//------------------------------// // Chapter Two // Story: Like Brother, Like Sister? // by Mazzeyle //------------------------------// Chapter 2 Metamorpha It was really surprising how few ponies were out. Not that they could see us. We were under an enchantment that rendered us virtually invisible. Anypony that looked up may see a flock of birds, but would suspect nothing. As a changeling of moderate rank, I commanded a small group of 15. We were the backups. After the initial groups used all their strength to breach the wall, we would fly in to do whatever the queen wishes. We flew and flew, eventually the buzzing of everyone’s wings got to me; I was ready to be in Canterlot dammit! But from the look on my brother’s face, he was anything but eager to be there. Some ponies say that changelings are one hive mind with no individuals. While this is far from true for those of decent rank, something about everyling else’s excitement made it contagious. I was ready! We had hundreds of our kind, and Canterlot would be sooo busy with their cute little princess’s wedding that they would not have their guard up. We knew about the barrier, we knew they were expecting something, but surely they wouldn't be prepared for this? Hah! Who cares? We will be victorious! My doubts faded away to the hum of our wings working at full power. ~ Variation I was terrified. This is an emotion I had never felt before and never thought I would. Usually when I get worried, Metamorpha quells my fears, but now, I was quickly losing faith in her. In only a few hours her face morphed from grim fortitude to wild anticipation! What was she doing? She knew this was a bad idea; we had discussed it hours before and she agreed with me! I would have tried to talk her down, but we were flying so fast, I doubt that the sound would carry. With nothing better to do, I checked on our troops. Our 15 low-rank changelings buzzed right along, occasionally exchanging hisses of anticipation. These type of changelings are why ponies think we are a hive mind. Upper rank changeling call them, not so affectionately, “goons”, because, that is all they really are. Goons are so stupid; they are almost incapable of following more than a simple task. They even look dumb. Gender-less and hornless, they look more like insects than changelings. They give all changelings a bad name. I picked up my speed and slowly crept back to my place next to my sister, but not before I saw something odd, a flash of cobalt, rapidly growing in size. I paused a few too many moments before I realized what it was. I shouted as loudly as I possibly could “We are under attack!” The blue light, which was in fact, a magical attack, came dangerously close to my left wing, skyrocketed past with a loud hiss. Metamorpha quickly bore right; I shadowed leading the goons behind me. Who was attacking us? How did they see us? Another discharge of magic was unleashed, but not before we picked up speed. Unfortunately for them, two of our goons were not as fast as Metamorpha and I, and were hit with the blast. Their bodies drifted to the ground, lifeless. We lost two! No matter, we would manage without them. Our speed carried us swiftly away from the origin of the attack, but we did not decrease our speed until we were very, very far away. I was getting hungry, not a feeling you want to get on your way to the climactic battle. How would we manage to quickly drum up love in a single night? We had to feed quickly because we were only given two days and one night to reach our destination. Could we fight on unfilled stomachs? ~ Metamorpha Damn it! Two down, how many more to go? We would never have enough soldiers in Canterlot at this rate! “Variation! We need to apprise the nearby units of this! Slow your pace!” I shouted over the winds. Variation nodded before moving back toward the goons to tell them we would be decelerating. “Thank you, Brother.” I said at a more comfortable volume , “I need to conjure a message and attach it to one of the goons, I know we cannot truly spare another, but it is important that we let the others know.” “I agree” Variation simply replied. I concentrated on forming a note. First I formed the paper, then the words on it. Producing something from nothing was not an easy task; hard for even the simplest things, anything remotely complex would be next to impossible except for those greatly talented in magic. The document said simply: Blue magic, probably unicorn. Hit troops, two down. Attacker appears to be able to see through illusion. Be careful. Any more words than that would have been too exerting. I had Variation secure the note to the fastest goon’s flank and give it orders to fly to the commanders of as many legions as it could find. We were a good day’s fly away from Canterlot and fading fast, we needed rest and if possible, nourishment. Variation and I decided that we were ready to stop, and decided the nearby not quite a town of Dodge Junction was a good choice. We prepared our predetermined disguises- a family of lost, hungry and tired ponies looking for a place to stay for the night. While not as sweet as love, pity is a form of it, and would give us the energy that we would surely need in Canterlot. Honestly, I automatically hate any form that was not my own. Some changelings love transforming and the “rush” that it gives them. I have no such fondness. Since there are very few alicorns in this world, I have to choose, wings or horn; magic, or flight. And I hated it. My form was simple, a pegasus with a light purple coat; blue eyes, mane, and tail; and a purposely vague cutie mark of a pencil. Variations form was only slightly different. He donned a deep blue coat, teal mane and tail, and a cutie mark of a paintbrush, just as ambiguous as mine. The goons were replaced by bouncy foals and aloof teenager-ponies, looking bored. When we had sufficiently checked our appearances, we started the short walk toward Dodge Junction.