//------------------------------// // Refusal // Story: Fate Is Written // by Bysen //------------------------------// The shop wasn’t far, two buildings down from the city hall. By the time they got there, Carry had stopped crying. Dinky had helped a lot on that part. Carry had always told Dinky not to cry in the past, now Dinky was telling her. It was a funny reverse in a way. If it hadn’t been so heart-breaking to see. Carry ordered for them all, knowing what they wanted. Except for Written, but she just ordered what Derpy liked for him and it was spot on. As she sat there and watched Dinky gobble down her ice cream cone, she thought that she’d lost the last hours of being with her. That she should’ve just spent them playing instead of dragging her to some stupid court hearing just to be told she was not good enough. But… Even if this was the last time she’d spend with Dinky… that was ok. She looked so happy right now. If Derpy was here it would be perfect. Her uncle, her big sister… and her other mother. Dinky was happy, that’s all the really mattered. Perhaps she would be alright with her uncle. Carry knew she would. She just wondered if she herself would be happy with Dinky living so far away. About twenty minutes passed and they had to get back before the tribunal returned. This had been nice. They started back to the town hall. Dinky challenged Sparkle to a race and without waiting for her to accept took off. Sparkle was close behind her, letting her win. They left Written and Carry together. “Do you still think I’m a fit mother.” “I never didn’t. And I think you’re right. Whether or not they say so, you’re Dinky’s mother already.” “Thank you. It means a lot. I hope you haven’t taken offence to this. It’s not that I don’t think you could take care of her, like I said, you’d be a great father figure.” “It’s alright. Remember, it was my idea for you to have her. But… if they say I’m to take her, they said they couldn’t choose who was allowed to see her. If I get Dinky, I want you to come visit us. And we’ll visit you. That is you and my sister of course!” he covered. “Hehe, of course… you know, last night. You were a gentlestallion through and through.” “You were drunk…” “I know… but it doesn’t mean I didn’t mean it.” she said as she planted a kiss on his cheek once more. Like the first one she had. “Once this is over, no matter what happens, I’d like to see you again.” “I’d like that too…” “What took you so long?!” called Dinky standing just out front of the city hall. She looked so happy. Carry wondered if she really understood what was happening. Right now she was happy though, and that’s how she wanted to remember Dinky. They went back inside and took their seats. It was still a few minutes until the three returned. While Cheerilee was meant to be impartial, Carry hoped she had swayed in their favour. They returned to where they’d been seated before. They had already made their decision but Carry couldn’t stop thinking even what she was going now would mingle with their opinion of her. “After discussing the evidence provided by testimonial witnesses and medical history, we have reached our verdict on one Carrot Top’s eligibility to adopt one Dinky Doo.” the judge announced. Carry held her breath without even noticing. “We consider Carrot Top not to be a threat to herself that she was once deemed and a suitable candidate to be a legal guardian. As such, we will conditionally reward custody of Dinky Doo to her.” “I-uh-aa…” Carry stammered with joy. “The conditions under which must be maintained to keep custody are as follows. Dinky’s big sister, currently one Sparkle, must report on Dinky’s well-being every month.” “Great, more paper work…” Sparkle sigh, with a slight smirk. She was ok with this. “Secondly, Carrot Top must maintain employment and place of residences.” not an issue seems she owned both her house and business. Saying this was a mere legality on the judge’s part. “And lastly, Dinky is not to see her former parent, Ditzy Doo…” “WHAT!?!?!?” screamed Carry at the top of her lungs! “You can’t do that! You said you couldn’t do that! Don’t do that! I refuse, I utterly refuse!” Sparkle and Written where both on Carry’s side on this. An outburst was completely justified to them. This ruling was a complete outrage. They’d fight the ruling if they had too. “If you’ll allow me to finish: until she is released from the hospital. Seeing one’s mother in such a state can be troubling to a young child.” he finished with a look Carry couldn’t quite place. Somewhere between bemusement and sympathy. As much as he tried to remain neutral in his rulings he felt justified in this one. He remembered this mare. Remembered taking her son away from her so long ago. He had sided with her in the chambers after the hearing but had been out numbered. He thought he had been right about her back then. He knew so now. He’d given her the second chance she should’ve already gotten. “Thank you, your honour. Thank you…” Carry said as her friends… and now daughter, approached. She still doubted Dinky knew what any of this meant. But it didn’t matter. She didn’t have to have her last memories of Dinky now… hopefully she never would. There wasn’t too much time to think about it all though. “I’d love to stay around but I have to leave.” Written was leaving in just under an hour. “I’ll visit this weekend.” There were no words to thank him for what he had done. So she just kissed him. It lasted a while as they stayed together. She pulled away eventually. “Thank you… for everything. I’m really… glad I met you. You’ve changed my life. You’ve changed Dinky’s and Sparkle’s and Derpy’s… just thank you.” “I didn’t do it for you. Not entirely. But I’m glad it worked out how it did. When I come back, we’ll all go out somewhere together. Ice cream, dinner, visit Derpy… well, maybe we can’t visit her next week, but soon.” “That sound brilliant. But, perhaps we could also go out just the two of us.” “That sounds just as brilliant. It’s a date.”