Pride of the Pantheon

by PurplePolymath

Prelude: Sanctuary

Windigos, such mysterious entities that roam the skies, believed to be seen mostly during times of winter. It is still rarely understood where their source of strength comes from, these incorporeal creatures, which live among the clouds in luminous form, growing in strength from malice and mistrust; insinuating fear and the fiercest blizzards. This very power threatened to destroy civilizations so long ago, during the time when unicorn, pegasi, and earth equine only colonized with their own. During the time of Clover the Clever and the first Hearth Warming's Eve, the windigos found their defeat to the "Fire of Friendship", and were cast above the stars and clouds… disappearing without a trace.

More than a century had passed, and the same warmth that melted the windigo's storms and sent them off had not faded from the ponies below, now all truly united. Without such malevolence left, the mysterious creatures slowly began to fade and die out. The last of the windigos, the ones left hanging on with their own hatred and shame of being defeated stayed behind, feeding from the slightest bit of bitterness that dare show itself.

These now enraged-creatures turning on one another and blaming the other for such failure, the most furious of the five finally succumbing to their anger. The windigo that housed more anger than any other, the youngest, acquired the element of fire. The wisest, and second eldest, gained the element of wind and storms. The one most vain and fickle gained the ability to replenish, or so he believed. The gentlest one, between them, she took the element of water and aquatics.

However, in this pantheon, there were two who felt different than the rest. They housed no hatred, none at all. One held compassion and questioned all things that took place. She took on the very essence of light itself. The other was quite reserved, and almost neutral to the defeat. He took responsibility, as well as loss without regret, taking on the element of darkness. Oddly enough, he had a hidden disgust; that repugnance being clear bigotry.

The former four windigos found even more anger, and then suspicion, at the display of these two. They'd begun to believe one of them planned such folly from the start. Accusing the one of light first, utterly refusing to believe her words, they judged to cast her down below for her betrayal. The essence of dark refused to remain silent as they accused her of such things in blind rage and haste. In the end, she was cast down for her compassion and he for his chivalry…

Unbeknownst to this lot, one had made their escape only moments before they became these preeminent beings.

These windigos, now nothing more than gods, galloped through the skies leaving the two alone to fend however they may.

The two left behind, their bodies were gradually given physical form as they descend and touched down upon the earth below, bestowed with elegant horns and graceful wings to complement them. Now they were to live as ordinary creatures, ponies. They looked to their surroundings, searching for answers. The broad and humble trees that stood taller than them; the wide pasture of green that gently brushed against their hooves with each step providing an unfamiliar comfort they'd never felt.

The cool night air filling their nostrils as they took breath and filled their lungs for the first time, small pleasures one after another. The one of chivalry, he took note of the moon that shone so proudly before them, as tall and bright as it was; it was just as silent as he, one still symbol amongst thousands of others not caring to be heard.

The one of compassion, she took note of the stars that blanket them both, each and every one, admiring their brilliance and wondered for a moment if she'd ever shown such a way in the same sky. Each and every little sensation and sight answering the compassionate mare’s questions she had held for so long when she called her place above the clouds home.

The two gazed at one another as the cool breeze brushed against their coat, mistaking it as the other's touch for a moment before exchanging yawns. Falling from grace had made them weary. The two lay side by side for the first time without a word, feeling the other's warmth. One gave nuzzle and the other a nod, before the two succumb to sleep and discovered the majesty of dreams; their final first for the evening.

There they lay, for who knows how long, many days had passed and fell into night as they slept. The two were finally awoken by a passing colt, one who had never seen ponies with such a large form, or manes so unusual. As if it were a transparent wavering silk, it looked as if their mane kept galaxies themselves held within. As the startled ponies slowly stood, the frightened colt that awoke them galloped for his life.

If they had wished they could have stopped the pony with a simple levitation enchantment. Yet, both decided against it, still not fully awake or aware of the situation. Soon enough the colt’s burgundy coat and blonde mane were out of sight, the two pondered his strange behavior before dismissing the thought. They soon realized with a sigh that the only thing frightening in the area had to be themselves.

They had watched the ponies for a time from their previous place among the sky, paradise... as some would have considered it, before the sanctuary became enveloped in the very epitome of what they drew strength from. Finally acknowledging that their appearance wasn’t a usual sight, the one of darkness took note of the direction the pony had headed and took lead. The one of light followed behind, making sure to keep pace with his wavering shadow.

