Poetic Insights: A Collection of Pony Poems

by Dash The Stampede

A Gem's True Shine

A Gem's True Shine

Our friendships may sever
They say diamonds are forever,
But the only eternal stone
Ensures we are not alone

It's shimmer may not be great
But don't count it second-rate
This gemstone will never shatter,
But should condition ever matter?

A ruby's gleam, an emerald's sheen
Staring into the ephemeral green
Sapphire shine, Topaz glow
All of these are gems we know

But there is a gem we haven't found
And you cannot get it from the ground
This gemstone's a true Rarity
Graceful passion to be set free

Though flawless this gem may not be
Its imperfections aren't all we see
For deep inside no cracks will show;
Generosity's eternal flow

Infusing it with harmony
And giving it some subtlety
Refined by friendship so true
And hardened as it's heart grew

If you wish to find this Rarity
Look beneath the surface you see
Only the inside will fully define
This gemstone's true shine.