//------------------------------// // Last of Equestria // Story: Last of Equestria // by DVAN56 //------------------------------// Celestia was in the depth of a cave laying on a pillow the size of her body. Next to her was a table which the only candle in the cave sat atop. The table was set right next to the cave wall and above it was mounted a wall-shelf. The shelf was filled with books but one was missing. That one book Celestia had pulled out and was reading. “The parade went on not realizing the guest of honor passed away on the dragon's wings. The crowd continued their celebrate that day, while the dragon the princess left to mourn the lose of one of their friend and hero of Equestria. The End” Celestia said aloud, closing the book. It was a large book with a leather cover. It was simply titled Twilight Sparkle in purple lettering. She levitated the book back to its place on the wall shelf. She looked up at the books on the shelf. She couldn't help but smiles. The life stories of all her students through out the ages. All of which lived happy good lives, yet in the end they all also left her behind. It was one of her curses to live on while others died around her, but a curse that she endured. The sounds of chains rattling could be heard coming from the shadows just outside the lights reach. Celestia was nether frightened or surprised at the sound. In fact she had a small smile on her face. She new the creature that chained and it was far older then herself. For it was this creature she was reading too. “Ah Twilight Sparkle. She was always your favorite.” a male voice said from the shadows. “That she was Ivan. Only seams like yesterday she was sending me letters about her times in Ponyville.” Celestia replied with a small giggle. “It's to bad Luna could not make it out this time. I do love it when she co-” Ivan stopped himself when he saw tears forming in Celestias eyes and her smile disappeared. “Whats wrong?” “Nothing its just.” She lied Her sister was dead. Wiped out of existence and cast back from were she came from. The whole of Equestria was following. Celestia fled to the Everfree, the last place existing but it would not last. She wanted to spend her final moment with Ivan. No one but Ivan knew the truth about Celestia. What her true purpose was and that moment was fast approaching. “Its that time then is it?” Ivan asked. Celestia was starting to sob. “Yes” she muttered. Ivan now walked into the light. The sound of the chains echoed in the cave as he approached Celestia. Ivan was not just any creature, but was in fact a human. His wrists and ankles had been shackled but there was enough slack on the chain for him to reach the alicorn. He was clothed in a simple brown rob that surprisingly was in pristine condition. He was bald with a brown beard that was just long enough to be called a beard. He knelt down beside her and hugged her. “Thank you for being here” Ivan said as he started to weep with her. “How much was left when you got here?” “Just your Forest, the Everfree forest.” Celestia pulled back from Ivan and stood up. “Why? You had so much time here. Why did you lock yourself up for all these year?” she asked between sobs Ivan looked up at Celestia from his kneeling position. “This is not my world. My time was up before coming here. You and I both knew that, and be both knew that it would end like this.” he paused and gave a sigh before continuing. “You know what you need to do to protect my world.” Celestia knew all too well what must be done. But to kill the one creature that she cared the most about, knowing he cared for her just as much. She didn't know if she could truly do it. “I do but.” Celestia looked behind her she was staring into the void that had been slowly eating away her world. The end was close. She then looked back at Ivan. All he did was give her a caring smile. She somehow found strength in that. She knew what needed to be done. Celestia lowered her head and Ivan stood up. In a quick fluid motion Celestia charged at Ivan. Her horn impaled Ivan's chest effortlessly. She was crying the whole time, tears streaming down her face. Ivan didn't flinch but just looked down. He was not bleeding, but instead blinding rays of white light was poring out of him. Celestia quickly jerked back freeing her horn from his body. Ivan started to fall but only as far as to falling on his knees before being caught by a crying Celestia. Using the last of his strength Ivan gave Celestia on final hug as the cavern was blasted with an explosion of blinding light. She didn't deserve her fate, but he was thankful that she could kill him in the end. He wished there was another way but their wasn't. That final embrace only lasted for a moment as the void swallowed them as well. Celestia and Ivan where gone along with the final piece of Equestria. *-*-*- “Sir, Ivan Berret just passed.” “WHAT!” “It happened at 0036 Hours.” “That's only 6 hours after the incident! What the hell happened in surgery!?” “Heart failure Sir. We tried to revive him but his injure made it impossible.” “What about the implant?” “It was..........” “It was what?” “It was missing Sir. It was like it was never there. Not even scare tissue Sir.” “There is no way in hell that is possible. Look him over again!” “We have four times already. Its gone Sir.” “Fine that is all.” “Sir there is more. Ivan left a parting gift.” “And what in the hell could that be!” “He sent word to the higher ups Sir. Commander Jenkins is coming to see you.” “...........shit.”