SCP. Secure. Contain. Pony.

by SolidFerret

The tickle monster.

Rainbow Dash was furious.

"Who closed the door!?" She yelled as she scanned the room for her answer amongst the survivors.

"Was it you!?" She asked as she pointed a hoof at Jake.

"Wasn't me! I actually want to survive you know." Jake responded. By know, he knew that he had to trust the the people who put him here in order to survive.

"Well who did?!" She asked as she turned to the door and was shocked to see that the bloody claws haven't moved from their spot.

"SCP-079." Ricca answered.

"Who or what is that?" She asked.

"An A.I. that clearly got control of the facility. He must want some sort of natural selection. It might explain why the door was locked and Twilight had to unlock it. He locked the damn door so SCP-106 could find and take one of us." Ricca had it figured out. SCP-079 doesn't want them to escape.

"Well come on. By now I think we've all seen the bastards face. Lets go." Ricca said as he picked himself up and opened the door to the next room. The others followed with Rainbow Dash being pulled away from Ramirez's resting place.

The bloody claws pulled away as they all left the room.

Ponyville was in deep sorrow. The new about the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony disappearing from the very land of Equestria. Spike went to stay with the Princess ,who was also saddened at the thought of Twilight, the closes pony she'd had to a daughter, had been taken away in a split second. Princess Luna was also depressed at the news. She remembered when they taught her how to make friends on Nightmare Night.

Spike had slept in Celestia's hold in tears as he shook from a dream.

It was a dark place. It was almost as if it wasn't in his world. There was just a black void that gave away as he walked through it. It was like he was walking through the night sky without stars or the moon to light his way.

As he walked through a door that seemed to have opened for him like it knew he was there, he spotted a statue from across the room. He blinked to make sure he wasn't seeing things. He knew that it was there cause when he opened his eyes as quickly as he closed them, the statue had moved with a scratching noise. Spike backed away from it and turned around to go out the door.

His head quickly snapped back at the sound of the scratching and saw the statue move even closer. This time as he backed away, Spike kept his eyes on the statue and went through the door. When it closed he turned around kept moving. But soon the wall had a black hole on it and the sound of concrete cracking made his heart race as another monster had emerged from the hole. It wasn't a creature Spike had seen before. He saw how wrinkled it was and how it had a big grin on its face that could rival Pinkie Pie's smile.

Spike ran as the creature gave chase to him. He ran back to the room where he found the statue and found it gone. Not bothering to look for it, he continued running.

Spike had to stop to catch his breath. That's when he heard screaming unlike anything he had heard before. An ugly creature came though the door and chased at Spike at full speed.

Spike screamed at the sight of it and ran back to the room where he came from. However, the wrinkled monster was waiting for and swung through the door and tried to grab Spike. Spike looked to his sides and saw the monster giving chase. He tried to run past the grinning man but time had slowed down for him as he tried to run. As passed the old man and tried to get to the other side. To his surprise, the door opened to show the silhouette of a pony he thought he wouldn't see again.

"Spiiiike." It called in an echo in his mind. He tried to respond but it was like something in his throat had prevented words from being said.

The door closed and Spike turned around to see the bigger monster swiping a claw at him. Spike was so focused on the creature that he was unaware of the statue behind him as his head quickly turned as he felt something grab it.

Spike shot up. Breathing heavily and covered in sweat at the nightmare he just had. To afraid to think about it and not wanting to go back asleep to face the monsters, he cuddled up to Celestia and began to cry for the loss of his friend.

The survivors had finally reached the room that a few had been hoping for ever since the Breach started.

They had found the break room. Refrigerators filled with food and drinks. Coffee still warm with full pots as if the workers hadn't stepped foot in the room for a day.

"It's about Goddamn time we found some food." Jake said as he ate a sandwich. The others had sat down and gotten their food and drinks and ate. Some sat on the floor with the ponies while a few sat at the table.

Fluttershy sat against the wall. Ricca had sat down next her.



"Do you know if any of us are going to die?" She said quietly.

"I can' promise that we'll all make it. But I will fight to make sure that you and your friends are back to your homes." Ricca said with determination in his voice.

"What about you and those who make it?" She asked.

"Well we might have to speak to your leader to see if we could stay." He said.

