits that were decorated brilliantly with rare jewels, and made with the softest and most luminous silk. They both were the same dress only they had different colors that were meant to resonate perfectly with the colors of their new owners. The fillies' eyes widened with awe.
“These are my two greatest works I have ever created and I’m glad that these will be worn by the princess and her friend!” They dressed in the back and strolled out to the front of the shop admiring their new dresses. Erudite smiled at her creations and the two ponies as she wiped sweat from her face with a rag. Celestia was the first to speak,
“These truly are the best I’ve ever seen in all of Canterlot; absolutely beautiful!” Erudite was choking up now. She bowed again and whispered,
“Thank you for your kindness, your highness.” Celestia beamed. Millie tapped Celestia, motioning that it was time to go. Celestia thanked Erudite and moved toward the door.
“One of the royal guards will be by with the payment for your services.” Celestia and Millie walked out the door and made their way up the winding streets of nocturnal Canterlot. As soon as they left the boutique a Stallion pulling a large cart delivered several large sacks full of bits. Erudite called after the stallion who had excused himself after he unhitched himself from the large cart, “this is far too much sir!” The stallion was gone. On one of the bags was a note that read
“Thank you for these smashing dresses, good luck in the upper district we’ll put in a good word for you- Celestia.” She began to tear up, until she finally cried.
Walking into the Gala was like walking into heaven. Aromas of the best food in Equestria filled the fillies' nostrils first. The sights were equally impressive. There were all types of ponies mingling and merrymaking. All of the dresses worn were lovely but none of them came close to Erudite’s Ensembles, that were already attracting the attention of the crowd. Celestia saw her father on the palace steps with his wife. He called for silence, “All ye, my wife and I all thank you for attending this celebration of our matrimony! Please enjoy the festivities!” King Solstice stepped back and the gala officially began. Celestia and Millie had the most grand time they had ever had in their entire lives. Celestia had learned a new dance move from Millie called the “Breakdance.” And Celestia and Millie won the friendship dance competition by a long shot when they both began break dancing, and wiped out the competition (good thing Celestia was a princess or they would have been booted). They laughed so hard as they left the dance floor.
“Hey, I’m hungry” Millie said as her stomach began to rumble. Celestia wasn’t hungry.
“Okay go get some food and we’ll meet up in the gardens.” Celestia said hiding her agenda. Millie nodded,
“Okay I’ll meet you there in about half an hour.”

Celestia meandered through the mass of guests and revelers. After a few minutes of dodging and weaving she finally stood at the front of the gates of the Canterlot Gardens. She pushed through the gate and peered around looking for the Prince. Not seeing him, she walked in disappointed. As she walked to peer sadly at some roses that were planted near the entrance, a deep and smooth voice drifted into her ears.
“Hello, I remember you from the Grand Galloping Gala, I was quite sad when you left with such haste!” Celestia turned to see a magnificent stallion with a long and lustrous silver mane, and intense fiery eyes now staring directly into her own. She felt heat in her face.
“How do you do?” She said instinctively, trying to look as regal as possible. Vladimir saw right through her with those burning eyes.
“There is simply no reason for you to be nervous Celestia my dear!” Vladimir cooed softly. Celestia was still shaking.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I mean it’s just that…I just…” Vladimir silenced her with a kiss. Now Celestia's face was red as an apple, however she was quite enjoying this moment. She leaned toward the Prince and kissed him gently. She was completely under his spell. Vladimir motioned to the balcony,
“Let’s go somewhere a little more…romantic.” Celestia only nodded and followed him feeling if she was floating in the clouds. They walked to the balcony and Vladimir took Celestia’s hoof in his.
“What do you say we get a better view?” They took off and headed for the clouds above, where they would not be disturbed.

Millie strolled casually into the gardens feeling quite full, happy, and satisfied. She sat down on a bench near some red roses. She sighed, and laid down across the bench trying to digest all of the goodies. Millie stared lazily up into the stars and clouds. She saw a peculiar looking cloud formation that looked like two fillies holding hoofs. “Hmm looks like Celestia.” Suddenly Millie’s face went blank. She galloped to binoculars mounted on the railing of the balcony and distributed a couple bits. She focused on the cloud and saw Celestia sitting next to a very strapping and handsome looking young alicorn. She chortled to herself.
“I don’t bucking believe it; that was fast!” Millie giggled in a filly-like fashion.
“Oh I can’t wait to meet him!”

