//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: Terror is Reality // Story: Dead Rising Case: Equetdemic // by Immortan Joe //------------------------------// Chapter 6: Terror is Reality "So Frankie would ya like to play a game?" TK repeated the question Frank stood there stunned. 'How was TK still alive!?' Frank thought.'Its been two days since I arrived here and he is not a zombie!?' "TK!' Frank roared into the walkie-talkie "Oh sheesh Frankie no need to be so loud!" TK laughed "You son of a bitch! How are you still alive!?" Frank asked grinding his teeth. Celestia and Luna shared uneasy glances with each other. "Well well Frankie no need to ask questions when you haven't even answered mine." TK chuckled to himself. A muffled scream made its way through the walkie-talkie's speakers. "Quiet you dumb bitch!" TK yelled the sound of a women crying pierced the speakers as the sound of TK beating some one angered Frank! "Wait!?" Frank said. "Who else is there with you?" Frank asked. TK chuckled before answering, "Oh you know." TK trailed off into silence as he approached his victim. "Hey sweatie mind saying hello?" TK trailed off into silence again. "FRANK!!" Rebecca's voice screamed through the speakers but was quickly cut off by a cry of pain. "You dumb Asian bitch! I said don't scream when I take that gag off your mouth!" Rebecca's cries boiled Frank alive as anger began to erupt out of his voice! "Stop it TK let her go!" Frank roared "Nuh uh!!" TK's voice danced. "I cant do that now Frankie. Not until you get a little somethin' somethin' for me." Frank growled finally excepting the challenge TK has to offer. "What do you need?" Frank asked. "Zombrex!" TK shouted Into the walkie-talkie. Frank stared into the walkie-talkie with disbelief "I don't have anymore." Frank snarled into the transmiter. "Well either you go find some or this little bitch right here dies. But I'll be quick if I were you Frankie. Because the Dead are Rising and man are they pissed. Soon the terror of this world falling to the hands of the relentlys jaws of the undead will soon become a reality." TK said with joy in his voice. "What are you talking about TK?" Frank asked a question he already knew the answer to. "ZOMMMBBIIEESS!" TK yelled into the walkie-talkie the same way he did at his game show. "Zombies?" Frank walked into Twilights bedroom and sat down on her bed gently enough so it won't break. "Thats right Frankie. So when you get the stuff meet me at the ruins of some old castle I found in the forest okay?" Another voice pierced the speakers. "No Frank don't do this it's trap! He'll kill us both Frank he'll kill us bo-" "I said shut up you dumb bitch!" Frank stood up and screamed as loud as he could into the walkie-talkie "DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH HER TK! OR I'LL FIND YOU AND I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU! YOU HEAR ME? I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!" And with that TK hung up. Frank roared with out rage and slammed the walkie-talkie on the bed he leant down and cradled his head breathing heavily. Celestia and Luna approached Frank with concerned looks in their eyes "Who was that? Celestia asked slowly approaching Frank. "TK, an old enemy of mine back in Fortune City. But I can't answer anymore questions I must go find Rebecca." Frank pulled out his gun and checked his ammo. Two magazines and a half that would roughly make about thirty-eight bullets hopefully that will be enough. "Wait he said a castle in a forest right?" Luna asked. Frank nodded "Well you can't go out there thats the Everfree forest he's talking about. You'll get yourself hurt maybe more!" "And whats this talk about the dead are rising?" Celestia asked. Frank sighed and stared at both of them. "I think TK managed to some how bring a queen into this world or he probably extracted his infected blood and some how recreated the Zombie virus. So please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe TK is going to start another outbreak." Celestia's and Luna's mouths hung open for a good minute. "Quickly." Celestia said. "Hop on my back!" "Wait what are you-" Before Frank could finish his sentence he felt the feeling of being weightless as he was then picked up off the ground and placed on Celestia's back. "Oh dear me you're heavy." She said wincing under his weight. "Hey can it lady this was your idea in the first place!" And with that they took off towards the Everfree forest. Leaving a very confused and worried Twilight still waiting behind the door. :[-]: The moon traveled across the sky above the dark misty forest as the two princessess and Frank soared through the open sky. Frank clung onto Celestias neck for dear life. "You're squeezing to hard!" Celestia choked. "I'm sorry but I have never flown on a horse before!" Frank tried taking his gaze off the ground but his eyes wouldn't let him. Celestia then abrubtly shook and descended a few dozen feet. Frank yelped and squeezed harder. "Sorry but we may exprience some minor turbulence!" In the distance in the woods Frank could barely make out a shape of what seemed to be a castle spire. "What in the name of God is that?" Frank asked squinting his eyes. "That is the Castle of the Two ancient royal sisters. It used to be my and Luna's home