//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Fragments of Fanzith // by Viscera //------------------------------// "WHERE ARE THEY" it yelled to her. "Ah said ah don't know!" Applebloom cried, nearly passing out from the bloodloss from the nail inside her hoof keeping her supported onto the wall. "She's useless, throw it in there like the others!" the other figure said, leaving to torture the next unlucky pony. Applebloom turned to her left to see another blank flank filly just beside her backed near the wall. "I NEED MORE CANTALOUPE FOR MY FRENCHFRIES, PLEASE! EHEHEHEHEH" yelled the seemingly insane, white coated pony. The bloodloss finally got to Applebloom and she passed out. It seemed to be a good 3-4 hours before she woke up from a new voice. "Here's your slop, maggot." dumping the greenish-brown slop into the bowls. "OH MY MY MY I'M SO HUNGRY I COULD EAT A HORSE!" yelled the white coated, insane pony. "Uh, Ah'm not too hungry.." Applebloom said to the other. The other pony then took the food and started digging in. Later that night, everypony was asleep, except Applebloom. She couldn't sleep with all of the screaming from the other side of the wall. All of the sudden, the sirens were wailing, everypony still asleep from the slop. "Freeze alien scum!" was yelled, from a familiar voice. A blue pegasus flying through the hallway with pistol in hoof, shooting all of the guards. "Rainbow Dash!" Applebloom yelled. Out from the door ran in a new alien. "F'WASHTH VUR QUATHILTH" it screeched, leaping onto Rainbow Dash, stabbing all of her hooves and wings into the ground with its 6 legs. The pistol was then sliding across the ground into Applebloom's cell. Applebloom grabbed the gun and aimed. She shot the 6 legged alien into the brain at least 8 times before it died. "Applebloom!" Rainbow Dash yelled, approching her. "Oh sweet Celestia, I'm sure glad to see a familiar face. From the looks of it, it looks like you didn't eat the slop." Applebloom shook her head. "Good, if you eat too much of it, you won't wake up. Come on, lets get the fragment and get out of here." "Wait, a fragment of what?" Applebloom questioned. "No time to explain. Lets just get it and get the hell out of here." "Here." said Applebloom, handing Rainbow her gun back. "No its fine I have a spare" she enclined, pulling out another from her army vest. After minutes of picking the lock on the door, they entered the cafeteria. There was no aliens in site at least, as far as they saw. They were hiding under the cafeteria tables when suddenly they heard talking. "Fqua'th sad clar'tel Celestia varzz kelthisz fran." one said to the other, pulling out the chairs to sit down at the table the ponies were hiding under. "Van quew?" it said, seeing the ponies. "Run!" Rainbow Dash yelled, attempting to fly with her cut-up wings. Applebloom didn't know what to do. "Just go on without me, you get out of here and send help!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed to Applebloom. "Here!" Rainbow Dash threw her extra gun and her lock picks "I'm not gonna need them anymore." "Fw'th qu'eth fran swelth?" asked one alien to the other. "Fran vas walth queth." "Mmhpmhphmh!!" Rainbow Dash attempted to yell, but couldn't because of the gag in her mouth. In the other hall, all Applebloom could hear was the muffled screams of Rainbow Dash. She was walking through the hallway, fearing her death approaching soon. As she was going past the cells, she saw a couple familiar faces. She stopped when she saw her long-time friend, Twist. "psst, Twist! Are you awake!" Applebloom attempted to wake her. "Of courth I'm awake!" "Oh good, hold on Ah'll get ya out of there!". Applebloom attempted lock picking, and failed the only 3 picks she had left. She didn't quite know how to use a lock pick. "Oh Celestia that ain't good!" Applebloom pulled out her pistol, luckily enough she had exactly 1 bullet left. She shot the lock. The lock fell off of the cell door and opened. "Oh thank you, Applebloom! I just have one quethtion." "Shoot." "Where are we going?" "To get