//------------------------------// // Five Floors // Story: So Cute, So Evil. // by ToxicZpony //------------------------------// *Chapter 2 Act 1: 1st Floor: Tutors* "So Fluttershy…" Twilight began "… What do you want to learn first?" She asked when they reached her door. Fluttershy thought for a moment "Well, what did you learn first?" Twilight Smiled "Well I began with picking stuff up, but I think you should start with channeling your energy… Let's see what the book says." Fluttershy looked confused "You mean there's a book on this?" Twilight laughed a bit "Of course there's lots of books on magic, you must have never paid attention to them since they were of no use to you." Fluttershy nodded "hold on please." Twilight said getting up "I need to find it." She started walking around the library looking on all the shelves then she walked back "Spike!" she called. "What?"Spike replied, he sounded angry. "Could you get the book on beginners' magic?" "Where is it?" he grumbled. "It should be on my bed." She chimed back "Why do you need it?" He asked obviously finding it "IS Rarity here learning magic?" He was now happy, and didn't wait for a response, he ran down the stairs. "Fluttershy? Why does she need this?" Suddenly he gasped "when, how, why, who? Aw forget it, nice to see you're already up Fluttershy." Spike said trying to smile but couldn't quite manage it. Fluttershy frowned a bit "Thanks Spike." She said. Spike then handed Twilight the book and ran back upstairs. "Does my horn still have blood on it Twilight?" she asked now worrying. Twilight looked up at Fluttershy horn "No it's mostly spotless." she said smiling. "I think he just didn't expect to see such drastic changes. Come on lets sit down." They both sat down at the same time, but, Fluttershy kept looking at the stairs Spike had gone up. "Now let's begin try focusing your energy into your horn." That didn't take Fluttershy more than a second to focus. "I think we can skip the next step then…" Twilight said skipping the next ten pages. "Step eleven your first pick up…" Twilight picked up another book and put it in front of Fluttershy "Now instead of grunting, imagine something that would make you happy, Fluttershy." Fluttershy still was looking back the stair well, but, she nodded, hearing what Twilight said. She closed her eyes in thought and focused her energy. "OW! WATCH IT TWILIGHT!" Spike cried from upstairs. "No seriously stop it!" Fluttershy was grinning. "Spike I'm not doing that, now get down here and stop joking around." Spike came walking the downstairs, when he reached the bottom Twilight gasped "What did you do!" Spike stood there, with a black eye, a bleeding nose and a missing fang. "A book started flying around a *hit* me a few times." "Sorry…" Fluttershy spoke up "…I must have focused on the wrong book." Twilight giggled. "Hey Twilight, maybe you should send a note Celestia about what happened. I mean it does seem that Spike's attitude upset me and had*negative* consequences for him." She put emphases on '*negative', *staring at Spike as she said it. "Good idea, Fluttershy, Spike take a note." Twilight said in her normal voice. "Dear Princess- "Fluttershy didn't pay attention she was to busy looking through the book and became interested when she saw Control Fire. The box next to it hadn't been checked. "So Twilight hadn't completed it." she thought "hum." "And that is how I learned not to judge a friend by their looks." Spike echoed then he took a breath in, Fluttershy grinned, Spike then released a ball of green fire engulfing the note. "There sent, hey do you smell burning hair?" Twilight looked around "Yea, I do where is it coming from?" Fluttershy coughed and pointed to her hair "Fluttershy your hair isn't on fire." "I know but um yours is…" Fluttershy said giggling. Twilight looked up and screamed "WATER! I NEED WATER!" then ran out of the house and towards the town squares fountain. Fluttershy rolled on her back laughing so hard she cried. Spike walked over to her and sneered "I think your lessons are done for today!" he pointed to the door. Fluttershy immediately stopped laughing, and looked at Spike "Oh, I'm so, so, soooo very sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen." She said in her normal quiet voice. Spike just rolled his eyes "Oh! Please don't you tell Twilight, PLEEEEASE Spike!" she begged. He just turned away. "Now You Listen To Me…" She sounded angry and very Un-Fluttershy "… You will take the rap or I'll have a nice new dragon rug! Got it?" Fluttershy shrieked. Spike swallowed hard and nodded in