//------------------------------// // Eons and Laughter // Story: The Clash Of Ghosts And Harmony // by EonSpirit //------------------------------// Bang The purple unicorn looked around as he walked down the stairs, seeing nothing but the emptiness that filled the hollow basement. He moved a few strands of his pink mane out of his eye, only to see bright cerulean eyes staring back at him. "Sorry! I'm just so excited to meet a ghost!" The pink mare screamed. her poofy mane seemed inflated as it barely moved, which confused Eon. "Y'know what? I don't think I've ever met a mare so ecstatic to meet a spirit before. You're a real gem, Pinkie." Eon wouldn't admit it, but he actually really liked her bubbly personality. If he was looking for mares he would probably go for her. "Thanks! I like you're 'spirit'! Get it?" Pinkie Giggled. Bang Before he could respond, he shifted his gaze to the basement, hoping that Pinkie didn't make the noise. The last few 'hunts', as Twilight called it(Who is still extremely skeptical about ghosts), had taken over two hours to lure the ghost out. When he started, they would usually take only a few minutes and he thought he was losing his spark. But the day before, he had an idea. why not bring along the pony who had the most experiences in the bakery? So, for the night, The Cakes were staying at the library and Pinkie was thrilled to help. They decided to try the basement first since that was the only place Pinkie actually saw them. "WHAT WAS THAT!?!?" The bubbly pink mare Screamed, dashing into a corner before coming out with a broom in her mouth. "Nefermund, jwust a brwom!" Eon shook his head, "You are SO random, You know that?" She smiled before her gaze darted toward a corner even further back. a look of pure terror took hold of her face and when Eon looked, he knew why. Sitting in the corner was a foal. a little older than Pumpkin though. But she almost seemed scared and her eyes... they were black. Eon slowly approached the baby, trying to keep him calm while Pinkie just stared in shock, "Hello. What is your name young one?" ".....Pop Rock...." The voice was filled with a sense of sorrow and Eon couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor soul. The young stallion was now inches from the foal, who looked scared. Eon gave a reassuring smile, which calmed the baby. He lowered his horn, touched its head, and within seconds the room was lit up. the foal was now surrounded by two mares, who were sitting next to the hospital bed which he was laying on. Eon watched as the life slowly left the colt's eyes and the mares break out in tears. "You may rest now, young foal, for there is a better place for you." Eon watched as the memory faded and appeared back in the room. The foal's ghost was gone and Pinkie was curiously looking into his eyes with an expression that would even weird Twilight out. "What happened? I saw you touch the foal with your horn and there was a flash and he was gone but you kept staring at the spot and then i walked over to you-" She was quickly silenced by a hoof being put on her mouth. "He's in a better place. Although, thankfully, he's had a better death than most spirits I've saved." He looked at the basement window and saw the beautiful rays of Celestia's sun. "Good, another successful passing." He looked over at Pinkie who was passed out on the floor. "Yep, of course." ~Later~ "So how did the hunt go?" Twilight asked as Eon walked into the library. He plopped down on the newly bought couch next to Twilight and yawned. "Fairly well actually. Now, if you'll read a book, I'll take a nap." "You're gonna want to stay up. Fluttershy told me that there was a new colt in town that was wanting to borrow a book about ghosts." He looked over at Twilight, and groggily yawned, "He seems perfect for you." Eon's answer was just a simple grunt before the library's door flung open and in walked Lyra, who kept motioning toward the couch. "Come on, Blue!" A Stallion the size of Eon walked in and looked around the massive library, "Wow, so many books!" The voice seemed to feminine for a colt and after taking a better look, Blue seemed to be a well built Pegasus mare. he walked over to her and Lyra, and stuck out a hoof, "Hi, I'm Eon Spirit! And the egghead that's taking her time to get over here is Twilight Sparkle." The mare was actually really pretty. Her teal coat intensified the effect of her blue and red mane and would make most stallions not even notice the shagginess that her mane wore. He could tell she had been flying. She returned the hoofshake with a smile, "I'm Blue Rose and I just moved to Ponyville." They circled one another as they admired each others cutiemark. Eon bore a clock, which was surrounded in a pink aura; Blue Rose wore two roses, one blue and one red, intertwined. Lyra broke the silence, "Me and Bonbon have been showing her around town. she has been anxious to get her books". "Yes, I've pulled out all books that deal with the paranormal," Twilight muttered, walking over to the ponies while carrying a stack of books with her magic. "Supernaturals... Everfree Oddities... Ghoulies 1, 2, and 3... Ghosts and Goblins..." "I'm pretty sure 'Ghoulies' is fiction, Twilight." Eon interrupted. She returned a glare, "Everything about ghosts is fiction, Eon." They were practically at each others throats before backing away quickly after hearing Lyra gulp, "So, since the hotel closed down, Blue is going to need a place to stay..." "She can have the attic since Eon is currently taking the spare room... although that might change soon." Twilight growled as Eon and Blue sat on the couch. "Sooo... How'd you get your cutiemark? it seems interesting." Blue asked. "Well, when I was little, I learned I could see Spirits and even see how they died, no matter how long ago it happened. The first day I saved somepony, I got my mark." Eon looked over to the mare who was playing with her mane, "What about you?" "Well, when I was a filly, I had a fascination with plants and flowers, particularly Devil's roses. the first one I grew, was odd. It grew intertwined with three other plantsm which fueled it to become bigger. eventually it crossbred into a rose tree and thats how I got my cutie mark." She moved her mane out of her eyes and within seconds Twilight appeared next to Eon. "Well Blue, welcome to the Library."