//------------------------------// // A Ligth Between Shadows // Story: MLP FiM: The Perfect Storm // by foxdieholocaust //------------------------------// King Sombra's plan was already in motion and the wheels of fate had started to turn. Trixie had began her short voyage to Ponyville, shivering in exitement thinking in the moment her revenge could be finally fulfilled. Finally she came to the outskirts of town and settled on a hill where she could overwatch all the movement on most of Ponyville, but most importantly the library where Twilight lived. She stayed there all day long, stalking her targets and memorizing all their movements until night. The next morning came and so Trixie abandoned the sheltering cart to finally start with her plan. She walked on to Ponyville main plaza, where everypony was still runing afraid of the former tyrant, and she simply stayed there like waiting for somepony. Rainbow Dash was overflying Ponyville at the moment she saw all the agitation provoked by Trixie's presence. "Hey, hold on what's going on?" She asked a fellow pegasi that passed her by. "It's she, Trixie is back, hurry get away from her, get away from the plaza!" The pegasus told alarmed at Rainbow Dash, who in that very moment flyied towards Twilight's house at the library. "Twilight, where are you!?" She shouted while breaking into the tree. "Rainbow Dash, what's going on, why are you so -" "Trixie is back in town Twilight, she is in the plaza!" "Wait, what!?" "Come on, i bet she isn't planning nothing good!" "Alright then, go for the others and meet me at the plaza!" "Roger, leave it to me!" And so the two ponies departed to their destinatons. When Twilight reached the plaza in front of the town hall, there she was, standing in the middle of the square with her magician cape protecting her from the sun and her hat hiding her face. "Trixie!" Twilight shouted to the blue mare in the empty place. Trixie stood still and silent while Twilight came closer. "What are you doing here Trixie, if you came for another duel..." "Twiligt... I have come here so i could talk to you" Trixie interrupted abruptly. "Wait, you came back here just so you could talk to me!?" Twilight was actually surprised at this, since she didn't notice any hostilily on Trixie's voice. "Don't listen to her Twilight, she is still Trixie, remember?" Rainbow Dash shouted while coming with the other 4 ponies. The mane six gathered around Twilight thinking that they were about to have an "aggressive argument" with Trixie. "Wait girls, she says that she wants to talk with me" "Are you really gonna believe that meanie!?" Pinkie Pie said with a surprised tone. "Listen Trixie, if you even try to pull anything funny we'll have the guards here in no time!" Said Rarity with an unusually angry tone in her soft voice. "Um.. Girls, maybie we should let her speak to Twilight since she has..." Fluttershy tried to express her point of view, but as always her voice was too soft to be hearded by her friends. "It's ya call Twilight, we'll support ya on anything ya choose" Finally said Applejack, with her always calmed demeanor in this times of crisis. Trixie was silent, still with her face hidden with the hat and her heart racing in expectative for her rival's final decision. "Alright Trixie i'll talk to you, but i won't be moving an inch away from my friends" And so, rising her head and taking off her hat Trixie began her speech. "I still can't apologize enought for all the damage i have caused to you and to all folks in Ponyville... I let that the worst of me take over but... You teached me something that day Twilight... You showed me that i was... Wrong... You showed me... How powerful is... The magic of friendship... I want to-" "You want to learn about friendship don't you Trixie?" Twilight interrupted, Trixie's words, followed by Rainbow Dash's. "Yeah right, you want us to believe that!?" "Well she looks sincere, maybie we should consider helping her" Rarity said with certain tone of concern. "Yes, we can at least try to-" Fluttershy's words were again interrupted by Dash's voice. "Come on, are you serious?" Rainbow Dash continued stubborn while Applejack just remained silent. And then Pinkie spoken. "Silly pony, why come all the way to Ponyville to make friends, you must have some friends at home or somewhere, right Trixie?" This words actually hit Trixie's heart for real, making her just turn her head and lower her sights. All of them suddenly realized, Trixie was all alone... She had no friends whatsoever, this make Pinkie's happy face suddenly turned a little sad. Trixie tought that she was prepared for this moment, but nevertheless it was painful to her to be remembered that she was all alone, without any friends. She actually never had real friends, only some ponies that kinda treated her nice like Snails and Snips. Trixie was surprised that her little weakness had actually touched everyone there, even Rainbow Dash stopped the trash talking. Fluttershy breaked the silence. "Um... Girls i actually think we should give Trixie a chance" "But Fluttershy we should meditate it a little more don't you think?" Twilight replied to Fluttershy. "Is just that... She seems to be truly regretful and... Well she needs us... Maybie if we show her what friendship is she could be nice to everypony... And besides we can't say no when somepony else asks for our help... Even if she used to be mean she deserves a second chance... Sharing kindness is an easy feat... Right girls?" Fluttershy standed right next of Trixie as if she was protecting her of something. And that leaved the other 5 pensative about the matter. They looked at each other, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie noded in agreement, but Rainbow Dash still refused. "Alright sugarcube, we give ya a last