//------------------------------// // And So, Another Quest // Story: Destiny Is Not A Choice // by Sempre Luna //------------------------------// January 31, Equestrian Year 3616 1420 hrs West Ponyville ===== Twilight Sparkle's friends were right about the weather. It was a perfect day to stretch one's legs with a walk. The earthy streets were abuzz with activity, most likely getting ready for the Equestria Games. One could tell the charge within the air was of things to come in the future. Hear and there, shop vendors worked their unofficial merchandise, shouting to the crowds. In Canterlot, that could have earned you a small prison sentence if you were found guilty of selling the stuff. Here, in Ponyville, the small stuff wasn't sweated. A free apple, a discounted piece of furniture. Here and there, consequences didn't affect ponies. "Get your foam fingers! 'Cause you're Number 1!" "Official programs for the Equestria Games! Read up on your favorite athletes!" "Get your fresh appletastic treats! Half price only for this week!" The last catcall came from a familiar earth pony, trademark hat adorning her head. The others noticed her and walked over to her stand. "Hey AJ! Seems like you've got a good setup." "I sure do. Vendors been claimin' their places for weeks now. Good thing me and the Mayor have an permanent agreement on my stall, else I wouldn've been able to make a lick of this street. Care to try a taste?" Twilight Sparkle put up four bits. "How much can this get?" Applejack picked up an apple fritter. "Thanks for the business, Twi. Tell the truth, we haven't had a lot of customers today, what with all these vendors. I'm worried we might not make quota." Rainbow Dash looked around the market. "I can see what you mean. Hey, have you seen Fluttershy anywhere? I needed to tell her about the sign-ups for the Equestrian amateur flying competition." "Well, I'm obliged to aid you," Applejack said. "You see, she's been helping me since about daybreak." Applejack turned to reveal a yellow pegasus and several animals working on food under a tent. Raccoons were rolling the dough, squirrels were mashing the apples, and the occasional bird flew in and out, taking made treats to the front of the stall. Fluttershy noticed her friends. "Oh, I didn't see you there. It's so nice to see you." "There you are, Fluttershy! I was wondering where you got to. Are you signing up for the Amateur Games?" "Oh, oh my, no. I'm fine here, if that's okay." "Pshh, that's no fun. So I signed us both up anyway!" "Uhm, thank you, I guess?" "She's been hard at work for a good while. I can't thank her enough. Unfortunately, we'll be here a while. Why don't ya'll take a look 'round? I hear there's enough around here to last the whole week!" "Thank you, Applejack." said Rarity. "We'll be sure to tell you all about the fairground. Though, might I trouble you for a treat? All I have today is three bits." "Why, certainly. Fluttershy, ya'll have a caramel apple ready?" Like clockwork, a blue jay flew out with the treat, placing it in the earth pony's hoof. Rarity cast her aura around it, inspecting it for traces of feathers. "Ya'll take care. See you later! If we can get leave the stand, that is!" With treats in hoof, the four set off to explore the market even further. A sideshow gallery had been set up with smaller versions of the game for fillies, while mighty stallions looked for booths to sign up for the games, to test their might in the art of sport. Twilight Sparkle, despite living in Ponyville for quite some time now, was just now realizing the unity and tranquility these ponies expressed for not only each other, but for their nation. Even still, these times were tough and the most relaxed of moments could turn at any moment. Case in point, the friends made their way towards the schoolyard, where the children were putting on a play about the history of the Equestrian Games. As Rainbow Dash, speeding ahead of her friends at a nice clip, rounded a corner, she was stopped in her tracks with the scene that was unfolding at Lyra and Bon Bon's house. The royal guard had criss-crossed the scene with police tape, making sure no one entered the house. Photographers were being led off, not permitted from revealing any further information about the situation. It seemed the setup had been there for quite some time as the crowd surrounding it was beginning to die down. As the girls approached the scene, one of the guards noticed Twilight. "You there! Aren't you the student of the princess?" She finished her fritter with non-interest, only to realize she was being spoken to. It was no surprise the subsequent reaction was one with a touch of confusion. "Uh yes. I suppose