//------------------------------// // Training // Story: The Foal, The Princess, and the Student. // by Saro0fdemonz //------------------------------// Silence filled the room as Celestia paced back and forth. Oracle sat there with his head down and his ears tucked back, trying to think of a way to explain himself. "I'm dissapointed in you Oracle. What would have happened if you had lost control back there? It already seemed strange enough that there were thirteen guards present and even stranger still that one would break military bearing to deal with a headache. What were you thinking?" She asked, turning to him. 'I wasn't thinking, I was just tired of being alone up here' "I'm sorry Oracle. I know you want to leave and I have been looking into it. But I have found no spells to aid your voice or to halt your explosive visions. I also know that you can't perform illusionary magic yet." She turned her head to a curtain, her horn glowing dimly and pulling it to the side to reveal Shining Armor hiding behind it. "Princess! I...um..." 'Mom wait! Its not his fault, I asked him to do it. He told me it was a bad idea but I begged him to let me come' Oracle projected, throwing himself between Celestia and Shining Armor. "Is this true Shining?" Celestia asked. The newly appointed guard looked at his friend, standing there between himself and the Princess, defending him so he wouldn't be removed from the guard. "Yes Princess." the lie felt horrible on his tongue, but he had worked so hard to become a guard and Oracle was doing his best to protect him. "I see. Please leave us and tend to your duties." "But Princess!" Celestia held up her hoof, silencing the unicorn. Shining Armor saluted and left, giving his friend an apologetic glance before the doors closed behind him. Celestia turned her attention back to Oracle. "I've warned you Oracle. It is dangerous for you to go out there." 'Nothing bad happened. One little guard looked stupid, thats all' "And what if something had happened?" 'But it didn't! You always tell me something horrible could happen but you never even give me the chance to leave. My whole life has been this room! "Oracle, I am sorry. But if you cannot listen to me then..." 'Then what?! You'll ground me to my room?! I'm already stuck in here! the Alicorn fumed, glaring up at her for a moment before turning away from her and crossing his hooves. Celestia could only stand there stunned at the colts reaction. She looked around the room, realizing for the first time how small it was, especially for a growing Alicorn. She reached out to place a hoof on his shoulder, only to have him scoot away from her. "Oracle...would you like to go to school?" She asked softly. The colt slowly looked at her from over his shoulder. 'Do you mean it?' The words lingered for a moment as he turned to face her. 'What if I have a vision in the middle of class? What would everyone think?!' he asked, glaring up at her. "Oracle, today you showed me you have control over your power. I want you to practice and if you can prove to me you can control your visions then I will let you attend school." 'I'm a bit old to start school...' he attempted to argue, hanging his head. "Well you would start in your age group. You already know the basics of magic." She said, sitting beside him. She smiled as the colt scooted closer to her, gently draping her wing over him. He took a slow breath and sat upright, choosing his next few words carefully. 'I want to be a guard like Shining'. Celestia blinked, pulling the colt closer to her. "Its hard work being a guard. Shining Armor only just became a recruit. Are you sure about this Oracle?" The colt nodded, standing and walking in front of her. 'My whole life I've been stuck here with you protecting me from the world. I can't stay up here forever. Maybe if I was a guard nopony would think it weird that I have both wings and a horn. Maybe...maybe I could protect you for a change.' he lowered his head, scuffing his hoof against the ground. "Oracle...is this about...'that' again?" she asked. He sighed and gave a light nod. For some time now the same vision had been playing out in his mind again and again. A horrible mare with dragon eyes and batlike wings sealing Celestia away in the sun. The horrible vision came to him each and every night, he felt so helpless. 'If I was a guard I could protect you from her! I could fight back!' he argued, tears in his eyes. She pulled the colt close with her hooves, rubbing her cheek against his. "Shh, listen to me Oracle. In your vision, you witnessed her defeat did you not?" Celestia spoke softly. Oracle looked up at her, sniffing quietly. "Then I will be alright. But if you are determined to become a guard then I suppose you could start training with Chrome Mist and Shining Armor. Before that, we will begin practicing illusionary magic. Equestria is not yet ready for an Alicorn like you, but someday it will be." He smiled, standing in front of her and flaring open his wings. 