agreement with her. "Now, I'll be off, and I better not hear anything about this … Spike!" She said between that angry voice and the Fluttershy he knew. Spike didn't move, not at all. She just pranced out the door slamming it behind her. When she got outside she felt light headed and her legs and wings hurt a bit. "What was that all about?"She thought to herself then she looked around to see what to do next. That had taken a good amount of time but it would be another five hours before she began to feel tired. She looked over to the boutique and saw Rarity walk in. "Nows as good a time as ever" she thought to herself. *Act 2: 2nd Floor: Fashion* Rarity happily walked into her boutique, she pranced around all of her dresses then she went to her jewel box and started sorting them by size she had a lot of small but a few large ones to. But she never used those since they were so heavy on the wearer. She let out a sigh then the bell above her door rang. Some one had come in "I'll be with you in just a moment dearie." She chimed down the stairs, she closed her box of jewels, grabbed an order form and raced downstairs. She expected to see Rainbow Dash or the mayor even Applebloom. But there on the couch was the mailpony Derpy. Well, a least that's what everyone called her behind her back. Rarity frowned then smiled again "Have you come to pay for your last dress dear?" Derpy put her hoof to her chin "I already did!" She smiled Rarity frowned her last payment was a saddle pack full of muffins though delicious they can't pay the bills. "I'll just make a tab then…" Rarity put a piece of paper with the mailpony's name on a cork board. "… So then what will it be today?" Derpy put her hoof to her mouth again in thought. While she was thinking another ring of the bell occurred Rarity looked over hoping it was one of her friends, as luck had it Fluttershy walked in, Rarity smiled. "Hi Fluttershy!" Rarity said happily. Fluttershy grinned at her and sat down on a chair adjacent to them. "OH yea…" Derpy began "… It's my birthday tomorrow and I wanted a special dress for it with lots of shinnies, and long, I want it to be long." Rarity quickly drew up a dress on the order form then showed it to Derpy "Oh that's pretty!" Derpy said in awe and Rarity smiled then torn off another sheet on the back of the order form. "This is your copy, hold onto it so I know it's yours." Rarity said still smiling as she handed the paper to the mailpony. "And I should have it done by tomorrow." The mailpony smiled and then saluted in understanding then started walking towards the door. "Um excuse me Miss mailpony…" Fluttershy called to her and the pony gladly waked over "Can I see what your dress will look like?" Derpy smiled and dropped the paper at Fluttershy's feet. Fluttershy picked it up the top was covered in spit and most of the top writing had already gone away. But she was right the dress was nice. Fluttershy smiled and gave it back to Derpy. "Come over to my place tomorrow I have something that'll wow that dress up… You know, if your free." Derpy's smile grew even bigger. "I'll be their miss yellow pony!" and with that Derpy flew up and rocketed out of the boutique. "Fluttershy, I'm so glad you came. I've been thinking maybe you're one of the ponies that can use one of my large jewels, given your larger stature." Rarity was already working on another order form. "If it isn't too much trouble Rarity could I have a dress that's kind of magic like, kind of like Twilight's." Rarity frowned a bit then she crumpled up and threw away the paper. She found another form and began a new. "And maybe it could have a bit of an armored look." Rarity smiled "One step ahead of you dearie…" she said handing the Paper to Fluttershy "… I think you'll like it." Fluttershy looked at the paper on it was a dress made almost to what Luna would wear it had a crimson trim with a black filler and on her back would be chainmail holding the sides on her then in the from would be two golden chains holding a large jewel probably diamond. And on her head would be a mask pointed in the front and it would snake down to about her chest. "I decided 'evil sorceress' might look good on Equestrians' new and upcoming Alicorn." Fluttershy grew a large smile "Oh Rarity I love it!" she ran over and hugged Rarity. Rarity hadn't expected Fluttershy to like it, but it was her dress. While Fluttershy was hugging Rarity she asked "Would you mind if I stayed and chatted while you worked on Derpy's dress?" Rarity laughed a bit "Only if you let me breathe." Fluttershy let go and Rarity took a