Ponies of the Abarat

by Aslfrasle

From Humble Beginnings...

The day started out like any other at the Golden Oaks Library in Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle the resident librarian and personal protege of Princess Celestia, awoke bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready to start another day learning the magic of friendship with her best friends. She went to wake up Spike so that he could begin his morning chores, yet when she arrived at his bed, the baby dragon was nowhere to be seen.

“Spike…” she called “Spiiiiike” she tried calling again. After a few moments she heard his voice from downstairs.

“I’m down here, Twilight.”

When she reached the ground floor of the massive tree that the library was situated in, she noticed that Spike was making her breakfast.

“Not only are you up early, but you’re also making breakfast? What’s the occasion Spike?” Twilight questioned the young dragon, knowing Spike only always worked hard to impress her like this when he wanted something in return.

“No occasion, Twilight. Can’t a number one assistant make a kind and thoughtful gesture, without being accused of having ulterior motives…?” Spike asked with a mock sense of hurt in his tone.

“That would be completely understandable Spike, but if history has taught me anything, and history has taught me a lot, it’s that you only do these ‘selfless acts’ whenever you want something.”, Twilight rebuked, “Now just tell me what you want.”

“Wow Twilight, I’m offended you think so little of me…” Spike said with his best puppy dog eyes.

“You’re hurt, by my insinuations…?” Twilight inquired.

Wounded, Twilight” said Spike real tears beginning to form in his eyes.

“Oh, Spike, I believe you, and I’m very sorry for doubting your intentions.” Twilight finally conceded. “Now let’s have this delicious looking breakfast so we can start out day.” She beamed.

“Sure thing Twilight” said the baby dragon, a smile returning to his face “…though I was wondering, could I go help Rarity with her outfits today? She said she needed someone to help her find some gems for a new outfit she was making.”

I knew it Twilight thought to herself. “I don’t have any experiments or research that requires your assistance today, so I guess so…although, have you finished all your chores?” Twilight jokingly asked, knowing that was why he had woken up early this morning.

“Of course, Twilight, I even woke up early to get them all done before you woke up!” Spike beamed with pride


“Fine, enjoy your day” Twilight agreed. She figured if he was this determined to spend time with Rarity, then she wouldn’t stand in his way. She knew his love for the alabaster unicorn would not let anything stand in it’s way.

After finishing her breakfast, Twilight realized she had nothing planned for the day…all her friendship reports were written up and sent to the Princess, she had finished all her research papers, and tested and retested all her experiments. She was truly free to do anything she wanted...and she hated every minute of it. Twilight loved having a schedule of things she could do It kept her feeling fulfilled, and she would even make checklists whose sole purpose was to check other checklists, just to have something to do.

She had decided to go visit each of her friends and see if any of them had anything they needed help with, though her preparations were interrupted by a rapid series of knocks against her front door. When she went to her front door and opened it, she saw her zebra friend Zecora, standing in her doorway, the fur that was visible under her cloak and robes was streaked with sweat from long periods of running, her breath short and quick, she looked like a haggard mess.

“Zecora, what’s wrong, you look terrible. Is there something wrong in the Everfree Forest?” Twilight inquired, her tone tinged with worry.

“I know that I may be a sight, though I saw something terrible that gave a fright!” Zecora stated through her rough and quick breaths.

“What did you see that was so terrifying Zecora?” Twilight inquired “It must have been something, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you scared before.”

“I was traveling to town on my daily route, when I felt a strange presence and decided to scout.” Zecora stated.

“As I followed the source of the ghastly disruption, I came upon malevolent spirits who were causing corruption!” She continued “they would find a creature and hold them in thrall, and this they did to one and all…”

“What were these ‘spirits’ doing with these creatures they were enthralling?” asked Twilight.

“First they would enthrall the creature so the corruption could spread, then when they were finished they would move ahead.” Zecora went on, “once all the creatures were under their control, they would send them off to the corruption’s soul."

“So let me get this straight; spirit-like creatures have invaded the Everfree forest, controlling all the beasts that live there from timberwolves to manticores, and herding them up in some area?” Twilight remarked “Why would they round up all these creatures in one area? Did you survey their meeting point to try to find any reason for it?

