
by Party Poison

What's the Frequency?

“You’re there?” Armada gasped. “You’re really, really there? I’m not just having some frost based hallucination?”

Giggling came from the other line, and then a burst of static. When it cleared, a voice answered him. “Yes, Armada. I’m here.”

“I can’t believe I’ve gotten this homesick already,” he grumbled. “I haven’t even been out for that long and I’m already grasping for any contact I can manage.”

“That’s perfectly alright, Armada. I just don’t want you to loose site of what you need to be doing.”

“I know,” Armada told his partner on the other line of the radio. “So, how have things been back in Equestria proper, Twilight?”

Twilight Sparkle didn’t answer back immediately. “Things have been... stable.”

“That’s a safe answer.”

“Depends on how you look at it.”

Armada sighed. The cold wind continued to bite at him. “So, Twilight. Where’s the place I’m supposed to be going for again?”

“You’ll know when you see it,” she answered him. “I remember how beautiful it had been in its prime. It was grand, a wonderful crystalline city...”

Armada let the howl of the wind fill his ears, choosing not to respond to her. The silence let a bit of him slip away into the great white expanse all around him.


“Well what?”

“Well, are you going to keep searching for it? I can’t imagine you’d still be moving while you were talking to me.”

Armada glanced around at the great snowy world around him. “Yeah, I’m not. Still, I’m not sure how much longer I can press on through all of this. It’s REALLY cold.”

A sharp little laugh came from the radio. “Oh, Armada...”

“Well it is!”

“Armada, you know how important this book is to me. Just... once you find the city, contact me, ok? I’ll let you know where the library is then.”

Armada snorted some frost out from the inside of his nose. “Y-yeah.” Teeth chattering, he turned the radio off, and looked around again. Cursing his apparent situation, he gathered all of his things back up into his pack, save for his compass.

The freezing earth pony took a look down at the compass, seeing that north was going to be taking him off of the hill. He trudged on forward, sighing once more. The cold air continued to lash at his, prying into the warming clothes, wishing for a bit of the life that was contained within them.

He wasn’t going to give it the satisfaction of himself.

He continued to shove through the snowy expanses before him, likening it to wading through a blinding cold powdery stream. The icy cold wind screeched defiantly as he went on in his search.