so." "We may need your help." Pinkie Pie jumped in the air. "Oh boy! Someone needs our help. This looks like a job for Detective Pinkie!" Reaching into the fabric of zero space, Pinkie pulled out her deerskin cap and bubble pipe. She appeared to be in the zone. The guard ignored Pinkie and took Twilight behind the barrier. The other guards stood at attention. "We're glad we found you miss. Perhaps you could shed some light on this mystery." They stood aside as her escort walked her in. Inside, they noticed immediate problems. Firstly, it was far too quiet for a house. While Ponyville was celebrating the announcement of the Equestria Games, this house was quiet, delicate even. Slightly singed walls, lights off, and a strange hum coming from the other room were the only ways to describe the atmosphere. Second, no one was home, a rare occurrence in this populace. The guard cast a light with his horn, revealing the mess that covered the floor. A table had been knocked over and several frames had been knocked loose, shattering the glass that protected the pictures. A flower pot had also been displaced, shattered on the ground. He shined further to reveal a kitchen, virtually spotless. The fight had not proceeded to this area, leaving everything untouched. There were dirty dishes in the sink from the night before. Chairs were neatly placed with care around a table. It was as if the room was waiting for the return of its occupants. "As you can see, there was a struggle that involved magic being cast," the head guard explained. "We believe the unicorn who lived here, Lyra Heartstrings, was the caster. Her roommate, Bon Bon, was slightly injured and has since been admitted to Ponyville Hospital. We haven't quite analyzed the other room yet. That could shed light on this. When I saw you coming down the street, I had a feeling you would know what it meant." Twilight looked toward the humming noise. "So no one has entered the room in which the magic is occurring?" "Precisely." Twilight began taking non-written notes on her surroundings. "When did the incident happen?" "Roughly 14 hours ago. Should've been around midnight." "Anyone else know of this?" "The princesses have been informed." "Good. Am I allowed to enter the room?" "As you wish, miss." Twilight took to the room. Opening the door, she noted the magic hums coming from the left of her person. Her immediate attention was drawn to the walls. They were decorated with diagrams of non-equine beings, incantations, and symbols she couldn't recognize on any level. Books were scattered all across the floor in various states. A window was blown out, which had been covered by a tarp on the outside. "Excuse me, but, does anything stand out as strange or mystical to you?" "No, miss. My training doesn't require magic, so I'm afraid I'm ill-equiped. However, I'd make a safe bet this room was converted to house incantation practice." Further examination of the scene noted further scorching and faint wisps of smoke coming from a desk situated to the right. Twilight walked towards the desk, where a ragged journal was kept. Using her magic, she began flipping through the entries. Usually five or so sentences, they abbreviated the days that occurred before the incident. ===== January 20 My package came in the mail today! Bon Bon saw me get the package and just looked at me weird. She doesn't get it though. I'm super excited that this may be the chance to work on Mom's instructions. Though, I wonder who could have a copy of this. Oh well. So far, so good! January 21 YIPPEE!! Mom's old book seems to be helping in translating these spells! There's a spell for water generation, temporary light sources, and gold refinement. All of which take less magic than usual! Ooh, and Bon Bon made hay soup which was SO GOOD! I'm glad I have her for a friend. January 22 No No NO! These spells are WRONG! I need more time to develop the quantities of magic necessary, I'll need to order the next volume containing the harder spells, AND I need to get a present for Bon Bon for her birthday. But I can see a light on the horizon. I'm so close, so I might as well push through and work on this book. January 23 No progress today. Guess I'm pulling an all nighter. January 25 I'm not saying this should be working, but THIS SHOULD BE WORKING. I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING! I KNOW I'M JUST ME AND NOT THAT SHOWOFF TWILIGHT DOWN THE ROAD. SHE'S ONLY WHO SHE IS BECAUSE OF THOSE ELEMENTS! What I wouldn't do to get my hands on those things. January 26 Another all nighter. I yelled at Bon Bon today for interrupting me and we had a fight. She had tears in her eyes. Ugh, can't she see I have enough to worry about? Oh. I