deep breathe "I forgot what breathing feels like." She said with a smile. "Now let's go upstairs I've got to get to work." When they got upstairs Fluttershy noticed it wasn't nearly as clean as it was in the showroom. Materials and paper were everywhere. "I've lost Sweetiebelle and Opal a few times in this mess." Rarity said with a disconcerting laugh. Fluttershy smiled and took a seat on some fabric. "So Fluttershy…" Rarity said as she picked up some white fabric "… What was it you wanted to talk about?" Fluttershy blushed a bit "Well I've found a stallion who I really like and … I figured you could help me." Rarity looked up from the dress "Who is he, do I know him, and does he live in Ponyville?" Rarity asked very fast. Fluttershy blushed some more "His name is John Doe, and you don't know him, and he lives iiiiiin Cloudsdale." Fluttershy said with an innocent smile. Rarity frowned a bit then went back to work. "We'll have you tried talking to him?" Fluttershy made a bit of a whimpering noise "You know I can't talk to new faces… It was hard enough to talk to Twilight when I first met her." "True, true, I guess that's why you asked for a new dress." Rarity said nodding her head. "Have you ever tried you know showing off around him like swaying or posing?" Fluttershy didn't say anything she was to deep in thought. "Well that's what I'd do if I could still fly, you know a unicorns horn doesn't add that much to pose with… But If I had those beautiful wings…" Rarity began to swoon "If you had these wings, no pony except you would ever see another stallion." They both broke out into laughter. "Now Fluttershy we both know that's already true they're just hiding!" Rarity added in "But no, in all seriousness how could you two have met? You haven't gone to Cloudsdale in almost a year and there hasn't been any visitors to Ponyville in almost three months. Is it really a stallion?" Fluttershy looked towards Rarity and didn't say anything she just whimpered a bit "I'm sorry dearie, I didn't mean to pry I just am sometimes just too curious for my own good." She tried to make amends. It worked a little but they didn't say anything for a long time. "There finished!" Rarity finally broke the silence "Do you think Derpy will like it Fluttershy?" It was plain white with many encrusted jewels and if flowed about two feet behind her. Fluttershy smiled "I think she'll love it Rarity. Anyway, she can't be that hard to please." She chuckled Rarity was a bit shocked at Fluttershy "Now Fluttershy that's no way to treat a pony even if she is challenged, it's just not lady like." Fluttershy stopped laughing "Sorry Rarity, I just quite haven't been the same since yesterday." Rarity smiled "Don't worry it's probably because your still trying to adjust to your new figure." Rarity looked glad that Fluttershy seemed to forgive her for being so blunt. Then it was Fluttershy turn to smile, she looked out the window while Rarity gift wrapped Derpy's dress. "Rarity it's getting late I should go." Rarity frowned a bit "Well if you think so…" but her face lit up again "Though don't come back here till I say I've got a surprise for you!" and with that Rarity started walking downstairs Fluttershy quickly got up and followed her. "Thanks again Rarity!" Fluttershy said as she left Rarity looked puzzled "What ever for?" Fluttershy turned around "The talk, I think I'll go see them (?) tomorrow!" Rarity walked in front of Fluttershy "Just wait for a moment…" Fluttershy stopped "Don't go see this crush of yours until you see this present." Fluttershy's face lit up with excitement "I won't Rarity!" she said gleefully. Rarity stepped out of her way and Fluttershy started walking again. Fluttershy was just about to turn the corner when Rarity called "Come back here at five a clock!" Fluttershy pretended not to hear her. *Chapter 1 act 3: Floor 3: Fantasy & Truth* "Oh I wonder what the surprise could be!" Fluttershy exclaimed loudly. "Maybe it's just the dress I asked her to make? Or could it be she guessed who I was talking about, and she's going to get them ready for me to talk to. Or maybe she misinterpreted what I said; maybe she thinks I'm into her!" Fluttershy broke out into laughter. When she finished laughing she caught her breath and looked up and noticed the sun was already gone."Celestia must be tired today" she thought to herself. "Maybe I'll catch Luna flying around tonight, she does fly over here almost every night." Fluttershy explained to herself "I mean she uses dark magic and I've lately been thinking-" "Thinking about what?" A voice came from