//------------------------------// // Fragmentation // Story: Scarlet // by Capo First //------------------------------// The sun shone brightly on the horizon as it slowly made its way into the vibrant glow of the sky. Its rays cast light over the land, illuminating the many cities that sprawled across Equestria. Early rising ponies were going about their daily business, whether it be opening shops or preparing for a day in the park with their friends. The shadows slowly crept away, growing shorter and shorter as the sun climbed its way into the sky. As the morning wore on, more and more ponies awoke. Soon the towns were bustling with activity. The day seemed nearly as perfect as possible. Yet beyond the beautiful city of Canterlot, nearly unblemished save one charred building, the perfection that was the day seemed to stop. Here, in this area, a grim mood stained the air and the three ponies who currently inhabited it. One, a green stallion with an even darker green mane, stood tall, his inner sorrows twisting his face into a sort of grimace as he walked over the rocky surface of the trail they were traveling on. The second, a light gray pegasus with a red and black mane, was asleep on this first pony's back. Tears stained her cheeks, and dried blood ran from under a loosely wrapped bandage on her right wing down her side, contrasting with her coat and giving her a deathly appearance. The third mare walked a little ways ahead of the other two. Her glowing white coat reflected the light of the rising sun, making her look angelic. The dark red of her mane matched the bloodstains on her hooves, received when she tied the bandage on the first mare. Nearly three years of tragedy and constant fear showed in her crimson eyes, however the rest of her face hid the sorrows that plagued her mind. Thoughts chased each other around her brain, certain ones resurfacing and sticking in her mind until she pushed them away, shuddering inwardly. And it was in this fashion that the trio wearily walked on, as the shining towers of the city two of them called home faded into the distance behind them. The rocky path presently smoothed and turned into the traditional dirt roads that were commonplace in Equestria. Scarlet led them on in silence, with no intention of stopping. It was about noon when Capo finally opened her eyes. She blinked in the blinding light of the sun, not understanding where she was or why. Was it a dream? She wondered, recalling the previous night's nightmarish events. It seemed so far away yet... so real. She gently stretched her wings but stopped when unbearable pain wracked her mind. She turned to look at the source and nearly fainted back into unconsciousness. Dried blood ran down her wing and down her side, making her look like she had been in some kind of battle. And she had been, she thought with a grimace. Damn changelings... she slowly became aware of a rocking sensation and twisted her head to observe her surroundings. She was riding on the back of Magikasta, whose head was bowed and eyes shut tight. Poor Magi, she thought. He had lost everything... while she was used to having nothing. She looked past him at the shimmering white mare. Scarlet walked like a robot, her body showing no change for hours as she continually walked on towards and unknown destination. Capo turned her head and took in her location. The middle of nowhere, she thought. Perfect hiding spot. Plains stretched for miles in every direction, with few trees sparsely decorating the landscape. The mountain towered behind them someways, her former hometown just barely visible around the side. Capo returned her attention to her injured wing. It had been wrapped in a makeshift bandage, which the blood had soaked through and ruined. With a grimace she slowly tore the bandage off her wing and admired the wound. The gray coat surrounding the wound was stained a dark red, with thin tendrils of colors stretching away down her wing where the blood had run. In the center of the wound an even deeper red gash split the surface where the dagger had torn away the skin. Capo once again shifted her wing, widening the wound. Even as her brain was flooded with pain again, she examined the injury. A small bit of bone was visible through the ripped muscle, gleaming white in the midday sun. As she moved it slightly, the scabs on the sides reopened, and blood oozed out onto the already stained coat. She winced and turned her gaze away, unable to look at it any longer. To her surprise, she turned her head right into Magik's loving stare. Magik looked into his marefriend's eyes, revealing both undying loyalty and extreme sadness. The fact that she had stayed with him through this was a testament to the strength of their relationship. No words were spoke between the two, only a deep loving gaze as Magik walked on blindly, his thoughts focused on the mare sitting on his back. It was nearly a full 30 seconds before he realized that Scarlet had stopped walking and was now behind them. Magik wheeled around to face her. For the first time he had a full view of the deep emotions in her eyes. He was taken aback by the great sorrows expressed there. Capo experienced a similar reaction. For a few minutes they stood in silence, unsure of what to say. Finally, Scarlet looked up with a sigh. "Remember when I told you about my... split personality?" The other two nodded. "Well... it's happening now." Scarlet grimaced and flinched, as through fighting off an unseen attacker. "The other side is