Consuming Hatred

by BrightSanctuary

A Visit from a Doctor

The Doctor stepped from the TARDIS, to find himself in a familiar sight, Ponyville. The first thing he noticed when he stepped outside was that the temperature had dropped quite a bit from the time he had just left. He had grown to like this new world though his help is rarely needed it seems. But in this world there was so much left to learn, every time he found himself on a new exciting adventure. Before he got started on this adventure though, he better go see his assistant Derpy.
He began to walk toward Ponyville. As he continued he started taking in surroundings. The sky was filled with black clouds thinker then he had ever seen in this world before, and the wind seemed to have a dark howl to it. The closer he got to Ponyville, the colder it seemed to get until he started having trouble with footing. The ground around Ponyville seemed to have been crusted in a layer of ice.
His walk did not take too long before he found himself in the center of Ponyville headed straight for Derpy’s house. As he walked through town he seemed to notice a tension in the air that was not related to the cold brisk air.
He approached Derpy’s house with a new air. Walking up to the door he lifted his hoof to knock when he heard a crash from inside. “Oh, I hope she had not hurt herself again,” he said mostly to himself. He knocked on the door only to be answered with silence.
After a minute of silence he then called out, “Hay, Derpy, are you alright in there.”
“Go away,” He heard Derpy call from the inside, “I don’t want to see anyone today or ever.”
This was not like Derpy to refuse a gust. Not even in her worse of states, but the Doctor was not going to let this go. He took out his sonic screwdriver and began to pick at the lock only to realize there was a lock there. “That is odd”, he thought he never remembered seeing a lock on a door in Ponyville before. He began to wonder why there would be one now
He continued to pick the look. When the door was open he went in with no regard to courtesy anymore. He was going to find out what had happened to his assistant, for this was not like her.
He stepped inside to find Derpy laying on the ground, a little battered but no worse for the wear. The true disaster was her house. Her house looked like a tornado had gone through it. The Doctor would not think much of it, if it was not for the way Derpy was acting.
The Doctor walked over to Derpy and looked down at her. Immediately he got a response. “I said go away. I don’t want to see anypony and especially not you,” Derpy said with cold voice full of disdain.
This was not Derpy. With the Doctor’s fears confirmed, he pulled Derpy’s eyes up to his own, only to be greeted by a cold dark stair. Only for a split second, for just as the Doctor saw a tear, Derpy yanked his head away. The Doctor realizing that he was fighting a losing battle left to go and see what else he could possibly do, and maybe what has happened to his caring assistant.
As he stepped outside he had an epiphany. There was only one pony that could possibly know what was going on, Twilight Sparkle, the smartened pony he knew, and that means a lot.
Twilight had finally lost it. After being rejected the ability to enter Canterlot she had nowhere else to turn. Here friends where a mess. She could not reach the princess, and even if she could she was sure she would not even get a response. Plus the voice of those eyes continued to tear at her psyche.
Spike lay in the other room still asleep form the sleep spell Twilight had to cast on him. She lay on the library floor with all the books scattered about. She had checked every book case for an answer. Not even her memory spells had worked to return anyone back to normal.
Then she heard a knock on the door, “What do you want?” She yelled form where she lay.
“I must speak with you,” Time Turner said as he opened the door and walked in, “I need your help”
“You and Everypony else,” Twilight retorted, “All of Ponyville is in chaos, and I don’t know what it could be. It is almost as if Discord had returned to his old self. But I haven’t heard from him either.”
“Well I see what you mean,” The Doctor said, “Derpy has completely demolished his house.”
“Isn’t that normal for her though,” Twilight said curiously.
“Yes but this time I think she did it on purpose. And she had refused to answer anything I say to her except to tell me to go away”
“Your right,” Twilight said, “That is not like her, but that is just one more to tack on to the rest of the town. I know magic has to be involved, but I can’t tell what. There is nothing in all of the books that could explain what has happened, and I have been forbidden to enter Canterlot. My brother’s shield is up too so I can’t jest simply teleport in.”
“Isn’t there any other way to get in?” Time Turner asked, “One that the shield does not block?”
“I don’t know,” Twilight thought for a second, “There are secret passages that lead to the old abandoned mines under Canterlot, but I am not sure if the shield would block those, or where the entrance from this side would be.”
“Well,” The Doctor said, “In that case, I figure that is what you should do next. Have you tried the caves that the train tracks run through? I would think that if there is an entrance, that is where it would be.”
“That is a great idea,” Twilight said with delight finally returning to her face, “How could I have not thought of that before. I just need to get a few things together, and by the way, would you mind accompanying me? I may need some more help.”
“I would be glad to,” The Doctor said, like he would have it any other way.