//------------------------------// // Interview: Cody Benson // Story: Living The Dream: Interviews // by Kickass222urmom //------------------------------// Interview with Cody Benson  Welcome everypony to the first episode of 'The dirty truth!'. I am your announcer, Little Mic. Today, we are going to be interviewing the infamous Cody Benson. Due to his violent background, we have fifteen Royal Guards on stand by. Hopefully we won't need them. Vestal, our interviewer, will be asking Cody a series of questions sent to us by our viewers. Now, without further ado, we will begin. Attention now shift's over to Vestal I give a small wave and turn to Cody, who is sitting in the chair across from me, "So Cody, you ready to begin?" Cody shrugs and puts on a awkward smile, "I guess." I nod and pick up the list of questions, "Wow, that's a lot of questions!" I chuckle and look up at Cody, "Alright Cody, we have the questions split up into two categories, the easy questions and the hard questions. Which would you like us to start with?" Cody raised a hoof to his chin, "Easy." I smile and look at the first question on the list, "How old are you?" "I'm eighteen." Cody replied. "Next question: Who's your favorite pony?" Cody raises a eyebrow, "You do know that I'm not a brony right?" I sighed, "I do now. Now, answer the question... please." Cody thought for a second, "Well, since I've been here, I've met a lot of nice ponies. I wish I would have been nicer to most of them. As for my favorite pony, I would have to say... What was her name? Oh yeah, Berry Punch.. I think that's her name." I raised a eyebrow, "Why is she your favorite?" He chuckled, "Well, she's been the nicest to me since Hearth's Warming eve." I shrugged, "Okay, moving on. Do you like roofies?" "I have no idea what that is." Cody said scratching the back of his head. I rubbed my chin, "Huh, neither do I. I guess we'll move on. This is a weird question: What conditioner do you use?" Cody held back a laugh, "I use any I can get, but I do prefer Suave for men." I shrugged, "I haven't heard of that brand. Anyways, next question: Do you like bananas?" Cody looked at me strangely, "Yes, I like them to an extent." I read the next part of the question and laughed, "So you are a beyitch, that likes bananas? Well that's great, cuz you're gonna go bananas, ON DA MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNN-AAAHHH! BEEYITCH!!!" He looked at me strangely, "What? I don't get it." I chuckled, "It was part of the question, moving on." I looked at the next question, "Finally, a question worth asking. Do I look handsome today?" "Huh, I guess." He said while looking every where but me. I let out a laugh, "Next question... Well, this is an awkward question. Cody, are you a virgin?" His cheeks flared up, "Do I have to answer that?" I smiled weakly, "Afraid so." He let out a deep sigh, "Yes." Urge to laugh rising, "Uhhh... Okay then, time to move on. What do you think about Zecora?" He gave a shrug, "I met her awhile back, after Hearth's Warmth eve, she is pretty nice. Her way of talking is annoying, but I got use to it." I looked at the next question and became worried, "I hate this next one. Would you kill or at least cause serious harm to vestal for a klondike bar?" He smirked, "For a Klondike bar? Hell yes!" Okay, time for the Royal Guard. Cody started to laugh, "Don't worry, I was only joking." I relaxed, "Oh, that's good. Next question: What was your reaction when you found out the world you followed Lance to was Equestria?" Cody put a hoof to his chin, "I was pretty freaked out. I mean, talking ponies? Kinda blew me away that a guy would come here on his own free well. But, the place has grown on me. Its helped me become the guy you see today." Nice answer, "How's life in a dungeon?" He sighed, "All I'm going to say is, don't get sent there. Its so small and cramp. You can't even move your legs." "Sounds terrible. On to the next question: Any news on a court hearing or any sort of trial?" He shook his head, "As far as I know, no." That worries me, our monarch needs to start taking things a little more serious, "Well, that's good for you. Next question: Have you always been like this when someone wronged you?" He furrows a eyebrow, "Never, just Lance. I don't know why though." Okay then, I was hopping for more info, "Where have you been hiding since Hearth's warming eve?" He looked at me weirdly, "Hiding? I haven't been hiding. I've been traveling through Equestria, helping all the ponies that need it." Wow, it sounds like hes a saint, I don't believe it. Not just yet, "Okay then. Why did you chose to follow Lance, instead of going where your family went?" He hung his head, "Revenge. That's the only reason, and I hate that reason. Why couldn't I have let it go and went to where my father was?" I looked over to him, "Sounds like you regret that decision." He nodded, "I do. Can we please move on?" I exhaled and looked at the list, "Has your search for revenge against Lance finally come to a close?" He looked up at me and nodded, "Yes, I've changed. I don't see him as the killer of my family anymore." That's good to hear, "Have you trained in any form of martial arts, or are you just naturally bad-ass?" He chuckled, "I lived on the streets of New York City for a whole year, I learned how to defend myself. So, I guess naturally bad-ass." I let a smile form on my face, "What did you do before coming to Equestria, except searching for Lance?" He looked up, deep in though, "Well, I use to work for my uncle. He owned a factory in Cuba. It made all sorts of things, mostly coffee and medical products. It was a fun job, since I got to work one of the machines. I just wish I had flown back there instead of tearing up my ticket and pursuing Lance." I give a small shrug, "I worked in a factory once, not a fun job. Anyways, on to the next one: How do you think your life would have been if the mugging hadn't occurred? Do you think you could have been friends with Lance?" He looked down again and rubbed his hoofs together, "If that mugging hadn't happened, I would have flown back to Cuba and gave my father the money to pay off his dept. After that, I guess I would have went back to my uncles factory. Maybe meet a nice girl and start a family." A tear formed in his eye, but was quickly removed, "As for being friends with Lance, I don't know. I mean, I wouldn't have even met him if it wasn't for the mugging. Now that I think about it and what Lance is like, I think we could have been friends." I smiled, "Nice answer, ready for the next one?" He nodded, "Sure." I looked at the list and laughed, "Really? Somepony asked this? Cody, how much are they paying you to be on the talk-show?" Cody let out a small laugh, "I wish I was being payed. All they're giving me is a plaque that says, 'I was on The dirty truth! and survived.'