//------------------------------// // Pinkamena VS Vinyl // Story: The Arena // by Shaelyn //------------------------------// "Our contestants for this fight are Pinkamena Diane Pie and Vinyl Scratch. Step forward, combatants, and let the death begin!" From the west doorway walks a pink mare, with a long, dull pink mane that flows straight down her back and partially across her face. She's trailed by a tail of the same color, which drags along the ground. Her expression is one of boredom and annoyance, as though being here were a bother to her, and this entire event were taking time out of her day. From the east comes a white mare with hair that alternates between dark and light blue, slight spiked as is her tail, to give her an edgy appearance. She has a cocky grin on her face, and what appears to be a floating DJ table composed solely of two separate disks on circular 'tables' in front of her. If anything, she seems ready to take on the world, a stark contrast to her opponent. "Awwwww yeeeeah. This is gonna be easy." Vinyl called out tauntingly, waiting to see what Pinka would do as Vinyl placed a hoof on each disk. "Please. Just fall down and die. It'd be so much easier if they all just gave up. Killing you all is such a pain." Pinka responded quietly, folding her forelegs across each other while sizing up her opponent. With that introductions were over, however. There was no more need for words. Vinyl twisted her hoof around the left record, producing a loud screech that shook the surrounding area slightly. Pinka didn't seem phased by it, but she knew that wasn't Vinyl's attack, and in a quick step she began to approach her opponent, closing the gap with incredible speed. Another twist of the disk, in reverse this time, and it was like the screech had come back to collapse directly on Pinka, crushing her with the sound and stumbling her slightly as the noise stunned her senses. Vinyl wasn't going to relent though, the stumble was an opening and with a quick swipe she sent the right 'table' forward, slicing through the air as the circular device made it's way toward Pinka. She was quick to recover though, and with a simple flip avoided the blow meant for her leg. If it had connected she'd already be dead, because the second table was coming down from the air toward Pinka's head, Another twist of her body, and the second disk merely collided with the ground, leaving a deep impact. With both tables out of action it was Pinka's turn to move, and not missing a beat she appeared behind her now weaponless opponent. Vinyl didn't even see the movement, it was so quick, but nopony rivaled Pinka in raw speed. Vinyl knew her opponent, however. With a quick sidestep she avoided a dagger in her back, and her disks were already on their way back to their owner. As soon as the first made contact with her hooves, mere milliseconds after Vinyl had avoided death, she was flinging it at Pinka who was now too close and too far into her motion to dodge. It struck her in the chest with such force that she was thrown across the arena and into a wall, the impact shaking the wall slightly. Vinyl knew she now had the upper hand, and not wasting a moment she threw the second disk to follow Pinka's path for a quick finish. Dust was rising around the area that Pinka had struck the wall, and it was hard to tell exactly where she was, though. A thud, a crash, and then nothing. Silence. Vinyl backed up against a wall and kept watch on both sides with darting eyes. Pinka was from from finished. The dust began to settle around her, and the pieces of the destroyed disk littered her path as she began to step forward toward Vinyl. "Totally not cool." Vinyl remarked, but she was starting to look worried as she lost her own cool. Pinka simply continued her approach from across the arena, eyes locked on Vinyl. The dagger attached to Pinka's left hoof gleamed in the false light of the arena's fake roof, and as she continued to walk she lifted it up and pointed it threateningly. Vinyl wasn't ready to go down, though. Not after she'd come this far. She brought the remaining disk in front of her and began an intricate serious of twists and movements that created layer upon layer of sound, a song of mechanical noises being strung together rapidly. Pinka, for her part, wasn't even bothering to use her world-breaking speed now. She wanted to see this play out. She wanted to toy with Vinyl. It was punishment for not submitting. The song was reaching a crescendo, and Vinyl smirked as suddenly a heavy bass dropped, creating a well of intense gravity around Pinka that instantly brought the pink mare to all fours. Another heavy drop and Pinka was struggling to hold even that position. It felt like her insides were being squeezed out from the pressure. She didn't even see Vinyl move the disk, positioning it with the bottom facing Pinka. Vinyl continued to spin the record, increasing the tempo, maintaining bass, she was an artist, this was her gift, she brought a sudden low to the song, giving Pinka just enough time to stand and look up before dropping again, this time the power of the machine focused internally until a light had built up and from within the table came a blast of white energy that tore up the ground on its way to strike Pinka. The flash of energy wasn't faster than Pinka though. Nothing was faster than Pinka. Even as the shot came and went she was simply choosing her movements, planning, plotting. As the energy faded away the second disk split in half, and then fell to the ground. The song was over, and so was the DJ. A line of blood began to trail down her chest, then across her right shoulder, and her left. More and more, all across her body blood began to seep from then lines traced into her from an unseen blade. Vinyl didn't even know she was dying until it was too late. A strike at her neck, and the DJ was no more, the head falling from her shoulders as the body slumped down into a sitting position against the wall. Victory, Pinkamena Diane Pie.