Before Fluttershy could ask another question, Lopez spoke.

"Hey Ricca. I think I found a map that could lead us to E-Gate." He said. Ricca stood up and walked over to see. He was right. There was a map that showed the way to E-Gate. It looked like E-Gate didn't have an entrance from the outside the only way looked like you had to enter the facility to get there.

Fluttershy only looked from her spot. She had a glimmer of hope of making it when she heard that it was only an hour away. She tried to call to Ricca but something clamped on her mouth. A hand. That was when she heard the cement crack as an arm wrapped around her waist She tried to scream but they were muffled. Tears spilled from her eyes as she had a look of here and helplessness in her eyes.

"Well Flutters looks like you'll ma- FLUTTERSHY!" He yelled as he saw her. She only starred at him with fear as she knew that she wouldn't escape.

SCP-106 poked his head out from the hole and looked at the group before he pulled Fluttershy in slowly. Ricca ran to help her but he was to late as the hole sealed.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Instead of breaking down, he got up and grabbed his gun.

"Ricca I think-"

''Don't fucking stop me. I'm going to find her. She's out there." He got to the door and opened it. He leaned on the doorway.

"Are you sure?" Montes called to him.

"You guys take the others and go ahead. I'll find Fluttershy and catch up. Try not go to fast." He said as he stepped out of the room.

"Good luck to you then." Montes said with a salute.

"And to you as well." Ricca said as the door closed.

Fluttershy didn't know where she was. It was hazy and cold. She tried to run but her legs wouldn't let her. She only walked as she cried in fear for the unknown. She kept hearing things. Voices. What ere they saying?

"Allan?" She called, hoping that he was here and would protect her.

Thats when everything became blurry. Fluttershy couldn't see clearly to but knew that something war forming around her. She was woozy from the experience that she fell to the ground. But instead of what used to be stone bricks was replaced with metal.

She was back at the Foundation. In a room that she didn't know about. She knew that she wasn't here previously. She saw a sign that showed a picture of a gel like creature labeled,


"Oh dear." She said aloud. She hoped that this SCP wasn't near in hopes that it wouldn't hurt her. But when she heard slithering noises that resembled a snake zoning in on prey. She ran as fast as she could.

"Please! Go away!" She yelled in tears as she turned down a hall. But she felt something tackle her to the ground. At first she started to squirm around in fear, but soon she was squirming around in a laughing fit.

"No...please...stop." She squealed. She was being tickled in her sides. She was running out of breath and she heard something that sounded like an animal.

"I...can't...breath." She said as she tried to suck in air between giggles. Eventually, the tickling stopped and Fluttershy sat up and caught her breath.

She felt something purring and nuzzling her. She looked down to see a gel creature that resembled an amoeba. It was like a mass of orange slime.

"Oh my. Are you lost?" She asked. She thought that this couldn't possibly be a harmful type of SCP. It didn't respond and only hugged Fluttershy even tighter.

"Come on. I have friends who can help us." She said as she stood up and walked through the hall way. SCP-999 followed.

Fluttershy still didn't know where she was. She tried looking for a map or something to tell her where she was. But for some odd reason, despite the fact that their were monsters out for her, she was incredibly happy. It was like SCP-999 cheered her up.

But her ears perked up at a noise.


"Was that?" Before she could answer herself, she heard the ground crack and saw SCP-106 rise and walked towards her slowly.

"You shouldn't have ran from me." A voice echoed in her mind. "We were gonna have fun together. Don't worry, I'll take you back with me." The voice echoed once more.

Fluttershy backed up to the wall and shook in fear. But soon she heard the creature struggling with something. When she looked up, she saw SCP-999 wrestling with SCP-106. SCP-106 quickly made a portal and sunk down with SCP-999 in his grasp.

"No." She said softly. A door opened behind her. When she turned she saw Ricca standing there.

"Oh thank Christ." He said as Fluttershy ran into his arms.

"Oh thank goodness. I was so scarred." She sobbed into his shoulder.

"Relax. You're safe now." He patted her head like the first time.

"Come on. The others went ahead and I said that we'd catch up." Ricca walked into the hallway and back to where he came to find the others.

[A/N] That was a long one Programs. Hope ya'll enjoyed.