Consuming Hatred

by BrightSanctuary

Fallen Love

Twilight stepped through the door to the main hall. In her the tension was so thick Pinkie could have probably cut it. At the end of the hall was the princess’s throne, but on that throne was not Celestia, nor Luna; instead sat another familiar face, Cadence.
Twilight stepped forward, “Am I glad to see you. Where is Celestia?”
Cadence looked straight into Twilight’s eyes, “She is not her right now, nor will she ever return.”
At that point everything came crashing down on Twilight. As she looked into Cadence’s eyes she knew what had happened. The eyes that had been following her had been had belonged to the one before her.
“Why, Cadence?” Twilight began to cry, “I thought you were love. What has come over you?”
“This is the way things were meant to be, Twilight,” Cadence said, “This world is falling, just as all the great worlds before it. Hate, malice are becoming the key stones. No you are too late this time. There is no one her how can save you now. Celestia has been banished, and you friends have fallen to their fate. Now you will be next. All you can do now is to kill me, if you can.”
Twilight flared her horn ready to strike, “You can’t be Cadence. She would never have fallen this far.”
“On the contrary,” Cadence said, “But that is unimportant. You are getting in my way, and that I can’t have. Sorry but I wish it could be any other way.”
Cadences horn began to glow the light blue of her magic but then began to turn red in rage. Slowly Twilight was consumed by an overpowering hatred that sucked out every bit of love she felt for her friends, her family, and even her mentor. As she felt this hate build inside of her all hope seemed to leave her. Deep down inside she knew it was all true, Cadence had fallen, Celestia was gone, and her world would no longer be the same again.
“Celestia,” Twilight yelled, “Why have you left me?”
“That’s right Twi.” Cadence said, with a dark laugh, “Build up that hate. It will consume you too.”
Twilight began to cry as she remembered all the time she had known her friends, the trials they faced together, and the moments they shared. Then it came to her, her memories of the fights, and how they all came out of it together. She remembered how they were there for her in her hardest time and how they never gave up on her, and believed in her in every way. Now was her time to do the same for them. This was the true magic of friendship was about; the strength and hope it gave you when you needed it most.
Twilight stood, her heart now beating with strength and new life. There was a new kind of love she felt inside of her, not just a love for her friends, and family, but a love of all things livings, a love that stretched to the ends of Equestria, an love she felt for the one how stood before her, even if she had become evil beyond all doubt, the love she could not explain but yet was there.
Twilight stood to her feet fighting back the full force of Cadence’s power, “No, you are wrong. I do still have friends. No matter if they are fallen, or if they hate me I still care for them the same, and that is all that counts, just as I still care for you.”
“Ha, I am too strong,” Cadence said, not caring a thing for what Twilight said, “If I must I will force you to see it my way.”
“Do as you must,” Twilight said weakly, “but I won’t fight you.”
“Ha that will make it easy for me,” and with that Cadence charged forward with her horn glowing in power. Twilight only stood there and took the hit, which sent her flying into a nearby pillar, but before she hit the ground Cadence was there on top of her and slammed her into the concrete below.
Twilight cringed, fighting to stand.
“Why don’t you fight? I will kill you if you don’t.” Cadence lifted her front hooves, and looked deep into Twilight’s eyes to see the horror as she gave the killing blow, but fear was not what she found, she found, a stern tear that showed her compassion, and her sadness at losing Cadence.
Cadence fell back, her eyes turned red, and she began to sake her head back and forth slowly, “No,” She yelled, “This can’t be. How can you not hate me? I have given you every reason. I have destroyed your friends, and taken away everything you hold dear. What more do I have to do to convince you to hate me.”
“Nothing you can do can make me hate you Cadence,” Twilight said, “You were my friend before I even know I needed friends. You had brought love everywhere you gone. This I could never hate. I can disagree with what you are doing, but this is not you. The Cadence I know was the real Cadence. I don’t know what happened to you, but I know that I care about you still the same.
With that a shriek of howling wind began to swirl around them. The clouds of Windigos filled the room, and a dark shadow fell upon the room. Cadence fell to the floor with a whimper.”
“You think you can still win,” said a deep voice that seemed to be coming from the shadow that now rested in the center of the room, taking the shape of a large stallion about the size of Celestia “I am still too strong. You may have won Cadence from me but you can’t possible stop me now. Even her love could not stop me, and nor can your precious elements.” With that it gave a deep laugh that shook the whole room and retreated back to the sky.
Now Twilight had to figure out what to do next. The enemy, who she still did not know, was still there, but at least she had Cadence back. Maybe they could figure it out together.