behind her making Fluttershy jump and lash out a ferocious kick. "Whoa easy there!" the voice said. Fluttershy jump around and focused energy in her horn preparing for who was there. Then she stopped fighting and bowed. "My deepest apologies your highness!" she quickly said keeping her face so low to the ground she was basically kissing the dirt. "Don't worry about it, I shouldn't have startled you like that." Luna said with a smile. Fluttershy stood back up and stared a Luna in shock. "My I'm not used to not having to look down when taking." She laughed then Fluttershy joined in. When they finally stopped Luna spoke up again "Now what were saying about my dark magic?" she sounded very serious as if Fluttershy was an escaped convict. "Just that, I've always wondered how to use it." Fluttershy replied in her normal sheepish voice "Unless that's a problem." Luna smiled."No it's not a big one, since your an Alicorn and the evil of using it can't overpower you. But, your can't learn much of it from books." Fluttershy nodded and was about to speak when Luna started talking again "In fact the only way I learned the dark magic I know was from my sister. She knows much more than me." Luna said a bit angry "I mean I'm the princess of darkness, how can she know more than me?" Luna was now very angry. "And where does she get off, telling me I can't learn it all!" Fluttershy just smiled listening very intently. "If you'll bear with me, I may have a plan." Fluttershy said with the smile gone now "If you tutored me in the spells, then Celestia might think your old or responsible enough to learn them." Luna's face lit up. "That's not half bad Fluttershy." Fluttershy smiled. Fluttershy then decided it was time to know "Why did you visit me tonight Luna?" Luna looked up at the stars then back down to Fluttershy "I just heard about a new Alicorn and I had to come and see. When I heard it was you, I came over as soon as I had raised the moon." Luna smiled a little more "In fact, the sun down so early, because I begged my sister let me raise the moon so I could see you." Luna chuckled. Fluttershy blushed; they stood there quiet for a moment. "Luna I love your nights, if you are taught those spells could you teach me how to raises the night?" Luna stood there in awe, and then nodded in a yes a like fashion. Fluttershy yelped in glee. "But *ONLY* if it works!" Luna said in a stern and unwavering voice. Now it was Fluttershy's turn to be silent. Luna took a deep breathe glad that Fluttershy accepted their terms. "I've got to get back to Canterlot and tell my sister I've got an apprentice of my own…" The word apprentice made Fluttershy's eye twitch. "…I'll be at your place next week for your lessons." And with that Luna was gone. Fluttershy shouted in joy one last time. Then she flew home to catch some shut eye she was extremely tired again. 20 minutes later When Fluttershy got home, it was how she had left it, except for the smell of cake and the wagon tracks from the ambulance. Angel, her pet bunny, was already asleep and only a few owls were awake. She got inside and lay down on her sofa were she fell asleep. She woke up, back in the cloud area. This time the clouds were darker and some were rainy. Then there was that soft call again, still calling her name. She walked through a rain cloud and she was at Rarity's boutique and there was Opal and Midnight playing with each other. Fluttershy coughed and Midnight stood up "I see your first day as a Alicorn went well?" Fluttershy nodded scared of the cat. "I must say, Rarity she's so kind making that dress, nice design by the way. Say, that Spike and Pinkie, oh they are not nearly as agreeable as her!" Midnight said spitting. "What about Princess Luna?" Fluttershy spoke softly "Well I can tolerate her, but calling us an apprentice!" Midnight hissed "Us…" Fluttershy said "There is no US; this is my body and you changed it!" Midnight looked angry "Then what made you want to learn magic? And what made you burn Twilights mane, and what made you hit that Dragon, you know he can see me and he doesn't like me! IT MAY BE YOUR BODY AND THEY MAY BE YOUR FRIENDS BUT I CONTROL WHAT *YOU *DO!" Midnight was now yelling. Fluttershy stared at him questioningly she had been in control all day but she had have these idea pop into her mind, then she gasped. "You don't control me you just suggest idea's to me!" Midnight looked angry "Your kind is sometimes too smart for their own good. Let me help you forget that." Suddenly Fluttershy screamed in pain and she awoke from her dream she looked up and saw the