help." "Y-you mean.. O-Out THERE?!" Twist exclaimed. "We have to if we want any chance to live." "F-fine, I thure hope you know what your doing." The two ponies left the hallway, into the outside world. Seeing nothing but the mere shell of what Ponyville used to be. There were dead bodies everywhere. Not all seemed lifeless out here however. "QUAK'TH FRAN QUAL'TH ZANZS!" they heard from the sky. It was what appeared to be a metalic worm-like vehicle with helicopter wings and 2 machine guns equiped. Applebloom and Twist ran for their lives away from the bullets flying at them, grazing their tails. "Quick! Into the water!" Applebloom exclaimed to Twist. They entered the green, goopy water to hopefully lose sight from the war machine. Inside the water they found a hatch. They surfaced into the air to breathe and went back down under to knock. They saw a purple eye under the lens of the door. The door opened. "Oh thank Celestia its you guys." The two fillies went through a water-draining contraption and entered the room. It was Twilight Sparkle. "So I take it you guys somehow escaped Jail Sector B, the one in Ponyville. Well, whats left of Ponyville at least. Do any of you know what happened to Rainbow Dash?" "Uhm Ah think Ah can explain..." Applebloom said hesitantly. "So uhm. Ah was just sitting in mah cell, and here comes Rainbow Dash with a gun and well.. she got attacked by some bug thingy. And then.. uhm, her gun slided across the ground, Ah picked it up and killed the bug thing, she shot the lock and we escaped. Then we got into a cafeteria but we got caught and she told me to get help." "Oh no no no no, this is NOT good news, not good news at ALL. Hold on let me contact Princess Celestia, we have a tracking chip on Rainbow Dash." Twilight hopped to her computer and attempted to contact Princess Celestia. "What?Celestia's asleep? Already? Fine, put Luna on the phone." There was an awkward silence for a moment or two. "Luna, bad news. We need immediate details on Rainbow Dash's whereabouts." she said into the communication device. Twilight's computer then showed a screen showing all of the information on Rainbow Dash possible at the time. Name: Rainbow Dash Sex: Female Race: Pegasus Age: 19 (DECEASED) Spouse: N/A Occupation: Weather Patrol Coat Colour: Blue Mane Colour: Rainbow Cutie Mark: Rainbow lightning bolt coming out of a cloud "Oh no.. no no no no no no no no!" Twilight began to panic. "You guys don't know what this means do you?!" The fillies shook their heads. "Not only did we lose one of our most powerful soldiers, we also lost one of my best friends. Not only does this ruin my life, but it also means we're lacking one of the 6 elements of harmony!" "Without Rainbow Dash, our only hope to defeat this alien threat is gone!" Twilight began to raise her voice to exponentially high levels. "THATS GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER. WE LOSE GUYS, PONYVILLE'S GONE! ALL OF EQUESTRIA IS GONE!" the fillies were backing into the wall out of fear of the shouting purple mare.Not soon after they all heard a loud crash. Twilight immediately stopped talking altogether. The door broke and 7 tentacles came through where the door once was, goop flying out of the hole. The tentacles grabbed the 3 ponies. None of them could see with all the goop in their eyes. After wiping their eyes clear they saw the flashing underside of what seemed to be an alien jellyfish. "Ha ha ha, don't think I couldn't hear you Twilight Sparkle!" Said a dark, evil voice.The fish then brought them near the top of the head so they could see the one controlling it. Much to their disbelief, it was a pony like them! "Oh, Twilight you haven't changed a bit, getting so overhyped over such a small deal..! No reason to miss your old little Rainbow Dash, especially when your looking right at her! hahaha!" "No! what have you done with the real Rainbow Dash!" Twilight exclaimed. "Nothing at all my little pony, I just took your friend and gave her a 'makeover' if you will! heh heh.. and I most certainly will!" "Now why don't you