
by Capo First

A Love Story

"What a strange world..." Capo whispered to herself as she gazed out at the city sprawling below. She was perched at a window seat in her new home. What a strange world indeed, she thought. Just a few weeks ago she had been the homeless mare living in the park, ignored and shunned by every passing pony. But now... now she felt as if she was on top of the world. She smiled to herself, absentmindedly tracing a heart into the back of the sleeping stallion beside her. Oh Magik, she thought as she turned to him. It was his doing that she was happy now, and she could never be more grateful. Capo gently rested her head on his side, closing her eyes as she focused on the rhythm of his breathing. Oh how she loved him. Every other mare was jealous, she thought with a slight giggle. After all, she was the one dating a prince.

Magikasta opened his eyes with a grunt, the bright sunlight shining onto his face. What a day, he thought with a grimace. Celestia and Luna being bitches as usual... Well, I guess having power does that to you. Magik wouldn't know, he had never held a seat on the throne like his cousins. He strongly suspected that it was because he wasn't an alicorn, but that couldn't be helped. He rolled over and gazed at the mare laying across him. What a beauty she was. Magikasta pushed a little of Capo's red and black hair out of her face with a grin and kissed her cheek. She responded with a happy sigh. She deserves this more than I do, he thought. I was brought up in royalty... she endured the hardships of an orphaned mare in a bustling city. When he had found her, she had naught but a guitar to her name. And how she could play that guitar! The details of their first encounter raced through his mind. Sitting on a street corner, her hair tied back in a ponytail as usual, singing softly. A hat with a few bits in front of her, the battered guitar in her arms producing music so beautiful, it would make the toughest warrior cry and the most grand of princess bow... or at least that's how he imagined it. From then on he sought out the performing mare, his nervousness overcoming his desire. Finally, he followed her home... to no home. A park bench... how could she stand it? he wondered with a grimace. The light gray of her coat drawing him in, convincing him to approach her. She didn't want help. She said she was fine. But he managed to convince her, and she came to live with him.

"And I could never be happier." Capo whispered, smiling happily. Magik blushed as he realized he had been muttering his thoughts out loud. He wasn't quite adjusted to living with another pony, years of isolation still having their impact on his habits. She didn't care though. Magik grinned as he leaned back against the window, the mare laying across him, the sun shining in brightly. Life was good.

Scarlet limped though the market, surveying her surroundings with keen eyes. She knew that it was no use; if there were changelings here they would be disguised. Still, she kept a watch while she hobbled towards the doctor, her broken leg trailing behind her uselessly. If the beasts were here, she would be an open target. She made careful note of the exits to the market, calculating the time it would take to rush to them if needed. If only her leg wasn't fractured! She hated being useless like this.

She opened the door of the medic's slowly, wincing with pain as extra weight was put on her bad leg. Immediately several nurses rushed to her, inquiring the usual, what happened, who are you, on and on. She answered them all in a dull monotone voice. Same old same old, she thought with with a grimace. She had always hated this. She was taken to a waiting room. Soon, the doctor entered.

"So what seems to be the issue miss?" Scarlet lifted her leg awkwardly, the bone bent at an odd angle. "Well that's no good," the doctor scoffed. "What were you doing to end up with injuries such as these?" He scanned the scrapes and bruises lining the rest of her body.

"Oh you know... got in a fight..." Scarlet responded, looking down as if ashamed. Damn doctors being nosy. What did he care how it happened? His job was to fix it.

"A fight eh?" The doctor looked at her suspiciously. "Are you sure you aren't having any troubles with a stallion? We have aid centers you know."

"Really, it was just a fight." Scarlet rolled her eyes as the doctor made a note on his clipboard. She actually had no idea how half the injuries had occurred. The doctor sighed and approached her.

"Luckily for you, I just returned from the medical college in Manehatten. I know a spell that will fix that leg in a second." The doctor concentrated as his horn glowed bright blue. Scarlet widened her eyes as she felt the bones in her leg grow together and mend.

"Thank you so much sir." Scarlet got up to leave.

"Excuse me miss... I'm afraid you need to pay." The doctor frowned at her.

"I have no money.. perhaps I can pay in.. other ways?" Scarlet asked suggestively, turning so that her plot was clearly visible. It wasn't her favorite way of repaying debts, but it worked. The doctor smiled coyly, lust in his eyes.

"I think that can be arranged."

Magikasta walked down the stairs to the first floor. Capo was already there, a blue and yellow scarf wrapped around her neck. "Ready to go?" Magik inquired with a loving smile.

"Ready!" Capo replied enthusiastically, her joyous energy seeming boundless as she trotted happily to the door. "I got the list this time; I didn't want you forgetting," she teased.

