Discordant Job

by Dream Reader

In which Celestia makes a deal

“Come on, Princess, what could you possibly loose? It’s not like you can’t always just knock me back down a peg or 3? All I want is 1 maybe 2 helpers, and besides I’m getting tired of being stuck in this stone prison,” a stone statue said as if talking was taking all of his strength, a plaque underneath the stone read ‘Discord, Please refrain from arguing, fussing, or fighting near this statue’.

“So, what you’re trying to say is you want helpers? Discord, I don’t think giving you helpers to spread mayhem, discord, and insanity is really a good idea, unless, you are no longer doing any of those chaotic things and instead are trying to learn about the powers friendship?” Princess Celestia said to the draconequus statue.

“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. All you have to go on is trust. And from what I gather you don’t put a lot of trust in me, now why is that? All I tried to do was to bring a little chaos back into this boring world, only to once again be turned back into stone,” the statue shouted the last bit as it shook violently as if trying to get out. Celestia took a step back wondering if maybe a random group of ponies should be gathered to become his “helpers,” she shuddered to think, Equestria knew, what all he could do to the pony psyche. After all, he nearly destroyed Twilight's faith in the powers of her friends and their friendship.

“Fine, you will get your helpers, but they will be chosen by Princess Luna and me, you will have no say in them what so ever, do we have a deal?” Celestia glared at the statue and prayed he wouldn't drive any of the ponies who were going to help him insane, as he merely said in a creepily cheerful voice, “Deal.”

“Okay now every pony don’t forget to pick out colors you find soothing to make you dream catcher with,” Dream Reader said, wishing she was out staring at the clouds or better yet sleeping until the sun went down. “Oh no, Hun, do you need help getting untangled? By the way I love the color choices light greens and shades of blue tend to be very soothing. Also why don’t you use an accent color to attract the bad dreams?” Dream tried to be patient but when dealing with little fillies and colts she found her tolerance for silliness was at an all-time low. But some of these little fillies were just too cute for their own good, especially this little one she had yet to get her cutie mark, but she was eager to learn anything that might be her talent. Dream remembered back when her navy blue flank wasn't marked with what very few knew to be her first dream catcher design. Since then she found that while she could create a dream catcher in under a minute, she also loved to hear about ponies’ dreams and sometimes she could tell them what it meant. Dream believed that while a pony has a special talent they also have several others that they don’t get a cutie mark for.

“Dre, you ready to go? I’m not goin’ to wait around all day,” said a grey Pegasus, with a needle and thread cutie mark. She tapped her hoof impatiently, and rolled her eyes as Dream came out of her little one room shop with her saddle bags obviously almost too heavy for her.

“Sorry, Lil, the shop was a mess, why’d I let Miss Daz talk me into letting her class make dream catchers?” Dream panted out wishing she’d never let those foals into her shop. Dream let out a small huff of air blowing her white bangs out of her face.

“So tonight, Lilly, is everything ready? Are you ready to leave this little town behind and see what Princess Celestia wants with us, I mean what could we possibly do or have done to gain her attention,” Dream glanced over at her dear friend, worry apparent in her eyes. As they walked Lilly looked over at Dream and began to speak but closed her mouth as if saying anything would just worry her pal even more and when she got worried you needed to run, she tended to accidently cast sleep spells, and boy were those a trip and a half. Once when Dream Reader had gotten nervous in class she cast a sleep spell over everyone in the class including her, poor janitor who found them thought the entire room had gotten sick and died he retired shortly after that.

“It’s not that I don’t love our little slice of heaven here in Donston, but I swear every pony thinks I’m crazy or something just because I spend my nights staring up at the stars dreaming of the day when I can leave, you at least have wings and you get to go get the southern birds every time we wrap up winter. And that unicorn stallion, Mirror Sheen, seems to think him and I are actually going to settle down and reproduce just so our town can have more unicorns. Ugh, one of these days I’m going to strangle the foal of a stallion,” Dream Reader said as Lilly and she boarded the train to Canterlot.

“Wait, sister, you are actually going to allow that thing back out of his stone prison and give him helpers, how many?” Princess Luna shouted. She looked furious; he’d just use these ponies to cause incalculable damage.

“Yes, I am. However, you and I are going to be keeping a close watch on him, and making sure he doesn't try anything,” Celestia stated, in an impatient tone, “We have been over this twice, all I ask is that you stand by this decision with me besides that is why you helped me pick out ponies, and they are all on their way here.

“What?” Luna exclaimed