resuming control," she stated in a calm voice. "This wouldn't be a problem but... she doesn't know you. I have no idea what she is like it how she will react to the situation." "I'm sure she won't be that bad-" Capo attempted to comfort her, but Scarlet shook her head. "You don't understand, she is probably nothing like me. She is an entirely different pony in the same body. For all I know she will try to kill you." "What do you want us to do?" Magik watched Scarlet with a concerned look. "Tie me down. It's for the best." Scarlet shuddered and twitched as she attempted to fight off the change as it gained in strength. She knew it was impossible, but she hoped to delay it as Capo and Magik worked to tie her to a nearby tree. She grit her teeth as they finished, feeling the ropes tightens against her chest. "Ready?" She asked, shutting her eyes and preparing for the sensation. "Ready." The couple watched curiously as Scarlet's body slowly went limp for a minute. Capo leaned against Magik, a frightened look on her face as she wondered what the other Scarlet would be like. She closed her eyes. "Untie me you fuckers!" Capo's eyes shot open to see Scarlet struggling against her bonds, yelling and swearing vehemently. She snorted and struggled, to no avail. Capo and Magik remained silent as they watched the mare keep fighting against the ropes, her muscles straining. Finally she stopped, exhausted. "What do you want with me?" She asked, a hint of rage behind her voice. "Umm.. hi." Magik stepped forward cautiously. Scarlet fixed her death glare on him. Magik looked down, not meeting her stare. "I'm Magikasta, and this is Capo," he muttered, unsure of what to say. "That doesn't answer my question." Magik shrank back at the words. Scarlet's stare seemed to penetrate his mind. Capo sighed and stepped forward. "We were traveling with you, and you told us to tie you up." Scarlet looked at her, confused. "Oh, you mean the other one? You met with her? What is she like?" Scarlet's hostile demeanor was almost instantly replaced by eagerness for information. "Well... she's very solemn. Very keen senses, and loves to eat meat. She-" "Wait. Did you just say she eats meat?" Scarlet had a look of horror on her face. "Well... yeah." Scarlet began coughing, screaming about the horror of consuming such things. Capo and Magik couldn't help but chuckle a little at the scene. Scarlet stopped retching and glared at the laughing couple. "Why are you traveling with her- or, me I guess- in the first place?" The two ponies immediately stopped laughing. "Well... we brought her into our home in Canterlot..." Capo began tearing up, so Magik continued. "The changelings came," he said simply. "Burned the place to the ground. Everything we ever had went up in flames." To his suprise, Scarlet bowed her head and flattened her ears. "I'm... I'm so sorry." Tears dripped from Scarlet's eyes as she realized that, while not necessarily her personality, it was her fault that these ponies had suffered so much grief. And therefore, it was her responsibility to care for them... how was she supposed to do that? She could barely care for herself! She looked up at the two unfamiliar characters. The gray one was crying into the green one's mane. The gray one seemed familiar somehow... Scarlet shook her head. She was imagining things. There was no way she was... she was what? She couldn't remember. She felt... like she knew her from somewhere. Could it be the other consciousness bleeding through? If so, what did that mean? "Scarlet?" Capo's voice jerked her from her thoughts. Scarlet shook her head again and attempted to wipe the tears from her eyes, but remembered that her arms were still restrained. Capo approached gently and freed her. Scarlet turned away from the other two momentarily and wiped her eyes. As she pulled them away she realized her hooves were bloody. That was a first; she could never remember gaining control and seeing blood. The other side seemed not to like to get dirty. She turned back to the other two and noticed Capo's wing. "Oh you poor thing!" Scarlet rushed to her side and examined the wound, much to Capo's discomfort. "Muscle is ripped all the way to the bone... we need to get you to a doctor." She straightened up and examined their location. "Where exactly are we?" "We don't really know... we were following you." Capo looked up at her, concerned. Scarlet furrowed her brow. "Well, this road has got to lead somewhere. We'll just follow it." Magik and Capo nodded, and the three set off down the dirt road, the afternoon sun high above. Presently a form of some sort arrived on the horizon, seeming to shimmer with the heat of the day. They slowly marched on towards the city, not noticing the pair of glowing eyes watching them from the darkness of the tree. It was nearly sundown when they arrived at the city, which turned out to be Manehatten. The sky had become cloudy and dark. The trio passed into the city. Crowds were safety, Scarlet thought as they made their way through the streets bustling with ponies leaving their business for home. The changelings would have less of a chance finding them here. Still, it was better to get indoors as fast as possible. Capo would have to see the doctor in the morning. They headed for the nearest inn as the rain began, washing over the city in sheets. They were soaking wet by the time they entered the establishment, but the warm glow of the interior immediately raised their mood. Scarlet approached the counter as Capo and Magik