The Silent Shadow

by Onyxfire408

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

It has been 2 months since Night Shade's departure, Fluttershy was still in grief due to his suicide. She hadn't seen any other stallion, she stayed true to her hero, she stilled believed that he was still alive, like a widow except she cried almost every single day, literally. Her friends were always there for her, she was grateful to at least have them, her best friends.

Fluttershy was outside doing her daily routine, feeding her animals and taking care of them. She had decided to visit Twilight and her friends to check up on their pets, but first she needed to pay her respects. She walked into the opposite direction of Ponyville towards a ruined remains of what used to be a house. There lied a lone sword with a cone straw hat, Fluttershy walked towards the sword, she whispered a few words paying her respects and let out a few tears. She wiped them off with her hoof and started walked towards Ponyville.

Fluttershy had arrived in Ponyville, she was with all of her friends that were there to make her feel any better. They went to Sugar Cube Corner to have lunch.

"So Fluttershy how are you?" Asked her dearest friend Rainbow Dash

"I'm...I'm okay Rainbow, I recently paid my respects."

"Now why would you do that, after he lied to us!?" shouted Rainbow

"Rainbow calm down, at least respect the dead he's still a pony." said Twilight

"Ah you sure ya alrigh sugar cube?" asked Applejack

"Yes...but, I still don't believe he's dead, my heart doesn't believe that."

"Now Fluttershy darling, you need to move on." comforted Rarity

"She's right y'know? I mean I had things way worse that I had to move on. Like when gummy lost his teeth, or when I failed my first cupcake batch or when-" Pinkie was interrupted by ponies screaming and running amok around Ponyville.




Fluttershy and her friends quickly ran outside to find a giant dragon breathing fire all over Ponyville causing chaos. Challenged Rainbow Dash swooped in and kick the dragon directly on his eye, causing him the be blinded on one eye. The dragon screamed in pain and swatted Rainbow causing her to clash down onto Sugar Cube Corner. All of her friends came by her side, she was unconscious from slamming into Sugar Cube Corner.

The dragon was enraged from Rainbow's action, he faced towards Rainbow and her friends and fired a massive fireball towards them. Everypony jumped out of the way causing them to split apart, Twilight took Rainbow away from the fireball.

"TWILIGHT!!!" Yelled a familiar pony. Twilight's ears perked up, she had recognized that voice, she turned to her right and found her coltfriend Tea 'n Tea at his house. "TWILIGHT GET YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS OVER HERE! WE CAN USE MY BASEMENT AS A BUNKER, ABOUT HALF OF PONYVILLE IS IN HERE!!!" shouted T

Everypony quickly ran towards The Tea House and everypony ran inside T's basement. Everypony except Fluttershy. She was outside buried in her hooves in tears, he friends had abandoned her, she was alone again. The dragon aimed towards Fluttershy and fired another massive Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked at the fireball as it was hurdled towards her, she closed her eyes and was prepared to find him.

The Fire hit, it was over.

Or was it? Fluttershy opened her eyes, she had found small burn marks around her body, but in front of her she found a stallion burnt to the crisp. He had a black hood and a vambrace around his hoof, his clothes weren't burnt off, but marked with char and fire.

"Fluttershy" he spoke "I am back, my note was a lie like me, but this time, it's time to make amends. CAMOUFLAGE, NIGHT STALKER LETS MOVE!."

"Right!" Fluttershy found two more shadowed figures, one galloping towards the dragon and one flying towards the dragon. Fluttershy had a good sight and found that a hooded changeling and a hooded dragon were fighting the bigger dragon, the changeling used it's blade and stuck it in the dragon's bad eye, permanently blinding it. The hooded dragon blew a small fireball the size of nut at the massive dragon and inside the dragon's mouth causing him to choke and burn his throat.

Fluttershy also took a good look at the stallion standing in front of her, she looked at his coat and found a familiar blackish blue coat, and a familiar vambrace around the stallions right hoof. "Night Shade?" But no, everypony thought he was dead.

"Yes. It's me. Now let's get you to safety." Night Shade picked Fluttershy up, she winced in pain as Night Shade noticed a small burn on her hind leg. He carried her on his back towards The Tea House, as he reached the Tea House, he approached the basement door and pounded on the door. Twilight Sparkle slowly opened the door.