“After they left, I searched until the soil was worn, though all I saw was a broken, crimson horn.” Explained Zecora to the purple unicorn

“A broken, crimson horn you say, hmmm…And you said it was curved upwards?” pondered Twilight after being given the news of what the monsters were gathering around. “

“Why yes it was, dear unicorn, until this day I had not seen such a strange horn.” Answered the zebra.

“I've never heard of any unicorn with a curved horn before, All of the books I have read seem to indicate that all unicorn horns are always straight, though I almost feel as if I;ve seen one, but can't remember where. Whatever this horn is, we must send a message to Celestia! I'm sure she'll know more about how to get rid of this corruption.” the purple unicorn announced already having prepared the quills and parchment, and began writing a letter describing the situation.

“Zecora, I need you to go get Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, while I go to Rarity to get her and Spike so that we can send this letter. We can meet up at Fluttershy’s cottage since it is close to the forest already.” Twilight shouted while making her way out the door. Zecora was about to agree, but Twilight was already gone.

Rarity and Spike had just made it back from a long morning of digging up gems for Rarity’s new dresses. It was hard work and Spike was very tired from all the work, but a smile and a thank you from the fashionista was all he needed to perk back up and feel right as rain.

“Oh thank you so very much for helping with those gems today Spike, I must say you are shaping up to be a perfect gentlecolt, and --” Rarity was saying.

“Dragon” Spike interjected

“Excuse me?” Inquired the alabaster mare.

“I think you mean ‘gentle-dragon’ Rarity, though I may live amongst ponies, I am still a dragon…” Spike said correcting Rarity’s mistake

“Oh I’m very sorry Spike, you’re shaping up to be a perfect gentledragon.” Rarity restated using the new, more correct term.

“As a thank you, you may have three of the gems we found for yourself,” said Rarity, “Now, which ones do you want?”

Spike, still half daydreaming about the beautiful mare said in a half-conscious murmur “I think I’d rather have a marshmallow than some plain old gems…”

“I’m sorry, what was that Spike?” Rarity asked, wondering what he was muttering to himself.

“Uh...I mean…what I said was…” stammered Spike eager to cover up his accidental slip of the tongue. “I said I’ll take these ones, yeah that’s what I said, definitely not anything romantic if that's what you're thinking…” Nice save thought Spike.

“Well, that’s all I have for today Spike, you best head back to the Lib--” Rarity was in the middle of saying when she was interrupted by a frantic taping on her door.

“Rarity, is Spike still in there with you? I need you both to come with me to Fluttershy’s cottage, it’s very urgent!” Twilight’s voice stated from the other side of the door.

Rarity opened the door to let Twilight in, though Twilight interjected “No time to come inside, need to head to cottage, Spike here?” Twilight was speaking so quickly that she didn’t even have time for full sentences

“Twilight, darling, slow down! We can’t very well understand you if you’re talking like that,” implored Rarity, “ and yes Spike is right here, in fact I was about to send him home, as we had finished our work for the day."

“Spike, there you are, I need you to send this letter to Princess Celestia immediately, this is a ‘priority one’ letter.” Twilight frantically explained

“PRIORITY ONE!” shouted Spike “I’m sorry Rarity, but I gotta send this right away, only the most important things are priority one, so this must be big…”

“Well, Twilight, what is so important that Spike need to send this letter immediately?” Rarity questioned the purple unicorn

“It seems that some sort of malevolent ghosts have invaded the Everfree forest and are using some strange curved horn to control all the animals and corrupt the plant life!”

“Good gracious that is important. I take it we are all meeting up with the princess at Fluttershy’s cottage to discuss how to solve this problem?” asked Rarity

“Yes, we are, and we don’t have much time as the corruption will soon spread beyond the forest to the rest of Equestria,” explained Twilight, “we’re meeting the others there, so let’s get moving!”

And with that the two unicorns and one baby dragon, made their way to the small cottage on the edge of the Everfree Forest that was owned by their timid pegasus friend Fluttershy.

Fluttershy was tending to her animals, and making a particular salad sundae for a certain bunny who refused to eat anything else, when she heard several knocks upon her front door. When she answered, she saw all of her friends as well as the Princess standing in her doorway.

