The Long Forgotten Ancestors of Pinkamena Diane Pie.

by Krasniye

Chapter 1: Pinkie's Odd Behavior (Even for Pinkie)

---Chapter 1---

Twilight rushed around her tree house in a frenzy trying to prepare her home for the arrival of the agent from the Canterlot Institute of Genealogy.
“Calm down Twilight there’s no need worry Pinkie is probably just going through one of her strange phases!” Spike explained trying to calm her down. Twilight made the guest bed and exchanged the pillow cases.
“Well what if it’s true that Pinkie is inheriting that evil mare’s powers and her personality…. I-I don’t want pinkie to turn evil!” Twilight cried in dismay.
“She won’t Twilight, so stop worrying; it's giving me a headache!” Spike stumbled away rubbing his eyes, and head.
Just as Twilight put the last of her books away there were three quick knocks on her door. Twilight dropped the all the books she was shelving, and poofed to the door. At the door stood a small unicorn no older than the one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She was light green, with a bright red mane, and no cutie mark.
“O-oh hello there… what do you need sweetie?” Twilight said in a kind, but slightly rushed tone.
“Oh hello, are you Twilight Sparkle?” the filly said nervously.
“Yes, do I know you?” Twilight responded awkwardly.
“Oh probably not I’m one of the newest entries into the CIG, so you have probably never seen me there.” The filly said.
“Twilight shook her head rapidly realizing that she was now talking to the agent that she had been expecting. “Wait, wait, are you the agent from the CIG that was sent for the Pinkie Pie case?” Twilight inquired.
“Yes, I am Dee Enae, but you can just call me Dee.” Dee bowed politely.
“Oh, well nice to meet you Dee” Twilight stepped aside, and motioned Dee into her home. “Wow, I’m surprised that someone as young as yourself could make it into the CIG! I’m impressed.” Twilight marveled, this pony reminded her a lot of herself when she was a filly, but even she was not smart enough to join an institute such as the CIG. Twilight lead Dee up the stairs to the guest bed. “Okay, make yourself at home, you’ll sleep here.” Dee observed the bed for a second or two, then floated her saddle bag on to her bed. Her eyes began to flutter with exhaustion.
“Hey Twilight do you mind if I take a nap before we get to work?” Dee asked in a sleepy voice. Twilight smiled.
“Of course, I actually have some errands to run so go ahead and rest up, you’ve had a long trip.”