After an hour or two the alicorns swooped down from the puffy clouds and landed majestically in the garden. They nuzzled affectionately. They walked together past Millie who was napping on the bench. Celestia noticed her and shook her awake.
“Oh Millie, I had such a wonderful…” Millie cut her off
“Time with the Prince, on cloud nine?” Millie laughed a little. Celestia looked embarrassed almost to the point of anger.
“And just what were you doing watching us!” Celestia’s eyes flashed with an unfamiliar and venomous light. Millie was taken aback by Celestia’s tone.
“I was having a private moment, and you were intruding by spying on me?! Just leave us alone, okay!?” Celestia yelled caustically turning her head up away from her friend. Millie’s eyes filled with tears.
“I thought… I thought we were friends!” Millie said in a cracked voice.
“Why the Hell would I be friends with an earth pony peasant!” Celestia’s eyes were now beyond recognition to Millie; the caring and beautiful eyes were orange and angry. Millie lost control of her tears. She turned and galloped away sobbing uncontrollably. She cantered so fast that she ran right into Prince Vladimir, who pushed her away roughly so that Millie lost her footing and fell into a server pony that had a tray with at least a dozen cocktails. Millie was showered in glass and cocktail and completely soaked. To her dismay everyone in the garden was pointing at the drenched crying earth pony and laughing madly. She glimpsed Celestia and Prince Vladimir laughing with the rest. She felt a pain inside her as her heart was torn to pieces. She ran out of the gala as fast as she could.
Vladimir laughed so hard that he lost focus for a split second. Celestia’s eyes turned to their normal color. She felt sick as if she had just been released from a puppeteer spell. She saw her friend cantering out of the gala at top speed leaving a trail of tears and alcohol behind her. She looked horrified.
“What did I say… what have I done!?” Guilt hit her like the worst crash she had ever had in flight training. Tears began to well in her eyes. She tried to run after her but Vladimir caught her.
“Oh she’ll be fine, babe!” Prince Vladimir said trying to laugh it off. Celestia hoofed him in the face as hard as she could, and pulled away.
“Don’t EVER speak to me again, you monster!” Celestia unfurled her magnificent wings and took off after Millie. Vladimir rubbed his face with a hoof,
“Stupid bitch,” he muttered trotting away towards the palace.
Millie ran to the only place she could think of. She ran down Stirrup Street in the inky blackness and arrived at her destination. She stared up at a dark and run down building, and pushed on the saw insignia on the door. The door opened immediately and shut behind her and locked with a click. She walked miserably to the downstairs washroom. She stared at her reflection in the mirror; her once magnificent dress was now completely ruined, and her mascara dripped down her face and stung her eyes. She stared for a while.
“I’ll... I’ll make them pay! I’ll make all of them pay!” She screamed and pounded her hoof on the counter causing it break into pieces. She knew what she was going to do; she devised a plan, a wonderfully awful plan to get revenge on that scum prince who stole Celestia away from her. She trembled with rage tears beginning to wet her eyes once more. She found a hooded cape in a chest upstairs and threw it over herself. She found a can of kerosene lamp fluid. She poured it over all of the furniture. She held a match between her teeth and struck it on the rough brick wall of the living room. Millie spit it at a soaked couch and it burst into flame instantly. She moved quickly for the back door. She exited into a dark alleyway, not once looking back at the inferno that was her family's house. she skulked away silently up towards the Canterlot palace keep, where the prince was staying the night.

Celestia searched everywhere through Canterlot but couldn’t find her friend. She began to panic fearing the worst.
“What if she left?! What if she does something she’ll regret, what if she kills herself!?” Celestia was petrified. Celestia then smelled smoke and noticed an orange glow in the far distance, in the lower district. She flew swiftly towards the burning house. When she was close enough to notice the appearance of the house she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. It was the Wood family house… Millie’s old house. Celestia kicked in the door, and scanned the burning wreckage for her friend. She made her way into the washroom, barely being missed by a flaming beam falling from the ceiling. On the ground was what remained of a dress, the same type of dress that she was wearing. The condition of the house continued to worsen, and she heard no pleas for help. Celestia darted for the door using her magic to shield her from the scorching heat. She made it out in the nick of time; the house collapsed behind her. Celestia fell on her face and wept violently, as she thought of her friend being burned alive and not caring.
“What have I done, WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!” she repeated pounding the cobblestone with her hoof.

