SCP. Secure. Contain. Pony.

by SolidFerret

Radical Larry.

[A/N] Apparently a 'man the fuck up' speech was in order.

The dark hallways were just as unwelcoming as the the guards at the front gate. The survivors treaded down the hallways with the only noise being footsteps and metal floors and their heartbeat that had filled their ears. While most of the humans had to be brave to make it out alive, the ponies were trembling in the fear that blinking would bring back SCP-173.

"Twilight, I'm scared." Fluttershy whispered.

"I'm scared too." She said. While ponies like Rarity and Fluttershy were clearly terrified, Rainbow Dash and Applejack tried to not even look scarred.

"Shh." Allan pointed a finger under where his nose would be if it weren't for the mask.

Footsteps. That's what they heard. The floor above them gave a clank noise as what sounded like several task forces patrolled the halls.

"Keep an eye out for any D-Class subjects. Eliminate any guards trying to help them. They will be listed as rouge." A voice said, clear enough for them to all hear.

"Well fuck. Now watch as these SWAT wanna bees shoot us in the foot and leave us here to die!"

"Shut up." Ricca tried to quite him but his effort was hopeless.

"Better run Greg. We have better luck with 173 then guys who would shoot us to live." He spoke as he backed away.

"Shut the fuck up." Ricca gritted through his teeth. Task forces knew to listen for footsteps and speaking from people and would investigate immediately.

"Come on big boss shoot me." Jake raised his arms to intimate Ricca and the others who had weapons into shooting him just to make a point to the ponies.

"Shut up or else-" To late. A noise that made Ricca's heart drop was heard from the other end of the hallway. However the worst part was that it wasn't the guards.

A wall on the left began to crack and corrode as an old, burnt, wrinkly hand grabbed the edges of hole that the corrosion made. Soon legs dressed in what appeared to be overalls climbed out and onto the ground. The ponies screamed as a grinning face poked through and looked right at them.

"Shit run!" Ramirez yelled as he several other fired bullets at SCP-106. The bullets went through him and left wounds but he kept walking towards his targets with an evil grin plastered on his face.

"Hurry!" Montes shouted as they piled in through a door. As the last guard got in, he hit the red button that made it close.

"Keep moving." Lopez assured as the group rushed through the tight corridor. At the other side was a two-level office. They slowed down to catch their breathes from running.

"What was that thing?" Twilight asked Lopez.

"SCP-106. A very lethal SCP that can move through walls and will take you to his secret lair if he gets you."

"Wait, can't he follow us?"

The answer came when Rarity shrieked and pointed a hoof towards the door that they came in through.

"Move!" Jake called as he opened the door and waited for every one out. 106 was slow on moving and walked down the stairs. By the time he was at the bottom, the door was closed.

"He's is quite the pain." Lopez said jokingly. No one or pony laughed but enjoyed the humor.

"Wait wheres Fluttershy!?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Meanwhile back in the office, 106 roamed the floor aimlessly in search of pray. Unaware of a yellow pegasus underneath a table. Fluttershy had tears streaming out of her eyes and covered her mouth with her hoof to prevent anymore whimpering from being heard. She had hoped that the creature would leave her alone.

Footsteps grew closer. Fluttershy whimpered more, her hoof muffling it but still audible to those close by. She almost yelped out in fear when a pair of legs appeared in front of her. Her eyes were wide in fear, hoping that they would think hat there was nopony there and leave.

SCP-106's head poked down underneath the table with a big grin in front of Fluttershy. She screamed loudly after being caught and tried to move around it and get away. 106 grabbed her hoof and corroded the floor and began to sink in with her.

"NO! NOOOOOO!." She clawed at the ground to resist being taken to Celestia knows where. 106 grinned bigger and laughed evilly at the look of his prey.

"HELP ME!" She screamed. Not caring if King Sombra came in. She was up to her fore hooves in the ground and tried desperately to escape the iron grip of SCP-106.

"PLEASE! NO!" She pleaded. Hoping that SCP-106 was an animal cause she knew he wasn't human. She screamed as she felt her grip slip and she was dragged in. But before she was completely gone, more hands grabbed her and tried to pull her out. When she emerged more from the ground, she saw two men, one in a white and the other with blue pulling her out by her hooves while one in orange rushed over to help her. The other ponies were looking at fear at the scene unfolding.

"Come on Ricca pull." Ramirez grunted as he tried to free Fluttershy with his strength. SCP-106's head poked through the floor. Lopez saw this as an opportunity and aimed his weapon.

"Eat this!" He fired a single round into 106's head. A black, oil, substance sprayed out of the wound and covered Lopezs' face mask as 106 sank more into the ground.* The sudden release of the counter-weight sent Ramirez and Ricca flying back with Fluttershy landing on top of Ricca.

Fluttershy sobbed on Riccas' chest. He knew why and put a comforting hand on her head and petted her to try to comfort her. The ponies looked and didn't say anything since words wouldn't bring her out of hysterics. Ramirez had stood up and caught his breath. He looked over at Lopez saw his mask.

"Ugh what is this crap?" He said trying to wipe it off on his sleeve. The substance smeared and made him see slightly more. "Fuck."

Ricca nodded at the others meaning that it was time to move. Leaning down, he whispered, "Hey. We need to move." Fluttershy only whimpered more and snuggled up closer to him. Instead of pushing her off, Ricca stood up with his weapon slung and began to carry her. She wasn't to heavy to slow him down but was big enough for him to need some muscle.

Ricca knew that she needed time. Yet she was lucky. Next to nobody had ever survived an encounter with Radical Larry.

* Resembled 'Aliens' didn't it. God I can't wait for Colonial Marines

[A/N] The box is my enemy. Hope you all enjoyed. I am trying to get this story together. Hopefully it will be good for some people. If not then I got skills in writing horror, humans, humans that become close friends to ponies, gore, etc. for my 'big crossover.