stayed by the roaring fire in the fireplace. "What do you think?" Capo whispered to Magik as they watched Scarlet talk to the innkeeper. "About what? Her?" Capo nodded. "I think we have to trust her... we have no choice." "But it's her fault we are in this predicament in the first place!" Capo hissed. Magik shook his head. "It's not her fault. Besides, we made the choice to come with her. She may be... different now, but we're stuck with her." "We could-" Capo cut off as Scarlet came over to them, a key clutched in her teeth. She tossed it to Magik. "There's the key to your room. In the morning we'll get that wing to a doctor. Don't want it to get infected." She sighed tiredly, shadows under her eyes. "Wait, if you didn't have any money, how d-" Scarlet held up a hoof, cutting Capo off. "It's not important. What is important is that you go get some sleep. Go on, your room is the third one on the left." She watched Capo and Magik climb the stairs, smiling sadly. They turned back to look at her, but she merely waved them onward. As they disappeared from view, a hoof grabbed Scarlet and pulled her into a nearby bedroom. Darkness. Water dripping somewhere nearby, the clinking of chains. A faint green glow visible, under what Scarlet presumed was a door. Distant screams echoed through the air, chilling her to the bone. Presently her eyes adjusted to the gloom, and she looked around. Chains and shackles were scattered around, some bloody and one with a strange, bony figure in it. She herself was chained to the wall, the shackles cutting into her... but not hurting. This confused her. Why didn't they hurt? It always hurt, for as long as she could remember. Not that that was very long, she couldn't even remember where she was. She laughed in spite of herself. She couldn't remember! Maybe it wasn't that bad after all. She turned her head to observe the room. Chains and shackles... she stared at the skeletal figure. Why did it feel like she had seen it before? She wondered. That's right! She had just looked at it! And she had looked at if before that, and before that, and before that! Oh how many times had she looked at it? The image was burned into her mind, but every time she forgot! How many times had she thought this! Nothing was for certain. The cycle continues, never ending, never stopping- She stopped. A faint sound was approaching, growing louder and louder, until it hurt her ears! It was footsteps, pounding, drumming! Louder! Louder! LOUDER! Closer and closer, bringing her to her death, to her doom... The door opened, a blinding green light burning Scarlet's eyes. A figure stood in the doorway, familiar yet strange at the same time. She felt as though she knew this person... but she didn't. Her mind battled against itself, as the figure just stood and watched. Watched! Did it not care? She was losing her mind, and it just stood there! After what seemed like hours, the figure began to cross the floor towards her. Scarlet shrank away, trembling, what did the figure want? It seemed to take forever, each step creating a shockwave in her mind. By the time it was halfway there she was insane. Like she wasn't insane already! She thought hysterically, her eyes darting back and forth as it came closer. A patch of light shone on the ground, and slowly rose up the mysterious body, revealing a gray coat, covered in scrapes. There were marks around the hooves not unlike the ones that circled hers, created by the pull of the chains. Her eyes traveled up the chest of the figure, to meet the face she knew so well, the one that comforted her. She met the eyes of the figure, one green, one orange, and froze. "...Topsy?" The gray stallion nodded, his eyes cold, emotionless. Scarlet stopped, noticing his expression. "What's wrong babe?" "You killed me Scarlet." Scarlet shrank back, shaking her head violently. "And you laughed," he added. "You enjoyed it, didn't you?" "T-Topsy... please... I'm so sorry..." Tears began to leak from her eyes as she shook more violently. "Answer the question Scarlet." "I d-didn't want to... They m-made me..." Topsy glared at her. "Tell the truth Scarlet. You killed me. And you enjoyed it." By this point Scarlet was sobbing. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her voice trembled. "Y-yes! I k-killed you! And I e-enjoyed it!" A bloodchilling scream escaped from Topsy's mouth. His eyes rolled back into his head and his mouth closed, but the scream continued. Scarlet tried to clamp her hooves over her ears, but they were chained in place. She watched, horrified as an invisible force began attacking Topsy, claws tearing at his flesh. Blood sprayed over the walls, covering them in a sickly red glow. The spray covered Scarlet's face, sickening her to her stomach. Next was the flesh. Chunks of meat splattered against the walls at at her feet, staining her white coat. And on and on the scream continued, echoing around the room and into her ears. Beneath her horror there awoke a new sensation. She became angry... so angry at Topsy. She felt an urge... to rip, to tear, to destroy, to kill- Scarlet awoke with a start, her body drenched in sweat. She stared up at the ceiling of the innkeeper's bedroom, breathing heavily. It was only a dream, she thought to herself. Not real. Topsy was still... her thoughts trailed off as she closed her eyes and sighed sadly. As she laid her head back on the pillows and drifted off to sleep again, there was one crucial fact she failed to recognize. The innkeeper next to her wasn't breathing.