//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Magic // Story: Dead Rising Case: Equetdemic // by Immortan Joe //------------------------------// Chapter 3: Magic Before anyone could even do anything, both creatures felt a strange feeling wrap around them as a weightlessness feeling envolped around their bodies. "What the Hell!?" Frank said startled as he was actually lifted up off the ground. "Danget Twilight I told you not to interupt me!" The cyan pegasus streched her wings and flapped them hysterically trying to get away from the forces that held her in place. "Rainbow Dash!" Another but much calmer voice snapped. "As you just saw that creature could have just killed you right there in just one swift move of the pull of that trigger on his metal weapon." Rainbow Dash stopped squirming and ran a hoof through her rainbow colored mane. "Oh." Is all she could say. After a few moments she said, "But he attacked AJ!" She said pointing her right hoof at Frank. "Whoa! No I didn't!" Frank replied crossing his arms after placing his gun away. "I simply rolled out of the way before she could even "Attack" me! And even if I did attack back it would only been out of self defense!" The cyan pegasus stuck her tongue out at Frank "Freaking Lesbian..." Frank said turning his head away. The cyan pegasus eyes flared with anger "Did you just call me gay!" Frank looked back raising an eyebrow. "In a way yes. But technically I did not say the excact words of you are gay. I simply used the litteral meaning of the word that refers to females such as yourself. In theroy yes. I said you are gay-" "ENOUGH!" Frank finally looked over at the mare who had lifted them off the ground. There stood a purple unicorn with a dark blueish colored mane with a dark pink and purple stripe going down the middle. Frank then stared into her dark purple eyes in awe, 'Was she really the one holding us off the ground right now. But how?' he thought to himself 'She must have telekinesis like powers or something or even the force!?' The unicorn's horn glowed with some dark pink which also seemed to wrap around him and the pegasus who seemed to grow impatient by the minute. "Now I'm going to set both of you down." Said the unicorn. "And what I expect from both of you is to not jump at each others throats okay?" The unicorn raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer. Frank just simply nodded his head not really knowing what to believe anymore. The fact that he was being literally held up against his will, or the fact that the creatures containing him were all animals. Back in his country it would be the other way around. Rainbow Dash puffed her chest out and crossed her hooves in fustration. "Fine but if he pulls anything out of the ordinary out of his cloths again I swear I'm going to kick his but so hard-" Frank snorted. "I doubt you will even lay a single finger-I mean hoof on me before I'm done with you." Frank snarled. "Oh really now!?" Dash turned her gaze back towards Frank squinting her eyes and furrowing her brow. "Really!" Frank said. "Really!" Dash replied "Really!!" Frank roared back at Dash causing her to flinch. "HEY!" The unicorn screamed out in fustration of the two immature creatures bickering back and forth with each other. All she really wanted to do earlier was lay down in bed with a fresh book. But before she could even do that Flutter Shy came bursting through the door in tears telling her about a strange and also rude creature who broke into her house and ate Beaver Mc.Beaverton. So as quickly as Twilight could she gathered some of her things and left in search of this creature it wasn't that hard to find all she had to do was listen for the sound of constant bickering coming from these two. "Alright..." Twilight took a deep breath. "I want both of you right now to apoligize to each other right now. And if you cant do that without breaking out into a constant arguing. I will let both of you go." Twilight explained to them about what she wanted them to do again before releasing them. "You got that?" "Yes ma'am." Frank said sarcasticly crossing his legs over each other and laying back in mid air. Honsestly he had to admit floating in the air like this was actually pretty amazing. Except for the part when gravity finally takes back over, feeling heavy again Frank felt himself being brought back down to Earth. Landing with a loud thud, Frank groaned and sat back up rubbing his back. When Frank opened his eyes he noticed a familiar cyan pegasus giving him the death glare. "Honestly for a Tomboy you really act like a girl." Frank smirked but as quickly as it came it went away at the sight of a very angry looking unicorn. "Oh... Eh sorry about