---2 hours later---

Twilight had finished all of her chores. She stopped by Sweet Apple Acres, and picked up a bushel of Granny Smith’s best zap-apples, and a few jars of jam, She also stopped by Fluttershy’s and helped her nurse a bear who had swallowed a parasprite, she modeled some ensembles for her friend Rarity, and she acted as a safety net for Rainbow Dash while she practiced for The Wonderbolts auditions (this was the most strenuous), and she picked up some sparkling gems for Spike. She finished early so she decided to pay a visit to the cakes and see if Pinkie was alright. When she got there she was shocked to find cake mix, bowls, and all sorts of odds and ends strewn about the house as if a hurricane had blown through. She heard hysterical crying coming from the back of the shop. In the corner were Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and their two foals, huddled together… shivering. Twilight ran over to them quickly.
“Wa-What happened?!”
“Pinkie, she went INSANE, she first tore up the house and then we saw her trying to kill our babies!” Mr. Cake cried.
“And-And she was chanting something about the purity of all ponies!” Mrs. Cake turned and sunk her face in her husband’s mane. Twilight now angry asked them:
“What direction did she leave?”
“We don’t know!” Mrs. Cake sobbed.
“All we heard was her mutterings something about needing to see Rarity for a sacrifice.” Twilight began to help the cakes to their hoofs. The two Cake Foals began to howl again.
“I’ll solve this. Something isn’t right with Pinkie, but don’t worry, we'll fix it.” With that Twilight turned on her back hoofs and cantered out the door. Mrs. Cake yelled after her:
“Be careful dear!” Twilight galloped back to her tree house.
“Dee, Spike wake up! Pinkie attacked the Cakes, and now she’s going after Rarity!” Spike bolted upright at the mention of Rarity.
“No. She isn't going to hurt MY Rarity!” Spike yelled and charged out the door towards Rarity’s boutique. Dee flung the covers off the bed and put on her saddle bag. She sprinted downstairs and joined Twilight.
“Okay Twilight let's go catch Miss Pie. I’m interested to see her symptoms for myself!” Dee said with an air of intrigue. They both darted out the door with lightning speed.
“Dee I would take this a little more seriously if I were you!” Twilight cautioned.
“Pinkie already tried to kill two babies, and she ransacked the place too!” Dee rolled her eyes.
“Oh please it can’t be THAT bad, can it?” They both charged through the doors to the boutique. “Yeah, I think it is!” Twilight yelled. The Boutique was a mess, fabric, and papers all over, it looked similar to the state of the Cake’s shop. Only this time Pinkie was there. She was tying a screaming and crying Rarity up to a strange looking generator standing outside what looked like some strange summoning circle. Twilight walked forward slowly trying not to draw Pinkies attention. Twilight continued forward until she bumped into something on the floor. She looked down and noticed a small mangled figure on the floor at her hoofs. It was Spike, he lay there unconscious, with blood running down the side of his face, and pooling on the floor. Twilight’s anger was kindled yet again. “Who are you!?” Twilight shouted. Pinkie Pie turned around to face the two unicorns in the doorway.
“Who me?” Pinkie pie said in her normal cheerful voice.
“I’m Pinkamena Diane Pie, silly!” She sounded like normal Pinkie Pie but something was wrong. Pinkie Pie's normal cotton candy mane was lying flat and straight, and she had an ominous and maniacal look to her eyes. Her coat was not the bright pink it once was; now it was dark and had no luster. Rarity screamed,
“It’s not Pinkie Pie, It’s not the Pinkie you and I both know!” Pinkie Turned and hoofed her in the face.
“Quiet you unicorn scum!” Pinkie laughed crazily. Twilight had seen enough, she charged at Pinkie full force. Pinkie observed her hoof apathetically, and as Twilight was about to tackle her to the floor, she threw a switch on the machine. A blue light shot out of the machine and caught Twilight and Rarity in midair; Rarity moaned in pain as her mascara was now dripping down her face.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, Twilight aren’t we overzealous!” Pinkie smirked into Twilight’s glare. Then the magic from the machine dropped her on the floor, and she couldn’t move. It interrupted her brain signals to her muscles.
“We can’t start the party until the guest of honor arrives!” Dee cut in:
“What are you trying to summon?” Dee queried.
“You’re long lost ancestor Buzzsaw the lacerator?”
“Teehee, how’d ya know?” Pinkie giggled.
“I did my research; how in the hay are you going to summon you’re evil thousand year old ancestor?” Dee was angry but still rather curious. Pinkie frowned, obviously annoyed with the boring concept of explaining things.
“Well first I gotta perform this ritual using unicorn magic, since that prissy pony hooked up to my little machine refused to help me by using a time travel spell. Then I gotta go all the way to Prancilvania, and then I will become one with my Mistress, the all-powerful Buzzsaw the Lacerator.” With that Pinkie Pie let out a demented bout of laughter that caused the air to go cold. Pinkie finished laughing with a small snort and continued.
“And once that’s done, she will return through the portal, kill Celestia and Luna, and rule over all of Equestria, and then the whole World, as Goddess! So without further ado let’s get the party started!” Pinkie turned to the machine and pulled a second lever with her teeth. Dee could only watch as a black portal opened in the middle of the seal on the floor. Just then a rainbow blur whizzed through the doorway over Dee and the paralyzed Twilight. The rainbow flew straight at Pinkie Pie who was too busy gleefully giggling to notice. Pinkie Pie was thrown to the ground, the rainbow was actually a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane, who was now on top of Pinkie Pie beating her silly with her hoofs. “Snap out of it Pinkie, are you INSANE!” The pegasus continued to try and talk sense into the crazy pink pony, but it was no use. Pinkie rolled over and pointed to the humming portal. Out of its depths crawled at least a dozen completely black earth ponies. Each wore a set of sharp and cruel looking armor, that bore the insignia of a circular saw on the crest. Each of them also had a set of blood red eyes that could even make the fearless Wonderbolts tremble in terror. Pinkie gave Dash a look of pure malice that made Rainbow Dash shudder. She knew she was outnumbered. Pinkie bucked Dash off, and ran for the portal. Dash whistled loudly and a whole group of ponies charged into the scene. They were all lead by a mare who was gold and orange; she was closely flanked by a large red stallion, and a shy looking yellow and pink pegasus. “Alrighty everypony, stop Pinkie from gettin’ to that portal!” said Applejack. It was a frenzy, of hooves, bleats, bellows, and dust. Rarity began to cry even harder now, her friend had gone insane, her BEST friend was unconscious on the floor, and now her boutique was being destroyed! The shy looking pony Dee had seen before now had on an expression of absolute rage, and was bucking and hoofing every black pony in sight. Dee moved carefully through the chaos and caught sight of Pinkie Pie sneaking under the menagerie and moving towards the portal. Dee ran towards the portal praying to Celestia that she could stop that madpony before it was too late. A silver pegasus swooped down and tried to knock Pinkie away from the portal, but she was intercepted and delivered and roundhouse buck that sent the poor little pegasus flying out of a window. Dee had to act quickly. Pinkie gave out one last evil laugh in victory.
“Weeeeeeeeee! Nopony can stop her return, or the return partaayyy!!” With that she dove into the portal and vanished. The orange pony who was occupied with about three of the armor clad stallions cried,
“You there, with the red mane, follow her! You are Equestria’s last hope!” She looked at Twilight who was regaining mobility. Twilight looked at her and screamed,
“Go! You can do this Dee Enea, I belive in you!” Dee gulped and plunged herself into the dark, mysterious Portal.