“Oh, my, please do come inside, all of you,” said the butter yellow pegasus “ and what can I do for you today your highness?”

“Today I am here with all of you to discuss a very serious matter that Zecora has brought to light,” Celestia started off, “There are mysterious creatures that have appeared in the Everfree forest and they are manipulating the dark and chaotic energies found in the remains of Sombra’s horn to control and corrupt the forest for their own nefarious deeds”

No sooner did Celestia finish speaking, than the draconequus Discord arrived in the middle of the house. “ Did somebody say chaos?” He asked.

“Now what are y’all doin here Discord” asked Applejack, annoyed he had barged in on their conversation uninvited

“It is okay Applejack, I asked him to come, as a being of chaos Discord should be able to help us with these dangerous specters.” Celestia interjected “and yes Discord, we did say chaos. The curved horn that Twilight mentioned in her letter could belong to none other than the former King Sombra, and now some malevolent spirits have found it and they are using to corrupt and take over the entire forest, with plans to expands to the rest of equestria when they are finished…”

“Well, certainly we need to stop them” Discord plainly stated, while other looked on in awe at his decision to stop the use of chaotic energy from warping Equestria.

“Wow, I guess he really has reformed” said Rainbow Dash in response

“Ah, ah, ah,” Discord interrupted, shaking one of the fingers on his tiger paw, “you didn’t let me finish; and you really shouldn’t interrupt people Rainbow Dash, it’s very rude. As I was saying, we need to stop them because if anyone's gonna be throwing this world into chaos it’s gonna be me! Though I try not to anymore, out of respect for the friendship Fluttershy extended to me when I was all alone, and if I can’t do it, no one can!” he triumphantly shouted.

“I guess that’s still a decent reason” Rainbow said in response to Discords amended motivation.

“Let’s try to get back on topic, please” asked the Princess “We need a team of ponies to enter the forest and retrieve Sombra’s broken horn, so that it can be purged of it’s chaotic magic, thus depriving these shadows of their power source. Then, we can formulate a plan as to what to do with them… Agreed?”

“Agreed” said Twilight.

“Eeyup” said Applejack, with the confident tone of her big brother.

“Sure” shouted Rainbow Dash, brimming with confidence .

“Okie Dokie Lokie” Pinkie said, almost cheering.

“Of course, you highness” said Rarity.

“Well, I guess we can’t just leave them to do what they want…” mumbled Fluttershy.

“Discord, we’re also going to need your help on this, since you have a better chance of understanding the chaotic powers of these spirits.” stated the Princess.

“Oh, all right then…off we go, Mon Capitan!” Shouted Discord, half laughing.

“Girls make sure you take the Elements of Harmony with you, as they will help shield your bodies from the chaotic effects of the corruption." said the Princess as the group made their way out the door of Fluttershy's cottage.

After a quick trip to each of their houses to pack supplies and their respective elements, as well as making sure Spike was well equipped to watch over their pets for the day while they were gone, everyone was ready for their dangerous trek into the chaos-riddled forest. They met back up outside the entrance to the forest, as the 6 ponies and one draconequus made their way in, unaware of how deep down the proverbial ‘rabbit hole’ they were about to fall…

As they entered the forest every member of their group could feel the dark chaotic energies radiating from nearly every direction.

“If this energy is coming at us from every direction, how ever are we supposed to find the source...the Everfree forest is a very large place, and we certainly don’t have the time to search all of it” inquired Rarity

“It’s very simple my dear, The energy surrounding us is really made of the original energy plus the offshoots that were created by these spirits while they were doing their business. Though it may be difficult for you girls to see it, there is a distinct difference in the energies when you compare the original to it’s offshoots, so I should be able to follow the energy trail of the original and lead us straight to the source.” Explained Discord.

"Wow Discord, yer sure provin to be a lot more useful than Ah originally thought, thanks!” said Applejack

“Now if you would, Discord, let’s make our way to that horn so we can return it to the Princess” Twilight said urging the group on eager to please her mentor.

