Discordant Job

by Dream Reader

In which the group finally arrives.

As night fell the group decided to all at least attempt to get to know each other, they found it rather difficult because of the personalities of the group, but when dream suggested that they all show everyone something they'd been working on they agreed to meet up in 10 minutes. Mic went to his room to get a book of rhymes he’d been working on since he got the letter from Princess Celestia. Moon just stared at the night sky, thinking he’d left everything back home. Dream went to get a dream catcher she’s been working on for a while. Lilly grabbed a bit of cloth she’d been turning into a doll dress. Groove pulled out of his bag his music equipment. When they all got back to the main car they sat in a circle and worked out a way to choose who took turns, a microphone Mic had with him, he suggested that everypony pass it around and that pony would go first in presenting what they had.

Moon Light went first, saying that while he didn’t have anything to show. He’d like to tell something about himself. “When I was a small colt I used to stay up late into the night reading or just staring out at the night sky,” he began his tale, “now most ponies where I’m from have never seen a unicorn before, so what I did was very unusual, and when I grew up we began having really bad cloud accumulation late at night and no pony was awake to deal with the problem except me, apparently staying up had given me some kind of super night vision. So that’s what I bring to the table, I guess.” He finished sheepishly.

Lilly Stitch quickly grabbed the microphone from Moon Light and began telling all about herself and her special talent of turning any piece of fabric into a work of art and while no she didn’t have the magic unicorns have she’d figured out how to use her wings as well as her hooves to aid her in sewing. Also that she loved to burn the midnight oil when it came to working on projects, but her home back in Donston was very messy because she got so wrapped up in her work that she always forgot to clean until she couldn’t find a specific piece of fabric, or a friend, at the last bit she giggled slightly remembering the one time she’d actually lost Dream in a huge pile of fabric.

Emerald Groove took the microphone from Lilly with a comment about how he thought she’d be able to turn anything into a masterpiece. Lilly rolled her eyes as Groove began talking about his music and how all he really wanted to do now was help other ponies realize their dreams in music. He loved producing music almost more than he liked making it. He was discovered by a big name that has since forgotten Groove exists because he wasn’t making enough money for him. He just hoped he never became like the pony that had screwed him over.

Dream and Mic kind of stared at each other as if in a battle of wills to see who would break down and pick up the microphone from Groove’s hoof. In the end, Dream Reader sighed and said, “I’ll go. My name is Dream Reader, I live in Donston, and I own a shop that sells dream catchers and I also do dream readings. There really isn’t much for me to tell considering sometimes even I don’t grasped what I know. This dream catcher is one that I’ve been working on since the shop opened, and it was supposed to be finished a year ago, but the shop and friends and life happened now I’m hoping to be able to finish it while working for Discord. Oh and any weird dreams y’all have just bring them to me I’ll be happy to help you figure them out.” She held out the microphone to Mic expecting him to take it.

Mic however declined it saying he was tired and would rather go to bed, no offense meant. But when Groove and Moon both blocked his way saying that they shared something about themselves it was his turn and he wasn’t getting a lick of sleep unless he sucked up his pride and shared a piece of himself. He rolled his eyes, thinking it was just great that everyone was sharing their life stories. He cursed under his breath and began to tell his tale. He was born in Derbyton where his father had been raise after his family moved from Zebrica. How his father and mother both met while being away from their homes at a music convention and it was love at first hit. His father had run into his mother, literally, he knocked her over trying to get through the crowd, and they exchanged info and began writing each other, years later they married and of course the rest is history. Mic told all of them how he found his love for rapping, when he was just starting school , and they had to write a small story about themselves, he ended up writing an entire song just about how much he liked rapping.

They stayed up the whole night talking, laughing and making jokes; just enjoying each other’s company. They finally went to sleep as the sun was just coming up over the horizon, they still had a whole day before they arrived Steeplechase giving them just barely enough time to sleep and get refreshed. When they finally arrived, they were greeted by an earth pony with a sour look on his face and 2 unicorns both smiling like foals that had just received candy. All Dream and the others could do was sigh and think was well this is going to be interesting. The ponies, waiting for the group, were drawing attention to themselves due to the fact that one of the stallions in the smaller group was bouncing up and down while the other 2 just looked on disapprovingly. The one jumping up and down was a Blue unicorn with a blone mane that had blue tips. The mare of the group was sea foam green unicorn mare with a hot pink mane. The sour-puss earth stallion had a black coat and dark blue mane.

“Hi, I’m Free Faller; I run the soap shop in town. So far we have a few food shops, my shop, and Discord’s mane hall. But anyway are y’all the new ponies Celestia sent? ‘Cause if so, welcome, welcome. If not, why are you here, huh, huh, huh?” the blue unicorn spoke excitedly. His cutie mark was a smiling firework. His companions looked at him as if he’d grown another head. As soon as he finished speaking he began bouncing again. The earth pony put a hoof on his back in an attempt to keep his hooves on the ground, but he ended up bouncing up and down himself.

The other unicorn chuckled and turned to them and said, “Hi, I’m Glitter Shine. I hope Free didn’t scare y’all, I understand he can be a bit of a handful, but he means well. Oh let’s go on a head and get y’all settled in and figure out what yuns can do.” She began to walk away with the 2 stallions following after her, when she reached the end of the platform she turned and looked at them and asked if they were coming or not.

“By the way the names Zen, you know, in case any of you needs me,” the earth pony called behind him, not really caring if any of them heard him, “I run the market place which is where all the food shops are located.” He then excused himself, saying he had business that needed his full attention. Dream couldn’t help but think he was being more than slightly rude, and she would’ve said something, but Moon shot her a look of what’s wrong. She shook her head as if to say nothing, don’t worry about it, and turned to glare at Zen’s retreating back.