
by UnluckyReaver

Chapter 9

Both Celestia and Luna listened intently at the report that Shrouded Armour was giving them regarding Hunter’s disappearance. As the guard captain went on it only lead to more questions such as; how did the diamond dogs get into and out of the castle, why did they kidnap Hunter, and how did they get access to magic. “...and Dr. Triage did confirm that the amount of blood we found would not have come from a life threatening injury.” Shrouded continued as he read over the report. “Finally, giving the strength of the residual magic used to teleport the assailants away we estimate that the spell carried them at least one hundred kilometers away.”

“That is a very large area, Captain.” Celestia said as she tried to visualize the distance Shrouded Armour was talking about. “Is that even possible? The amount of power required to do something like that would be immense.”

“The amount of power required for such a feat would strain even the most gifted of unicorns.” Luna added. “Are you saying that the diamond dogs have gained that much power?”

“I am saying that we must be open to the possibility of something like that.” Shrouded explained. “Several search parties have been dispatched, but without knowing the direction that they fled in the chances of finding Hunter at this point are slim.”

“Thank you Captain Shrouded Armour that will be all.” Celestia dismissed the lunar guard captain. Shrouded bowed to the two princesses and exited the room.

“What should we do now sister?” Luna asked.

“We wait.” Celestia answered. “Unless... no, I will not ask that of you.”

“Ask me what?”

“One way to communicate with somepony without knowing their location or having a previously established link is your ability to dream walk. Given the subject of Hunter’s last dream I was unsure if you would be willing to re-enter them.”

“I’m sorry sister but I do not think I can do that, not after what I saw last time.” Luna informed her sister, hanging her head slightly as she did. “I... I just can’t; I’m too afraid of what I might find.”

Celestia wrapped one of her forelegs around Luna comfortingly. “It’s alright sister.” she said soothingly. “I won’t ask you to something that makes you so uncomfortable.”

“This is intolerable!” Lady Prestidigitation yelled at her two advisors. “How could no one have predicted this? The human vanishes from the middle of the castle, rumors of diamond dogs not only getting past the guards but also wielding magic? How could this have happened?”

“My prediction of the human and the mare in the moon still holds.” Match Maker said. “This could be the catalyst event that pushes Princess Luna into becoming Nightmare Moon once more.”

“That gives me a sense of both relief and terror. We still have time to prevent the princess from falling back into darkness. We must be watchful and ensure that Princess Luna’s feelings for this human do no grow. What about you Foresight, has your vision changed?”

“It has, but only for the worst.” Foresight said. “I still see him wielding the power of fire and thunder but now he striking down all around him regardless if they are friend or foe. I also see a dark void, an emptiness where something very important to him once was. He is filled with a rage so terrifying that even the sun pales in comparison to it.”

“That is a frightening thing to consider, and it has placed us in a difficult position.” Prestidigitation said as she scratched her shin with her hoof. “Should your first vision come to pass, then the human and the mare in the moon shall overthrow Celestia and rule all of Equestria in a reign of terror. However, should he loose her, either literally or metaphorically, he will vent his anger on the entire kingdom. It would appear that the only way to avoid either scenario would be to give the human something else to focus on. Yes, the best solution is to have the human fall in love with somepony else before he and the princess fall for each other.”

“What if that does not work?”

“There is always a more... permanent solution we could undertake.”

“This is a complete disaster!” Royal Blood yelled as he brought his hooves down, slamming them into the table. “All you had to do was to get that human to say yes, one small three letter word, and you couldn’t even do that could you? No, you couldn’t. Now all of the plans that were hinged on the human joining are now all for nothing!”

“Is it really that bad father?” Blue Blood asked. “Is not having that thing as a part of our family that terrible?”
“You idiot! I didn’t want him as a part of my family! I wanted to use him. Don’t you know anything about your own family history?”

“Family history? The story that you used to tell me when I was a colt, the one about our ancestors hiding something of immense power in a vault that no pony can open that’s true?”

“Yes that story is true. Your great-grandfather found the location of the vault, all we needed was the human to open it. Now, with him gone all of our plans are worthless. All because you couldn’t get the human to say ‘yes’.”

“But father-”

“But nothing! None of the other families were offering him anything! Lulamoon rejected him, Twilight Hall has never approached him, and the University has barely shown an interest. So the failure is yours and it is now up to you to make it right.”

“Yes, father.”

