Brotherhood is Magic

by GauntletsofRai


Thomas shuffled his feet as he stood at the door to the Princess' study, feeling a powerful sense of deja vu. And like every other time he had entered through those carved mahogany doors, he felt incredibly nervous. But unlike all the other times he had stood before this door, he felt not a sense of hope, but a sense of doubt.

A sense of doubt towards the Princess that he would have never thought possible. He had always had suspicions about the legend of Nightmare Moon, but whenever he brought the subject to light, the Princess would become very quiet, or change the subject completely. He had thought this strange at first, but he had rid himself of those worries as soon as they had come. But now, Thomas was left standing at that familiar door, wondering if the Princess was as righteous as he had always thought.

If the legends were true, Princess Celestia had once been part of a pair of sisters that guided the sun and moon through the sky. And if those legends were true, she had banished her only sister to exile on the very moon she had once guided through the sky. And if those legends held even a smidgen of truth, the Princess had replaced the facts they contained with superstitions and old mare's tales that held no meaning whatsoever.

But this was not some childish Nightmare Night dribble about offering your candy to an old statue. There was an actual demon-possessed sibling of the princess looking to take over the entire known world, and for all intents and purposes, the Princess had kept it a secret and had done nothing about it!

Thomas steeled himself and pushed open the two wooden doors as forcefully as he could, ready for some answers. He stormed into the study as the Princess was pouring over a map, her hands clasped behind her back. Apparently, she had not heard him enter. "Princess Celestia! Something terrible is happening!"

The Princess turned around to face him, her face contorting into a very practiced shape of worry and concern. "Thomas! Thank goodness you're back!" She approached him, her hands wringing themselves nervously. Thomas had never seen the Princess like this, and it didn't help to quail his growing sense of worry. "There is a very dark presence I am feeling tonight." She turned her head and whispered under her breath, "One that I have not felt in many years..."

Thomas spoke again, but softer this time. "Princess... what is this dark force?"

She turned away, bearing a look that was the closest thing to shame that Thomas had ever seen on her face. "It... It seems you already know." She turned back around, clutching her wrist in one hand, her voice uneven. "Thomas, you must trust that I had no idea what this disturbance was the days before I sent you out, our else I would not have pitted you against this threat."

Thomas stared at the floor with his head turned downward. "So you knew. All this time, you knew it was a real and true threat, and you lied to me! Why?"

The Princess covered her face as she turned around. Was she actually crying? Thomas had never even seen a hint of a tear appear on her face. "Please, Thomas. Please respect my decision. I never lied to you, but I did withhold the truth, which is just as terrible." She turned around, her regal features made more human by her tumultuous emotions. "I've known you for so many years Thomas. Please understand that I knew just what you would do, were I to tell you about Nightmare Moon." She seemed to cringe at the name as she spoke it. "Would you not have charged against this force alone, even without my consent?"

It was now Thomas' turn to look away in shame. It was true, the Princess knew him much too well. And while he now understood it was for his own good that she withheld the information, he could not help but feel somewhat betrayed. He knew, it was a childish emotion to feel, and that he should be grateful for her thoughtfulness, but the feeling just wouldn't go away.

He stepped up as close to the Princess as he was willing, and hid his growing emotions under a tone of determination. "Princess Celestia. I need to face this threat. This, Nightmare Moon... if she's as powerful as the legends imply, she could over-through you, given enough time. Already, she's gathering an army of literal darkness. If I don't stop her now, then there won't even be a chance!" He stepped up the stairs to the raised half of the study, taking one of the Princess' hands in his. "I've seen the power that she wields. She's already given some of it to a man calling himself General Nightshade. The group of us that you chose, we defeated him and about twenty of his foot soldiers just hours ago. If we can find her, we have a chance of destroying the Nightmare Moon once and for all! So please, give me your blessing to lead my men to destroy this thing. I would at least feel better if you supported my plans."

All traces of worry suddenly disappeared from the Princess' face. She grasped Thomas' hand tighter and tighter. "You said that you all defeated her general and a full squadron? Almost too easily?" Thomas shook his head in affirmative, causing the Princess to encircle him in a full embrace. "Thomas, you did it! Well done, Thomas, well done indeed!"

Thomas stared at her questioningly. "What did I do?"

She broke the embrace and held him by the forearms as excitement filled her features. "It seems I was correct in my choices after all!" She tightened her grip on his arms as she spoke. "Why do you think I assigned you these five men? DO you feel a sense of connection towards them?" Thomas once again nodded his affirmation. "Then, Thomas my boy, you've experienced the magic of friendship!"

Thomas let his arms go limp, dropping them from the Princess' grasp. His mouth hung open in disbelief. He mouthed out soundless words as the gears in his head failed to move. "You sent me on a dangerous and possibly fatal mission... just so you could make me get some FRIENDS?!?!?"

