Love of the Moon

by Brony of Nightmare

Moon's Love vs Sun's Lust

Now Luna had come to save her love Endymion from her sister Celestia now as her love Endy and Princess Cadence who had been chained up to the wall by Celestia , watched as the two alicorn sisters collided their horns Luna pushing her big sister back with a magic blast knocking Celestia back " Ow, is that any way to treat your sister." said Celestia in a mocking tone Luna stood looking "only when my sister is acting obsessed and taking my love, why what possible reason would you have to ruin my happiness." Before Luna could react Celestia pushed her back with her magic and held her in place with it "Why you ask , well simply because I just can and also why a stallion would shun my sun and embrace your moon more it gets me in well a very well you know" Luna looked at her sister and laughed " well this is ironic you feel just like I did when I turned into Nightmare Moon and you banished me to the Moon but there as to more then that reason" and she broke free of her sister 's magic and hurled her sister back so hard it broke Endy and Cadence free. Endy ran to embraced Luna " how I have missed you." Luna kissed him back " I know and i was worried about you" Cadence looked at them and said ah love it is powerful." Now Luna looked at her sister who was struggling to get up Luna said " Now sister i am going to do you banish you or ..." Endy interrupted her " Maybe you can forgive her " "Why after what she did." replied Luna Cadence stepped up and said " probably because she forgave you after all that Nightmare Moon stuff though i only know what Twilight Sparkle told me." Suddenly Celestia spoke up " the reason was i was jealous of the love you had Luna and you know when I get those mood swings and I did not want to loose my sister again and be alone with out her."

Luna, Cadence, and Endymion stood shocked at Celestia's confession, Luna replied "Sister you would never be alone, we are co-rulers after all" Celestia answered back " its just that I love you so much Luna and I was lonely all those years you were gone" Luna replied "I know sister but that still dose not excuse your rather unruly behavior" Luna came up to Celestia and slapped her hard with her hoof "Now stop this nonsense!" "Ow!" Celestia cried "okay you know how i get when well he he, but i admit i was jealous. then Celestia got somber " you know your love will not last have you told him." Endymion who was watching the exchange between the sisters looked Cadance and asked "what dose she mean?" Cadence "oh i just realized it too." Luna walked up to Endymion and kissed him passionately and said " My love, our love will always matter to me but you are mortal and I am immortal, you would die but i would live on albeit with a broken heart" Endymion looked at her and said "I don't i would rather die then live with out you and please Celestia will you allow our love or will you contiue to try and destroy it?" the earth pony and the two alicorns looked and waited for the Princess of the sun to respond. Celestia responded "Of course I now relize that i can't ruin or break true love." Cadence gave a little smirk and said "I told you so!" Celestia repiled "don't make tell Shinging Armor." "Okay replied Cadence " shutting up now".

Celestia looked at her sister and her lover and said " You two enjoy the love and time you have and forgive me for being foolish." Luna replied to her " of course Sister i do but try it again and you will be sorry." Okay little sister I get message." replied Celestia " now go enjoy night together before i decide to join you two in a threesome." "Sister!!" replied Luna " Gotcha." replied Celestia playfully. "okay now my love lets go." said Luna as she lifted Endy with her magic and they both soared in to the night

Now they were both lying underneath the moon and stars "I have always and will love the moon and stars" replied Endy " you too my eternal love" he held her close in his hoofs " I know and even though our time together will not last I will love you till the end" they both kissed one other passionately enjoying the time that they had and not worry about the end.

next a tragic epilogue