//------------------------------// // Chapter Twenty // Story: Freedom Through Harmony // by Electricut //------------------------------// Chapter Twenty Town; Dash’s House Link(?) Link let his arms hang at his sides, tilted his head slightly, and stood at full height- he thought it added to the extremely mysterious dark interloper look nicely. Now, how to proceed... I know several methods that could conceivably work just as well, but it’s really all about first impressions, is it not? I’m nothing if not a showman. Should I lead them on for a while and throw an annoying little curse on them, or be all prophetic and just tell them mysteriously yet straightforwardly to just come by my house tomorrow...? Hm... All of these thoughts were in and out before the three heroes were able to react. “What... Who are you? How long have you been in the corner there?” The Rainbow human asked. “To answer your questions in order,” He said, “What: Pumpkin. Who: Xekora, and how long: Oh, at least a good hour now.” The time for stealth was over. It was kind of an unnecessary precaution to begin with- no one knew his actual name here anyway, and with the lack of interaction he was involved in regardless, it wasn’t as though an alias was even useful or conventional. I don’t care. He argued with himself. Screw conventionality, it’s fun to play the part. “I have no idea who you are.” The Rainbow human spoke again. “You’ve got some compromising information, and I don’t know to trust you. Are you against the Queen?” “I wouldn’t say I’m ‘against’ anyone, laddie.” He said, shrugging his arms. “Don’t worry, I’m not about to go strutting up to the castle and tattle to the queen on you. I flit about the world and be at any location where something is happening, so that I might forge an accurate record of events in history. I rarely get involved myself, however. Just here for the show, I won’t tell a soul...” He ended on a slightly musical note. “But I’m not above influencing events ever so slightly to get a better outcome... If you’re interested in taking the word of a whimsically mysterious stranger, I may have some information for you. Possibly even some answers...” He could see the gears turning in the heads of all three. He noticed out of the corner of his eye a small redheaded girl poking her head out from the hall, but for her sake he avoided making eye contact and drawing attention to her. “You said you record history...” The pink one started, “Then you might know something about Celestia’s immortality!” Link, or Xekora as he now admitted himself to being, could see something of himself in the pink one. The same touch of crazy humor, of whimsical insanity, the quality he had worked hard to perfect- so apparent in her, and seemingly natural in coming. If he wasn’t already thousands of years old and no longer concerned with things of that nature, he might have felt a tad jealous. As it stood, though, he was and did not. “Indeed I might. But I wouldn’t say such things in the middle of a settlement like this, where ears might hear us. T’would be much more secure in my little fortress of solitude in the forest.” “I gotta draw the line there.” The third of the three remaining ‘adults’ (Xekora found it strange that these seventeen-or-eighteen-year-old kids were conspiring against the queen like this, but he decided he wasn’t one to judge) stated. This one looked the basic farm girl look- long, ponytailed blonde hair, freckles, country accent, muscular arms which hovered near a battle axe near the wall- the works. He was willing to bet the hat near the door was hers as well. “You don’t see anything wrong with just coming in here and leading us to some part of the forest where no-one will hear us, with just your word to go on?” “‘Course I don’t.” He said. “Honestly, I was just waiting to see if anyone would call me out on it. What can I do for you to make you trust me? Recall ancient happenings from memory which you can compare to something? Perhaps describe in detail the final battle of the Equestrain Civil War?” “Don’t make much difference if you were able to do that anyway- we still wouldn’t know your intentions. And- how old are you, anyway, to be able to describe things like that in detail?” “Older than you can comprehend, love.” Xekora said, shrugging again. “What would you have me do to gain that trust, then? Oh! I think I know a good one, give me a moment...” With a flick of his wrist, he summoned his trusty dark knife and cut himself down without a moment’s hesitation. The others jumped forward as he fell, but in an instant he was already alive again, scrambling to his feet and retrieving the dagger. They stared in awe. “I have a hunch that Celestia’s immortality may be similar to mine, which, now clearly to you, I have. I suppose in the end the decision is yours to make whether or not you wish to meet me, but you’ll be better for it if you do. “I’ll be ready for you tomorrow, and I’ll leave subtle little signs starting near the entrance to the EverFree Forest to lead you to my home. But bring friends! Can’t stress that enough. At least all six Elements, possibly some others you feel you should