They began down the trail, with Discord in the lead, pointing out the subtle twists and turns that the original energy trail made as it moved back to it’s source. The entire trip seemed far to quiet and uneventful and the ponies began to feel anxious, as if they weren’t following a trail, but were instead being lead into a trap...when suddenly a timberwolf burst from the bushes, snarling and ready to strike.

The girls got readied for battle, anticipating an attack from the yelping wolves.

“No, wait!” begged Fluttershy. “The wolf isn’t himself…he looks frightened, like something has terrified them. Now they’re just lashing out against anything that moves to protect themselves”.

Upon closer inspection, Discord noticed that the timberwolf was almost seeping with chaotic energy. “She’s right!” he exclaimed “They’re dripping with dark energies. I think the spirits that invaded, did something to scare them into attacking anything that came near, in an attempt to keep anything from interfering with their plans.”

“Just leave this to me, girls” said Fluttershy as she began slowly moving towards the timberwolf. “Don’t worry sweetie, no one here is going to hurt you…if you just come with me, we can help you and find a lovely place where nothing will scary you, just come wi---EEP!” the scream interrupted her attempt to calm the beast elicited by said beast lunging outward fangs and claws bared to strike.

“FLUTTERSHY!” the group screamed, moving to save the butter yellow pegasus, as Discord leaped out and intercepted the beast, the two falling in a furious heap on the forest floor.

Discord and the timberwolf were wrestling on the ground for several seconds, and then Discord, while still holding the beast’s fangs away from his face, closed his eyes and began to stop moving. The girls questioned what he was doing until they saw his face and muscle begin to tense up and stress, after which the energies coursing through the timberwolf began making their way into Discord’s body. After the energies finished transferring, the timberwolf, now realizing that it was alone and outnumbered, quickly beat a hasty retreat back through the bush it came out of.

“Discord, how did you stop that timberwolf? It wasn’t even listening to Fluttershy who’s the best at dealing with the animals here?” the girls asked.

“Oh, I didn’t tell it anything, I just drained the dark energies that were controlling it into my own body, since I am a being of chaos, it should be no problem for me to deal with” stated Discord.

“Oh, umm, I…” muttered Fluttershy as she moved forward and hugged the draconequus. “I just wanted to thank you for saving me” She was fiercely blushing as she said this.

“Well now, I couldn’t just let my first and only friend get hurt while I stood by and did nothing!” said Discord “We’re almost at the center of the chaotic influence that’s corrupted this forest, so let’s get this done with.

Right as the group began to move again they felt some strange wave of force, as if there was some loud roar...yet there was no sound. It was as if something of great power had roared inside of the minds of everything that was currently in the forest.

“What was that...it was like somepony shouted really loud, but did inside their head and then pushed it into the heads of everyone in the forest!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

“Ah don’t know, but it seems like all the critters are moving towards the source o’ it. Ah it mighta been some kind of alert that them spirits are done with whatever they were doin, and now they need all their new minions together fer some reason” deduced Applejack.

“If they’re moving towards the source, then we can follow them to it, and get there all the faster.” Discord reasoned “We should get moving while there’s still groups to follow, though we need to be careful and make sure none of them see us.”

They stealthily followed the creatures and eventually they made it to the source of the phantom roar, a large clearing with the horn they had been searching for in the middle on a stone. Then the wisps who had caused all this chaos appeared, having completed all their work. As they entered the clearing they noticed they something was off, and that others who were not under their control had reached the clearing as well. They also noticed that one of these creatures was a walking mass of similar chaotic energy though different from the darker energy they ha been spreading, yet there was a small mass of the dark energy deep below, actively suppressed by the creature itself. Using the combined energy of horn, and the beasts they had gathered they aimed towards the strange-looking creature and reached out trying to indirectly control him through the energy he had suppressed.

The girls noticed the wisps looking at them, and immediately moved to hide, though Discord stood still in the same place, unmoving. “Discord what are you doing, we need to hide?!” they shouted.

“They’re just spirits, girls...completely incorporeal and unable to interact with anything physical, that’s why they took over these beasts here...to do their bidding, since they as ghosts cannot!” he explained, moving slightly closer to the horn with each word.