tip of her horn grow bigger and her wings did the same, she didn't dare look at her feet but she guessed the same was happening to them. She got up and ran outside and yelled for Angel and he came running over "QUICK GO GET TWILIGHT ANGEL!" she screamed still in pain, Angel ran off down the trail to Ponyville "Hurry." she mumbled Five minutes later "Fluttershy!" yelled Twilight as she came running down the trail to Fluttershy's cottage "Fluttershy!" she yelled again when she reached the cottage. A small cry came from inside the house. Twilight ran in "Fluttershy where are you?" She said catching her breathe "O-over here." The sound came from the sofa Twilight came over and slipped. The moon was just shining enough light for Twilight so see it was blood. Twilight turned on a lamp near the couch. Then put her hooves of her mouth so she didn't vomit. Fluttershy sat there crying from pain her horn had easily grown twice a tall as Twilights, and her wings had grown about another three inches. Twilight couldn't tell how tall she was since Fluttershy was lying down. She was bleeding from these areas severely. "Quick Angel, go get me some rags." Twilight said now aware of the emergency. Twilight sat down next to Fluttershy and grabbed her hoof. "W- what happened Fluttershy?" Fluttershy just sat there crying, Angel returned with the rags. And Twilight began to wipe the blood off Fluttershy's face. Suddenly Fluttershy screamed "I CAN'T TELL YOU!" then she buried her face in the pillows. Twilight just sat there rubbing Fluttershy's wings. "Fluttershy I'm worried…" Twilight began "Please just tell what happened I promise I won't tell anyone!" Twilight was talking as sternly as she could. Fluttershy took her head from the pillow "Just ask Spike… he'll tell you…" Fluttershy put her head down again "Tell him I said it was okay. But please Twilight, don't tell anyone else, if you do I don't know what will happen." Twilight looked down at her friend then started to cry herself. "Fluttershy, Spike… Spike died" Twilight said now crying herself. "After you hit him with that book he… he just collapsed… He was dead when I got back home!" Twilight started to sound mad. "Now he's gone all because of *YOU*!" After that Twilight stood up, her crying was subsiding "I just thought you might want to know." With that Twilight ran out of the house and Fluttershy started crying again. While a voice in her head was soothing her with promises of revenge and anger. Eventually, day break came. Fluttershy hadn't slept, her coat was matted with blood, along with her horn and wings. She got up and went to take a shower when she heard a knock at the door. "Just a minute." She growled with all traces of the old Fluttershy gone. *Chapter 2 act 4: Floor 4: Presents* Fluttershy walked like a drunk from lack of sleep, the events that happened, and combined with the fact the she just didn't give a dam at this point. She opened the door expecting some sort of law enforcement but was greeted by Derpy. "What do you want?" she asked angrily. The mailpony looked at Fluttershy and forced a smile. "You told me to visit you today miss yellow pony." She said trying not to run away "But it seems your busy today so I'll-"Fluttershy cut her off. "You know something Derpy?" that was the first time anyone had called the mailpony Derpy to her face. "You gotten my mail to the wrong place more times than I can count you've annoyed me more times than I can count, in fact you've even crashed into me more than I can count." Derpy was starting to back up but Fluttershy followed her. "I just have one question for you…" Derpy nodded "How does an elementary school drop out keep a job, a life, and not wear a blue helmet? In fact how are you not locked up as and danger to everyone including yourself?" Derpy didn't say anything, tears just welled up in her eyes and then she flew away. "DON'T COME BACK!" Fluttershy called after her and slamming her door. She walked over to her shower and started the water before crying again. Twilights Library. A knock came from the door then it flew open. "Is it true!" Rarity exclaimed but by the look on all of the ponies faces she knew it was. Rarity stood there in disbelief "C'mon Sugar, come pay your respects." Applejack said in a dead tone. In the middle of the circle of ponies was a small casket it was closed. Rarity walked over and put her head on the coffin. "I always thought you were cute Spike…" Rarity started sniffling Applejack looked up towards Twilight. "Wher-"she started but was cut off "She's not coming." Twilight said hurriedly "Why, Twi?" Applejack stuttered "I don't want to talk about it… Please just… just drop it." Twilight said beginning to cry again. Applejack walked over to Twilight and put her leg around her "Don't worry hun." Applejack tried to console her but it didn't work. Applejack looked up towards Pinkie who still had deflated hair. Pinkie just shrugged. There was another knock on the door Applejack opened it. There was a royal pegasus standing there but dressed in black. "I'm here for Spike." He said gravely. Applejack pointed to the casket. And he nodded "Would the friends and family of the deceased like to carry him to the chariot?" Twilight and Rarity nodded then grabbed the handles and carried him outside. Once Spike was outside Rainbow flew in. "I came as soon as I heard!" she said out of breathe. No one said anything for a minute. "You're to late Rainbow…" Twilight said on her way back in "… he's already on his way to Canterlot." Twilight sat down on a seat and just stared out a window when something caught her eye. It was Fluttershy dressed in all black, walking towards the Library. Twilight got up "Excuse me." she said. Rage filled her voice but no one caught it. Twilight walked outside and closed the door. "Oh Twilight…" Fluttershy began "I just wanted to pay my respects, then I'll leave." Twilight walked closer and stamped her hoof. "YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY CLOSER!" Twilight yelled "Please Twilight I'll tell you what you want to know if you let me see Spike." Fluttershy began to well up again Twilight just stared never taking her eyes off Fluttershy "I'll give you till the count of five to go back to your hole or I'll do to you what you did to Spike!" She yelled but quieter this time she looked like she meant every word. Inside the library Applejack was watching the confrontation but, when she saw Twilight get ready to attack she ran. "Quick! Everypony, Twilights gonna do something she's gonna regret!" All of her friends looked up towards Applejack who was running for the door. "2…1… YOUR'RE DONE FLUTTERSHY!" Twilight screamed then started charging at Fluttershy, Fluttershy didn't have time to think she just turned around and bucked and she felt a contact, then nothing. When she regained herself, she was standing over Twilight, who was laying there half dead. "FLUTTERSHY NO!" Came a southern voice, then a rope wrapped around the alicorn and pulled her to the ground. Fluttershy saw Rarity and Pinkie run over to Twilights side. Applejack just stepped on Fluttershy's head holding her down. The world was slow and hazy as if it was a dream. Fluttershy saw Rarity run off back towards the house Fluttershy guessed then Pinkie ran to Fluttershy and yelled something at her. Fluttershy couldn't understand her ears were ringing. She eventually faded out of consciousness, when she woke up she was staring at another doctor. She heard the emergency noises then she sat up and realized she was in another ambulance. "No! I don't need to be saved! LET… ME… GO!" She screamed when she finished the buckles holding her in place broke and she was free. She got up and bucked one of the doctors trying to restrain her. She opened the doors and flew out and up into the night sky. "Was this your surprise Rarity?" Fluttershy thought to herself. *Chapter 2: Finale: Floor five: Lost and found* Two weeks after Spike's funeral, Sugar Cube Corner "I still can believe she's gone." Rainbow Dash said quietly "None of us can sugar." Applejack replied "If I ever get my hooves on that meanie evil pants, I don't know what I'll do." Pinkie said angrily. "I just don't understand what made Fluttershy so… so un-Fluttershy." Rarity added "We may never know, but if I catch that vermin I'll make her tell me!" Applejack was angry now too. "Am I the only one who remembers her for who she was!" Rainbow burst out then continued "You all make threats and jokes of her now! But If I saw her I'd just hug her!" Rainbow looked down at the table "I miss her so much…" Rainbow began to cry. Applejack was about to yell at Rainbow when Rarity stopped her "Dear your forgetting they've known each other since they were foals!" Rarity said sternly, Applejack closed her mouth. Mister and Misses Cake walked up to the girls "I'm sorry to say but were closing, you have to leave now." They all nodded and got up Pinkie stayed sitting. "See-ya tomorrow Pinkie." Applejack said as she left Pinkie just waved. When they got outside they didn't need words they just looked at each other and then started going home. Rainbow Dash got home just after sunset the sun had