think she yelled at me because today was her birthday. I didn't get her a gift. I'll make it up to her. Maybe cast a growth spell on a bouquet of Roseluck. Something, I don't know. January 27 Mother? It's me, Lyra. Hi. It's been a while since I've thought of you. I could use you right now. Help me. January 29 Mom? Thanks for the help. This spell should do it at last. ===== Twilight felt hurt by that comment about showing off. It was what she wanted to avoid from the beginning and this clearly showed something was wrong. She was about to read the final entry when the magic hum grew in agitation. The guard entered the room at the sound to protect Twilight when a small boom went off in the closet behind her. "Miss, are you okay?" "Yes, thank you." They turned to face the noise, coming from the closet. Twilight opened the door to reveal a large book, emanating a magic aura. "Miss, I'd recommend leaving the area. We can have the guardsmen isolate this..." "No. This is my chance." "Miss Sparkle, I must politely disagree." "Lyra happened upon some magic that I believe had capabilities beyond mine. It is my sworn duty as the student of Princess Celestia to investigate matters of magic. And I will not let this moment pass me." "But..." "I missed my re-organization today. Let me have this or I will go crazy. Need I remind you what happened last time I went crazy?" He shifted back, as to not cause any further damage. "No miss. I heard enough from the princess." Twilight turned to face the book. It's appearance was ragged at best, pages yellowed by intense age, cover tearing in some places. Carefully lifting the tome with her magic, she examined it with an amount of tact. The first noticeable feature was the title and name emblazoned on the front page. She was taken aback at the identity of the book. "This is an ancient book exactly 722 years old. Also, it appears to have been written by Princess Celestia herself!" "My word!" commented the guard, as he took a view at the title. "Collective Spells of Star Swirl the Bearded Volume 2: A Compendium of Basic Incantations. Translated and encoded in the Old Language by the Royal Sorceress, Princess Celestia of Canterlot. Year of publication 2894" "Why, that book shouldn't be here." said the guard. "In fact, that book has been missing from the royal library for quite some time! Happened not nine weeks ago. We have prior charged Miss Heartstrings with battery against her roommate. Does this mean she is also guilty of robbery?" "Hardly. The first journal entry clearly stated this book was purchased through means of a packaging system. Lyra might not have known what she purchased was stolen goods. So, under no circumstances is she to be charged with this theft. However, as a precaution, you take this room apart. Take every book, each spell chart, log every symbol. You name it, do it. Bring it back to the castle if it belongs there and leave the rest to me." "Right away, miss. I'll alert my men." He turned and left the room. While his back was turned, Twilight set down the book where she found it. She turned to leave when suddenly she was overcome with a feeling. She stood perfectly still, realizing the whole world had gone quiet. The sounds of the fairground, the cries of joy. Nothing. Except the hum of the book. Twilight turned to face it yet again. I didn't really get a good look at the spells in the book. Lyra stated she found something in this book. One spell in particular. But...no, this is the property of the princess, and I am to deliver it with no problems whatsoever. If I mess with it even further, there is a chance it could be damaged. I'll just...look through the later chapters. Shouldn't hurt anyone. Twilight levitated the book yet again and began to flip through the pages. She first noticed she couldn't read a single bit of it. Whatever language Celestia had written in this book, it was archaic beyond her understanding. She decided to take a quick look at the later chapters, where the spell Lyra had found should have been. As she blindly continued to turn page after page, she suddenly felt the room get warm. When Twilight turned her head in realization of the temperature change, the book shook with a clamor and shot her with a blast. The unicorn jumped back, dropping the book to the ground. Twilight shook her head and surveyed her body. No marring, no scars, no burns. It seemed whatever the beam was, it meant little to no harm to her. The book was a different story. She glanced at it, and suddenly placed her head in her hoof. On the page was the incantation for a security spell which she had triggered by blindly flipping through the pages. It'd be best not to let the guards know I fell for