//------------------------------// // Fear Asunder // Story: Destiny Is Not A Choice // by Sempre Luna //------------------------------// All around, destruction was flung about. Green flames licked away at the ground. Armies marched across the land. Architecture became warped and twisted beyond recognition. Ponies submissively turned their backs to the princess that had ruled over them. All the while, Princess Celestia could not do a single thing. Her powers depleted, her body scarred, her trusted student and her friends...unknown. They never came to save her. Now her greatest foes stood above her. Discord. Queen Chrysalis. King Sombra. All about to deliver their final blows. "NO! I SHALL BE HONORED TO BEGIN THE STRIKE, FOR TOO LONG SHE HURT ME!" They stood back, parting to reveal an alicorn warrior as tall as the princess. Her armor was glowing with powerful magic. It was Nightmare Moon, her sister and trusted friend. "Luna, why do you side with the ones who hurt you? Have you no reason? Look deep in your heart and realize what you are doing." Luna leaned in to face her sister head on and whispered slowly to her, "It is, how you say, funny. I asked the same thing. Just before you banished me to rot and wither upon the face of the forsaken moon." "I thought you had changed." "I have changed, my sister. And you let it happen. Now I know what it means to have power, to be respected, to be worshipped, as you were for centuries! I could not have without the aid of my friends. And my master." "Your master?" "Yes. Perhaps you are familiar with him. Watch as he awakens once more to command the world with his brilliance!" The ground shook, and from the south, the smoke began to funnel towards Canterlot. Vicious dragons, ones trained to be brutal in any way, came before the princess. The worst had arrived, the fate of Equestria was sealed. They bowed as their master arrived in violent pomp, rattling the weak bones of Princess Celestia, seismically thrashing her heart at its core. From the clouds came a giant shadow, radiating beams of forceful magic. The beast had arrived. "CELESTIA, RULER OF EQUESTRIA FOR NEARLY A MILLENNIA. YOU MUST PAY FOR YOU CRIMES AGAINST MY FRIENDS AND WHAT YOU DID TO ME. WE SHALL BE AS SWIFT AS YOU WERE, FOR WE KNOW YOU ARE GUILTY." The beast commanded a beam of light and flung with the force of planets. The last thing Celestia saw was a flash, illuminating the shadow of her sister, who laughed with hysteria. Then, there was nothing. ===== January 31, Equestrian Year 3613 0240 hours Canterlot Castle, royal bedchamber ===== Princess Celestia awoke, a cold sweat dripping from a furrowed brow. The wind worked its cold breeze to calm her, despite its morose feeling. She rubbed her eyes in confusion. A bad dream. I rarely have bad dreams. I suppose I'll have to talk to the chef about that dinner he served me. Arising from her slumber, she fired up her horn to close the windows. She returned to her slumber, hoping that her sister would visit her in her dream. ===== The scene now changed to a meadow. Celestia looked over her subjects and flew into the air, forcing the weighty sun to peek over the horizon. The crowd adulated with cheers. She descended, wearier than usual, and welcomed them to a new day. In a moment, she flew to her chariot, which started it's drive to the castle. As the drive commenced, she nodded to her soldier, saying, "Forgive me, but if could slow so that I may convert the royal chariot." The guard was surprised at this, but nodded back. The chariot came to a stop, and Celestia charged her horn. Within seconds, the chariot had become a royal coach. She opened the door slightly and, thanking them for their patience, ordered her men forward. As she closed the door and shut the windows, she turned to find her sister Luna. "I was beginning to wonder if you would show tonight." The blue pony held her head down and mumbled halfway, "Forgive me, sister. Your dreams almost never require visitation. Yet, it seemed urgent this night." "I had a nightmare. You know how serious that could be." Luna's eyes widened at this revelation. "Then I am glad I returned. For you see, this being the most secure way we can talk, my nightguards have informed me a terrible omen. Of this night, three separate instance occurred, all coming from a singular member of each species. A pegasus was attacked during a routine flight simulation, a pony went insane and started professing, and a unicorn cast a spell that...well, I don't have the full details, but from what I could tell, that matter is the most serious. I am sorry, my sister! This night is not like the others, and I could not guard our citizenry." Celestia stared at her sister for some time. Then she hugged her with a wing. "You did your best. I know your responsibility is difficult, as the night can bring out the worst of this world. Trust me when I say that in telling me, that was your duty. You cannot protect everyone, and trying to protect all those people in that span of time wouldn't work. Together, we can commit to a solution." Luna looked hopeful now, and calmed some. She pondered for a moment and spoke again, "Tell me, dear sister. What was your nightmare? Perhaps I can be of assistance." Without warning, the sky darkened ever so slightly and began a steady rain. The white alicorn's coat seemed to fade with the sky. She turned to Luna, now confused. "I am sorry for these precautions, but from what you have told me, this may be difficult to explain. In addition, following this discussion, I ask you to summon Twilight Sparkle but this time, send for her parents as well. They may hold a key to this conundrum." And so, Celestia told her troubles. Even the part of Nightmare Moon. When the story was finished, Luna bowed her head in contemplation, mane hiding her face. "It appears, sister, that these dreams signify a coming future, which we must prepare for. You were correct in suggesting the invitation the parents of Miss Sparkle, given their past. It may have been before my return but I hear more than enough. I will prepare for the possibility of this new reality. As for you, do not fear my possible betrayal. I will remain ever by your side." Celestia fluttered her eyes in a hint of surprise. "Will you, Luna? The coming week must go smoothly if this nation is to continue it's ever increasing positivity. We want nothing more but peace from our nation, and one thousand years is a long time indeed. Some day it will be evident we cannot continue this battle. This new generation will have to fight these battles. Until that day comes, you must remain ever by my side." Luna again contemplated her sister's words. "I promise you that. There is one question I have." "Speak freely." "Should I retrieve the other unicorn? His training with the Northern Forces has progressed to a satisfactory level, and he will provide some measure of assurance." "He is your student and you responsibility. It is ultimately your decision whether or not to do this." "Very well. I will see you in the morning, sister." The coach stopped and Luna exited the carriage, flying off into the raining sky. Celestia exited as well, thanking the guard. As she flew upwards to her tower however, something felt off. She entered through the tower's window and enter by the balcony. Only to see the writing on the wall. The writing that addressed her directly. YOU THINK YOU CAN HIDE IN YOUR DREAMS. HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN MY MIGHT? LEARN FROM YOUR HISTORY OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES. ===== Once again, Celestia awoke, shocked at the threat brought to her. The sun was about to peak across the horizon. Another day closer to the end of the era, another day she would bring, signaling her time's finale.