'I'm ready' Run faster, run faster, run faster, he had to run faster! He rolled under a blade, gasping and leaping backwards as another nearly clipped his horn. "COME ON KID! Get in gear!" His mentor yelled. The 'unicorn' sighed and rolled his eyes, ducking under the swinging blades and running forward. His first time through he had blasted his way through several of the obstacles and was scolded for it. No magic allowed, this test was made for earth ponies and pegasi! When would he ever have to do this without magic?! He leapt through the last obstacle, tumbling over the finish line and panting heavily. "TIME! Not bad kid. You could be a bit faster but thats passing. Hit the showers and suit up. You'll be workin' on your sword skills with Sergent Shining Armor's Battalion." His mentor said with a small grin. "Good luck kid!" Oracle nodded, running off toward the lockers. He ignored the stallions goofing around and headed directly for the showers. A small glow surrounded the tip of his horn, grabbing hold of the knobs for the water and spinning them slowly. He tested the water with his hoof, adjusting it until he was happy and stepped into it, letting out a soft sigh as the water poured down onto him. He let his eyes close slowly, a small smile appearing on his face as he let himself relax, the water matting his coat against his body. Sweat and dirt dripping off him and swirling down the drain. The past year had been pretty tough on him. He saw less and less of Celestia due to her having taken a Private student. He had only seen the filly once but once was all he needed to realize why Celestia had taken such an interest in her. After all she was the mare from his vision. "Room for one more?" a voice spoke up, pushing in beside him. Oracle blinked, looking over at the stallion sharing the shower with him. He blushed slightly and forced himself not to hug him. Instead he gave his old friend a playful punch to the shoulder, Shining returning it with a chuckle. "I never thought you'd really make it." Shining said. Oracle raised an eyebrow. "Thats not what I meant! I just meant...well..uh..." Oracle rolled his eyes and smiled, letting his friend know he wasn't mad. Shining sighed in relief, stepping out of the water and draping a towel over his neck. "Its hard work ya know. I'm surprised the Captain is taking it so hard on you. I guess cause the Princess herself admitted you. He feels like you gotta earn it." Shining said as he dried himself off. Oracle sat with the water still flowing around him, watching his friend. He looked around before turning back to Shining, letting his magic fill the air in front of his friend.. 'Well I wouldn't feel right unless I earned it. Besides I get to be here with you. You're suppose to teach me to use a sword today.' Shining chuckled, tossing the towel at Oracle who deftly caught it in his magic, shutting off the water and drying off slowly. "Yea yea, don't expect me to go easy on ya though. You'll have to learn like everypony else did. The hard way." Oracle grinned, bumping his flank into Shining's, a few stallions snickering behind them. Oracle turned, glaring at them. They had been like that ever since he had joined the guards. What was so funny? Shining Armor cleared his throat, the locker room falling silent. "You all find somethin funny?" he asked quietly. Murmurs of 'no sir' filled the air. "Quit foolin around and get back to training." they all stared at him blankly. "MOVE!" he barked, stallions stumbling over each other as they rushed out of the locker room. Shining sighed, slipping into his armor. "C'mon Oracle." he ordered, heading for the exit. 'Sorry...they were laughing at me weren't they?' Oracle asked, his ears tucked back. "You're different Oracle, thats all. Come on." his friend said softly. Oracle silently followed after his friend, wondering what he meant by 'different'. He had always been 'different'. He had always been strange. It was just how he was born. Was that so horrible? Was he destined to be laughed at for the rest of his life? 'Of course not, that's just stupid. I thought I would be trapped in that room forever and look where I am now!' he thought to himself. Shining Armor walked out into a large circle, his soldiers saluting him as he walked over to the weapon rack. Oracle took his place in the circle, standing at attention and awaiting orders. "Today we practice Sparring and Hoofwork. Get into your pairings. Oracle you're with me." Each stallion moved into position, a few bumping into Oracle and muttering under their breath. "Freak" "Teachers pet" "Colt Cuddler." the last knocked him to the ground, aiming a well timed kick to his head. "HEY!" Shining barked, drawing all eyes to him. It was a lucky break for Oracle, the blow throwing his focus off and momentarily breaking his illusion. He shook himself and stood, forcing the illusion back into place. A quick look behind him showed that his wings were still well hidden. "Mind your hooves, stick to your partners and quit pickin on the recruit. Any more of that and you'll deal with me, Understood?!" "Sir yes sir!" Shining made his way through the soldiers to Oracle, leading him outside the circle. "You alright buddy?" Shining asked quietly. Oracle shook his head, looking over at the sparring stallions. 