"Twilight Sparkle, I believed she belongs with you."

Twilight gasped in relief as she found her dear friend Fluttershy a little burnt and injured on her hind leg. Twilight and her friends cried out as they found her friend alive from the horrible monster outside.

"Fluttershy we thought you were dead." said Rarity

"And I thought he was dead." said Fluttershy as she slowly pointed her hoof towards Night Shade.

Twilight took a close look but was almost certain it was Night Shade. "Who...who are yo-" Twilight was interrupted as Night Shade slammed the door in front of Twilight's face and placed a broken stool leg between the handles preventing it from opening.

"Hey let us out." screamed Rainbow Dash.

Applejack bit her tail and pulled her back and shouted back at Rainbow. "Rainbow, there's nothing we can do but wait, now come on, let's huddle around and think of a plan."

Outside Night Shade and his partners were giving it their all on the dragon. Night Stalker flew towards the dragon's other eye sword in hand, Night Stalker charged but was swatted by the dragon's tail and crashed right into a nearby house, the ponies inside saw the dragon and were scared. Night Stalker gave them their only chance of survival. "Quick get into The Tea House basement, it's being used as a bunker." The ponies nodded and galloped as fast as they could towards The Tea House. Night Stalker winced in pain and saw white, he was unconscious due to how hard he was hit.

Camouflage flapped his bug like wings towards the dragon, he hovered a about 10 feet away from the dragons face and pointed his hoof at his eye. *BANG* Camouflage shot both of the dragon's eyes making him permanently blind, the dragon screamed in pain and breathed fire everywhere. Night Shade ducked for cover avoiding the flames, as for Camo his wings were hit causing him to hit the ground and caused him to pass out.

Night Shade had no way to attack the dragon anymore, his scales acted as armor, his fire became a defense mechanism. His only choice was to attack......from the inside out. Night Shade galloped towards Town Hall and climbed up till he reached the top. He needed a way to grab the dragon's attention.


The dragon didn't like Night Shade's insults, he walked towards Night Shade following his voice. "HEY PIECE OF MANURE OVER HERE YA GIANT LIZARD!!!" Night Shade kept insulting him until he got close enough, Night Shade jumped off of Town Hall and landed on the dragon's nose. The dragon shook his head trying to shake him off, but Night Shade gave it his all and climbed inside the dragons mouth. EW. Ugh DISGUSTING!!! Where the only things in Night Shade's mind as he traveled through his mouth and into his throat. He found a hole near the dragon's uvula and climbed up it using his his hook blade which was stabbing the dragon from the inside. Night Shade continued to travel through the hole and found his way into a big empty room. He looked up and found something pink, he had found the dragon's weak source, the brain. He climbed the brain also damaging it with his hook blade until he reached the top, he reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a small ball with a string. "Thanks god for neighsian black powder." he said to himself. He placed the ball on top of the dragon's brain and lit it up with his born, he quickly jumped off his brain and ducked for cover.

Outside or in this case inside of T's basement everypony could hear the dragon screaming and tolerating in pain, as the dragon gave his last shout, a massive thud landed on the ground, there was a long period of silence. Twilight used her magic and teleported outside of the basement and let everypony out. Twilight and her friends all found the dragon laying on the ground covered in burns and cuts, the worst part was his red bloody eyes. Rainbow Dash flew around and found an unconscious changeling on the floor and burnt. She flew back to her friends and told them about the changeling and they followed Rainbow and she flew towards the changeling.

The ponies found the injured changeling unconscious, Twilight walked up to the changeling as she squinted her eyes to get a close look. The changeling look vaguely familiar, she then found the same brace from the event with Night Shade's capture 2 months ago, she knew who this changeling was. Twilight held the changeling with magic and shook him awake. Camo woke up to finding 6 ponies caring for him, 3 were familiar, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow.

"What are you doing in Ponyville?" asked Twilight

"Helping somepony."

"I know who you are."

"And I know you Twilight Sparkle. I also know Applejack and Rainbow Dash. By the way sorry for tranquilizing you 2 months ago, on the bright side i didn't use poison." He chuckled which didn't last long when Rainbow and AJ started to beat him to a pulp.

