Discordant Job

by Dream Reader

In which Groove meets everypony and Lilly is dramatic

As Emerald ran through the streets of Canterlot, he realized he was majorly late. He had been so busy with a piece of music that just wouldn't mesh with anything else; it was like it rejected any sound other than its own. Sighing he galloped up to the gates and tried to appear calm and not in a rush. “I’m Emerald Groove and Princess Celestia requested my presence today,” he stated in a hurried yet calm manner.

“Okay, seems like we’re still missing one more pony, the others have already been sent to find a building and set up shop, as it were for you and your new boss,” Celestia began she was interrupted briefly by a brown earth pony with green hair, and a record with a green stripe going through it on his flank. “All of you have been selected randomly; however you 5 have been selected to work mainly at night due to your sleep habits already and I hope you will remember this is a job and that being on time is going to be an important part of this. And you must be Emerald Groove.” Celestia continued without missing a beat.

“Yes, that’s me. I mean I’m Emerald Groove is my name,” Groove started getting flustered. Dream just looked at him, thinking this stallion could be an annoying pony if he gets flustered this easily and with Moon Light and him both this could get interesting. She glanced over at Groove and did he just wink at her! Oh buck no, this was going to get nipped in the bud now, but then again maybe he was winking at Lilly, oh that’d be a trip and a half.

“Who will we be working for, if I can ask?” Dream Reader inquired, looking worried, everypony seemed to let lose a breath of relief that they didn't have to ask the question on all their minds.

“You all will be working for Discord and through him me. I need you all to tell me what exactly he’s up to. Now I think they said they were setting up shop in a place called Steeplechase,” Celestia said in a tone that gave no room for argument.

“So was it me or did we just get told we are working for the thing that put the cra-cra in crazy? I mean seriously, I just feel like we've been shipped up the river, or in other words DOOOOMED!” Lilly said as they traveled to Steeplechase, she had become a bit dramatic since learning who they were going to work for.

Dream just shook her head hopping the guys didn't try to reason with Lilly, it wouldn't work. That Pegasus could be amazingly stubborn when she wanted to be, it took Dream several months to convince Lilly that the dream she’d had didn't mean anything.

“You never know this could be fun, and besides how do we know he’s going to be like he was before? I mean, uh, ponies change right,” Moon Light began rather sheepishly, as if unsure if speaking to the Pegasus mare was a wise decision. As Dream winced he realized just how unwise that was.

“Changed! Changed! I highly doubt he has changed and has embraced an aura of love and tolerance!” Lilly fumed. Everypony in train car covered their ears as the Pegasus yelled. Dream walked over to Lilly and gave her one look Lilly immediately shut up.

“Everypony just shut up! I mean really are we really going to fight about every small detail. We need to pull ourselves together and be a strong representation of friendship and harmony when we arrive. Now let’s calm down, put thoughts of who we’re working for, where we’re going, what we’re going to be doing, why us, and how well we’re going to do, and talk about ourselves for the rest of our trip, now how does that sound?” Mic calmly spoke and looked each pony in the eye as if daring them to nay say.

“Sounds good to me, we all need to know more about our friends and co-workers. Besides what could getting to know you all hurt?” Groove stated, eager to learn more about this group of ponies.