//------------------------------// // Prolouge // Story: The White Shadow // by TexasBrony6 //------------------------------// The White Shadow- Prouloge Nothing is true.Everything is permitted. These were the words Shadow Flare grew up with. Which guided his life. This is the story of him and the creed he lived by. ********************************* Canterlot, 1432 1:32 AM  Valence trotted through the silent streets of canterlot and inhaled the crisp winter air. She stopped and stared at the band on her left forehoof which bore the red cross of her order. She stared through the mist and kept on, she had a job to do. She was going to kill Princess Dusklight, the assassin queen they called her in hushed taverns and dim bars.     "Ignorant" Valence muttered to herself. Her mind drifted to her child, Shadow Flare, she hoped he was safe and hidden; for she may not return by morning. She had left him in the care of a good freind, Famoir Tavir.     A sudden sound snapped her back to her senses. She looked around but saw nothing, and so she continued her march to the castle. Her breath hovered in front of her, crystalizing in the frigid air. A passerby gave her but a seldom glance. Little did they know she was going to change the fate of Equestria tonight.    Her husband Antonio would be pround. He had been struck down years ago by an accursed assassin and she was filled with rage when the memory sufaced. "Tonight" She whispered "The tides will turn". The plan was simple, kill the princess and her brother, a templar of course, would be next to take the throne. King Felix. "The future is bright" she whispered to herself. ******************************** Canterlot 1432 2:46 AM Valence entered the ballroom and was hit with a surge of music and sound. Ponies talked and drank and had a good time. The ballroom was large and the ceiling stretched up and came to a point. The room was made of marble and was decorated with the finest gemstones. It smelled of wine and food. She immediatley spotted her, sitting atop a balcony overlooking the ballroom was the assassin queen, her coat a deep crimson, her mane a billowing white. Valence hated her with everything she had. She slowly made her way around to the back of the ballroom. At the very back of the ballroom was a narrow hall which led to the stairway the the balcony. She trotted down the hall until she came to a pair of burly stallions dressed in the royal guard armor. "Youd better head on back the the ballroom missy" said the one to the right. "No guests beyond this point" said the other. She smiled and stated "Oh im sorry i mustve gotten lost". Her hoves moved like lightning, she drew her dagger and killed the one on the right before his partner even comprehended what was going on. She turned and brought the knife to the base of his throught, silencing his cry for backup and ending his life.     She trotted forward and came to the base of the stairway leading to the balcony. Another guard stood here, "hey-!". He was dead before he could finish. She trotted up the stairs, the walls on each side of her decorated in red banners bearing the golden dove cutie mark of the Princess. She reached to top of the stairs and there she was, right there. The reason for valences existance. A sound behind her startled her, and she spun around just in time to see the white hooded pony galloping down the hallway. "No!" she muttered. She turned around to face the Princess, if Valence was going to die then she was taking the princess with her.  Everything moved in slow motion as valence gallopped towards the Princess and plunged the knife into her neck, a spray of blood washing over her. There was an uproar from the crowd, ponies screamed and ran every direction. She turned around just as the blade was plunged into her chest. It was then that she saw the face of her killer. It was Famor. The one person she thought she could trust. She fell and hit the ground, blood pooling around her. A thought stuck her. "My son.." she managed to cough up. " Will be raised as a guardian of truth and justice" responded the tan pony in front of her. "No,no,no,NO!" she screeched. "Silence, rest now" responded Famor. "No, no, no....." Valence whimpered with her final breath. *********************************