The two eventually came in sight of a small villa, one with crops that stretched for miles of corn, carrots, tomatoes and other various vegetables accompanied by trees that also bore fruits of the earth. Sadly, a moderate portion of the crops were rotting, or had already withered at some point or another. Oddly enough, a few miles from the crops and fields themselves sat a small steam surround by a beautiful green canopy of trees and plains; this being the last bit of curious beauty the villa had to offer.

These earth ponies, their cottages were ordinary, giving off a rustic sense due to the wooden bark and planks that outfitted them. These creatures invested in the earth were pushing wagons full of food and other supplies to their shops and homes. Stone seemed to complement most things, along with the dirt road making it clear that technology was scare here.

As the unnatural duo arrived, an unsightly storm could already be seen in the horizon as they crossed over the hill and entered the town with caution. They saw the ponies and it only reminded them of their own fate, now forced to live as they did. Still they had no idea how to do such a thing, no matter how many centuries they’d watched these souls wander... evolve.

The lot of ponies went wide-eyed as the unusual pair trot by scanning the area, stares of confusion and others of fright met them both, judging them as anything but common. The storm itself was getting worse as it approached, causing the pony folk to take refuge in their homes; locking their doors to the newcomers without hesitation. The winds and rain grew fierce and lighting struck with the storm.

The violent winds eventually took the form of a deathly tornado making its way toward the town. Tearing through everything in its path, uprooting and virtually destroying most if not all the crops, withered or not; carrying along anything not nailed or held down with stone nearby. The storm above raged even more as if not wanting to be undone by the force below it, it's breath becoming thunder and it's voice the very lighting. The wind's wrath continued and threatened to take home and hope as its rotation matured more and more.

One with a quick or rather more paranoid wit would have assumed such a sudden storm was intentionally brought in a devious haste. The one often reserved stood toward the storm and channeled his will, as he often did whenever a pony's mind or heart was threatened by shadows, and to his surprise his untrained horn began to glow instead.

Though he’d always held the ability of magic itself he’d never had nor needed a horn to produce power before. As his might came forth, a cerulean radiance spilled down and ensnared the tremendous threat. It was gone in seconds within a burst of blue, along with the rain and gray clouds that accompanied it.

Several minutes passed before the village ponies peeked from their homes due to the sudden silence of the storm, slowly gathering outside and staring at the now clean, inviting skies and sunshine. They were all left wondering what brought about such a marvel, this sudden miracle. All they saw were the queer pair that had arrived in what seemed only seconds ago, and wide-eyed once again they were.

Soon after things settled, the compassionate one looked to the withering crops left and ruined, this was the first time she'd felt sympathy since her descent. Her heart ached and she wished as hard as she could, silently. As a windigo she'd never had the power to help or heal, no matter what she desired. To her surprise, life had begun to sprout once more in the dying field. That what was left of the withered was healed in a matter of moments and with it came the first warmth she'd ever felt from her horn. Drawing collective gasp from the pony folk as she brought forth a white light trimmed, bathed in an alluring gold essence that washed over the fields.

The villagers rejoiced and welcomed their new confused and humble saviors. The two were given dinner and bed from the small village in return for their feats, it was the most they could do. The one of compassion smiled, truly happy that she could bring so many smiles with just one gesture. The one reserved simply dropped his darkened demeanor, a first, realizing he no longer had a need for caution here, his muzzle could “almost” be mistaken to hold a smile. The two left the small village after a few days’ time and the ponies waved goodbye to the pair of travelers, pointing them in the direction of civilization.

They made certain to follow the instruction the townsponies gave them, heading strictly east. Along the way, the two met a small forest, their first one up close. Being above the sky, alive as long as they had, they knew this one was still young, its thicket still thin. Still it was quite a sight, everything so calm, the gentle sound of the forest and its creatures cooing in their ears.

The verdure seemed like a new world to them, everything appeared completely free, how the two wished it would stay like this forever. Such unspoiled beauty, it reminded them of home in a sense.

Given their time on this earth, in the few days spent traveling and searching for answers, it was only natural these two became home sick. The castle within the clouds, that supposed sanctimonious sky kingdom they once proudly called paradise. The two had been born there, no matter how crude the current residents had become, they couldn't sully the memories they collectively shared.

