Consuming Hatred

by BrightSanctuary

A Crises in Ponyville

Twilight picked herself off the bench, and began to walk toward the Carousel Boutique. As she walked she looked around to see that Ponyville was all but abandoned. What few ponies that did walk the streets looked like this was the worst day of their life. Twilight heard a few screams, but with everything that was going on she could not think of what to do. She could only think of her friends and hoped that all was not lost with them.
Twilight walked up to the door of the Carousel Boutique, and knocked. At first she did not hear anything so she knocked again. She sat there, not hearing anything for a minute, and decided, with everything that had been happening so far, maybe she should go inside and make sure that Rarity was fine.
Twilight walked into the main room of the Carousel Boutique, to see that everything was scattered on the ground. Um she must be working on a new dress, Twilight thought. Then from the back room she heard Sweetie Bell yell, “I hate you, leave me alone, I don’t want to see you anymore.”
Twilight ran into the back room to see Rarity rear up to slam Sweetie Bell into the wall. Twilight ran faster than she thought she ever could. On her last step she turned her back side to Rarity and sent one straight to her chest. It was a good thing too; Rarity could have hurt Sweetie Bell badly with that hit, as small as she was.
Rarity flew across the room, to slammed agents the other wall. “What was that for?” Rarity shouted.
“You were about to seriously hurt your sister,” Twilight shot back.
“No I wasn’t,” Rarity said disgustedly, “I would never; she was only going to get what she deserved.”
Rarity then rushed Sweetie Bell, who was now cowering in a corner. Twilight seeing this rushed to Sweetie Bells side and blocked her form Rarity.
“I refuse to allow you to do this,” Twilight said, “This is not you.”
“Then I guess you will have to take her punishment for her.”
Just as Rarity began to lift her hind legs to strike Twilight, Twilight was ready. She shot on beam from her horn into Rarity’s underside, flinging her across the room. Twilight took the moment, while Rarity was stunned, to pin her to the ground. Twilight focused her power into her horn and released a sleep spell that would leave Rarity is a sleep state for a few hours.
Twilight turned around just in time to see Sweetie Bell bolt out the door. She started to go after her, but decided that it would probably be best to let her go. She just wished she could figure out what was going on.
Then it was those eyes. She still could not place them. Could they be doing all this? Its hate was so strong that Twilight could only feel it radiating, but she did not let it get to her. She pushed the eyes from her mind and continued to take care of the rest of her agenda.
Twilight then grabbed Rarity and dragged her over to her bed. As she did she noticed that Rarity was bleeding a bit, but not seriously enough to cause for alarm. Twilight put Rarity on her bed in the most comfortable position she could and lifted her head up just so slightly with a few pillows to reduce the chances of a concussion.
Now what was she going to do? Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and what seemed like the rest of Ponyville, had gone nuts. She could not think of what was going on, but she knew it was not natural, and that it could be related to her dreams somehow she just could not put a hoof on it. The only thing she could think of at this point was to go and see Fluttershy. At least if anypony would have gotten out of this unaffected, it would be her. She was the kindest, and most understanding pony Twilight knew, and that meant a lot.
Twilight finally left Rarity and started heading out of Ponyville toward the Everfree forest. There she would hope to find Fluttershy how might be able to tell her something about what was going on. But that was obviously not the case.
As Twilight walked toward the cottage that was Fluttershy’s home, she noticed the disarray of things. The animals looked like they have not been fed for days, and some of the plants were dying form lack of watering. As she walked up to Fluttershy’s door, she noticed it was barred. All she could hear was crying from inside. Twilight decided that it would be best to skip the pleasantries and she used her magic to move everything out of the way of the door and walked inside.
Fluttershy was curled up in the middle of the floor, slightly beaten with small paw prints all over her body from a small rodent, and no Angel Bunny to be found anywhere. Fluttershy did not hear or even seem to notice Twilight enter for she just kept her head tucked under her arms as she cried.
“Oh I’m so useless,” Twilight heard through the crying, “I can’t do anything right. Everyone would probably be better without me.”
“That is not true,” Twilight said, “We all love you. And even the animals need you.”
“What would you know,” Fluttershy snapped, “At least you have Celestia. All I have are my animal friends and even they don’t want me anymore.”
“But the animals need you,” Twilight pleaded, “The animals haven’t been fed for days, and the plants have even begun to die. Without you they may all pass away.”
“Oh Twilight,” Fluttershy cried even harder, “I can’t. Angel Bunny told me how all the animals feel. That they would have be better off if I had never came along. All I wanted to do was make them happy, but I have failed. I have no special purpose anymore. I will just stay here for the rest of my life.”
No matter what she did Twilight could not hold back the tear that was coming. She ran out the door and into the Everfree forest where no one would see her cry.
This was terrible. Pinkie hated her, Rarity almost killed her sister, and Fluttershy’s hatred for herself has grown stronger than her compassion for others. Twilight found a tree and sat down. Fluttershy being her last hope, she didn’t know what to do. If Fluttershy had been consumed by this hatred, for there was no other way to describe it.
Then it came back to her; those cold purple eyes. They seemed to not only hunt her dreams anymore but now she could see them as vivid as if they were standing right next to her through the shadows of the forest.
It was the howls of the Timberwolves that had snapped her to. Luckily she had not gone far into the forest so she just got up and left. The only place left now to go to was Sweet Apple Acres. And that is where she started off to. She could only hope that Applejack who was far outside of town had not been effected by whatever it was that was causing all this chaos.