putting a gun against your head earlier." Frank smiled rubbing the back of his neck. The unicorn then smiled and looked back over at Rainbow Dash who seemed to be trying to fight the urge to say something insulting. But finally after a look of defeat she sighed and said, "I'm sorry for trying to attack you earlier." Twilight smiled and looked back over at both of them. "Now I wan't both of you to shake hoofs-eh hoof and hand with each other." The pegasus and Frank glared at Twilight as if she was a few screws short of a work bench. But she just simply shook her head and said, "Come on we don't got all day." The pegasus approached Frank slowly then brought her hoof up but before sticking it out she then spat into it the stuck it out towards Frank. Disgusted he grabbed her hoof and then shook. "Fat so." Dash whisperd. "Lesbo." Frank replied. Rainbow Dash turned her head away offened. 'Hah serves you right bitch. Score one for Frank zero for the rainbow maned hippy.' "Good." The unicorn said. "Now that we got everything settled I wan't to talk to you privately." Twilight said pointing her hoof towards Frank. "Wait me?" Frank asked jabbing his own thumb into his chest. The unicorn just simply nodded her head, and began walking to her left motioning her head for Frank to follow. Frank shrugged shooting one last glare at the cyan pegasus he returned it by pounding both her hooves together. Frank just smiled and turned back towards the unicorn who was just staring at him with a aggravated look. "Hey she started-" Frank began but was a immediatly cut off by the unicorn sighing. "But you where the one who kept the arguement going now just drop it and move on." Frank sighed and said, "Alright fine what is it that you want anyway? If you want money sorry I'm broke an Autograph well I'm sorry I don't got a pencil nor pen. If you want your picture taken just ask." Frank sighed not caring about anything at the moment besides trying to figure out a way to get that pegasus back. "Who are you, what are you, and where did you come from?" The unicorn asked Frank raised his hand and pointed a finger at her. "Sorry but have we met before?" Frank asked shaking his finger at her. "Excuse me?" She asked "I don't even know your name yet and your bombarding me with all these questions?" Frank said "My name is not important right now but this is now please answer my questions!" The unicorn glared into Franks sunglasses. Frank sighed and said, "I'm really sorry miss unicorn lady but I don't have time to play twenty questions I really need to figure out a way back home. Back to 'real life.'" Frank put quotations around the word real life. "I might know why you're here." She said catching Frank off gaurd. "Wait what?" Frank asked confused. "Last night I preformed a spell that had to do with transfering items through time and space but the spell back fired on me." The unicorn said quickly, at this Frank frowned. "A spell?" He asked. "What is this DnD?" "Spells as in magic yes. I was preforming a spell last night that had to deal with transfering items through time and space."She repeated. Frank glared at the unicorn still slightly confused. "What does this have to do with with me being here?" Frank asked starting to get interested into what she was saying. The unicorn gulped. "Well... The spell I was working on would transfer or summon stuff around time and space like... How could I say this with out confusing you." The unicorn said starting to make circles in the ground with her hoof. "Are you declaring I'm stupid?" Frank asked the unicorn seeming slightly offended. "What!? No after what I seen what you almost do to Rainbow Dash. No I don't want to make you angry!" "Well anyways what I'm trying to say in our world we have this stuff called magic and magic you could say is like..." After about thirty minutes of Unicorn explaning the terms of magic in the way Frank wouldn't get confused... He just yawned. "So..." Frank began. "In a way just like my world we humans use machines powered by gas or electricty to do everything for us like fly or drive cars. But you horses-" "W-w-wait I just have to stop you right there." The unicorn cutted Frank off. "We 'Ponies' are not called horses so please don't say that. In a way its like an offensive term." The unicorn explained. 