Despite what they wished the forest was too small, it would need to time to grow, as all things require. As the duo exit the forest they were met with plains yet again, would this truly be their new life, expeditions across empty lands? No, it wouldn't, not if they could help it. The two stood side by side, and gathered their gracious memories of every moment they enjoyed home. Their entire bodies lit as they became enveloped in the same hue as their horns, both touching, allowing their desires to intertwine and dance among the air until they burst.

Sorely they wished to see, to feel the warmth of home again, both heads and hearts beginning to bring them a pain too agonizing to ever truly describe and just as the two couldn't take anymore… they collapsed.

It wasn't long until they gained consciousness once more, and both were met with the same surprise, a castle, not just any castle, but home. The duo galloped to the massive golden front gates, breathing in the scent of the air, the one of compassion galloping the halls till she arrived at her favorite place, the library. Which kept record of all the truly life changing endeavors that history had caused and endured, pony, windigo, or otherwise.

The one of chivalry held just as much excitement as the other, through his stride and lack of smile refused to show it. He chose to trot down the opposite hall, feeling the tapestry, the familiar structure of stone. Continuing onward the colt eventually came to his favorite path, the hall of hooves, he shook hoof with one. He liked to believe these hooves belonged to past heroes of the earth below, warriors that were worthy of being in the world above the clouds.

It wasn't long before the one of chivalry sighed, removing himself from the castle, to his surprise he found the one of compassion had already been awaiting his arrival, apparently... she'd realized it as well. Whatever became of their bodies was now blasphemy. These entities could never hold things before, hooves nor books, so what had they felt? Before they were born without lungs, the scent… the air. All they’d experience was an atrocity mocking their newfound abilities.

No matter what they wished, this was not home, not how it should be.

With a heavy heart the two abandoned the castle in the dead of night, leaving it to stand, for any to see who cared to be shown where they'd fell from.

More than a few months had come and gone, the two continued, now determined to meet every inch of this world… to truly learn how to live as they should. Passing town after town, the two lend aid wherever they went. They gained reputation achieving feats that would normally take one hundred, if not one thousand ponies to perform all on their own. The two brought peace, even rapture, wherever they arrived, if needed. Saving settlements and cities from tragedy, they were truly special, these souls… these vagabonds.

After meeting as many cities to match the number of spells they were capable of casting, known and unknown to them, the two finally came to the largest hamlet in all of Equestria. And they'd come to do all they could to help, the pair once again being judged, by this busy landmark. However, this time they were judged as something else, something wondrous due to their ability, stature, and rumors to match.

The two took refuge, staying here a full week, longer than any place else they’d ever been. And just as the two had prepared themselves for departure, the ponies pleaded that they stay and keep their town in such prosperity, reasoning with them, stating fact that this was the largest and most populated place in all Equestria, a place they would always be needed.

This was the very city where the day and night were signaled and brought about. The two eventually agreed and finally as time went on the equines of the town decided upon an official position and honor for these extraordinary two, thus forming the first joint empire Equestria had ever known.

A beautiful castle built of the finest stone and marble, all the strongest materials Equestria itself had to offer were fastened into this monumental estate. The roofs were kept and sewn with gold atop each structure, the traditional flags proudly waved from above even in the weakest wind. There were twelve or more majestic pieces of architecture lining the castle, all holding more than their fair share of rooms, the residence itself capable of housing more than two-hundred ponies.

It was set near a valley, one still without a name, dressed in the lushest of plant life, some even thought to be extinct by most. Sparkling water washed down upon the valley itself, from who knows how high the waterfall touched, pouring into the purest spring that formed the moat around this marvel of a home.

On the edge of the town, seemingly hanging along the edge of a cliff, sat the castle. Here, the new king and queen lived in a comforting peace with the ponies of the town, now referred to as subjects. Taking on tasks and duties whenever asked of them, without objection and taking pride in all they did for themselves and creatures that they governed, this had become their home.

As a symbol of their gratitude, responsibility, and perhaps might, Compassion and Chivalry raised the sun and moon. Such a task had usually been done by the unicorns themselves, an immense amount, one multitude for sun and the other for moon. As these two took home, responsibility, and bed together... they grew fond of the other. Both feeling they understood one another better than anypony else, and given their past this could only be considered true.