“Discord, stop!” the girls pleaded “We don’t know what they are or what they are capable of, we need to formulate a plan before moving in”.

“I thought our job was to come here get that horn, right over there, completely unprotected I may add, and bring it back to the Princess. Add to that that these spirits can’t do anything to stop us, and their beasts are still completely still as the stone I spent so many years as, regardless of my advances, and there is no reason we shouldn’t just grab it and leave…” Discord reasoned.

The nightmares would have smiled, if they had mouths that is…the subtle suggestion they had placed in the creatures head through the dark chaos in his body, saying that he should just grab the horn so that he and his ‘friends’ could leave was working perfectly! He only needed to move just a little closer and then they would have him…

Discord kept moving forward towards the horn, while the ponies moved out to stop him, they pleaded and tried to physically stop him, though nothing they did seemed to work. He was just about there when Fluttershy decided there was one thing that worked last time Discord wasn’t listening to them. “Discord, if you don’t stop this right now, we won’t be friends anymore!”

Discord stopped dead in his tracked as he turned around with a dejected look on his face. “Really?” he asked with tears almost forming in the edges of his eyes. He did not want to lose his first and only friend, he had even given up on random chaos to keep her, so no matter how much his brain said to just grab it, he would not do it, no matter the cost.

“Woo, that was close, now we can properly think up a plan, and find a way we know is safe to secure the horn and leave here, with everypony safe and sound.” Twilight began. “Now what is the--” Twilight’s question was interrupted by a large rumbling that was erupting from the horn in the center of the clearing. It was moving outwards and getting stronger every minute “What’s going on?” she asked.

“Ah ain’t got no clue!” shouted Applejack “but we need to get out of here pronto!”

It was too late for anyone them. The nightmares had tricked the larger creature into getting close enough to the horn, and his power combined with the power they taken from the horn, through the dark energy he had suppressed was enough to open a hole through the memory back to their lands where they could bring all these creatures to their master, for his grand battle.

As the rumbling intensified, the horn began levitating into the air, then it vanished and was replaced by a small hole the began to draw everything in the clearing into it’s mouth, and every time it did it became larger and gained an even greater pulling force.

“Quick, we’ve gotta get out of here before we get sucked into that thing!” screamed Twilight as she began to run.

The whole group began to run away from the vortex, but it was too late. One by one they began to float in the air, only to be grabbed by those still on the ground, until they were a long chain connected to Discord, who was holding onto a tree branch.

I won’t be able to hold up much longer, and we’re all going to be sucked into that thing. Though I can’t choose where that vortex leads, I can choose where we end up when we get there, and anywhere must be better than wherever the malevolent spirits want us to be… thought Discord to himself I’ll have to focus all my energy to alter the point of entry for us, and even then I can’t be sure we’ll end up in the same place, though I’ve got to try!

As Discord lose his grip and the group began hurtling towards the gaping maw, he began to focus. He did not know where they were going, so he could not attempt to send them to a direct location, he focused solely on a single idea…we are not going wherever you want us to

Everything went black as they entered the void inside of the crack in reality, though in the distance there was a light they could see. As they moved towards it every was strangely calm and silent, almost like this was the calm before the storm, as one would say.The Abarat noticed these new creatures heading towards it and it did not like that one bit. It had never seen such creatures before and didn't want such dangerous unknown creatures rampaging around in it's world, so using the magic of the portal it began changing them into a form that better suited its tastes, and the bodies of the several equines began to lengthen and straighten out, while fingers began to make their way out of the flat surface of what used to be hooves. Halfway through this process a wave of magic from the most mismatched creature the Abarat had ever seen, collided with its own, and the two melded together, stopping the change halfway, as the transformation magic attempted to deal with this new magic. As soon as they exited through the light at then other end of the tunnel, the two magics that had been melded together through collision, rebounded and the force of it came back upon the group. The impact of the rebounded spell, separated them from each other, as they were all sent careening off into the distance like shooting stars each towards a different island of this strange new landscape...and this was the last thing any of them saw, as they began to fly off in separate directions, screaming for each other to no avail until the rebounded spell’s force knocked them unconscious and for the second time that day...everything went black...