//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 Nightmares and A New Home // Story: A Lost Apple // by Sketch Knight //------------------------------// Hayseed Soar Through the clouds calling out below as her sharp eyes searched from someone dear to her. The ground below seem more like a warzone that farm land. "PA PA!!!!!" Hayseed called again hoping to hear his voice in the distance. Her eyes darted side to side looking in a panic, her heart racing her wing flapping maddeningly as she landed on a half broken windmill searching the horizon. The Powerful storm had ripped through her hometown of Mareton, wagons and parts of homes lay shatter across the land that was once her family's wheat fields. The weather Pegasus were trying to cause a light rain but something went wrong and the storm snowballed. Hayseed a small Pegasus herself lifted into the air again panting as she had been flying about after the storm for hours. Medical ponies and unicorns moved about below helping those in need as Hayseed dashed off to find her father. Her eyes narrowed and stopped in the air. In a pile of what was once there home and a bashed up wagon lay a hoof outstretched under it. It started to rain once more but a light mist only fell as Hayseed dove towards her father's hoof. Hayseed eyes wetted as she screamed as loud as she could call. "PAPA!!!" Her call echoed as she bounced across the ground landing hard just pasted the rubble. Righting herself as she stands again, shaking as she sobs as a medical unicorn raced over to where Hayseed was. Hayseed Dropped to her rump, and Let out her pleas to the unicorn. "Please help my Papa, Help my Papa!" as the the unicorn started to lift pieces of rumbled from atop the buried stallion, Hayseed started to help in her sobbing tossing small pieces away until she uncover her father. Her body froze as other showed up and started to help the Unicorn Touch the motionless stallion's neck. "Help him , help Papa...." Hayseed managed as the medical unicorn dropped her hoof and head. The others stopped digging as the noticed the unicorn lower her head. "Over here!!!" a flying pegasus called out, perking everyone's ears and gaze. "She still alive here We need some help!!!" The Unicorn and the others dashed off Leaving the crying hayseed alone with her quite father. The unicorn stopped and turned back to Hayseed, glancing back and father as the others fought to dig another pony out of more rubble. "YOU! Pegasus take the little filly to the hospital and make sure she cared for for right now!" the Medical Unicorn commanded as the Pegasus snapped a nod and dashed over to Hayseed. Who was now Nosing her father as she cryed .Landing next to her the Pegasus lower his head and spoke. But his words fell on deaf ears as Hayseed listen only to her father right now waiting for him to get up. "Papa.... wake up, your strong, You have to wake up....Please...." Hayseed sobbed uncontrollably as shi layed next to her father. The Pegasus gently touched her making her jump and Glare at him unfolding her wing instinctively. THe pegasus stepped back, speaking softly now. "Its alright little one I'm going to take you somewhere safe and warm..." "Help Papa...." she interrupted him and glared. "Little one, ....I ...." he was unable to speak to her as he looked to him and to her. "Help Papa!" Hayseed repeated as she stamped the wet ground with her tiny hoof. The Pegasus Simply Grabbed her and took off knowing that she wasn't going to move until he help a hopeless cause. "I'm sorry little one..." The Pegasus told her as she kicked and screamed as the image of her father slowly grew smaller and smaller. "PAPA!!! HELP PAPA!!!" she screamed as she fought to be freed but suddenly Hayseed Snaps awake from her nightmare. Panting she looked about an Unfamiliar room, bare of most thing save for a bed and a desk. Its was dark and it was quiet, as she gathered her thoughts and panted as the door opened to a Strange stallion. He was dark grey and had parchment with a feather pen atop for a cutie mark. "Hayseed is everything alright I heard screaming...?" The stallion asked panting as he had ran to her room, his eyes looking about the now partly lite room and Looked at the hiding fIlly peeking over the blankets. "...." Hayseed was quiet, not wanting to speak since that day in the fields. She shook her head to answer him and hide under the blanket as the stallion entered the room and removed the blanket enough to see her head again. "There, there little one....I will tend to matters and You can stay at your Aunt Smith's for a while while your mother recovers. And before you know it you will see her again soon, But won't visit your aunt be so much fun?" The stallion spoke softly to her before giving her a light nuzzle. Hayseed huffed and scooted away a little bit before shaking her head again. "No, but Aunt Smith has a farm too an apple farm, and they have lots of little fillies to play with?" Hayseed rolled over in the bed pulling the blanket again over her head. The stallion opened his mouth to speak again, but choose to close it as it was late. Standing again he walks back to the door. "I will see you in the morning Hayseed...goodnight little one..." he whispered as the door closed again. Hayseed stared out the window of the room, and onto the starry night sky, She lay in bed for the rest of the night Unable to sleep for every time she closed her eyes to sleep the nightmare would play again. * * * * * The Stallion carefully walked with a Hayseed on his back asleep again , Peaceful and tired from stay up the rest of the night in the bare room. Ponyville was still and quite in the early morning. Save for a few early risers The stallion walked carefully to keep Hayseed asleep a bit longer. He quietly open the door to the town Hall and was greeted by a sweet. "Good....morning.." her tone drop sharply upon sighting the sleeping filly. "What can I do ya sir?" the Secretary pony whispered as she picked up a pen. "Good morning, I was wondering if You could allow me to find a place to lay the little one down for a bit so I can talk to the Mayor?" The stallion asked softly as the secretary nodded and trotted into the hallway and moved to a empty room with a large couch and desk that wasn't being used and waved him in and He gently lay Hayseed into the soft couch and pulled the blanket over her. Hayseed Stirred slightly and outstretch her arm and mumbled softly. "Can.... I have a.... piece of.....candy, Mama?" The stallion and secretary walked slowly out the door and closed it slowly. "She should be in her office down the hall on the