by Daaberlicious

CHOLD Chapter 14: Plot Twist

Chapter 14: Plot Twist

As we continued to walk, I started to tell Chelsea what was on my mind.

"Okay. I think I can break this all down into 3 different things. A little preface though: You might have heard this already... Several times."

"Go on." Chelsea encouraged.

"Okay... #1-"

I tripped on a root. No body paid it any mind except me. Stupid spruce root. Why are they so EVERYWHERE?

"#1: I feel like my lack of knowledge about Equestria and surrounding lands is going to get us all killed. Although I happen to be a somewhat devoted follower of the show, said show does not provide enough detailed information about your world to know essential facts for survival. The show even got the night sky wrong, so that makes me worried how much else it got wrong."

"Well, my knowledge is yours, Louis. I've run the Golden Oaks library ever since I moved into ponyville, and I can be the first to tell you that it's resources are nothing to sneeze at. I've memorized a large portion of it's volumes and could likely give you the gist of the rest of them." Twilight answered helpfully.

"Thank you, Twilight. I'm glad to have such a kindhearted egghead such as yourself as my friend." That earned me a blush and a glare. Hee hee, Twi you so adorable!

A quick sigh and I was ready for my next point. "Okay... #2: A lot of pressure, a lot of stress. I don't trust my own stability in this endeavor, but you all seem to be following me like blind ponies desperate not to get lost. I suppose with this statement, I'm trying to drop my status from leader to teammate. Is it an impossible request to have you all work as equals?"

A collective and joyful "no" rang from the rest of the group.

"Alright. I guess that I won't be needing my number 3 anymore."

Rainbow nudged Applejack. "I don't think he even had a 3, AJ." While the farm pony chuckled at this comment and my resulting indigence, she wasted no time talking some sense into me.

"Louis, this is gettin' ridiculous. I understand how much worry you have 'bout all this, but there comes a point when somepony's just gotta shut up and trust that their friends got their back. I'll letcha voice out your concerns once, maybe even twice, but any more an' it starts to sound like whining. Just start thinkin' positive from now on, okay?"

"Okay. I'll give it a shot."

"THERE IS NO TRY!" Pinkie and Starswirl shouted at the same time before exploding in laughter.

"Oh, come on! I didn't even say 'try'!"

Twilight simply didn't get it.

"SWEET CELESTIA that's a big chasm!" Starswirl suddenly exclaimed.

"Yes it is! And you're going in it!" A deranged voice said behind us.

"Who the heck are you?!" Everyone turned around and said it at once. The owner of the manic voice was an extremely deranged looking 20-something Caucasian male with piercing green eyes. He sauntered very close to me... Much closer than I'd possibly even consider finding enjoyable.

"WelllllllLouis... I'm the one master Tirek likes to call the PLOT TWIST!"

With that, he pushed me into the chasm.