before the great war between Nightmare Moon and I." Celestia explained. "Nightmare What?" Frank asked confused. "You mean you peaceful creatures been in wars before?" "Two to be exact but over all that was about it. The Chaos War and the Great War." Frank raised an eyebrow. "Huh. I never would've figured you guys actually been in a war. Despite how peaceful this place looks except for the forest it actually does look dangerous-" There was a bright flash of light as the sound of an explosion caught Franks ear. Immense heat and the force of shock wave threw Celestia to the side. Frank was flung off Celestia and now hung by just a few fingers. "Shit!" The weight of Frank being casted to the right side of Celestia caused her balance to be thrown off causing her to descended downward. "Frank! I need you to let go!" Celestia called. "What! Are you crazy! I'll fall I don't have wings like you!" Frank dangled trying not to get hit by Celestia's wings. "Please trust me!" From the top of the castle's tower was another bright flash as another flaming misslie was hurdleing towards them. 'Shit it's TK where the Hell did he get a rocket launcher!?' Frank thought still dangling from the side of Celestia. "Frank please let go! If you dont' we'll both crash!" Celestia hollerd. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath Frank released his grip and plummeted to the depths below. The wind howling in his ears his cloths rippling and flapping falling at such immense speeds he was sure he'll feel no pain when he struck. Uttering one last prayer and waiting for the innevitible to come. After about few seconds nothing happend... 'Am I dead? Did I hit the ground-' A loud explosion rocked Franks ears forcing him to open his eyes to find him being carried by very uncomfortable Luna. "You are very heavy!" She squeaked. "Is that supposed to be fat joke?" Frank asked raising an eyebrow. "Wait where's Sis?" Luna asked her eyes darting side to side looking for her. "We can't stop and look for her!" Frank said, "We have to stop TK be-" There was a bright flash of light as large explosion flung Luna and Frank to the ground. "Oh shit!" Frank paniced as he landed on a tree branch catching himself before he could hit the ground. Pain surged through his body as adrenalen kicked in "Luna!? Celestia!?" Frank called out there was no reply. 'Dammit!' Frank raged 'Where could they be?' With that a loud static caught Franks ear as the Walkie-Talkie came to life. "Well Frankie do you really think you could just come and take her with out getting my stuff first?" TK asked Frank while he hauld himself up onto the tree branch into a sitting postition. "Dammit TK how the Hell did you get a hold of a rocket launcher!?" Frank asked. "Well Frankie it turns out that magic does exsist in this new world full of the mystical creatures!" TK laughed "Pssh... Figures." Frank said. Frank stopped and pounderd on the thought of summoning. "Why couldn't you just summon yourself some Zombrex?" He asked. TK laughed "You must be more stupider then I thought Frankie. Not only did you fall for my most obvious trap, but you think I didn't summon some Zombrex. Of course I did! I have enough to last me for months on end." Frank stopped and thought this over in his head. 'If I can defeat TK I can take his Zombrex and figure out a way to get out of this Hell hole.' "But I would hurry Frankie... These Zombies are getting hungry and I ran out of food to give them." TK said. Low faint zombie groan sounded in the back ground. "I guess you wont mind if I feed them this here Asian bitch." Rebbeca's cries caught Franks ears. "Don't you fucking touch her TK!" Frank dove out of the tree and landed with a combat roll ten feet below. Frank stashed the walkie-talkie in his jacket. Frank looked up into the night time sky in search of the castle ruins, it wasn't that hard to find despite how close he was it it. Frank looked to his right and found an unconscious Luna her coat was slightly singed in soom areas but over all she was okay. Frank turned his attention back towards the castle TK was hidden in one of the three spires that still stood. Assuming Frank began heading towards the tallest spire of them all... The throne room of the two ancient sisters. :[-]: The castle was dark and musty. Frank sneezed a few times but he was okay. "God damn its musty in here." He said wiping his nose. A female's cry caught Frank off gaurd making him jump revealing his pistol. Frank looked to his right was a long dark corridor except for the light at the very end. It casted off a light golden glow. There was then a bright flash of white light forcing Frank to cover his eyes with his left arm. "What the Hell is going on-" Frank was cut off by some hysterical laughter filing in behind it was slow following clap. Frank then proceeded down this hallway. Frank peeked his head around the corner of door way leading to a stair case heading upwards this appears to be where the gold light is coming from. Frank then cautiously strolled up the stairs the laughing only seem to grow louder as Frank got closer to his target. After a few minutes of casually going up a stair case Frank was greeted by two large doors. With a large symbol of two Alicorns who appear to be making a yin & yang symbol. Below the crease of the door was