all get out of OUR city before something bad happens, okay? Wouldn't want any of you to get hurt~ ha ha ha." The jellyfish then threw them far, far away into the Everfree forest. "Well what do we do now?" Applebloom questioned. "Well we're in the Everfree forest, theres no hope of coming back to Ponyville. The only safe haven for us is Canterlot. I would have contacted Luna on my computer but thats a bit out of the question now. Canterlot is miles away from here, too far to walk it. We're going to have to ask Zecora to give us us some sort of transportation, since we're already here." Twilight explained. "Mhhmm Thith ith one pretty flower~" Twist said, not paying attention to the other two ponies. "No! don't touch that!" Twilight exclaimed. It was too late. "Do you know what you just did?!" "Um I just touched a pretty blue flower?" Twist said In a confused manner. "Wait.. what happened to your lisp?" Applebloom butted in. "Maybe the flower made my voice normal!" "Sorry Twist, don't get used to it. We need to get to Zecora to remove the curse right away. Nopony knows what the negative side to that curse is. And I'd really rather not find out. Zecora probably has some herbs for an herbal bath for you. If she doesn't then, well we'll have to find them for her." The ponies began to walk down the only trail they could find, Twist bugging Twilight the whole way. ---------------------- Meanwhile in Canterlot castle "Twilight do you read me!? Twilight! Twilight! Come in Twilight! Its no use.. I've been trying for hours now." Luna began to give up. "Oh sweet celestia what happened to Twilight?! Should I wake Celestia? No no I musn't! I've learned that waking Celestia during her nightly rest isn't a good idea.." Luna began to open the door to leave the castle. "I will find Twilight myself! Now where could she be?" Luna began to fly off to search the once hiding spot of Twilight Sparkle. ----------------------- "Zecora! Zecora wake up!" Twilight yelled, pushing Zecora off of her balance pole. "My my, ponies its 3 in the morning, could you not have given me a warning?" "Yeah sorry about that. We kind of need help pretty bad." Zecora's eyes widened a bit. "Look, we need an herbal bath for Twist pronto. She kind of went too close to the poison joke." "I'm fresh out of herbs I must say, I've used all of the rations today." "Don't worry we can find some, just tell us where to look." "North east of Everfree is where you need be. Be careful of the zombies, at night they feed." "Excuse me? I don't follow.." Twilight questioned. "Here is a book explaining where the zombies reside and what time. Now please leave me alone for a bit, I'm having trouble thinking of rhymes." "Ok, Twist and Applebloom, you two get some sleep. I'll get to reading this book." The two fillies ran to the beds Zecora had made for them. ----------------------- Luna approached the lake where Twilight resided. She entered the lake, pushing the water away from her with her magic, much like Twilight had done. Much to her suprise the entire room was flooded. "Oh no this can't be good!" Luna exclaimed. After leaving the room she began to look all around the remains of Ponyville. When she entered the remains of Sugarcube Corner she noticed the dead bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Cake on the floor, but no Pinkie Pie. She galloped upstairs to see if she could find Pinkie. "Would you like to try one of my delicious cupcakes?" Pinkie asked from behind the door excitedly. When Luna opened the door she saw the terrible fate of Pinkie Pie. Her young, beautiful pink coat had become a dark pinkish-brown colour. Her only eye completely red, the other was missing. Blood flowing out of the empty socket. 