'Shining, I think I should pass today. I'm drawing too much attention' his wings fluttered a bit, letting his friend see his illusion was failing. Shining Armor nodded. "Alright, get to the Princess and get some rest, we'll try again after nightfall." Oracle smiled a little, giving a small nod before leaving. He hung his head once he was out of sight, slowly making his way toward his room. Princess Celestia would be busy tutoring Twilight Sparkle at this hour. So he had hours of time to himself, one of many things Oracle hated. When he was alone his mind wandered and when that happened the visions would come. He always made sure to have an enchanted parchment nearby in case he saw something important and kept track of each vision. Though as of late all he saw were stronger and stronger visions of Nightmare Moons return. His own research had led him to discover that she would escape her prison in only a few years. If his vision was right then Celestia would also be sealed in the sun upon the villains return. He had to be ready by then. He had sworn to himself that he would protect Celestia no matter the cost. He would fight Nightmare Moon himself if need be! But that was what bothered him the most. Nowhere in his visions did he ever see himself. Where was he during all of this? Why would he not be there to help? Questions like this had a habit of keeping him up at night, as well as his own nightmares. His last peaceful sleep had been in Celestia's bed nearly a month ago and that space was now taken by Twilight. All he had these days was his lonely room and Shining Armor. Though he noticed his childhood friend had been keeping an eye on a certain princess and he already knew what that look meant. Shining Armor was in love. The thought made him happy and sad all at once. His was happy for his friend and at the same time felt he was losing him. Shining Armor had been the only pony who knew the truth about him and accepted him over the years. He was his only friend. Oracle sighed as his head bumped into his bedroom door. Maybe the real problem was that he was jealous. The 'unicorn' pushed the door open and stepped inside, waiting until the magical locks were set in place before letting his illusion fade away, collapsing onto his bed with a loud sigh. He looked around his room, piles of parchment on one side and several scrolls of his own writing and spell making on the other. Words had always been his talent, but it wasn't until a few years ago that he discovered just how powerful words could be. He had made several spells that required no magic, only the proper words. His problem with this though was his lack of ability to test them. It was constantly frustrating and at times he felt his talent was useless. Until Celestia discovered his scrolls and began using them in her school. Looking over at the scrolls now brought a smile to his face. It was one of few accomplishments he had made in life and one which he held close to his heart. Slowly he sat up and stretched, spreading his wings wide. It was tiring keeping them hidden all the time. It would be a long time before he earned Celestia's Enchanted Armor and until then he would have to keep up the illusion. He blinked as he heard knocking on his door, quickly casting his illusion and walking over to the door. "Hello? is there anypony here?" a voice called out. "Twilight! What did I tell you about wandering?" Princess Celestia's voice called out from behind the door. Oracle pressed his ear against it, holding his breath as he listened. "I'm sorry Princess...I was just curious. I've never seen this part of the castle before." "This is a part of the guards tower Twilight. Its not a place for little fillies. What if you had gotten hurt?" "I'm sorry..." "Its ok Twilight. I just worry about you sometimes. Your mother would never forgive me if I let something happen to you. You're very dear to me." Oracle bit his lip as he pulled away from the door. There it was again, that same ache he had felt when he first caught Shining Armor gazing at Princess Mi'amore Cadenza. He was losing his friend and his mother. He buried his face in his hooves as the realization sunk in. All he cared about in life was slowly being taken away from him and there was nothing he could do. Slowly the image of Nightmare Moon filled his mind, his head throbbing. He clutched his head and screamed in agony. Outside the door, two ponies stood in shock as a scream filled the air, followed by a loud thud.