'What's the difference?' "But yes I know what you mean." Unicorn said. "And what did you call yourself a minute ago... humane?" Frank glared at the unicorn and slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. "No its not 'humane' its human theres no e at the end of it." "So... Humane?" She asked. "NO!... Its Human. H-U-M-A-N." "OH. Sorry." The unicorn giggled. Frank sighed and continued face palming. About an hour or so later... The unicorn began leading Frank through out the town over the last hour the rest of the town's "Ponies." turned out to be hiding indoors. And were now just coming outside learning the fact that Frank is "some what peaceful." though most of them did not look at him with happy epressions. Some though did stare with awe, others though did with disgust, hatered and down right fear. "So your saying for every action with magic there is always going to be a reaction or effect?" Frank asked as they walked into town square. The unicorn nodded. "My spell most have caused a such powerful effect that it must've pulled you from your world and dropped you into our's." Frank scratched his head not knowing how to piece it together... But then it hit him... Really.... Really hard. "W-wait-wa-what! WHAT!" The unicorn flinched and took a few steps back. Other ponies quickly ran off. "I-I'm sorry it was an accident! Please try not to be angry but there is a way we can fix this a way we can send you back to your home." The unicorn reassured Frank. Frank though covered his ears and sat back on the ground trying to calm himself. With that Franks watch began to beep. Frank brought the watch up to his face and looked at the time. "Why 7:00 already." he chuckled and reached into his jacket and pulled out his second box of Zombrex. "Wh-Whats that?" The unicorn asked flinching when Frank took the syringe and jammed it into the side of his neck. "It's called Zombrex." Frank sighed with relief as all his nerves began to calm and his muscles relaxed. "In a way I'm sick." Frank continued. "I got stung by this type of bug back in my world called a Queen it looks like some sort of wasp. You know what a wasp is right?" Frank asked. "Yes. We have wasps in this world." Frank stood up and swatted off all the dirt off his pants. "Well anyways the Queens where enginered and created by man. They were made to stop world hunger or something even till this day I don't fully understand it. But instead of helping us they kind of turned against us well they set off some kind of extremely contagious disease of some sort. And lets just say I am infected with that virus and every 24 hours I have to take this drug or I will die. And trust me you don't wan't to die because if I do this world would be in grave danger." The unicorn looked at Frank slightly confused but also with a hint of pity for Frank. "Thats a cruel and terriable fate. But why would we be in danger?" Frank looked at the unicorn. "We will cross that bridge when it comes. But for the mean time you said something about how you could send me back?" The unicorn then looked away from Frank as if she was thinking of a reply then she looked back at him with a warm smile. "Yes but it may take some time?" She said. "How much time?" Frank asked slightly worried now? "About a..." She then trailed off into silence once again. "Come on I don't got all day." Frank motioned his hand for her to continue. "A month." This fact struck Frank a like a lucamotive train. "Oh... No. Oh no not good at all!" Frank repeated running his hands through his hair. "W-whats wrong?" The unicorn asked worried. "That drug I told you about I only had enough for 72 hours. But now that I just took the drug I have about 48 hours left." The unicorn tilted her head. "Tell me what excactly does this drug do." The unicorn led Frank over to a nearby bench. Frank took a deep breath. "I guess were crossing the bridge now..." He sighed," Its supposed to retard the infection. By that I mean it slows it down making it stupid knocking it away. All it is just post poning the inevatable really." The unicorn shook her head, but then stopped then right away her face brightend up. "Hey let me see that box of that Zombrex stuff." "What? O-okay." Frank handed her the box which she took it using her magic. 'This whole magic shit I'm never going to get used to it.' The unicorn began mumbling to herself the ingriedients and slowly drew a large smile across her face. "Wh-what is it?" Frank asked her "I might actually be able to make some more for you?" A glisten of hope sprung up in Frank's chest which he smiled but then it died quickly. "Impossible." He said. "That would require the hormones of Queens but the Queens do not exsist in this world." Frank grabbed his camera and began cleaning the lense. "Do you even know who you're talking to human?" Frank looked at the unicorn. "I would know but you still haven't even told me your name yet." Frank said. The unicorn smiled and stuck out a hoof towards Frank. "My name it Twilight Sparkle, the element of Magic." Frank smiled and began to shake her hoof. "My names Frank. Frank West Freelance Photagrapher."