chance" Applejack had faith in what they could do to help Trixie. "But if you even think of pulling anything im gonna buck your flank so hard tha-" "Rainbow Dash!" Applejack shouted at the aggressive Rainbow Dash and the two stared at each other for a few seconds, after that Dashie taked flight. "I'll be watching you, Trixie!" Dash said while flying to the horizont. Then Pinkie stared to Trixie. "Do you know what this means, Trixie!?" "W-what?" Twilight and the others rolled their eyes while chucking. "It means that we'll have a PAR-TY!" "Huh, why a party!?" Pinkie filled her lungs with air and then. "Because we have now a new friend, that is you, and we need to have a party to celebrate that we have a new friend, because when you make a friend it makes your life brighter, thats why we need to celebrate, and even more, you used to be mean and now you're our friend and thats why we have to PAR-TY!!!" Pinkie was out of breath, but recovered inmediatly and taked Trixie from her hoof. "Come on this way!" Pinkie practically dragged Trixie like a doll while happily bouncing to Sugarcube Corner, followed by the other ponies. "Wait here, i'll have everything ready in just a second!" Saying this Pinkie started to come in and out of Sugarcube, adorning to begin a party at an impossible speed. Trixie asked Twilight while dazzled by Pinkie. "How does she do... That..." "Believe me, don't ask, you'll just get used to it over time" Rarity was chuckling while watching Trixie. "What's so funny?" Trixie asked Rarity "Oh nothing, is just that is always funny to watch anypony's first reaction to Pinkie's... Normality" Everypony, including Trixie laughted at Rarity's joke. And finally the party was ready to start. "Alright everypony, let's enjoy another of Pinkie's legendary parties!" Applejack exclaimed enthusiansmated and everypony greeted. They entered Sugarcube Corner, all exept for Trixie and Fluttershy. "What's wrong, Trixie?" "I don't know... All of this is too sudden... I mean i taked over your town and now you're making me a party" "Ponies can change Trixie... Just as the night becomes day... And i know you wouldn't be able to hurt anypony..." Trixie turned down her head, and when she looked back she saw Fluttershy's smiling face and she smiled back at her. Trixie was now feeling a heavy doubt in her heart, she hasn't been a single day in Ponyville and she was already questioning everything she had been living in the past few days, her terrible visions, King Sombra's offering, and the Amulet's curse. The sundown was now ending and night had fallen So for now, they entered the party and enjoyed the night. It was a nice heartwarming party with songs, smiles, a lot of AJ's cider and laughts. Despite all that happened early and in the past, Trixie felt a beautiful sensation in her chest, it was joy, she actually was enjoying the company of those ponies she used to hate. The nigth passed away in a blink, so the obvious question was made. "You have a place to stay, Trixie?" Twilight kindly asked. "Ah, yes... my cart is... Above a bucking hill... outside of Ponyville" "Don't worry for tonight you can stay with me and Spike... We have a guest's bed" "In the library!?" "Where else?" Trixie had hoped that the Alicorn Amulet could be stored somewhere inside Twilight's house, in the moment she entered she would be able to feel it's presence inmediatly. "This is my home, but i assume you already must know it?" "Please don't remind me of those times Twilight" "I'm sorry, im gonna go up to get the beds ready" When Trixie was left alone, she used her magic to find out if the amulet was there, but it turned out it wasn't there. Trixie just tought that she'll find it anoter day, for the days of unrest were taking their toll. "Trixie, you can come up now!" She left her cape and hat aside and got into bed, falling sleep inmediatly like a rock. And thus, time began to pass for Trixie in Ponyville, and the other ponies began to the fear they had for her. She had began to study and practice magic along Twilight, growing stronger everyday. Twilight realized the magical potential of Trixie, that's why she started to teach her advanced magic. Trixie had also made good friends with Fluttershy, who was the first to ever stand for her, Fluttershy teached her kindnes and Trixie helped her whenever she got picked by someone else, so they grew a very strong bond. Rarity teached her about how generosity could make her loved by others, and she also teached her fashion and class. There wasn't much that Applejack could teach her that she hasn't lived in her own flesh, about how lies will eventually destroy the liar and honesty was always better, no matter how humble it is. Pinkie Pie made Trixie less serious, making her enjoy the life she had and to laught in times of despair. The last one to accept her was Rainbow Dash, who in the end accepted her as a friend and teached the most valuable thing to Trixie, to always be loyal to your true friends, no matter the temptations and no mattered the fears, obstacles and dangers ahead, friends will always be by your side. Trixie had reopened her magic show, but now instead of using intimidation and lies, she used what their friends had taught her, making her show very succesful. Trixie had completly abandoned her plan of adquiring the Alicorn Amulet and stab Twilight in the back, her friends became the most important thing in her life, the thing that maked her truly happy. The night of The Grand Galloping Gala was drawing near, and everypony including Trixie recieved tickets for the Gala. Since Shining Armor, Cadence and even Luna were going to take part in this year's Gala they decided to go. Trixie thought that she had changed her fate, for she was whole now. But once the wheels of fate start turning, there is nothing able to stop them.