Lost and Found

by Silver Spirit

Overdose Of Ecstasy

A loud gasp broke the silence of the midday air. Follow by a certain pink colored earth pony flew running for the hills. Silver looked at Vinyl in confusion.

“Apparently I am that scary.” Silver said. He noticed Vinyl’s face which kind of looked like a sarcastic I’m sorry face. It was only confirmed when she spoke.

“Oh yeah, sorry Silver, I accidently got you invited to a party you’re gonna have to be forced to attend.” Silver looked back rather unimpressed and still confused.

“Wha-“ Vinyl sighed.

“Her name is Pinkie Pie. She specializes in parties, and throwing them and all that.” She rolled her hoof around and continued, “She really likes throwing parties for those who have just arrived to stay in town. By far she has got to be the most energetic pony I’ve seen. You’re a pretty damn close second though.” Silver didn’t know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult. He knew though and that was good enough for him. Vinyl just hoof bumped his shoulder. “Come on it won’t be so bad. Besides I want to see the Silver that was there last night.”

“What you mean goin all out to the music, while buzzed, and you climbing on me.” Vinyl blushed. “You know what I mean.” Silver couldn’t lie though he rather enjoyed himself. Something about the company of his favourite DJ made him feel more comfortable behind the mixer that night. ‘Maybe it is a good thing I missed my train.’ He thought to himself. ‘I can start a new life here with some of the friends I might make at this party in a rather safe town. Only one problem, I’m gonna need a job.’ He didn’t know what he could do other than DJ and produce. That was what he was thinking of building his name on, but now that he can’t travel he will need an alternative measure. The only problem was he didn’t know what. Before he could start deciding Vinyl began poking Silver.

“I’m gonna head home and get ready. I need to find some good records to spin for tonight.”

“Wait…” Silver said trying to stop her she turned and looked at him. He was nervous to ask and he didn’t know why. He just found himself staring dumbfounded at her. After a couple of awkward seconds he finally built up the courage to ask. “You don’t mind if I try and help you do you?” She looked back kind of surprized. “I have nothing better to do so I might as well help you out.” He was quite bashful at this point. He asked a DJ that he was a big fan of and knows nothing about her personally if he could go to her house. Still surprised by his sudden question she found herself staring back awkwardly. Weaver started making circles in the ground with the edge of his hoof. “You know if it’s okay with you.” he said innocently. She Silver could see her cheeks slowing turning red. ‘What is she devising in that mind of her’s?’ he thought. She turned around, but turned her head back to make eye contact with him. She began walking and Silver got rather depressed. Then he heard her voice.

“Well are you coming or what?” she called over to him. A smile grew across his face, and he caught up with her so they were side by side. They walked for a little bit with no conversation. Silver couldn’t think of what to say and it seemed as though Vinyl couldn’t either. It was a really awkward walk to Vinyl’s. ‘Damn it! Say something.’ Weaver thought to himself. ‘I need to say something to lighten the mood cause I can’t stand it anymore.’

“So what are you planning on playing tonight?” ‘Better to start somewhere than nowhere.’ He thought to himself. She looked in his direction, but Weaver made sure that she wouldn’t make eye contact.

“Well considering how much you like that deeper music probably some drum and bass, maybe some moombahcore.”

“Really? Expanding your genre list?”

“Well I might as well learn how while I have the chance. Kinda why I’m glad now that I brought you.” Weaver looked over kind of surprised. ‘Vinyl wants me to teach her how to mix darker music!’ the fanboy inside of him screamed. His eyes shimmered with happiness.

“I’m rather surprised that you’d ask me.” He said calmly hoping she wouldn’t notice him freaking out.

“Well you’re the best one I’ve met to date. So it’s probably better that I learned from the best.” ‘Are you kidding me?’ He thought to himself.

“I’m not the best.”

“You’re the best in my opinion.” She turned her face away as she said that. Weaver looked in her direction shocked at what he had just heard come out of the best DJ in Equestria, in his opinions, mouth. She walked up to the door of her house and opened it. Her house was surprisingly ordinary on the outside. It was only when he walked in did he believe that it was her house. There was stuff everywhere. “Sorry about the mess I wasn’t expecting company.”

“It’s alright, but I can see why you wanted help.”

“Yeah it’s a pain, but I call it home.” She rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof.

“Well we might as well start looking.”

By the time they found almost everything that she was looking for it was time to eat. Vinyl went to have a shower so Silver began sorting her records in alphabetical order. While he was doing that though he found the rest of what they were looking for. He looked at the records after he finished sorting them, and then the ones that Vinyl wanted. ‘By Celestia those last few were like finding a needle in a haystack.’ Then it hit him. ‘Wait a second. If I’m that good at finding stuff I know what I can become. I can be… come on say it.’

“Silver?” he woke from his daze and turned around. It was Vinyl, but he was surprized to see her without her shades, and as well her mane was still wet. Her eyes were kind of a deep purple from what Silver saw and they seemed to shimmer when he looked at them. He found himself with his mouth agape at what he saw. She began to blush a little. “Umm… is there something wrong?” This snapped Silver out of that daze. The only problem was he was at a loss for words, and was trying not to blurt out how pretty she looked. She waved a hoof in front of his face. She finally realized that he was looking directly into her eyes. “Oh yeah that’s right,” she pointed a hoof to her eyes. “you haven’t seen my eye color before have you?” Weaver shook his head. “I can put my shades back on if it bothers you that much.” He shook his head even faster, still unable to verbally communicate. She finally looked around the room and saw how clean it was. She saw the shelf and looked at him rather surprised. Then she saw the extra records they couldn’t find with the two of them searching. “By Celestia Silver how did you find these?” She looked toward him with kind of a shocked face. He blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

“By cleaning.” he didn’t mean it sarcastically, but she didn’t give him a dirty look at all. She looked at them holding them in her magic.

