Consuming Hatred

by BrightSanctuary

The Dreams

Twilight awoke with a start. She was not sure where she was at first, but soon her eyes began to adjust to the dark. She found herself sitting in her room at top of the library. She thought, for a second, about her fleeting nightmare, but then it was gone. All she could remember was those dark eyes.
Whose eyes were they? She thought to herself as she lay there still shaking, Why did they feel so familiar? Could they belong to anypony I know?
Finally she picked herself up from her bed, and headed downstairs. Her nerves were beginning to calm down, but she needed answers, and she was not going to rest until she got them. She first went over to the books and started looking through everything she had on mythical and magical creatures. When she could not find anything else she started thinking about all the ponies she ever met over the last three years.
It was when she got to King Sombra that she realized where she had seen in those eyes. It was hate, the kind of hate that could not be let go. The kind that destroyed the pony it inhabited. She knew that they were not his red eyes, for the eyes she saw were purple.
With that she had seen that the sun had come up. Leaving the book where they lay she got up and started on her day. She got ready and woke Spike who, when he saw all the books, said, “Where you up all night again Twilight? This is the third night in a row. What are you so worked up about?”
“Nothing,” Twilight responded, “I just couldn’t sleep so I thought I would do some light reading.”
“OK, Twilight,” spike said not truly believing her, “But I don’t want you freaking out on me again. I don’t want to have to get Celestia again.”
“Trust me spike,” Twilight said not sure if she could trust herself, “I have everything under control.”
“That’s what you always say,” Spike mumbled under his breath.

A week later Twilight still had gotten little sleep. And the only thing she can ever remember about her dream is those dark, purple, eyes. Her dreams have been getting worse and now she even wakes up with a cold sweet.
She had decided that the best choice for her was to get out and get some air. Here friends had not been in to see her sense her dreams started. Now she just needs to find her friends. They would comfort her.
She had left her library and was headed though town to Sugarcube Corner. She knew that Pinkie would always know a way to cheer up anypony. That is just what she did. As Twilight came close to the bakery she noticed a couple of familiar ponies sitting outside. It was Lyra and Bon-Bon. They had seemed to be having a nice conversation. But when Twilight walked up she begun to hear what they were saying.
“You did it again.” Bon-Bon had said furiously, “I thought I told you that you can’t perform those kinds of spells. They are forbidden.”
Twilight not wanting to get in on this augment, and thought that would probably be the best idea, simply ignored them and continued on inside, but as she went to go inside she heard Bon-Bon hit the wall beside her.
“I will do as I please, and nothing you will say will change that.” Lyra yelled so loud Twilight was su0re that all of Ponyville could hear. Luckily nobody was around to make a scene over it.
Twilight entered the shop only to find nopony working the counter. In fact, the counter and shop were bare. It was as if the shop had not opened that day. Pinkie walked out with her hair hanging in a droop like it does when she gets really depressed. Twilight had seen her like this once. And it was serious.
“What wrong, Pinkie?” Twilight asked with genuine concern.
“Are you going to make an order or what?” Pinkie said with a sharp bite in her voice.
Twilight took an involuntary step back, “I just came to talk.”
“Why would you talk now?” Pinky snapped, “You hadn’t come and said hi for a week now. Is this how our friendship is, that you only come around when you feel like it?”
“Sorry, I…” Twilight was cut off.
“Sorry, SORRY.” Pinkie began, “Is that all you have to say for yourself. Sorry. I think you should just leave.”
Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it. She did not know what had gotten into pinky, but know that she was not ready to deal with this. She lowered her head, turned around and left.
Outside she walked for a little then sat down on a nearby park bench. I don’t understand. What has gotten into everypony today? There seemed to be more aggression in the air than ever. If she didn’t know any better she would have sworn that this was Discord’s doing, but Discord always announced himself. To him it was only a game. Even after Fluttershy had reformed him he still kept some of his chaotic ways. He was still Discord, both good and bad, and that would never change. He would not do this unless it was fun to him, and as to what Twilight and the others have noticed, He did not want to lose the friends he had finally made. So that ruled Discord out.
Thinking as she might she could not think of anything that could cause Pinkie to act like she did. She thought of all the rest of her friends, and who could she talk to now? Applejack seemed to always be hard at work, though she had never denied seeing friends. Rainbow dash was probably sleeping somewhere, and would not be easy to find unless you had wings. Rarity was always considerate and usually knows how to handle situations like this. There that’s where she would go next. She would go to see Rarity at Carousel Boutique.