this. I'll just tell them to be careful. With that thought, the guard returned with his men, holding a containment unit of sorts. "We'll take it from here, miss. It should be of your best interest to exit the building. Your dragon has something you may find peculiar." Twilight thanked the men and exited Lyra's house. As she exited the house, she found Rainbow Dash in a sort of pony puddle, with a look of dissolution on her face. "Rainbow Dash, what's wrong?" The pegasus sighed. "While you were gone, I went to get a newspaper for Rarity. Said she wanted read up on the fashion trends. And what should be on the front page? The Wonderbolts." "And this is a problem how?" "Soarin is in the hospital with a wing fracture! Apparently, a training exercise. Even if I get into the Wonderbolts, I won't be able to show him my tricks for who knows how long! He's my favorite, too." Twilight put her hoof around Dash. "I'm terribly sorry, Rainbow. Do you know which hospital he's at? Maybe you should go visit him." Choking back tears, Rainbow Dash nodded. "I don't know but I'll be sure to check. Thanks, Twilight. I will. Hey, why don't we all go? He's always craving attention, like yours truly." Twilight took note of this quick turnaround in Rainbow's emotions. Before she could answer, Spike cleared his throat. "Twi, the princess sent you this." He produced a letter he had coughed up. She took it from Spike: My dearest student, I request your presence posthaste in Canterlot. Perhaps you know of the matter that happened in your town of Ponyville regarding the unicorn Lyra Heartstrings? From what I remember, you two knew each other from your days in Canterlot. I wish to analyze this matter further and could use your help. Please board the next train along with my guardsmen. Your teacher, Princess Celestia Spike looked over her shoulder. "Woah, Twilight. I guess we won't see you for a bit. Are you sure you can't stay to visit Soarin?" "No time. The princess needs me and I'm not going to disappoint her. I'll be back by tomorrow. I promise. ===== January 31, Equestrian 3616 1400 hrs Royal Barracks Training Ground, Crystal Empire ===== Relax Breathe Under five seconds You can do this Up went the targets. With a quick charge, a horn cast six blasts in rapid succession. Each shattered with no terrible trouble. The bell sounded and resonated in the din of the hollow arena. All that remained was one unicorn in the center. His grey coat shone under the light of enchanted lanterns. His headband was slipping off his head, which he adjusted magically. His teal eyes glowed with a vicious amount of determination. He shook his long mane, which always got out of place when he was training and turned to face a wall. "Time?" "5.15 seconds." He breathed a exhalation of desperation. "Set them up again. I'm breaking my best today if it takes me all night." "You did fantastic, sir. Do come up, though. You've been summoned." He grunted a bit under his breath and walked up the stairs towards the control room. Inside, the various knobs and levers used to train the royal guard had been shut down. The crystal pony behind the controls nodded to the unicorn and introduced the messenger as one of the Nightguard. The unicorn nodded "How's it been, Willow. Is the teacher mysterious as ever?" The bat-like pegasus by the name of Willow chuckled under his breath. "You'll wish she'd be a bit more mysterious this time around." He produced a letter from his saddle bag which the unicorn levitated and read. My magnanimous student, I read your progress nightly, and it has come to my attention you are the best for the job. There has been an incident in which a unicorn has been taken into questioning at the Royal Court for attacking a pony with magic. Also, my dearest sister, Princess Celestia, has noted a new motivation for your arrival. I have noticed the autumnal moon has begun to misalign with several constellations, including the high stars Equuleus. This, of course, will tell you everything you need to know. That is, if your Fates Studies are proficient, which, from what I read, having been dropping off. Take the next train into Canterlot and see me as soon as you arrive. Your teacher, Princess Luna As the letter fell to the ground, the arena operator picked it up the letter. "Woah. This seems much more important than training. I'll let you go now. And sir, do you need me to pack anything?" He smiled with confidence. "No need. I've had my suitcase packed long in advance. Even if I didn't have it, this shouldn't take a day. Besides, no offense," the unicorn said, turning to the crystal pony, "but I rather been waiting to get called back to Canterlot. One can only take so much sparkling."