A Turret's Serenade

by Silent Flash

The temporary guest

Fluttershy led her new, temporary companion through the normal evening buzz of the marketplace. She weaved through the mass of ponies, as she was used to doing so. Her companion, Song Serenade was staring at the multicoloured mass in awe. "I never saw this many colours before. Serenade thought as she followed the pastel pegasus, trying to keep up with the quick blur. The thing was, she had no idea where she was. Being outside did not help her remember where she was; since, of course this was a magical land of ponies and not a dull, robotic Aperture Science. If only I still had a functioning GPS Song muttered as she let out a huge sigh.

Many of the rainbow coloured army of evening shoppers turned their heads when they saw the mysterious earth pony. They didn't know or remember the pony from everywhere, and her cutie mark was peculiar to them. Cutie marks usually had a distinct meaning, like a straight up music note, or a bunch of bubbles. Song was different, she had an array of shapes surrounding part of the music note, which started many questions from the crowd of spectators. One pony, an almost-white unicorn shoved her way through the crowd, to get another glimpse. A darker earth pony followed yelling words at the unicorn.

"You are the most stubborn, ridiculous pony ever. We don't even know who she is. What if shes dangerous?!?" The dark mare yelled.

"'Tavi, you need to chill some times. It would be cool if we got another musician to jam with" The unicorn argued back.

Octavia rolled her eyes at her friend and fellow musician. As she started to return to their simple house, she rolled her eyes and muttered to herself. "One day, Vinyl. One day."

Fluttershy slowed down, allowing Song to catch up to her pace. "Umm, I think we should go faster. The farther out of Ponyville we get, the smaller the crowd should get. I don't like crowds." Song nodded in response to Fluttershy's request and started to gallop a bit faster, still wobbling from the transition from machine to pony.

Song Serenade and Fluttershy got to the calmer side of the town and started to slow down. Fluttershy glanced back and sighed in relief, as most of the pondering ponies halted their chase and went back to shopping. Fluttershy started down a path that seemed to go near the forest. Song was scared by the forest, as all she used to see was artificial devices, not real animals. She heard that life was dangerous. No. She was programmed to respond to life as a source of danger. This was weird for the pony, as she was now a living thing herself. She increased her trot to trot beside Fluttershy, in case impending danger. Fluttershy looked over at Song, staring into her eyes.

"Umm, maybe you aren't as dangerous as you look." Fluttershy then looked into the sky. "Oh my, it's almost night! We should hurry now. "

Song stared at the sky. The sun seamlessly floated above, as if it were midday. "But, it's just Noon?" Song tried to reason with the pegasus.

Fluttershy shook her head. "Princess Luna is going to raise the Moon soon."

Now, if Song Serenade were in her turret encasing, most of her circuitry would be already burnt out. She just was really confused instead. Princess.. Luna? Who's that? I didn't know any Princesses existed, minus the ones in England Song spent the rest of the time trotting to her destination, pondering over who Princess Luna could be, or how that would even work.

As if on cue, the two ponies reached Fluttershy's cottage and got inside right when the Sun gracefully sank into the horizon and the Moon flowed up so easily, that it caught more of Song's attention. She spent the time watching the miracle happen.

"I'll set up your bed. Um, if you don't mind that is." Fluttershy told her guest as she flew to the guest room.

Song sighed. This was one weird day for the former turret. Her train of thought was broken when she felt a quick jab at her side and then a pattern of loud thumping. She looked down at her side and saw a white rabbit, who seemed to dislike the thought of a new visitor. The second the rabbit looked at her eyes, it seemed to be a bit frighted. A few seconds later, the rabbit continued to try and get Song out of the house.

Fluttershy returned to the main room and saw the rabbit. "Angel Bunny. Stop that this instant. This is my new..." She looked at the floor. "Friend". The word friend seemed like it was hard to come out of the pegasus. "She will be staying here for a while, until we can get her back to her house."

The rabbit turned around and crossed his arms.

"If you will be nice, I'll make you your favorite dish tomorrow!" Fluttershy bribed him.

Angel hopped forward, he seemed as if he was full of energy.

"Then it's settled" Fluttershy said, turning to Song. "The room's ready" she told her visitor and started to lead Song to the Guest room.

The guest room was a small room with a cabinet on the wall with some books and various vases. Song cautiously stepped into the room. She turned to her host and whispered "Thank you."

"Umm, You're welcome?" Fluttershy responded, leaving the room and shutting off the lights in the main room.

Song headed to the bed and laid down on her stomach, staring out the window next to the bed. The Moon seemed like a normal moon, If it looks so Normal, than what does Princess Luna have to do with it? Song asked herself. Gazing up at the orb of white, A funny idea popped into her mind, upon thinking of the moon. If I had a Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device right now, would it work on the moon? The pony tried to snap out of her endless gazing at her moon, but couldn't. It was like she didn't want to. Or was it more like she didn't have to sleep. She browsed through her memories, thinking of what she would do back at Aperture. She realized that she never actually did sleep; she just powered down. She tried to run the procedure of shutting down as well as the code through her mind, aimlessly attempting to fall asleep.

When she finally fell 'asleep' the last thing she would have thought about had happened. A white unicorn, with a vibrant blue mane was slowly sneaking around the area, looking for a way in. She knew the mysterious earth pony was staying at Fluttershy's and needed to find out more about the earth pony. She knew Octavia would hide her DJ table and her other objects if Octavia knew what she was up to. "This time, I won't mess up 'Tavi. This time you can't stop me" Vinyl Scratch pulled her purple glasses over her eyes.