a faint golden light. "I guess I'm here then." Frank said placing his glasses on just in case TK attempts to blinde him or something. But before Frank opened the door. "Wait a second this is way to easy... Why would TK have an army of Zombies yet he doesn't try to stall me or stop me with him. He has no gaurds set up either... Huh." Frank then opened the door to be greeted by spray of bullets forcing him to jump down the stairs. "Well Frankie it seems you've found me!" TK laughed while reloading his M3-Sub Machine Gun. "What the Hell where did you get that weapon!?" Frank asked dodgeing another wave of bullets. Frank took cover behind a piller. "Sorry Frankie but I can't answer your questions just yet." He said completely ripping to the pilliar to pieces. "What are talking about? You told me about the rocket launcher!" Frank said returning fire. TK raised an eyebrow "Huh. I guess I did. Well I was just probably getting to carried away with myself. But never mind that Frankie prepare to die!" TK sprinted at Frank head on. 'Wow thats a stupid move to make run head on at a guy with a gun.' Frank spun around the pilliar and shot at TK. Who instantly faded from exsistance. 'What the Hell!?' TK then reappeared above Frank weilding his gun in one hand and a large sword in the other getting ready to strike Frank down. "Shit!" Frank dove out of the way before TK could strike him down. Quickly getting back up onto his feet TK rammed Frank in the gut with the hilt of the sword. Knocking the wind out of Frank, Frank dropped to his knees winded 'God I'm getting way to old for this shit! Frank thought defeated. TK laughed histerically TK took the sword and placed on Franks right sholder then slowly lifted it and placed it on his left. "May I now grant you the title of the Stupidest Fat Ass who actually thought could defeat-" TK cried out in pain a young Asian girl impaled TK in the back with large dagger. TK cried out in out rage as he turned around and fired a few rounds into Rebecca's right leg. Frank took this to his advantage Frank lunged at TK wrapping his arms around his waist lifting him up and throwing him onto a large concrete stage looking thing right in front of a large stain glass window that had the same symbol that the door had. Light pierced through the window as the morning sun began rise high in the sky. "How the fuck did you get out of those bonds?" TK heaved as he spat some blood onto the floor that glistened in the morning light. TK stumbled to his feet. "I let her go." Said Celestia her face stern and serouis a few burns marked her face. TK laughed, he laughed so hard he began hacking up blood. "I don't know whats fucken funnier the fact that I'm talking to a fucking horse, or the fact that your tall skinny ass intimidates me!" Celestias face grew angry and her horn flared in out rage. Frank approached TK picking up the M3 he dropped when Frank threw him. Frank trained the gun on TK, "You better start talken TK before I fill you up with led." TK roared with laughter. "What is there to talk about Frankie." TK spreaded his arms apart and a large smile bearing all his teeth spreaded across his face. "The Zombies! TK where are they!?" TK smiled and in low whisper he said, "I thought you'd never ask." With snap of his fingers a large door at the other end of the room opened revealing a massive wave of undead ponies. "Oh dear God that is not what I expected at all!" About a hundred undead ponies of all kind sauntered their way towards the four of them. Ponies of different types were scatterd about from pegasi to earth ponies and unicorns shambled their way towards them. "Welcome to the grand company picnic! I'm sorry I couldn't convince your live friends to come but I was able to bring most of their shambling decomposing corpses! HAHA!" TK bellowed with laughter. "ARGH!" Frank turned unleashing a Hell storm of bullets into TK's chest. Blood sprayed all over TK's body as his body jerked back bullets ripping clean through his chest and breaking through the window behind him. TK though still laughed hysterically. After Frank cleaned the M3 dry of all its bullets TK stood there his back slunched foward his head hung low his arms dangeling there. Blood dripped from the dozen of bullet holes in his chest TK raised his head slowly a grin still sat there on his lips blood seeping through the cracks. Slowly he stood up fully stretching his back out causing it to pop. Frank stared with disbelief. "H-how are you still alive?" he stutterd. TK smiled "Well Frankie thats a secert for next time." TK brought his hand back towards his back pocket. Frank reached for his gun but TK quickly brought his hand back revealing a Glock "Think Fast!" He shouted firing off a single shot striking Frank in the chest Celestia quickly flared up her magic throwing TK through the stain glass window where he then plummeted to his eminent demise. "Frank!" Rebecca limped her way towards Frank who laid on the ground clutching his chest. "Don't worry I'm not dead yet." He said with a full-hearted grin. "Not trying to ruin your reunion here, but I think we may have a problem." Celestia turned her attention back towards Frank who stared wide eye'd at a whole army of undead ponies who just now began climbing up the steps towards them... "Aw.. Shit here we go again."