“I’ve been looking for these for two years.” Silver gave her kind of a funny look.

“How long have you had them for?”

“Two years.” She said rather sheepishly.

“That is why I like using digital copies.” She shrugged.

“I prefer the sound better, but still I’m just glad you found them.”

“I’m glad you got me to find them for you cause it gave me an idea.” She tilted her head to the side trying to figure out what he was talking about. “Well I’m stuck here looking for work right?”

“Right, so?”

“I need some way to make money so I can get back. I figured why not be the lost and found pony.” Vinyl stared at him dumb struck. She then proceeded to start laughing at him. It took her a couple of seconds to regain a somewhat serious conversation. “What’s so funny?” he asked.

“You realize if you do, do that,” she paused, “once you start helping people and making more friends. You won’t wanna leave. I can guarantee that.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because, it has happened to every single pony who has wanted to do that job.” Silver rolled his eyes.

“How many ponies?” he asked expecting a small number.

“Ten on record, but the one who is there now is rather old and his eyesight is going on him.” She stated without skipping a beat. “You could probably ask him tomorrow.”

“Where would I find him?” Vinyl was surprized at his forwardness about the subject.

“City Hall.” She said. Silver looked at his watch hoping that it was still open. Seven-thirty.

“Oh crap!” Vinyl jumped slightly at Silver’s random spout.


“We’re gonna be late for the party if we don’t hurry.” Vinyl looked at the wall and saw the time on her clock. She looked back rather shocked.

“Crap, your right.” They started grabbing everything they needed and in the mad scramble they tripped over one another and before he knew what was happening he found himself on top of Vinyl. They began to blush furiously. Vinyl averted her gaze from Silver’s face. ‘Stop it Silver! What are you doing?’ he was telling himself. He began to lose focus. ‘She looks adorable. What am I saying I don’t even know her that well.’ Finally he was able to push himself away.

“Sorry about that.” He lent her a hoof and she looked at him and took the help up. He began to walk out the door.

“Wait!” he heard Vinyl call to him. He stopped, “Let me come with you since were going to the same place.” ‘Was she not just part of what just happened?’ Silver thought to himself. They left her house and began walking to their destination. As they were walking no conversation came out. They were silent the whole way there. When they finally arrived, Vinyl poked Silver. “Do me a favour.”

“Hmm?” Silver looked towards her.

“Don’t mention what happened.” She held her hoof out to him.

“Deal.” He hoof bumped her responding quickly. They walked in met by Pinkie standing in front of them as the door opened.

“Well what took you so long sillies?” She said jumping up and down. “It’s not a party without the person it’s for.” Silver didn’t take long to think of a reply for the pink pony.

“Your right, but it also isn’t a party without good music.” She let out another one of those gasps.

“Your right!” she started looking around panicked, but super energetically. “We need our musician. Where is she… where is she!” Silver looked to his right to see Vinyl just about as perplexed as he is. She walked into the room towards the stage and put her shades on as she climbed the stairs. Silver kept close and went onto stage with her. She gave him a rather sly grin.

“Hey this party is for you don’t you think I should be the one playing for you?” she said to him. He shrugged.

“And give you all the fun? Not in your life.” He smiled back and continued. “Besides I can kill two birds with one stone.” She gave him a strange look. “I can teach you drum and bass, and Moomba mixing, and you get to see what you wanted to see.” She looked rather surprised, but she smiled back and hoof bumped him as they went on stage. Silver checked the set-up to see how good the unicorns did it as he normally did. He never knows which way they put the tables until he’s mixing sometimes. So either the controls would be backwards or they’d be normal after he played a show with them backwards. Lucky for him it was the same as last night. He looked to Vinyl and gave her the nod that they were ready to go. She picked up a microphone in her magic, tested it, and then said,

“Who’s ready to party?!” the crowd roared with excitement. Vinyl then started the show.

Vinyl finished her set the way she started, hard hitting. Silver was blown away by how well she did with a genre which she wasn’t familiar with. He was already tired from all the dancing he did along with her set. Vinyl looked at Silver. “Well how did I do?” Silver raised his hoof and she gave it a bump, and he pulled her closer so she could hear him.

“You’re a natural, Vinyl.” He said a little lost for breath. She laughed.

“You sure you wanna play your set.”

“You know I do.” Silver walked up to the tables. He got them set up with the songs that he was going to play checked the audio to make sure that they were playing correctly, and beat matched everything. He was ready. He started the first song and he lifted his hoof in the air. The build-up started. Building… building… building. His hoof flailing wildly trying to keep up, and then the bass line dropped in and he started dancing along wildly to the beats and the bass. He was so into it he was using every ounce of energy trying to give the crowd a good show. He began setting up the next song, head bopping to the one that was currently playing. He turned on the volume for the second mixer. He started switching, waiting for the right time. He was waiting to switch out of the first song to keep the flow going. He did so as flawlessly as he could and then the next song kicked in. He began to dance wildly again. This time however something happened. His vision started to blur. His vision was becoming tunnel. He loaded up the next track and slowly, but surely the world around him began fading. His legs began to fail. Wobbling back and forth he finally succumbs to his overdose of ecstasy and passed out.