The Princess chuckled at Thomas, who was still locked in disbelief. "Thomas, this is no small matter. Remember, when you fought that General. The feeling of strength, indomitable strength, coursed through you, did it not? You experienced just what the power of friendship can accomplish! If I ever had any doubts before... Oh, this changes everything Thomas! If there is anyone that can bring the Nightmare to justice, it is the six of you, I'm sure of it!"

The Princess ascended to the top of the stairs, looking down at Thomas. "Thomas, you have my blessing. Go and bring the lands of Equestria to their rightful balance once more!"

Thomas nodded enthusiastically and tensed his body. "Thank you, Princess! I won't let you down!" He turned to go before rebuking himself and striking his face with an outstretched palm. "Um, you wouldn't happen to know where the Nightmare is hiding, would you Princess?"

Princess Celestia chuckled lightly and then darkened a shade, loosing herself in deep thought that visibly darkened the room. She snapped back to awareness, turning to Thomas. "The old castle... yes, she always loved it their. Deep in the Everfree forest, there are certain old ruins. You will most likely find her there. Be safe Thomas, the Everfree is extremely dangerous."

Thomas sighed and turned to leave. "I know, Princess. I promise, we will be careful. He stopped half way between the door and the raised dais and turned around. "Oh, wait! The General said something about 'The Elements.' Are they of any concern at all?"

The Princess masked her excitement as she turned back to face Thomas. "You could say that, yes. But don't worry. He won't get his hands on them any time soon. And neither will the Nightmare. As long as the six of you stay together, The Elements will always be safe."

Thomas looked puzzled for a moment, but turned to leave anyways. "Alright, Princess. I trust you." He pulled the large wooden doors inward and headed down the hallway at a brisk pace as they closed back in place. His steps rang through the alabaster castle walls with purpose and precision. Adrenaline coursed through his veins like holy fire. He emerged into the chambers where his men, his allies, no... his friends awaited him. They stood at attention as he reached them, his eyes glowing with equal parts determination and pure magic. "Alright guys, enough waiting around. It's time for one final mission!"

* * *

Dale- er, General Nightshade lost his breath as his body slid through the endless void. With the scene of his shameful defeat still embossed into his memory, he felt the powerful tug of reality compressing him into tangible space with a puff of thick black smoke. He fell to the ground, choking and gripping his torso where he had received numerous blows. He coughed up a little blood that looked a shade darker than it probably should have and pushed himself off of his knees.

He had thought himself just short of invincible ever since his glorious transformation, and yet those six common fools had given him the beating of a lifetime. He had tested his armor and had witnessed it's strength. He had even thrown himself against a rock from ten feet in the air, and he walked away without a scratch! The material was flexible yet stronger than any steel he had seen, and had even deflected that first arrow like it was an acorn thrown by a child. How then could those simpletons beat him so thoroughly that he felt it's toll through, what was in his mind, the strongest material in the known world? He limped through the growth of forest around the ruins of the castle, still clutching his midsection as he stumbled through the tunnel that led to his dark Queen's chambers.

He recalled the image of his untimely demise, focusing on that one purple wizard. That despicable imbecile had destroyed his entire group of shadow knights with only one spell! And then proceeded to beat the living tar out of him like a cheap horse! His image began to burn into his eyelids. He couldn't even blink without seeing that disgusting, impudent, inbred excuse for a wizard pointing his little magic stick right in his face. Dale (General Nightshade, dammit!) had had his share of sorrow and unjust circumstances, which ingrained him with quite a hefty contempt for most of the outside world, but as he remembered that purple idiot, the only person standing between him and invincibility, he began to feel a powerful emotion well up inside of him. More powerful than petty contempt, more powerful than a child's sullen alienation from the world. He felt the most powerful and destructive emotion known to man...


* * *

He approached the newly erected cave door with a crushing anxiety. He knew that it was incredibly embarrassing to show up so empty-handed, but he just didn't know what to do next. But he had faith that his lovely dark Queen would understand his situation and forgive her most prized General.

He spotted her as the doors slid soundlessly open, her sleek form bent over a large map on a low stone table. He approached a few steps forward and then dropped to his knee. She had not yet acknowledged his presence, so he cleared his voice and addressed her with a strained voice. "My Queen, I have returned!"

It was then that she acknowledged him, turning around and facing him with her most lovely smile, showing her beautiful straight teeth in contrast to her sumptuous midnight lips. "Why, General Nightshade! How quickly you return to me! I am most pleased-" She stopped midway between him and the table, tensing up and dropping the smile as quickly as she had produced it. "Where are the Elements? I trust you have them, or else you would not bother me at this moment." After a few seconds of awkward gaze-dodging from Dale, the dark Queen sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose with two slender black-tipped fingers. She alleviated her rage and forced a sigh. "Oh well! I suppose you will just have to go fetch them once more!" She sighed once more and massaged her temples. "I am assuming that you have gained the trust of the Night Brothers, yes?" She added with a dry and mirthless chuckle. "I know that old fool Nightclaw would follow me into a shallow grave, had I asked him."