involve. Hope to see you then...” He once again ended on a musical tone, drifting out the door and disappearing into the night. ________________ “How’d it go?” Phil asked, setting another log on its side. “Personally I think it went marvelously.” Xekora answered. “Though it’s sometimes hard for me to tell, I may have just seemed a crazy old man, as I am known to do. I think they’ll be coming, though. Oh, also, you can go ahead and call me Xekora from now on- Link was an alias I will no longer be using.” “Oh, uh... alright. Sure. Were you able to figure out exactly who is coming?” “Not exactly, but I have a better idea of it now. We’ll first receive a small girl with an adorable country accent, if I’m not mistaken. Followed by, like, seven or eight others. So we’re definitely going to need a few more seats. And some handkerchiefs, I think, tears of both joy and sorrow are bound to be shed tomorrow.” “Wait, wait... what?” Phil said, certainly not for the first time in his stay at Xekora’s house. “What do you mean, tears will be shed? What is it we’re doing tomorrow?” “Story time!” He said, jumping at Phil slightly. “You’ll see tomorrow, I’m not letting you get out of it.” ______________ Town Rainbow Dash I saw the two off as they left to tell the others, and as they left my sight I ducked back inside, grabbed Applebloom, and took off for the Acres. I felt for her, and didn’t want her getting chewed out for sneaking out to listen in like she did. I flew overhead for the majority of the trip, though as far as I could tell she had never flown before, and mostly chose to hang on tight and not look down. I touched down further into the fields, where we wouldn’t be seen. “Dash... what’s gonna happen tomorrow? I know you decided to tell everyone else about it before figuring it out, but... Do you think you should go?” I stuck my hands in my jacket pockets. “Hard to say. The bottom line is we need a lead, and this guy says he can deliver. Like it or not, he’s the only chance we have right now. Still, there’s just something... wrong about him. I can’t bring myself to completely trust him no matter how hard I try. I think we should hear him out at least, but then just try and separate ourselves from him.” “But... I don’t know, I mean, we only just met him. We don’t know that he’s a bad person, and I think we should at least give him a chance, anyway.” “I know, I... I know. I want to give him that chance, don’t get me wrong, it’s just... I don’t know. There’s just something I can’t place about him that just puts me on edge. Maybe he can be trusted, I can’t say, but I can’t help but be wary of him. Anyway, we’ll figure this out, don’t worry. I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but just stay at home tomorrow, and we’ll handle it. I know you want to be involved, too, but I don’t want you in danger if anything goes wrong. Alright?” She never did like being told exactly what to do, especially when it meant staying at home and leaving the action to others, but it being me asking, she sighed and reluctantly agreed. I thanked her, ruffled her hair and sent her on her way back home. I leapt into the air again, now coasting towards the edge of town, where Fluttershy lived. The three of us who had met Xekora had agreed to split off and inform the others of his offer, and to meet at the sandwich place in the morning to discuss it further. Pinky had elected to meet Rarity (just as well, between the three of us she stood the best chance of actually getting ahold of her), and Applejack had decided to hit the library to contact Twilight. As I thought about it, I could imagine Trixie being interested as well, probably insisting that we go and bring her along. I banked and landed near her house, and saw the small white form of Angel standing on the porch, gazing stoically at the full moon. He noticed my arrival, and flipped over the railings, a small dagger in hand. I put my hands up surprisedly. “Wait! Don’t worry, it’s just me.” He stopped as he heard my voice and saw me up closer. We hadn’t conversed too much anyway, so I didn’t blame him for not recognizing me in the dark, but he did know who I was. “Dash? What is it?” He asked warily, and slightly wearily. “I needed to talk to Fluttershy about something. Can I see her?” “She is tired from training today. I don’t want to wake her.” Almost immediately after I had asked, Octavia had sought her out and had her demonstrate what she already knew, and, in an event I was told is incredibly rare, she elected to teach Fluttershy herself. From what I had seen, she was making leaps and bounds, but the training was tough. In addition to actual archery, she was also being taught basic battle instincts and evasive techniques, as well as a few specialized airborne archer skills from Kyle. “Ugh, fine, take a message then? The other Elements are meeting at the sandwich shop tomorrow morning- for food, and to discuss something of importance. Can you do that?” “I’ll tell her in the morning, yes.” With that, he went back to the house and went inside, and I returned to my own home, collapsing on the bed. It had been a long day, and tomorrow was bound to be longer.