been setting earlier than usual since Twilight's funeral, though no one blamed Celestia. When Rainbow got to her door there was an envelope in the crack. She picked it up and there was no name, address, or anything just a stamp of three butterflies. Rainbow opened the envelope inside was a note. It looked hastily drawn and had a few water stains. The note read… "Greetings Rainbow Dash. I want to see you again meet me by the town square at midnight. Please, It's important. Sincerely It didn't have a name, just the three butterflies again. "This couldn't be from who I think it is, can it?" Dash put the note down on the table and started walking towards the door, well I can't deny a friend even if it isn't her. With that Dash bolted out the door and began to fly towards the square, it wasn't even nine yet but she wanted to be there when this mystery person arrived. Rainbow sat on a bench and watched as shops closed and everyone left until she was alone. She looked at the moon it had to be midnight already. Rainbow got up and looked around. "Hello?" She yelled a cat cried but that was it. "Opal must be out again." She mumbled to herself she turned around and ran into something fuzzy "Hey watch were your going!" she exclaimed to the stranger. She got no reply, Rainbow looked at her eye level and didn't see a face so she bowed. "My deepest apologies Princess!" she was now embarrassed. "Princess, now that's a title I could get used to." Rainbow looked up at the strangers face. "FLUTTERSHY!" She yelled in joy! "It is you!" she hugged her now giant friend "I thought you had left forever!" Rainbow was now crying a bit. Fluttershy smiled "At least you still like me Rainbow." Rainbow stopped hugging her friend and looked at her new features. Fluttershy was easily three feet taller than Princess Celestia and her wings matched her body size. But her horn had grown to about the length of Rainbows wing. "Somepony's grown." Rainbow said in shock. Fluttershy blushed "You like?" Rainbow nodded "You want this look?" Rainbow nodded again "Then come with me. It's so lonely out in that cold hard world. Since I can't go into any towns I need someone to help me." Rainbows smile immediately faded, Fluttershy noticed her sudden change in mood. "Oh ow, my back!" Fluttershy suddenly cried in pain "I've been sleeping on rough clouds or even on the ground lately." Rainbow's reaction suddenly changed due to her friend in pain. "I- I guess you could stay at my place for awhile." Rainbow suddenly said. Fluttershy's face lit up "Really Dashie, you would let me do that?" She squealed. Suddenly there was a noise from Sugar Cube Corner; it sounded like a door slamming. "Let's go before Pinkie see's you!" Rainbow said already flying up." Fluttershy followed right behind her. Rainbows Dash's cloud Rainbow opened the door then took a deep breathe "That was to close" Fluttershy walked in with a bit of a strut. "Wow Dash it's a lot nicer then I remember!" Fluttershy said loudly Rainbow walked beside her with a bit of a blush. "Well I did straighten up a bit." She said trying to hide her blushing. Fluttershy noticed the blushing "What's got you blushing?" Rainbow looked around trying to find another cause. Until Fluttershy's tail hit her flank. "Well don't take this to offense but… you." Fluttershy looked up and smiled "REALLY! THIS CANT BE TRUE! "She yelled in her thoughts. Fluttershy's attention was dragged back by her friend talking. "It' just you've always been more than a friend." Fluttershy nodded "I agree truth be told I've always had a bit of a crush on you too Dashie." Dash looked up and smiled. "So that's why you came to me first?" She asked excited now Fluttershy nodded. But then Fluttershy asked Rainbow in a serious voice this time. "So will you come with me now that you know my little secret?" Rainbow all of the sudden looked intoxicated "Why don't you ask me in the morning?" Suddenly Fluttershy felt light-headed too and felt like she was drunk. Morning Fluttershy woke up in a rainbow fountain only her head wasn't in the fountain. "What happened last night?" Fluttershy looked around the room it was trashed some columns were broken and most of the windows were not a single piece of furniture was upright. She stood up then she threw up. "God, what did happen?" she clumsily went up the stairs and to Rainbow's room were the pegasus had slept for the night she was covered in rainbow too. Fluttershy fell on the bed and woke Rainbow. Rainbow smiled at Fluttershy then yawned. But Fluttershy had a question above all others. "Will you join me Dashie?"