The story of TomBerg

by B-Dog1996

The story of TomBerg

It was ncie dayy and tom teh rock woke up. he didnt know wehre he was but taht was becuase hes rock so he deosnt have eye. He rolld around slow becuse hes a rock and rock move slow coz he hav no leg. But then he saw bloomberg and he say hi my name tom the rock. bloomberg say hi i bloomberg but u can call me big B bcause my name start with b and im big. Tehn tom say wher am I an bloomberg repleid u in applosa how did u get here tom? Tom say i wok up her becase I got scard when rarty hug me. she say tom i want to sex me but I wanst redy so i run waay. Then blooberg sayd "i thouht applejack luv me but then she tried tie me train trakc and i scarrd so i tryd run but i coudnlt bacuse im tree so i hit tran an i fly oevr to here. Ten farmrpony cum and glue me to grund now i stuck.

But then farmerpony come so bloombeg say "ssshh or esle famrpony will kiil us but tom say pony cant hear rock an trees becuse there ear deosnt hear suondwavs because of difrent freqensy. i lrnt in rock scool. So tehy carry on talkin about life an weathr. After a wile they r happy so they share secrest. tom say my favrite food is stick of rock because it rock lik me. then bloomerg say i like brocolli becaus it look lik tree. We hav so much in common we should sex say tom. Bloomberg say yay. Then he rememer he glue to grond so he say oh no i glue to grond. But then he remeber someting he lernt at tree schol. Becasue plant grow to sun so he grow to sun until he close enuff an sex tom. tom enjoy it but he rolld slowy towrads bloomberg so he closer. then bloomberg put branch in crack in tom the rock and grow brnach insdie tom. But becuse theyr tree an rock it happen over 100 yaers becuae they move slow. Then tom say fastr but he couldnt becuase bloomberg is tree so he cant move fsat. so thye cary on until they get tired but they don't get tired becuase they tree and rock.

2 weks latr, Tom say I pergnat an blomberg what u say an tom say i prgnant. this is because they sex an now tom is pregant. But becaes they both male they don't get pregnet so baby come out strait away. They now have baby tree and rock but they mix tegother to make tre-rock baby so they half tree half rock. Then they call it sudowodo becaude it funny name. By tehn the farmerpony die because it tok 100 years for tom nd bloomberg to sex so glue stop sticking to bloomberg feet and the start new famly life in crountyside and live happily ever after.