7 sharp spider-like arms came out of her back, attaching her to the walls. "Try my cupcakes! They're to die for!" she exclaimed excitedly. "No!" Luna made a run for it. She fell down the stairs. "Mr. and Mrs. Cake~ Luna won't try any of my cupcakes~!" Pinkie told her dead employers. Luna got up as fast as she could, dodging what seemed to be, acidic cupcakes. After running out the door Luna began to fly off as fast as she could until she escaped Pinkie. ---------------------- The fillies woke from their nap. "Good morning." Twilight told them. "The sun will be rising in 36 minutes. I hope your all ready for it." The fillies gulped. "Here take some of Zecora's poison darts. Just in case something bad happens. The zombies should be back underground, dead, by sunrise. What we're gonna do is go down there, get the herbs we need and run the hell back to Zecora's. Got it?" The fillies nodded. Twilight began to explain how zombies worked to the fillies for the next few minutes. ---------------------- "Celestia! Celestia!!" Luna yelled as she barged into Celestia's royal bedroom. "Oh no what is it this time, Luna? Another casualty?" Celestia said, drowsily waking from her bed. "Sadly." Luna said. "Not only have we lost Rainbow Dash-" "WHAT?! WE LOST RAINBOW DASH?!?" Celestia screamed. "You didn't know?" "None of the guards told me..." "Well we also lost Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie" Luna said nervously. "Luna I really hope your joking." "I'm so sorry, but its true.." Luna's muscles began to harden, expecting the worst. "NO NO NO. THIS IS NOT GOOD! THE ENTIRE FATE OF EQUESTRIA IS DOOMED, MAN! WE'RE GONNA HAVE TO MAKE A NEW EQUESTRIA ON THE MOON OR SOMETHING!.. Wait!" Celestia interrupted herself. "The fragments! We need the fragments! Of course WE can't use the fragments. We need somepony who has one of the Elements of Harmony. Who's left alive?" Celestia questioned Luna. "I'm not sure, hold on let me look them up on our computer." "Heh heh Convenient that I put those tracking chips on them afterall Luna?" Celestia began to brag. Name: Applejack Sex: Female Race: Earth Pony Age: 22 Spouse: N/A Occupation: Farmer Coat Colour: Orange Mane Colour: Blonde Cutie Mark: 3 Apples Name: Fluttershy Sex: Female Race: Pegasus Age: 17 Spouse: N/A Occupation: Animal Caretaker Coat Colour: Yellow Mane Colour: Pink Cutie Mark: 3 Butterflies Name: Pinkie Pie Sex: Female Race: Earth Pony Age: 18 Spouse: N/A Occupation: Confectioner Coat Colour: Pink Mane Colour: Pink Cutie Mark: 3 Balloons Name: Rainbow Dash Sex: Female Race: Pegasus Age: 19 (DECEASED) Spouse: N/A Occupation: Weather Patrol Coat Colour: Blue Mane Colour: Rainbow Cutie Mark: Rainbow lightning bolt coming out of a cloud Name: Rarity Sex: Female Race: Unicorn Age: 22 Spouse: N/A Occupation: Dress Designer Coat Colour: White Mane Colour: Purple Cutie Mark: 3 Diamonds Name: Twilight Sparkle Sex: Female Race: Unicorn Age: 20 Spouse: N/A Occupation: Librarian Coat Colour: Purple Mane Colour: Purple, pink stripe Cutie Mark: 5 magic shines around one big one "So we have Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, and Twilight.I thought you said Pinkie and Twilight were dead?" Celestia asked Luna. "Well I can't find Twilight.." "Did you check the bunker I stationed her at?" Celestia doubted Luna's knowledge. "Yes, I checked all over Ponyville." "Hmm maybe she ran off? No, Twilight would never do that. She's my loyal student. I know she's better than that. Maybe she's being held prisoner?" "That means either she's going to die soon or give up vital information. I'll send in reinforcements to look for her. What of Pinkie Pie? You said she was dead too." "Well.." Luna was a bit hesitent. "When I checked Sugarcube Corner I saw the remains of the Cakes. I went upstairs and saw Pinkie- but she was like.. this weird 7 legged, one eyed mutant creature." Luna began to cringe at the terrible memory of the creature. "Oh my.. She caught The Virus. She consumed the green slime somehow. The other ponies are still alright though, right?" "We've yet to receive any bad news from any of the other ponies, so I would assume yes." "Fine I'll send more reinforcements to Jail Sector A, B, and C. Manehattan, Ponyville, and Fillydelphia respectively to look for Twilight. I'll station you back to the computer. Maybe we'll get contact with her again." Luna left the room and went back to her computer. ------------------