Fluttershy was thinking, does this changeling know Night Shade? She needed to know where he is. "Um excuse me... do you know where Night Shade is?" asked Fluttershy, AJ and Rainbow stopped as Fluttershy spoke with the changeling.

Camo took a long good look at Fluttershy. "Ahhh now you I know. Your Fluttershy Night Shade's ex. Well if your looking for him he's inside the dragon."

"WHAT!?!?" Everypony excluding Camo shouted as they heard the news.

Fluttershy started the burst into tears and faced away from Camo, Rainbow wrapped her wings around her to ease her pain.

"Why?" asked Rarity

"Well here's the funny thing. He got eaten on purpose. Y'see we spotted the dragon wreaking havoc upon Ponyville."


"Me, Night Shade, and Night Stalker over there" he said as he pointed towards the unconscious dragon. "Our plan was to blind the dragon so that Night Shade can go inside and blow up his brain, literally. By the looks of it he did it, you can tell by the blood spewing out of the dragon's ears, eyes, and nose, heh..... a beautiful sight if i do say so myself."

Everypony started to hurl as they heard the changeling's foul words.

"Though I don't think he's dead, he's probably trying to break out of the eye socket by now, go ahead try to break open the eye, he's probably still alive." Camo said

Everypony including Camo walked towards the dead dragon, Applejack was the first to approach the dragon, she was disgusted at the gore she looked at. She walked close to the dragon's eye and bucked it breaking the lens. As soon as they broke, more liquids came spewing out causing everypony except Camo to hurl in disgust. Camo walked up to AJ putting his hoof on her shoulder and proceeded through the guts of a destroyed brain.

"Silent Shadow!?" Camo called out, no response. He called out again and searched around for the unicorn. He walked around the guts for what seemed like days until he found the hoof sticking out a pile of brain guts. Camo walked towards the hoof and wrapped his hoof around it bringing it up, upon the hoof was a Night Shade completely covered in blood and brain guts. Night Shade was not responding, he need's air. Camo carried him on his back outside through the eye and out into the fresh air. He brought Night Shade out and put him on the ground. Fluttershy and the others came to find Night Shade covered in blood. Fluttershy quickly galloped towards Night Shade, she knelt down and looked at his dead face. She hugged his dead body and let out tears, all over Ponyville heard of the hero's death, local peagsi came and placed some storm clouds around Night Shade, making it appropriate.

Night Shade woke to being hit in the head repeatedly, he found himself levitating without magic, he found himself in a white room with one pony with a light grey coat with a black mane.

"Hello Otōto, I came to tell you your fate."

"Chīsana kyōdai, small brother, it's really you, Swift Wing."

"Otōto you know why I murdered too many? Well I was like you, fell in love with a mare, and she became my marefriend."

"What happened next." questioned Night Shade

"Well like you we were attacked, thugs assaulted her and I didn't hesitate, I killed the thugs with my hidden blade, she hated me for becoming a murderer. So I thought I would impress were with death, but it filled me with inner rage and a hunger for blood lust. I still regret those days."

"So what is my fate?" asked Night Shade

"I'll give you life, I don't wan't my favorite brother to die with a mare that still loves him." With the step of his hooves Night Shade disintegrated. He slowly opened his eyes and found himself awake with water all over his chest. He moved his eyes down to find a pink mane and yellow coat, it was Fluttershy. She let out a broken damn onto Night Shade's chest. Fluttershy kept sobbing onto Night Shade's chest until she paused and whispered to his ear.

"I love you Night Shade."

Night Shade slowly lifted his hoof with as much strength as he had and brought it to Fluttershy's cheek. Fluttershy opened her eyes to find Night Shade alive, injured but alive. Night Shade then wrapped both of his hooves around Fluttershy and brought her in for a kiss, Fluttershy gave became more assertive and made it a more passionate kiss. Everypony watched as they "Awwwww"ed and "Daawwwwww"ed as they saw the broken heart, reattached. Night Shade was the first to break the kiss. "I love you too Fluttershy, and I'm sorry."

"I forgive you."

"What you say, lets start again?"

Fluttershy giggled. "Yes I would love that."
