Dysphoria, Arc 2: Ponyville

by thedarkprep

9. Epilogue?

9. Epilogue?

So, that’s Arc 2 of Dysphoria. What did you think?

I feel like my writing is getting better, and even though there were less chapters, they were longer and I got to really explore the characters. However, you may have thought my writing was awful and clunky, and that’s ok too.

So, what happens next?

Well, as I said during the last Epilogue? I planned Arcs 1 and 2 alongside Arc 3.

If you're reading this, then that means that the first chapter of Dysphoria, Arc 3: Canterlot (otherwise known as "Rose finally becomes an active character!") is up and you should go read it now!

As I have also previously explained, Arc 3 will be more of an Adventure piece taking place in Canterlot, exploring some of the time bombs that I set up in this arc. Not only that, but I mean it in regards to Rose actually getting to do things. In Arcs 1 and 2 she was passive in that things happened to her and that her existence (not actions) changed those around her. In Arc 3, she makes choices, acts on them, and takes her life into her own hooves!

Should be fun right?

Well.. at least I'm excited...

The one thing I should mention is that, since I'm still trying to figure out the best time to post schedules to get people that haven't already read the story to look at it, I will be tweaking my release schedule a bit.

I'll still update at least every Monday and Friday, but I will do so at 6pm EST rather than 5.
I hope it's not that much of an inconvenience.

Oh, and I also said I'd explain what made chapter 5 so special right?

While I was writing Chapter 5, something interesting happened. Normally I plan and outline the story in advance. This involves writing the characters, the events, and their importance for me to fill out later.

Octavia was originally supposed to be just a character that shows up, exposes on things in Canterlot, disapproves of Rose, but then gets over it. However, when I was writing the chapter things felt wrong and I revised it multiple times, making severe changes until that chapter was less about Canterlot, and more about Octavia’s relationship with Rose and how that had changed. I realized that it was more important to explore how an old friendship deals with this rather than adding exposition, because anything else felt wrong for Octavia.

The is my first instance of a character telling me what to do, and it was awesome. However, it left me in a corner.

I was now basing their relationship on something deep that I had not explored, leaving a huge void to be filled in.

And so I did.

This is me announcing that after I'm done with the story proper, there will be an extra Arc that serves as a prequel to the series. I already outlined the whole thing in a lot, and I do mean A LOT, of detail (the outline is 47,293 words).

Dysphoria, Arc 0: Octavia will be a story about the relationship between Octavia and Slant Rhyme as they grew up in Canterlot society. It will include a bit of romance but will mostly be a story about two friends helping each other through their emotional and mental struggles. The story will have Octavia as the main character, which is exciting for me because she’s quickly growing into my favorite.

I’ll also still be writing the side fics I said I would in my last Epilogue? and other new ideas I get. However, as I said last time, I’m putting most of my focus on finishing the Arcs.

So, to recap:

There is an Arc 3, go read it now!
There will be an Arc 0, go get excited!
I’m working on side fics the second I'm done with the Arcs.
New content at least every Monday and Friday at 6pm EST.

If you want to keep up with it all you need to favorite, follow, and stalk.
Oh, and please share the story? Only if you think it's worth sharing though.

Thank you for reading,


P.S. If you have any questions about anything trans-related or you just want to talk about it, please don’t hesitate to send me a private message. I’d love to help.