//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: The Aura // Story: The Prophesy // by LightningBolt0308 //------------------------------// Chapter 2: The Aura [4:00pm, 67th of Spring, 1003 C.R.] [Cantralot, Royal Castle] After meeting the Doctor I told him what happened and he told me that he was the one who stopped the Jabberwock a year ago. After that he brought me to the royal castle in Cantralot. "But Princess, we found him, and I casted the spell that should've brought him to Equestria!" Twilight said to Princess Celestia. "The spell would have brought him here if he was the one!" The Princess said rejecting Twilight's statement. Then a blue box that read "police public call box" on it suddenly appeared next to Twilight. Out stepped a brown coated earthpony stallion with a brown mane with light blue eyes along with a grey coated alicorn colt with a blue and dark blue mane with blue eyes. "Hello every pony!" I boomed not noticing Princess Celestia. "What in tarnation! Who are you?!" Applejack asked while noticing I was an alicorn. "Don't you guys remember?! Oh, wait. I forgot that I turned into an alicorn. Guys it's me Jason!" I said while pointing a hoof at a painting of me as a human fighting the Jabberwock on the wall. "Oh yeah, I forgot that Jason would turn into a pony when he came to Equestria. But what where you doing going on adventures with the Doctor?!" Twilight questioned with a mad look on her face. "Actually he appeared in the TARDIS after you casted that spell!" The Doctor said to Twilight. "And we didn't go on any adventures! After we met each other we came here!" "Yeah Twilight." I said while sticking out my tongue. "What!? But- wh- a- GAHW!!!! WHAT THE HEY?!?!" Twilight yelled as she walked away mumbling to herself. "OOOOH!!!! YOU JUST GOT TOLD!!!!" Pinkie Pie yelled while standing on her blacklegs and arching her forelegs in the air. "What is going on here?!" Princess Celestia questioned while chuckling a bit then snapping back serious. "What!!?? Princess!!!! UGH!!!!" Twilight screamed while face-hoofing herself. "Oh, I know what's happening!!!" I yelled wile turning to Twilight. "I have this thing called ADHD, I guess my pill wore off so I'm a bit looko-cooko." "I like it when your pill stops working!!! Your really fun when that happens!!!" Pinkie Pie said while bouncing around me in a circle. "Oh, no. This is gonna be a long 2 years." Twilight wined while dropping her head. [~~~~~~~~~~] One Month Later... [10:00, 54th of Winter, 1425 C.R.] [Manehatten, Cyberpony Factory] "Take this robot pony thingie, whatever you are." I said while bucking off a robot pony's head. "They're called Cyberponies!" The Doctor yelled to me while pointing his sonic screwdriver at a cyberpony causing it to explode. "Will you two just shut up!!! I'm kind of, umm how do I put it, ABOUT TO BECOME ONE OF THEM!!!!" Twilight boasted. "Yeah, yeah I got it!" I said while pushing a button releasing Twilight from the table and stoping the spinning blades above her head. "Ok now to get back to the TARDIS! ALLON-SY!!!!" The Doctor yelled while charging out the room's door pointing his sonic screwdriver ahead. "We're almost there!! There it is!!!!" I said while charging with the Doctor an Twili- "GWAHH!!!!" I, aperently, yelled while getting tripped and grabbed by a cyberpony. "JASON!!!!" The Doctor and Twilight yelled at the same time while watching me get, wait, WHAT!?!? I get electricuted?! But I can't die, not yet its only the second chapter!!!! Oh, I have an idea! ZAP!!!! "What? I'm not dead? But I've been electrocuted?!" I questioned the Doctor, Twilight, and the cyberpony grabbing me. "DELETE?!" The cyberpony wondered after electrocuting me. "Ok I'm just gonna take this moment to- AHH!!!! Why am I glowing?!?!?!" I asked myself while punching the cyberpony's head off with my foreleg's hoof. "Who cares?! Get in the TARDIS!!!!" Twilight yelled while pointing her hoof towards the TARDIS. "Umm, I care!!! That's who!!!" I yelled at Twilight. "Ok, both of you stop yelling at each other and get in the TARDIS!! I'll even do a scan on you Jason to see what's going on!!!!" The Doctor yelled to us while we nodded our heads in agreement. "Ok, running the scan." The Doctor said as pushed a bunch of buttons. "Oh come on!" "What is it?! Am I gonna die!?!?" I asked while pulling him up to me staring him strait in his eyes. "Uhh, no. It that you ponies are so magical and stuff that my TARDIS can't work properly on you." The Doctor said while backing up. "Well I can do a check up like thing with my horn!" Twilight said with a smile. "Ok. By the way have you ever done this before Twilight?" I asked as her horn started shining. "Nope!" Twilight answered while grinning. "Hmm, seems like your perfectly fine! But there is one thing." "WHAT?!?!" I yelled at her with wide eyes. "I couldn't find out why your glowing. Oh! I got an idea! I can check your aura!!" Twilight said while lightning up her horn again. "AHHH!!!!" Twilight screamed while wrapping her head with her whooves. "TWILIGHT!!!! Are you ok!?!?" The Doctor screamed while going over two her. "Jason's... Aura... It's so bright... Brighter than both the princesses... It's so bright it's not... Stinging my eyes... It's burning my brain!!!" Twilight said while stopping her magic, and passing out. "What does that mean?!?!" I screamed while running to Twilight. "She passed out, I'll take her two her room in the TARDIS, and put her in bed." The Doctor said while picking up Twilight and putting her on his back. Thirty Minutes Later... [Time Vortex, TARDIS, Control Room] "Twilight! Your awake!" The Doctor said with a small smile. "What about the cyberponies?" Twilight asked with a tired face. "Oh! Earlier Jason went out and helped all the ponies that weren't converted yet, then he sabotaged one of the machines and started it, it exploded and caused a chain of explosions which soon blew up the entire factory! Well that's what he told me." The Doctor said while rubbing his chin with his hoof. "And where is he now?" Twilight asked while looking around. "Oh, he's in the game room." The Doctor said while looking down what seemed to be an endless hallway. "We have a game room?!" Twilight asked while her mouth dropped. "He didn't tell you? Oh, by the way, I found out that I was glowing because I absorbed the electricity." I said while walking past Twilight. "How did you find out?" Twilight asked. "And how come your not glowing anymore?" "Well, I picked up a controller, you know how static electricity shocks you a bit? Well that happened to me when I touched the controller, but it wasn't static elecricity, it was the electricity that the cyberpony electrified me with." I explained to them while looking at my hoof. "How did you know it was that electricity, not static?" The Doctor asked. "Well... You see... The controller exploded... But! When I got back from washing the ashes off my face. The controller was fixed!" I explained while looking at the ground then back up with a serious face. "That was the TARDIS. If any type of device that came with the TARDIS it gets fixed by the TARDIS. Like my sonic screwdriver." The Doctor explained. "Cool! Oh, Twilight I've been meaning to ask you. What was with my aura?" I asked. "Your aura was so bright! It was brighter than the princesses'! Probably as bright as the Elements of Harmony!" Twilight said with a astonished face. "What does my bright aura mean?! Is it bad?!" I asked with a scared face. "No. It's the opposite, it's really good." Twilight said. "Your aura pretty much shows how much magic power a pony has, so since you have such a huge aura, you have as much magic power as the Elements of Harmony, maybe even more!" "That... Is... So... EPIC!!!!" I yelled jumping in the air doing a backflip. "Wow, I didn't know I could do a backflip! We should start heading back to our own timezone." "Ok, Twilight can you get that green button, and Jason get that blue fat lever! And here we go!" The Doctor yelled as he cranked some knobs.