Millie had made her way up the snake-like streets back to the palace courtyard. The gala still continued and the guests talked normally. For the first time she was grateful for all of these disgusting little ponies; they would make her entry into the well-guarded guest tower easy as pie. She skirted the crowd and darted from cover to cover toward the tower doors. There were two burly looking stallions guarding the entrance. As she began to ponder how she was going to get past the guards, King Solstice made another address inviting all of the guards to get a free drink. The stallions moved away excitedly from the entrance heading for the drink bar. Millie couldn’t believe her luck. She slipped unseen into the keep. It was dark inside, with only a few candles lighting the spiral staircase that led up to the bedroom. She zipped up the stairs, her rage driving her to run faster and faster. At last she reached the top and was standing in front of a large wooden door adorned with the royal seal. She took a deep breath, and rekindled her rage to give her the strength she needed. She opened the door and slipped in silently. She noticed the prince leaning out the balcony, staring at the moon. She moved over towards the balcony but noticed the bed. There slept the king Nosferatu with a bottle of spiked apple cider; obviously he had drank too much. She moved over to him and hovered menacingly over him. Millie took a pillow from the bed and pressed it over his snout. He began to struggle for breath, and awoke. Millie pressed harder and harder. The kings eyes were wide with fear as he tried to scream for help, but his cries were muffled by the pillow. He kicked wildly trying to free himself from Millie’s grasp but it was no use. Millie felt tears of hate streaming down her face. The king slowly began to stop kicking until he moved no more. He fell limp in Millie’s grasp. She pulled the pillow away. She was shaking all over as the adrenaline kicked in. Now that the king was out of the way she went for Vladimir. He still stood there; he had not noticed her. Millie snuck up behind him hoofs at the ready. Vladimir yawned and turned around. He jumped when he saw the dark pony standing there in a black cape glaring balefully up at him.
“Well well, who do we have here? The disgusting earth pony friend of Celes….?” Millie lunged at him screaming crazily and tackled him to the ground. She tore into him making it as painful as physically possible.
“SHUT YOUR BUCKING MOUTH YOU BASTARD!!” Millie yelled. Her tears mixed with the blood of her victim that spattered onto her face. She had lost all sense of conscience now she was now possessed by pure hatred. Millie stopped for a second huffing and sobbing. The mutilated prince, now barely conscious, coughed,
“You…you wench you will burn in hell for what you did to me, and my soul will haunt you until the day comes when you finally die!” he began to laugh, and cough up blood. A surge of anger caused Millie to smash Vladimir’s throat with her hoof.

She sat on her haunches staring at the torn corpse of the Prince Vladimir. She had to leave Canterlot, leave Equestria. She was now a wanted criminal for not only murder but regicide no less. She walked uneasily to the shower. She washed herself and thought of what she had just done. Strangely she felt not an ounce of guilt. She decided that she actually felt good. She began to snicker to herself, this was the most exhilarating thing she had ever done in her life. She stepped out of the shower and rubbed off the rest of the crimson stains from her hide. As she wiped off a large stain on her flank she noticed something new. A buzz saw with blood dripping from it was branded on her flank. Her cutie mark had finally appeared. She laughed at the irony; Celestia had always told her that she would have a beautiful cutie mark. Millie couldn’t wait to show Celestia her new cutie mark as she extinguished the life that broke her heart. A grim crept across her face as she imagined Celestia begging for mercy as she…. Millie thoughts were interrupted by the sound of hoofs walking up the stairs. Millie dashed out to the window and climbed onto the roof. A scream of horror followed her as the maid mare found the two corpses. Millie let out a maniacal cackle as she reveled in the moment. She ran to the roof top landing pad for the Prancilvanian chariot. The two pegasi who were pulling the chariot looked at her confused. She stared at them with fiery eyes, and they allowed her to board. They took off and headed due east towards the land of Prancilvania. Millie was no longer Millie, that part of her died back at her torched house. She would become the bane of all ponies one day, she would rule an empire, she would slaughter millions. On that night she was no longer Millie Wood, she was now Buzzsaw the Lacerator