And as time went on the two gave the city more and more wealth, a bottomless amount of hope. The town grew into the metropolis, known as Canterlot today. As things grew, so did the citizens, in number… and in age. It was then that two, still humble even as royalty noticed their aging friends and subjects alike. Realizing they’ve not aged the same themselves... or at all even. This epiphany saddened them, every funeral forcing them to acknowledge... to witness the death of those so close to them.

From then on the one of compassion keep numerous diaries of such records, of all that happened after her descent... and some before that hadn’t become a blur, only of what she could recall. She was gifted with a quill, a gift that matched her talented tongue. The chivalrous one kept only a single journal of his own, in secret, written amongst the stars. It only kept note of the things he cherished, there were far more than even he expected, the first on said list being obvious.

Many years passed, centuries come and gone, time and time again. Eventually the lovers had noticed their lack of energy, each passing decade becoming slightly more tiring than the next, magic slightly more difficult to muster. It would seem being cast from their original home among the clouds was indeed having an effect on them. They knew then they would not last forever, and so they appointed the closest of companions as relatives, cousins to take the throne should anything happen. Unfortunately the light and dark, try as they may... were not able to bear a foal, for the time being. They called upon the ones most potent with magic, beckoned scientist from far and wide.

And finally…something was born from science, one resembling pony. A creature coated in black fur and teal chitin over its mid-section, a crooked horn. Its hooves, entire form, outfitted with holes, eyes a feral teal and misleading fangs with a mane to match. This creature, born of the lover’s DNA, was cast out the same way it was brought into the world, in secret. Not by the appointed parents, but by its maker, a loathsome scientist... to nopony truly knows where.

And as scripted as it were, time passed again... somehow, finally, the compassionate one was with child. The little one was born housing a pink mane, unlike her mother’s pellucid multi-colored spectacle. However she did match her mother’s pure-white coat. The pair raised the gentle foal with as much as love as they could give. A few years passed in peace and another miracle came to be, this one with fur to complement her father, housing a similar darkened mane to match, only a lighter shade. Both of these little miracles were blessed with a matching pair of wings and horn housed above their curious heads.

The fillies were tended to, nurtured as they should be, their parents power still fading with each passing lustrum. During such a time the lovers refused to tell their children of their origin, perhaps it was for the best after all. The only thing they'd dare show their children was the former castle, the one of compassion made certain to hide all literature that would reveal what they once were. The first little one had a habit of snooping in the library, and the other had a habit of avoiding that eerie hall of hooves. Eventually the castle became a place of solace for the two sisters, it was the first secret they ever shared or kept.

As the children grew, they were taught to fly as well as to and harness their authoritative magic, most of their time spent with muzzles pressed to scrolls. And of course they were told of the responsibilities that they would receive one day, ruling such a kingdom as copious as its responsibility, ensuring the happiness of the ponies, of every creature that came to them seeking aid.

The two were also taught, mostly shown, through example and experience, that they would need to depend on one another as family should. The only difference between their responsibilities were the times of watch and rise, the princess resembling their mother most, taking the day and morn, raising the sun. The princess taking most after their father would watch over the night and eve, lifting the moon. These two were to take on the same task as their parents, and nothing more was to be expected of them.

On one rainy summer’s night, both beings, one of compassion and the other of chivalry shared final moments on their deathbed. By now their oldest, Celestia, had taken on her mother’s weightless silken mane and tail. The youngest, Luna, not as small as she once was, had yet to take on a mane or tail quite like her dearest sister. Luna cried the loudest, tears spilling with confusion and sorrow.

Her elder sister had tears as well for the same reason, although without the confusion, seeing as she completely understood the situation before them. In mother and father’s last hours they shared stories of when they first arrived in the city, now a prosperous metropolis. Even of the castle they built overnight. They began languidly singing their daughters' lullaby for the last time.

The king and queen tried their best to let such precious daughters know how proud they were of them. How loved they’d always been. Within all the tears the two managed a smile, showing they understood mother and father. Their parents truly were proud as they gave weak, yet the strongest of smiles they could muster for their children.

The two lovers held hooves and with a sigh, they began to break apart, shattering. Becoming shimmering dust until their entire essence was blown into the sky, forming stars that shone brighter than any other that night. The only shame they left behind was their lack of a name… In all their time here they had never thought to fabricate one.

The ponies only knew them as “King” and “Queen”, and there were no others in this kingdom after their time of rule. Everypony loved them as they died… before and still after…