." I held my stomach laughing, "Hey, those plaques cost a lot to make you know." The announcer, Little Mic, leaned his head next to me, "Get back on track Vestal!" I chuckled, "Sure thing Micky." He glared, "Its Mic!" He then walked back to his area. I looked over to Cody, a smile still on my face, "Well, last one on the easy list. Cody, what do you plan to do with your life now?" He furrowed his eyebrows, "Huh, I don't really know. I guess I'll just keep doing what I've been doing. Traveling and helping others." I put down the list and picked up the second one, "Okay Cody, the next ones deal with all the bad things you've done. You ready?" He gulped, "Ready." I looked at the list, "Do you ever regret trying to kill Lance?" Cody nodded, "Yes, I do. I hate myself for it." I licked my lips, which had become dry, "Why did you fully blame Lance for losing the money. Lance isn't the one who stole the money, the guy attacking him did. Did you blame that guy in anyway?" Cody looked uneasy and nervous, "Huh, I don't know. I just felt like I needed someone to blame, and I didn't know the muggers name or anything about him. I knew Lance's name and what he looked like, so I guess I just chose him because it was easier. I do blame that guy, I wish I had went after him instead." Why does everything feel awkward all of a sudden? "Well, I see where your coming from, but I just don't see the full reason why you wanted to kill Lance." Cody waved his hoof at me, "Next question please." I rolled my eyes, glad to have my shades on, "Alright, next question: Did you ever find your mugger?" He shook his head, "No, I never even looked for him. I spent all my time looking for Lance." That doesn't make sense, "Can't you and Lance just be friends and not try to kill him?" Cody raised an eyebrow, "We are friends, well sorta. We talk from time to time, but only if I pass through town." I did not expect that, why the buck would Lance want to be friends with Cody after all that? "Well, that's good to know. Next question: What was your family like before they died?" Cody teared up slightly, "My mother died when I was born, so I didn't know her. I only had my father. He was a nice man, always helping others when he could. He would always take me around the Island, talking about one day moving to America. I loved him, he was the greatest father a kid could as for." Hold back tears! Hold back tears! Okay good, tears held back. "Can you describe what happened to your father?" He took a ragged breath, "Not really, I wasn't there. All I know is what my uncle told me over the phone. My father had been shot in the head one night while leaving his store. That's what happens when you owe a greedy man, he will kill you just because he can." This.. this is dark. "Okay, moving on." Cody smiled weakly, "Thank you." I looked at the next question, "I wouldn't be thanking me just yet. Next question: So let's take it as you managed to kill Lance, and have the police chasing after you, and having to hide from an angry brother thirsty with vengeance. What was your plans after that?" He looked nervous, "Ummm, I didn't have any plans after that. I only thought about getting my revenge, not what happens afterwards." I pull my shades down to reveal my blue eyes, "Really? You didn't even think of what you was going to do after killing Lance. Really?" He gave a shrug, "I guess. I only set my mind to one thing at a time." I resisted the urge to facehoof, "Okay, next question: How was you able to kill eleven Royal Guards without even getting a scratch on you?" He glanced around nervously, "Huh, well.. I just used tactics." I leaned forward, "Like?" He gulped, "Well, I watched them and learned where they was and what they was doing. The ones outside was spread out to much, and the ones inside just... they just wasn't use to violence. I regret doing that, I've cried at night thinking about who they was and what their families was doing without them." He put his face in his hoofs. I looked around nervously and back at him, "You okay Cody?" He looked up and whipped his face, "Yeah, next question." I nodded and looked at the list, "You have killed twelve ponies, and yet on Hearth`s Warming Eve, Princess Celestia allowed you to go free. Why do you think she let you go? Have you truly changed?" He though for a minute, "I think she let me go because she some how knew I was going to change on my way to kill Lance. I don't know how she knew, but I'm glad she did it. I saw things and met ponies that changed me on the inside. Also yes, I have truly changed. I don't think about killing or revenge anymore, my life has taken a turn for the better." I smiled and sat back, "I'm very happy to hear that." He smiled back, "Thanks." I looked at list and grinned, "Last question: Have you changed back into your normal self? As in, are you the way you was before you met Lance?' Cody shrugged, "I have in a few ways. I'm not as free going as I use to be, I see life as it really is. I'm more considerate of others feelings now, and in a few ways, I'm happier." I stood and held out my hoof, "Well Cody, it was a pleasure having this talk. I wish we had more time and questions, but sadly we don't." Cody stood and smiled happily, "Thank you, it feels good to have finally told someone about all of that." He then shook my hoof. I looked over at Little Mic, "Okay Micky, take it away. I think I may talk a little more with Cody." Attention is now shifted back to the announcer Well, that was a interesting and heartfelt interview, huh? Brought a tear or two to my eyes. Back on subject. We hope you enjoyed this episode. We are really happy to see that we have so many viewers, makes us happy. Tune in next time for the next interview. Our next guest is the Pegasus himself, the luckiest and most unlucky Pegasus around, and most defiantly the strangest. Its Lance Greenfield, also known as Girokon. Send in those questions for him, address them to him and him only. Thank you all for watching, goodnight everypony!