//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Discord // Story: The Prophesy // by LightningBolt0308 //------------------------------// Chapter 3: Discord When we got back we expected to find a nice, beautiful, happy land. That wasn't what we came back to. When we got to Ponyville we found a land of cotten candy clouds raining chocolate milk and buildings floating in the sky. "W-what happened to Ponyville?!" I asked with a angry face. "Don't you mean The Chaos Capital of The World?" Discord asked me after he came out of the ground. "Discord!" Twilight yelled. "Oh, hello Twilight Sparkle!" Discord yelled in an angry tone. "And who are you?!" "I'm Jason Wood, I was a human, I'm from the planet Earth in a different universe, I'm 12 years old, and I'm the pony who's going to stop you and save this planet from endless chaos. I said to Discord while flying up to look in his yellow eyes. "You got a problem with that?" "BWA-HAHAHAHA!!!! Y-you think you can s-HAHA!!!! S-stop me!?!?" Discord laughed while rolling on the floor. "Yeah, I can. By the way, have you checked my aura yet?" I asked him with a smirk. "TWILIGHT!!!!" five ponies running towards Twilight yelled at the same time. "Girls!" Twilight yelled while running towards her friends. "Girls, do you have The Elements of Harmony?!" "We got them Twil-" Applejack almost said until Discord sent five out of six ponies away separating them while leaving Rainbow Dash and I behind. "Hey!!!! What did you do to my friends Discord!?!?" Rainbow yelled. "Oh don't worry, I just sent them to different places in the world, I didn't harm them." Discord said to me and Rainbow Dash with a wicked grin. "Know what were you saying? Oh yeah, that I should look at your aura. It's probably so tiny I can't even see-" "What is it Discord?" I asked with a giant grin. "No, that's not possible!" Discord yelled with a terrified voice. "You know that prophesy were a creature from another world is supposed to slay the Jabberwock?" I asked. "Y-yeah, why?.. No, your only, but. GRAHHWWW!!!! IM JUST WASTING MY TIME HERE!!!!" Discord EXPLODED while shooting rocks out of his paw. I blocked them with my shield and they bounced off and hit him in the face. He then trapped my in a metal suit, but I just made it disappear. After that Discord was furious, his eyes turned total red. He then shot fire out of his paw I bounced it off my shield, but then he bounced it of a shield so the fire hit Rainbow Dash who was watching the fight like a movie. "AHHH!!!!" Rainbow screamed while clenching her burnt body. "RAINBOW!!!!" I yelled as I looked and saw Rainbow laying on the ground. Not moving. I then snapped back to Discord and my eyes turned red and my coat turned white. "YOU MONSTER!!!! YOU EVIL SON OF A BRICK!!!! You want to know something!!!!" I yelled at Discord as his eyes turned back to yellow with red pupils. "But, I-" Discord tried to say something but I interrupted him. "Big big mistake, one big WAPPING mistake, There is one thing you never do, if your smart, if value your in tire existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow there is one thing you never do!!!!" I yelled at Discord while he gulped down his spit in his mouth. "You, never, hurt, my, FRIENDS!!!!" I than began to float in the air with both my wings shut and I curled up into a ball and I spread out my body like an explosion, and a giant wave of blue magic went across the sky, the wave went over the entire planet. The wave made everything Discord changed go back to normal. I floated back down to the ground, I was about to turn Discord into a pile of ash when a sky blue hoof touched my shoulder. I immediately turned back to normal and looked up and saw Rainbow Dash looking at me. I then shot a bolt of magic at Discord and turned him to stone. After that I saw The other five ponies with their jaws dropping in awe. "H-how did you? Never mind we already know that your supposed to slay the Jabberwock, but, how!?" Twilight asked with very wide eyes. "Umm, sugar cube, what happened?!" Applejack yelled as she looked around seeing everything was back to normal. "I-I don't know. I was yelling at Discord that he should never, ever, ever, hurt my friends-" I said, but I was interrupted by a Pink pony. "What do you mean? Discord didn't hurt us." Pinkie asked. "Discord hurt me. He shot fire at me and burnt my body." Rainbow said to her five friends. "You don't look burnt to me." Fluttershy said as she looked at Rainbow Dash. "Jason casted a spell that went world wide, it turned everything Discord did back t normal, including him burning me and teleporting you away." Rainbow explained as she looked at me with a smile. "By the way, I don't know why I turned white and had red eyes." I said before anypony else asked another question. "OY! Did everypony forget about me?!" The Doctor yelled standing next to the TARDIS. "Ummm, uhhh. I don't know actually. I forgot about you, but I'm not sure if anypony else forgot about you." I said noticing the Doctor and putting on a sheepish smile. "I forgot." Rainbow, then Applejack, then Twilight, after that Rarity, and finally Pinkie said. "Umm, I forgot too, please don't hate me!" Fluttershy said and then lowering her head. "" The Doctor yelled, in apperently Sweetie Belle's voice.