right, big double doors, can't miss it I'll watch the little one until you return." She smiled and gently moved back to her desk to get a piece of candy for Hayseed when she wakes, and gently walked back to the door. The Stallion Nodded and moved down the hall as the mare enter the room quietly again. Meanwhile at Sweet Apple Acres Applejack took a deep long breath as the sun started to rise on the new day. The light shining through the leaves of the many apple trees of the orchard. Applejack trotted slowly as Big mac pulled a wagon full of empty baskets and other tools to trim and pick the ripe apples from the trees. Applebloom bounced about happily as she was ready to go this morning as Applejack called out. "Alright little missy i need your help tending to the animals while Big Mac tend to the trees today, Holler if you need help Big Mac okay?" "Eyup, I hear ya little Sis" Big mac Smiled and Continue to where he was to start today. Applejack, and Applebloom trotted towards the barn and pens for the animals. Granny Smith stretched out onto her rocking chair and watched the youngin's go about the day's work. "Ahhh Another day sweety...." Granny said looking to the rissing sun , talking to Grampa Smith. She narrowed her eyes spotting a message pony trotting down the road, making her tilted her head to a side thinking. "I wasn't expecting any mail today...?" When the message pony arrive at the porch He smiled and bowed his head gently. "Good Morning Ms. Smith, I have a letter from the mayor asking you to come by this morning, if you could that is as soon as you are able?" "Well I'll be, why sure, Tell her I will be right on over, once I tell the youngins." SHe Hoped out of her chair and began a slow trek to tell one of Applejack, bloom or big mac where she be heading. "Mind if You walk me to the town hall sonny?" "Sure, I don't have any more messages right now." The colt smile and trotted up beside Granny Smith slow walk. Town Hall Granny smith arrives in a timely fashion escorted by Applebloom and the message pony. WHen they arrive he departs. Entering the double doors The stallion looks up and smiles warmly as Granny Smith goes wide eyed and smiles* "Chester Quillington, its has been ages You silly colt!" Granny Smith jested as Applebloom looked puzzled as she had never seen him before and the mayor smiled brightly. "Thank you Granny Smith, Chester here has told me a story, and has come to ask a favor to the Apple family?" Her smile slowly faded as she recalls the story. Chester nodded and waited until Granny Smith was seated before retelling the tale. The smiles soon fade as Applebloom draws close to Granny Smith as Chester Told his story. "And Now comes the favor my dear Granny Smith, WHile Hayseed's mother is in the care of Canterlot's medical staff , She is unable to care for her, and with the entire town in shambles we cannot tend to her, Nor care for her AS our family has been shattered by the passing of her father...." His head hung low missing his brother and Sighed heavily as Granny Smith sat in thought. The room was silent for a while before Applebloom spoke. "How come I haven't heard about the Wheat Family Granny?" Granny Smith turned and smiled warmly to her. "Well deary It was a very long time ago Before your father met your mother, when he was a young stallion he fell for a beautiful pegasus pony named Songcloud. And when they first met it was a love like mine with your grandfather but it simply over whelm them both. Though you see sugar, on the birth of the first little filly......." Granny Smith turned away and got misted eye remembering the heartbreak that Appleblooms father show that day. "You see little one, Songcloud didn't make it after giving birth to Hayseed. and was under my brother care, who agree, and unable to have his own, care for Hayseed as his own. Your Father so heartbroken by the lost of Songcloud that He couldn't Live in Mareton anymore...He left and returned to Ponyville and to Sweet Apple Acres. When my brother's untimely passing and Mareton in shambles, I come with her to find her a place to stay until Sunshine has recovered from her coma... What do you say Granny Smith?" Granny Smith Nodded gently as she unable to speak as a few tears rolled down her cheek. "She is family and she will always have a place here, where is she now?" Granny quietly spoke fighting back some tears as Applebloom nose into her side. "Hayseed is asleep still in the room down the hall, being watch by the Secretary...." With that a yelp made everyone jump as Applebloom dash to the room where the scream came from. Hayseed floated in the corner shaking frighten and when saw the door open made a run from freedom. The secretary was in the other corner trying to calm the filly. Before jumping as Hayseed skillfully fly over apple bloom and in the narrow halls. "Hayseed Apple Wheat!" Chester Call out stopping the filly cold in her track midair. Hayseed turned slowly and landed on the ground her head low and her ear back In shame. Chester Sighed and walked up to the Filly and sat next to her. She knew she was in trouble when she heard her full name being called out. Hayseed Scoot into Chest silent from her outburst the Secretary peek around the doorwayAs Granny Smith walked towards Chester as He wrap his arm around the little filly. "Hayseed dear, this is Granny Smith, your Grandmother, and Your half Sister Applebloom." "Howdy Hayseed" Applebloom chriped with a grin from ear to ear, as Hayseed looked at them both and remained silent. "Hey there sugar, happy to meet 'cha" Granny Smith sat in front of the pair as AppleBloom peek around Granny Smith as Hayseed looked up to Chester as he smiled down to her. "Its alright they are family they will watch out for you until mama Is better again." Hayseed perked her ear to hearing the words "Mama" from his lips and then Nodded and stood and walked over to GrannySmith and simply Nuzzled into her arms not making a sound. "She hasn't said a word since that day, We haven't been able to shake her of those nightmare either, But She will listen to her family, for now it will do. I will be sending letter to you if anything changes at Mareton Granny Smith, And the Wheat family can't thank you enough for this." Hayseed flexed her wings and settled into Granny's arms as she held Hayseed close. "Family is family Chester, no matter how many names you have" Granny Smith Spoke looking down to little Hayseed as She looked up with a little spark of life in her sorrowed filled eyes. Applebloom gently hugged them both as a new day started and the Apple family was one apple bigger.