//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: A Father's Footsteps // by Alex Silvermane //------------------------------// "....... Most of the snow had finally cleared up, and we'd just gotten out of school. My best friend Khaki Slack were arguing about which game we were going to play that afternoon. I wanted to play soldier, pretending to defend all of Equestria from the evil griffon army. He wanted to play archeologist, however. Pretending to dig up dinosaur bones, or ancient pony civilizations. While we were arguing, we found our way into ponyville. After a brief discussion, Khaki and I decided that we could make a decision over a milkshake at sugarcube corner. When we got there, we split up like usual. This time, it was Khaki's turn to get the drinks, while I grabbed us a table, before the other foals from school got there. We had just gotten ourselves settled, when the other foals showed up. With a multicolored rush of hooves and manes, they all rushed the counter, hollering and shouting their orders at the poor swamped workers. Glancing at each other, Khaki and I began to grin, and gave each other a quick brohoof, before returning to our drinks..... and argument. Well, we hadn't got much done before a couple of the newcomers began to fight. I can't remember why anymore, but I certainly remember what It was about. The argument was between a brown earth pony, wearing a pair of glasses, and a white pegasus. I don't know who started it, but both ot the ponies seemed awfully riled up. Khaki and I glanced at each other, before walking over to see what the commotion was about. "...... no way you could. You're just a filly." The white pegasus sneered. "you'd chicken out in ten seconds flat." "I'll show you!" The brown earth pony shouted, "I can so last five minutes in the Everfree forest!" And with that, the filly stormed out, running through the town as fast as she could. After a moment of silence, the white pegasus began to snicker, and soon, he and his friends were flat out laughing. Frowing slightly, I turned to Khaki, and nodded towards the door. "Come on. We'd better go see if she's okay." A few seconds later, we were tearing though Ponyville at top speed. We were trying to catch up to that brown filly, but she was fast as lightning. We came tearing around one of the corners at top speed, when suddenly we saw our friend Orion, walking around the corner towards us. I had to jump into the air, and start flying to avoid him. "Come on man, we're catching up to a filly. Explain on the way." I called down to the green unicorn........ And then it hit me. I could have been flying after her. After the confusion of running into Orion, we lost track of the filly. I told Khaki to explain the situation, while I flew up and relocated her. After a few minutes of searching, I saw her on the outskirts of town. Swooping down, I pointed towards where I saw her, and said, "Come on guys, she went that way!" We finally caught up to the young filly at the edge of the Everfree forest. Out of breath, I called., "W....... Wait. What...... was that...... about....?" She tilted her head at me, confused, before it dawned on her what I asked. "Oh those stupid colts," she scoffed, "They were mad because I beat them in hoofball. They said i was cheating, and that it didn't count anyway, because i was a filly." Sticking her tongue out, she continued, "Well, I'll show them..." A great idea occured to me then. "Hey, we were bored anyway, you mind if we come with you?" Khaki Slack began to bounce up and down excitedly, "Oh boy. It'll be just like an adventure. We can look for Dinosaurs, and Tombs, and lost civilizations, and......." Orion glanced back at Ponyville. "Well..... the new Iron Stallion came out today..... and I should get it before it gets sold out...." He said nervously, shifting from one hoof to the other. I just stared at him, until gulping, he continued, "but... I guess I could always get it later...." Beaming, I flew a few feet into the air. "Then It's settled." Pointing at the dark, looming tees I cried, "Onward!" If only I knew what those trees had been concealing.....