“Why would they take Hunter?” Stargazer asked. “What could the diamond dogs possibly have to gain by such an act? Do they really think that the princesses will let this go unchallenged?”

“Maybe they feel that what they get out of kidnapping the human outweighs the risk,” Valiant Heart answered, “or maybe they want the princesses to do something about it.”

“You’re suggesting that the human is bait to draw the sun and the moon out of the palace?” a hooded figure with a deep voice asked.

“It is possible; the only other explanation is that the human has something the nopony knows about.”

“And what would that something be?” a figure with a quiet voice whispered.

“I don’t know, that’s the point.”

“There was that rumor,” Stargazer said, “the one about the human having something with him when he first arrived. Something that could change Equestria forever.”

“That is exactly what we wanted from him.” the deep voice one said. “We wanted the sun to see the human as a threat. The plan was to use the human do destabilize the sun and the moon. Since the kidnapping the human has become a unifying force between them.”

“What do you suggest we do?”

“We will turn the human into their common enemy. Faced with both the sun and the moon the human will have no choice but to turn him into their enemy. Then when they have all but destroyed each other we step in and become the heroes of the day.”

Kruger stared at the paper that was his report to the Griffon Kingdom. Gathering his thoughts the griffon put the quill to the page.

It now appears that a pack of diamond dogs have managed to break into the castle and kidnap the human. At this time it is unclear how the diamond dogs managed to breach the castle’s security but the prevailing theory is that they have somehow acquired magic. Furthermore it is also unclear why the diamond dogs would gain by taking the human. There are, of course, the usual abundance of rumor and theories regarding this matter. The most common on is in regards to the human having or knowing something that can change Equestira forever.

It is my recommendation that patrols on or near the Equestrian Border be instructed to watch for the human. Should the human be discovered we should render any aid we can give before he is either returned to Canterlot or into the Griffon Kingdom. It would also be prudent to note that when deciding on what to do with the human we should take into consideration any request he makes. His strength and relative size could, and most likely will, prove to be a danger should he become angered. (See my last report on a confrontation between the human and a pegasus guard.) Fortunately, his mindset is quite similar to that of a griffon’s; several times I have found myself thinking that humans are to griffons like earth ponies are to pegasi. Finally I recommended caution when deploying troops towards the Equestrian Border; seeing as this is an unprecedented event it is difficult to predict what limits the princess’ actions.

Kruger, Ambassador to Equestria

“... and that’s everything that’s happened since you’ve left, sir.” Private Swiftstrike informed Shining Armour.
Shining Armour blinked is amazement. “How is that even possible?” he asked. “Has anything been done about it?”

“Shrouded Armour has sent out search parties, but it is doubtful that they will turn up anything useful. In the meantime Princess Celestia would like you to reorganise the guards and the patrol routes. She has also requested an increase in the number of recruits being trained both for the Solar and the Lunar Guard.”

“Are things really that bad that the Princess actually wants to increase the guard?”

“Ponies are nervous right now, sir. Diamond dogs wielding magic have kidnapped a guest from the royal suites. I’m sure the increase is just precautionary.”

“I suppose that it was only a matter of time before this happened.” Shining sighed. “With Nightmare Moon’s return, Discord’s escape, the changeling invasion, Sobra’s return and finally this; it finally all adding up.”

“The moon doesn’t seem as bright as it normally does, sister.” Celestia noted as the moon climbed over the horizon. “Is everything alright?”

“It’s nothing sister,” Luna sighed, “I guess the whole thing with Hunter still is bothering me.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure that everything will work out.” Celestia moved next to Luna and draped a wing around her sister.

“I’m going to try it, I’m going to walk in his dreams again.” Luna said he voice filling with confidence.

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to do something that you’re uncomfortable with.”

“It will be fine, sister, I can do this. I want to do this.”

“Alright if that is how you feel about it, just be careful. I don’t want to see anything happen to you.”

Luna walked through the dreamscape as she searched for Hunter. Hours passed as the alicorn when from dream to dream. As dawn approached Luna arrived at a grove of cherry trees sitting on the top of a cliff. With a sigh of relief Luna stepped into the grove. “Hunter? It is Luna.” She called out. “If you can hear me please answer.”

“He cannot hear you, but I can.” a female voice called out from behind Luna.

The princess spun around, only to come face to face with the thing she feared. “Nightmare Moon!” Luna gasped. “Why are you here? What have you done with Hunter?”