"I don't forget!" Magik responded. "I just... don't remember." Capo giggled as they both walked out the door and set out for the market. Capo leaned against him as they walked, the connection between the two never stronger. Such a nice day, she thought. A southernly breeze was blowing, bringing towards them the delicious smells of the market. Capo opened her mouth, tasting the sweet air. Magikasta smiled at his marefriend, overcome with emotions he couldn't begin to comprehend. Capo noticed him staring and shut her mouth quickly, blushing. Magik placed a hoof on her chin and looked into her eyes before drawing her in for a kiss. They stood, not wanting to break away, as the world bustled around them.

Ugh. How she hated that. She had to act like she enjoyed it too, otherwise it wouldn't be worthwhile. It would be a slightly different story if the doctor was actually able to please her as well. She was surprised no one heard them... oh well, what's done is done, she thought, as she trotted outside back into the market. Food. She needed food. And not this pansy plant thing everyone seems to eat. She knew there were vendors that sold meat, but they were harder to find. After a while of searching she spotted a griffon behind a stall with strips of smoked pork hanging down. She trotted over, eyeing it hungrily.

"How much for three?" Scarlet asked, knowing full well that she had no money.

"That'll be 9 bits." The salesman answered. Scarlet scrutinised the griffon. Fat, greasy, smelled like decaying pig... No, not even her standards were that low. Sex was out of the question. She wanted his meat, but she didn't want his meat. She decided to take her chances. Suddenly Scarlet grabbed a piece with her teeth and ran, the fear and adrenaline of last night's escape returning to her as she fled with the pork. She could hear the vendor yelling swears after her, but she didn't slow or stop.

"Look Magik! And they're on sale!" Capo exclaimed as she pointed out some pearl necklaces to the stallion. Magik grunted his approval. Fashion was not his area of expertise. "Will you buy them, deary?" Capo asked, sming at him sweetly.

"Oh Capo, you know I can't decline." Capo clapped gleefully as Magik placed some bits on the counter. She scooped up the necklace and placed it around her neck, the pearls flashing in the sunlight.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Capo asked, spinning around, letting her lover admire her.

"It's quite lovely, Capo de-"

"STOP RIGHT THERE YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Magik and Capo wheeled around to see a bright white mare go speeding past them, a piece of something red clamped in her mouth. Behind them at some distance an overweight griffon wheezed as he jogged after her, nowhere near being able to keep up. "She... stole... my... bacon!" panted the salesman, before he fell over sideways, gasping for air. Capo rushed to his side, helping him to his feet.

"Are you alright? What exactly happened?" Capo inquired.

"I was just TRYING to sell some food to that WHORE, but then she stole it and ran!" The vender muttered something about cheap bitches before shuffling back to his stall, a few shady looking ponies crowded around it. Capo looked worriedly at the alleyway that the mare had disappeared into. Why would she have done such a thing?

"Ready to go, sweetie?" Magik's voice pulled Capo out of her thoughts. She nodded, and the two set off back towards their house, unknowingly following the same path as the theif.

Wonderful. That's how the meat tasted. She licked the strip, savouring the flavor, then placed it in her mouth and sucked the juices out of it before chewing and swallowing. Scarlet shuddered as she felt the meat slide down her throat. The taste was so delicious... How could ponies not like this? She got to her feet slowly. She was hidden in a side alleyway, adjacent to the main road. Could she risk walking out...? Scarlet took a deep breath, and walked straight out... into Magikasta.

"The fuck?!" The two ponies collapsed into a heap, a third gray pegasus watching, a bemused look on her face. Scarlet struggled with the other, unable to get to her feet.

"Get the hell off of me!" She growled, struggling to escape. A gray hoof pushed her down, pinning her there. The other mare towered over her, peering at her.

"You were the theif at the market!" the mare exclaimed. Scarlet said nothing, squirming unpleasantly. "Now tell me, why did you steal?" The mare inquired, her amber eyes boring into her.

"I was hungry... And I d-didn't have any money..." Scarlet responded quietly, expecting the couple to turn her into the authorities. The green stallion climbed to his feet, brushing himself off.

"Do you need a place to stay?" asked the stallion, catching her by surprise. Not just anyone would offer their house and food to a common thief. Scarlet nodded slowly, ashamed. "Then come with us!" he said, helping Scarlet to her feet. "What's your name?"


"Hello Scarlet! I'm Magikasta, and this here is my lovely marefriend Capo!" Capo blushed and kicked a hoof at this remark. "Let's go to our house," he instructed, trotting away slowly. Capo shot Scarlet a suspicious glance before following. Scarlet stared after the two before reluctantly following in their footsteps.