//------------------------------// // "Incoming Bogey" // Story: Destiny Is Not A Choice // by Sempre Luna //------------------------------// January 30, Equestrian Year 3613 2200 hrs Firefly Air Base, Cloudsdale ===== WARNING: THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL IS LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE DOCUMENTATION CLASSIFIED: OFFICIAL RADIO TRANSCRIPT PROPERTY OF FIREFLY AIR BASE: Parties Concerned 1) Equestrian Air Force Marshal Spitfire, Stationed at Firefly Air Base 2) Air Commodore Soarin, acting as Squadron Leader 3) Flight Lieutenant Fire Streak 4) Warrant Officer Whiplash, Air Traffic Division, Stationed at Firefly Air Base 5) Officer Cadet Cloudchaser, Zephyr Squadron 6) Officer Cadet Flitter, Zephyr Squadron 7) Officer Cadet Sightseer, Zephyr Squadron 8) Officer Cadet Snowflake, Zephyr Squadron Detail: Beginning of recruit training over skies of Cloudsdale, engagement of hostile figure and subsequent attack. Unofficial Title "Zephyr Incident" 22:00 hrs "Come in Firefly Base. This is Zephyr Squadron Leader Soarin to base. Achieving cruise altitude. Clear skies out on the horizon. Preparing to jump into three formations with the recruits. Over." "Roger that, Squadron Leader. Requesting count. Over." "Roger. State presence." "Flight Lieutenant Fire Streak, present." "Cloudchaser, present." "Flitter, present." "Sightseer, present." "YEAH!!! I mean Snowflake, present." "Squadron Leader to base, we are present and accounted for." "Copy that. State formation order. Over." "Stating formation order. Form #1: Magic, Leaf, Magic, Cake. Form #2: Cake, Cake, Hoof. Form #3: Diamond, Stallion. Over." "Base to Squadron Leader, formation list cleared. On you mark. Over." "Roger that. Beginning form entry..." "Base to Squadron Leader, disengage form #1. We just received a signal from traffic control. It appears you have an incoming bogey in your circumference, coming from the southwest. We have yet to confirm from the Wing Commander at her location. Hold off until we confirm. Over." "Come in, Firefly Air Base. This is Air Marshal Spitfire. Have the formations been confirmed? Over." "Base to Air Force Marshal, we have an incoming bogey on Zephyr Squadron's circumference. We will proceed with caution until relay. Over." "Squadron Leader to base, we have a visual of bogey. Incoming light source from roughly twenty clicks out. Awaiting orders to confirm engagement. Over." "Base to Squadron Leader, fall back to base. Bogey is incoming fast. We'll allow this pass. Over." "Negative, base. We have a clear visual. I've ordered the recruits to fall back. I will engage." "Air Marshal Spitfire to Soarin, do not engage bogey. I repeat, DO NOT engage bogey. Fall back immediately. Over." "With all due respect, ma'am, I cannot follow orders. Bogey appears to have target on Cloudsdale." "Base to Air Marshal, we have confirmation. We are treating said bogey as hostile as it is directly aimed at metro area. Over." "Reroute hostile to safe location! Attempt to strike it into the Galloping Gorge waypoint." "Negative. We have little time to reroute. The only way is if enough force struck it. We're talking mach speed at this rate." "Then I have no choice." "Soarin, do not do this!" "Negative. It's me or the city. It's coming in faster than normal. Judging by speed, it will hit the metro area with enough force to take out a majority of the East District. Target acquired. Engaging hostile. End transmission." "SOARIN!" "Flight Lieutenant Fire Streak intercepting Soarin. He's pulling a divebomb!" "..." "..." "Base to Air Marshal. Bogey re-routed. Exiting circumference. Target destination south by south-east. Over." "Flight Lieutenant Fire Streak to base. Squadron Leader down. Awaiting rescue/retrieval orders." "Soarin..." End transcript 22:14 hrs