Dale cringed and looked away before answering. "M-my Queen... The Moon Brothers accepted our invitation into our forces without argument, but..."

The Queen's breathing began to quicken in intensity. She spoke through clenched teeth. "But what? My. Dear. General?" She spat out her words one by one, like poisonous arrows.

"Well... It was all that purple wizard's fault! He set them all to running with their tails between their legs, and then he finished off all of the shadow knights!"

The once beautiful fave of the dark Queen contorted into a mask of pure rage, not unlike that of a snarling wolf with pointed fangs. She sent forth a tangible shadow that snaked out through the air and caught him by the throat, lifting him slightly into the air until he was in an uncomfortable position between a crouch and standing. "And I suppose this 'purple wizard' gave you these unsightly bruises? Are you telling me that a measly wizard defeated you, a league of shadow knights, and an entire warg army by himself?!" She shook him back and forth through the air like a dog with its prey. "Answer me you pathetic fool!"

Dale choked as he was thrown around by the neck, a few tears rolling down his cheeks. He spat out a few choked-out syllables as answers. "No! *hack* five others! Nothing *cough* like I've ever seen! *wheeze* So powerful!"

Her eyes were pried off of him as the stone entrance to the cave slid open and several burdened shadow knights entered at a brisk but deliberate pace. "State your business now or leave at once!" The foremost knight dropped to his knees and produced a large smooth sphere of stone from under a bolt of cloth.

The Princess gasped in delight and absently swatted Dale into the stone wall of the cave, knocking out what little breath he had retained and jarring his bruised ribs. The dark Queen approached the stone, hesitant at first, and placed a slender white hand onto it's smooth surface. Her lips curled into a predatory smile as she ran a finger over the smooth sphere. "The others, where are they?"

The group of knights produced four other stones, equally as smooth, causing the dark Queen to produce a low and sinister chuckle. She shot a glance over to where Dale lay, broken and coughing up a trickle of blood. "Well, at least someone around here serves their purpose." She approached him, sending out a lighter midnight blue cloud that forced itself into his nose and mouth. He felt the haze creeping through his body with a sickening slither, pooling around his internal injuries. He gasped as a sensation like ice cold water splashed over him. The haze began to mend him internally, producing smaller after-shocks of cold energy. The Queen observed him with contempt as he steadied himself on his feet. "Perhaps you will serve more use as a sentry. Seeing as how these mindless sendings have already done your job for you, it seems only fair that you should replace them as guards in the castle Ruins."

Dale stood to his full height, struggling to contain his quickly rising emotions. He stared sullenly at the ground before looking back at the Queen. "I want to see my mother. You said you could bring her back, well where is she? I want to see her!" He punctuated the end of his statement by raising his voice, and cringing at the reverberated sound thrown back at him by the circular cave, not realizing he had started to scream.

The dark Queen gave him a fittingly dark look that bore holes through his very being. Quick as lightning, she drew back her hand and sent a solid cloud of black smoke, comically shaped like a hand, shooting across the distance between them to strike him firmly across the face. He covered the bright red whelp that it left protectively, shrinking against the wall as the Queen approached him. She regarded him with contempt, folding her arms before her. "If you will remember, I offered to return you your precious mother as a reward for completing the task I set before you. I do not give out rewards for unfinished jobs! Now go and stand guard outside, and I will consider bringing her back to you at a later date of my choosing!"

He straightened his back and bowed deeply, quickly wiping away the tear that began to roll down his cheek. He stalked briskly out of the cave past the Queen and the silent shadow knights, still holding a hand to the whelp on his cheek. He kept his brisk pace down the subterranean tunnel, breathing hard. He finally stopped about a hundred feet from the door, positively fuming. He took a long look at his new right hand, watching the smooth black surface ripple with unseen tendons. He then reared back and plunged it half a foot into the stone walls of the tunnel, shouting in pure fury as chunks of rock were sent in every direction. He pried out his hand and sunk down to the floor, his back against the wall of the tunnel.

Tortuous cries of pain and sorrow drifted eerily through the tunnel as he pounded the ground with his fists, making a sizable indention in the tunnel floor with each blow. Once again, just like every event in his life, he had failed. A failure that had cost him the trust and admiration of his beloved Queen. At first, he had looked upon her and saw nothing but dark and powerful beauty and a kind face that had made him strong in his time of weakness. Now, she was one of the only three people who had ever loved him, two of which were dead, and she was ashamed of him.

As he lay crying and clawing at the ground, the image of that insipid wizard burned bright and painful through his closed eyes. He and those five lackeys of his, all standing over him, mocking him, wrenching away the only good feelings he had ever had about himself and turning them against him. If it was not for that wizard, he would have found the Elements, and he would get the Queen's praise, and HE would lead the armies of darkness into the heart of the sun-loving world!

The hatred for that wizard ingrained deep into his vision burned bright and hot within him, blurring his vision as he stalked murderously down the tunnel towards the surface, muttering to himself. "I'll kill him... I'll kill him... I'll kill him... I'll KILL him..."

* * *