“Don’t worry I’m not going to do anything bad to him.” Selene answered. “Follow me.”

Selene turned and headed deeper into the grove. Luna hesitated for a moment before following the other alicorn. “Before we get there, I should tell you something.” Selene informed Luna. “Whatever they want from Hunter, he hasn’t given it to them yet. So they’ve started to torture him. The Hunter you find might not be the one you lost.”

As Luna entered the clearing she saw Hunter standing there staring out over the cliff. Hearing the alicorn’s approach Hunter turned to face her. The human’s eyes went wide as a look of relief came to his face only to be replaced with a look of terror. “Selene it’s back! Your spell’s worn off, I can see Luna again!” Hunter yelled as he moved away from Luna and towards Selene.

The black furred alicorn placed a wing around Hunter’s shoulders. “Calm yourself. This is no phantom sent to haunt your dreams.” Selene told him. “This is the real Luna.”

“The real Luna? How... how is Luna here?” Hunter asked as he tried to focus.

“She’s like me, remember?” Selene told him. “We both have the power to visit another’s dream. That is how she’s here. She’s come to save you.”

“You can save me? I’m being held...” Hunter trailed off as he suddenly got a moment of clarity. “No you can’t! You have to stay away. If you try to rescue me they’ll kill...” He trailed off again as he suddenly fade from in front of the two alicorns. A moment later the scenery around them started to fad as well.

“He’s waking up!” Selene blurted out. “I don’t know why he doesn’t want you to save him, but her;” Selene’s horn glowed as images quickly shot into Luna’s mind. “This is what he remembers about where we are. I don’t know how much longer he can hold out. You have to find him and save him!”

“Why are you doing this?” Luna asked.

“Because... because I care about him.” Selene said then, along with the rest of the world, vanished from Luna’s eyes.

Luna suddenly found herself in her own room where she had started the search hours ago. Taking a moment to ensure that she was awake and in her own room, the princess rushed out of the room. Luna raced across the hall and into her sister’s room. “Tia! Tia! I found him!” Luna shouted as she burst through the door.

“Found who, sister?” Celestia asked blinking in confusion over Luna’s entrance.

“Hunter! I found where he had been taken to!”

“Slow down, Luna; start from the beginning and tell me what happened.”

Luna spent the next several minutes explaining everything to Celestia. From the hours of searching, to finding Hunter, even her confrontation with Nightmare Moon. “As he woke, Nightmare Moon showed me where they had taken him.” Luna concluded.

“Are you sure we can trust Nightmare Moon’s information?” Celestia found herself being forced to ask.

“I think so, sister.” Luna stated. “Hunter appeared to trust her in the dreamrealm, and her concern for him did appear genuine.”

“Even so, the place she showed you is two days of continuous flying away. It would take a normal pegasus twice or three times that.”

“Then I shall my Lunar Guard and we shall depart immediately.”

“Are you sure that is a wise idea? The griffons might misinterpret you actions as the first move in a war against them.”

“If we attempt the rescue, the griffons might think we are planning a war with them. If we let the actions of these diamond dogs go unchallenged, the other nations will think that we are unable to protect our own borders and go to war with us.”

“Point taken, sister. Very well, assemble your guard and save the human.”

“Lady Prestidigitation, we are out of time! Princess Luna has begun planning a rescue mission.” Foresight informed Lady Prestidigitation.

“I wish that it would not have come to this,” Prestidigitation said solemnly, “but I can no longer see any alternative. If Princess Luna rescue’s the human his feelings for her will become unbreakable. Inform the others, we must eliminate this threat before it takes root.”

“The princess cannot be allowed to rescue him before we do. Send out every agent you can. I want them to capture the human and bring him before me. I will not allow this opportunity to get away, not when we are this close to opening the vault and claiming the power within it.” Royal Blood all but yelled at his son.

Emergency Missive
The Princesses have managed to find the human.
Location would appear to be near the Griffon-Equestria border.
Ponies are sending rescue force.
Advice patrols in the area to observe, but not to intervene.
Kruger, Ambassador to Equestria.

“This is an opportunity that we cannot pass.” the cloaked figure with a deep voice said. “We will eliminate the moon, and place the blame on the human.”

“Hearing that the human killed his would be rescuer will send the sun into a blind rage.” the whispering one added.

“Once that happens it will not be difficult for us to seize control.”